CSEC Biology - B4 PPQs PDF

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2. (@)_ Figure 2 below is a diagram of the longitudinal section through the heart. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow. & Figure 2. Longitudinal section through the heart (Name the parts of the heart labelled I and Il in Figure 2. i MI: (2 marks) (ii) Using FOUR arrows only, show on the diagram the direction of blood flow from the pulmonary artery to the aorta. (marks) Gi) Name TWO structures shown in the diagram that ensure the blood flows in one direction only. (2 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/JANUARY/F 2006 «7 ) ‘The graph below shows the number of deaths due to heart disease among smokers, and non-smokers. Draw ONE concl: based on the graph. @ marks) 120, 000 100, 000. £80,000 z Now Smoke : 60, 000 as 2 0.00 20, 000 o. 024 25.35 3645 46-55 5665 66-75 Age (ii) Suggest TWO reasons why smoking may contribute to heart disease. (2 marks) (iii)__-Identify TWO factors besides smoking that could cause the heart to malfunction. ‘Total 14 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01207020/JANUARY/F 2006 i. 3. Figure 3 shows a longitudinal section through the human heart. Figure 3. Diagram of a longitudinal section through the human heart (a) @_ Using FOUR arrows ONLY show the direction of flow of blood into and out of the human heart illustrated in Figure 3. (marks) (ii) Name the blood vessels labelled P and Q respectively. Blood vessel P: Blood vessel Q: : (2 marks) ii) Some babies are born with a small opening in the wall/septum between the two upper chambers of the heart. Suggest how this condition would affect the functioning of the heart when the atria contract. (2 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/ANUARY/F 2008 » © 215r- ‘Heart muscle cells obtain their requirements from blood transported in the coronary arteries. (@ Name TWO substances that the heart muscle cells will receive in this blood supply. (2 marks) (i) Identify ONE substance found in the biood supply that can cause the walls of the coronary artery to thicken. (mark) Gil) How does the thickening of the coronary arterial wall affect the heart? (2 marks) Plant cells obtain their requirements from transport vessels with which they are associated. Identify TWO types of transport vessels in plants and for EACH identify ONF substance which it transports. ‘Transport vessel 1 Substance transported: ‘Transport vessel 2 ‘Substance transported: (4 marks) Total 17 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/JANUARY/F 2008 SECTION B Answer ALL questions in this section. ite your answers in the spaces provided at the end of EACH question in this booklet. (a) (@)_Using a diagram to illustrate the circulatory system, describe how oxygenated blood from the lungs is distributed to organs and tissues. Gi) Explain how oxygen becomes available to a muscle tissue for respiration. (7 marks) () During intense exercise, there is an insufficient supply of oxygen to muscles for aerobic respiration, () Give TWO characteristics of aerobic respiration. Gi) Inthe absence of sufficient oxygen, anaerobic respiration occurs, Suggest ONE. disadvantage of anaerobic respiration, (4 marks) (©) Transport vessels in plants have features that are similar to transport vessels in animals, Describe TWO ways in which xylem tissues are similar to blood vessels. (4 marks) ‘Total 1S marks Space for diagram, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01207020/JANUARY/F 2011 (© Describe TWO ways in which the xylem is adapted for transporting water within a flowering plant @ marks) (@) Suggest THREE ways in which transpiration benefits plants. @ marks) (h) Name a type of transport tissue, OTHER THAN xylem, found in flowering plants and state the composition of the fluid transported in this tissue. (@ marks) Outline ONE difference and TWO similarities between the transport system of flowering plants and that of mammals. Difference Similarities @ marks) Total 25 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/F 2011 14 5. (@)_ With the aid of a fully labelled diagram of the heart, explain how blood is pumped to the rest of the body. (8 marks) (6) (i) Suggest why vaccination is NOT effective in the prevention, treatment or control ‘of most diseases of the heart and blood vessels. (ii) Explain why there is an increase in the number of white blood cells in a patient following heart surgery. (7 marks) ‘Total 1S marks [Space for diagram (a) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01207020/JANUARY/F 2012 “8. 