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Key Partners, Key Activities , Key Resources and Value proposition

Based on Hellen Keller “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Key partners are
relationships that a company have with other entities that help the business model to work. We provide
some key partners of our product ( Multi-purpose cutting board) , we input the local supplier of wood ,
sharpening of the knife and all others materials that we are needing to build our product. Key Partners
are the helping hand needed to succeed in areas that would be inefficient for the company to take care
by itself.

And the next one is the Key Activities in your business as Simon Sinek lays out in his book Start with
Why, a company needs to define its overall long-term value and purpose. Key Activities depend on the
overall business model of the company, its market, customers segments and value proposition. We
included the in the key activities on how we will market out product, communication, and ensure the
quality of the product this are the task that clients will identify with your product or services. They will
ideally be hard to imitate and for the competitors to replicate.

“Hard work keeps the wrinkles out of the mind and spirit” Helena Rubinstein. Every business model
requires Key Resources. This allow your enterprise to create and offer value proposition, reach markets,
maintain relationships with customer segments, and earn revenues. Key resources are the most
important assets required to make your business model work. We include the Raw Materials, Human
Resources, Financial Resources and also the employees. And this key resources are the most important
physical, human, intellectual, and financial assets of your organization used to make your business
model successful and sustainable.

Value Proposition is the reason why the customers turn your company over another. This serves as a
satisfaction or it solve the customer’s problem in their need. It is a bundle of product or services that
caters to the requirements of a specific Customer Segment. Therefore we conclude the , triple purpose ,
saved time and effort to store the knife, space saving and we are sure that our product has a durability
that it long last. And we believe that “You’ve got to start with the CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE and work
backwards”-Steve Jobs

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