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Nabangue, Rolamia L.


Engage : Let’s Get Familiar with Teachers

Activity 1- Description of Society’s Expectation on Teachers

A. Instruction: An acrostic of the word TEACHER is shown prompted by

this question:
What does society expect of teachers as professionals/persons? An
example is given.

T- eaches with competence, trust and tenderness.

E- ncourages students to do well in class.
A- ctive and passionate.
C- ares about his/her students.
H- as the ability to mold an individual.
E- xpresses and teaches wholeheartedly.
R- espectful and approachable.

B. Response Analysis - Answer the questions briefly.

1. What does your list tell about society’s expectations from teachers?
- Society has high expectation from teachers. My list tells that a
professional teachers should possess special characteristics which a
teacher should have. They are also expected to mold an individual to
become a better version of themselves.

2. How do you feel? Are you overwhelmed by the litany of

- I feel just fine. I’m not overwhelmed with the expectations. We have
our own expectations and can lower them anytime we like.

EXPLAIN : Understanding the Meat Content

Activity 2 – Instruction: Answers the following questions briefly.

From your own basic knowledge and understanding, what does the word
“teacher” suggests?
State the meaning of a teacher as a professional as district from its meaning
as a person.
With a number of enumerated qualities of an effective teacher, what specific
word or words, can you associate a perfect description of a teacher?
Give as many as you can describe.

3.1. You should be always prepared.

3.2. Approachable and kind.
3.3. Dedicated to her job and have a big heart.

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EXTEND : More Depth into Effective Teaching

Activity 3 – Instruction: Construct a matrix table comparing the four models

on Teacher Effectiveness. The first column is done for you.

Danielson Stronge McREL Marzano

1. Preparation Professional Demonstrate Classroom
ng Planning Knowledge leadership skills strategies and
2. Instruction Instructional Establish a Preparing and
Delivery and respectful planning
Planning environment
3. Classroom Assessment for Mastery of Reflection on
Environment Learning content teaching
4. Professional Student’s Facilitate Collegiality and
Responsibiliti Progress student learning professionalism

EVALUATE : Measuring My Knowledge on the Module

Activity 4 / Post – Assessment

Instruction: Answer the questions / statements briefly.

1. What salient features distinguish a teacher as a professional and that

as a person?
- Integrity; it is very crucial as a teacher being a professional and as a
person. With this, you will stick to your morals aand will therefore a
good role model to the students you are educating.

2. Society demands from the teacher his competencies, enumerate the

summed up general areas commonly observed among the four models
of effective teaching.
2.1. Hands-on learning activities
2.2. Collaborative projects
2.3. Experiential learning
2.4. Direct instruction

3. What are the different characteristic traits the teacher has to process
him/her as special or measurable teacher?
- As a teacher, you have to act as a role model not just to your
students but in the society you are living in. Also, you should be
considerate because you did not know about what they feel.

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Instruction: Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if FALSE

T 1. Learners stay much with teaches than parents during schooldays.

T 2. Society never demands much on parents in terms of teaching.
T 3. Learning of learners is the forms of teachers teaching.
F 4. A teacher is a professional when he/she graduates teaching course.
F 5. A teacher who teaches in a private school is not professional.
F 6. To be effective in teaching, one needs a license to teach.
T 7. Society needs a teacher who has mastery of content, skills and a
good moral standing in the community.
F 8. An effective teacher makes the good and not so good learner learn.
T 9. A teacher is impact and influence on learners’ learning lasts.
T 10. The teachers’ prime duty and responsibility is to teach and shape
young minds.

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