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Date Discussed: February 25,2023
Discussant/s: Jophyl Granada,Chris John Buenaventura, and Richie
J. Caguiat
Main topic: 1. More on physical ability(under individual
2. Learning
3. Theories of learning

Subtopics: a. What is learning?



I. Introduction

What I have learned from these topics about physical ability, learning and learning
theories is that every individual may have differences based on individuals mental,
educational, skills, culture and learnings we acquire as we grow.
II. Discussion
Individuals who lack abilities mention above may suffer discrimination from others
that is why we need to educate young children and adults on the awareness of people
with disabilities that they may have disabilities but it does not make them less human.
We all have equal rights under the law that’s make us equal with one another. We
need to make them feel appreciated with what they can do despite their disabilities.
Learning is a relatively lasting change in behavior that is the result of experience. An
acquisition of information, knowledge, and skills. It is an ongoing process that takes
place throughout life. Learning works differently in every person. Researchers found
many ways on how people acquire learning we have the classical conditioning,
operant conditioning and based on observation. Improving how individual learn is a
must we can use strategies on how we can develop our own learning because nothing
is permanent except change. Learning theories develop hypotheses that describe how
learning process takes place. There are five widely accepted learning theories teachers
rely on, Behaviorism, Cognitive, Constructivism, Humanism, and Connectivism.
Educational theorists, teachers and experts believe these theories can inform
successful approaches for teaching and serve as a foundation for developing lesson
plans and the curriculum. Why are learning theories important? It is part of the human
condition to crave knowledge. Understanding how people learn is critical step in
optimizing the learning process.
III. Conclusion
The world is changing so we must adapt to the changes that may occur. There are
theories of learning that we can use and apply, understanding learning theories can
result in a variety of outcomes, from improving communication between students and
teachers to determining what students learn. That is why aspiring and experienced
teachers needs to know more about each theory that can make them more effective in
the pursuit of knowledge.

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