2. (a) Figure 4 shows an external view of the human heart. (@ Identify the structures labelled A, B and C in Figure 4, Write your answers on the lines provided in Figure 4 @ marks) Figure 4. External view of the human heart (ii) Explain how the function of the heart may be affected by a blockage of the blood vessel shown at X, @ marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/F 2014 9. (b) Figure 5 shows blood vessels used to transport fluids around the body of a mammal, ster yer Blood Vessel A Blood Vessel B Figure 5. Blood vessels in a mammal (Which blood vessel, A or B, represents a vein? (1 mark) Gi) Identify ONE structure visible in Figure 5 which helps a vein (0 carry out its function. (mark) (ii) Explain how the structure identified in (b) (i) allows the vein to fulfil its function, (@ marks) (Gv) _ Diets high in saturated fats may lead (othe formation of plaques in blood vessels Explain how such deposits may lead to hypertension. (@ marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/F 2014 -10- (©) Figure 6 shows the transport vessels of a flowering plant. Epidermis Cortex Pith, Figure 6. Transport vessels in a flowering plant Identify the vessels shown at Positions P and Q in Figure 6. P Q (@ marks) (@) Explain why plants de NOT nced an organ like a heart in their transport system, and outline ONE mechanism by which plants move fluids through their transport vessels. a marks) Tot 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/F 2014 -16- (@) Name FOUR major components that make up human blood, and explain how the oxygen transported by the blood becomes available to cells for the production of energy. Components Explanation (8 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/ANUARY/F 2016 OVE 0 A 0120702016 DUNOT WRITE IN THIS AREA, DONOT WRITE IN PLUS ARES DONQT BRITE IN THIS AREA -10- (@) Figure 1 shows components of blood. Figure 1. Components of blood (® Identify the components of blood that are labelled A, B and C in Figure 1 Bove B c @ marks) i) Name the component ofthe blood that is responsible fr clotting, mark) ©) Complete the flow diagram shown in Figure 2 by Alling inthe missing words at positions D,Eand F G marks) loting factors 1, Released from |? 2: Plasma proteins synthesized in Iver aad circulating in inactive form Prothrombrin ‘circulating EB in plasma Fibrinogen creulating|_—_y [ye in plasma Figure 2. Diagram showing steps in blood clotting GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01207020/JANUARY/F 2017 Barcode Area Sequential Bar Code DONOT WRITE IN PLUS ARES ID: NOT WRITE IN THIS HAREM: DONQT BRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOE HRITE IN THAR BONOT WAIVE IN US (iy DONOE WRITE IN THIS AREA -15- (9 marks) () Suggest SIX reasons why humans who smoke heavily have less oxygen available to the cells for respiration 01207020/JANUARYIF 2017 (6 marks) Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Barcode Area Sequential Bar Code <16- (@) (Blood that has been oxygenated in the Jungs must first be pumped through the heart before it is sent to all the other organs of the body. Describe the pathway that blood takes as it flows into the heart from the lungs, until it is pumped out of the heart to be sent to the rest of the body. (4 marks) (ii) Identify TWO physiological diseases that affect the circulatory system, (2 marks) (6) Chemotherapy is a treatment that destroys both the malignant (bad) cells and the good cells in the body. Explain why a person undergoing chemotherapy would have decreased natural immunity. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01207020/JANUARYIF 2017 Barcode Area Sequential Bar Code DONOT WRITE IN PLUS ARES ID: NOT WRITE IN THIS HAREM: DONQT BRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOE HRITE IN THAR BONOT WAIVE IN US (iy DONOE WRITE IN THIS AREA -17- (4 marks) (©) Peter, who has not had a tetanus vaccine, gets his foot punctured by a nail. He is given a tetanus antiserum injection at the hospital. Suggest why he is given an antiserum injection instead of a vaccine, 01207020/JANUARYIF 2017 (S marks) ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Barcode Area Sequential Bar Code DO NOE HRT IN THAR BONOT WAIVE IN US (iy DONOE WRITE IN THIS AREA -21- (e) Immunity may be naturally or artificially acquired. Discuss THREE differences between natural immunity and artificial immunity, and deseribe any THREE steps of the mechanism (in the body) by which artificial immunity is acquired. (01207020JANUARY 2018 (9 marks) Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Barcode Area Sequential Bar Code

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