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Determine the atomic number of each isotope and identify if it is STABLE, UNSTABLE,
1. Iodine-109 5. Lead-244 9. Lutetium-187
2. Uranium-238 6. Gold-197 10. Radium-226
3. Platinum-196 7. Aluminum-28
4. Selenium-81 8. Samarium-177

B. Write the chemical reaction of the following:

1. Formation of deuterium during Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

2. 2 deuterium nuclei combine to form Helium and releases a neutron during Big Bang nucleosynthesis

3. Oxygen-15 decays to Nitrogen-15 and releases an positive beta particle and a neutrino

4. Radium-226 undergoes decay and becomes Radon-222 and releases an alpha particle

5. During beta decay, a neutron decays into a proton and a positive beta particle.

6. Write the chemical reaction if Po-211 undergoes beta decay.

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