Independent Research 8A 2021-2022

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Research Question: How did Nazi experiments affect victims, and how did that help science
This research question is important to me because it enriches my scientific and historical knowledge
while I create relations with modern science, also because I'm really passionate about this topic as it's
very wide and has various history of humanity either to be cultured or to investigate it. This also
helps society to understand science evolution and how political and social aspects impact science
progression through time. It's very key for scientists and science because they can understand in a
more specific way how different medicines were created, which methods were used to discover new
diseases or cures, how different medicines changed through time, understand various viewpoints of
different scientists and other things that really contributes to scientific understanding and progress of
science innovation. This research question has also relevance in other specialities such as historians,
this help them mark many events and get testimonies of cruel experiments such as the Rabbits of
Ravensbruck, most importantly, analize and understand the purpose the Nazis had with this
experiments in people. It's important for society to understand the background of different developing
countries, this part of history is crucial for that as many people from different races and countries
were harmed just for their culture (Jews) or because of political things.

Hypothesis: Most of Nazi experiments were product of Hitler’s tyranny and some of them were made
with the unique purpose of torturing people. Theorizing some other experiments were made to
“improve “volks” health and to search for long term precautionary solutions to flaws in the human
body”, such as the rabbits experiments; the rabbits experiments were practised by Nazis in Polish
underground resistance young students in order to find ways to make soldiers stronger and more
resistant to war wounds. Many experiments were made with military purposes as that was Hitlers
purpose, to make the German army the strongest one.

Guessing, in the 12 years of the Third Reich no science medicine or machine was invented, however
Nazis made a good use of the already existent medicines, instruments, and machines to elaborate the
cruel experiments, medicines as Penicillin, sulfas were used in the WWII to cure wounded soldiers,
different types of scissors, clamps, and scalpels were key in experiments practised in prisoners as well
as sutures and threads to close the skin. Regarding the contributions of these experiments to science,
I believe people nowadays recover faster from injuries thanks to the Nazi experiments destined to
prove and find various treatment methods to nurse injuries. Some other experiments helped to develop
medicines that could be used in many situations. But not everything is a bed of roses, some
experiments were made with the objective of demonstrating how different “races' ' contained, spread
and contracted various mortal diseases; these experiments victims were mainly romaines and Jews.
These class of rude and inhuman experiments didn’t contribute almost anything important to science,
as their main objective was to advance and justify racial and ideological dogmas Nazis had about
certain type of “races” like gypsies and Jews.
I strongly believe Nazi experiments had a fifty-fifty positive and negative impact in science, other
actions brought disgrace and suffering to the victims of these horrible experiments just to demonstrate
illogical things.

Research Plan:

Link for a better view:
Historical, social, political and scientific context (step I):

All the actions Nazis made were taken during the World War II, ocurred from 1939-1945. At the
beginning of the war, German society were supporting the Nazi party as they guaranteed Germany’s
resurrection and recovery from WWI and the treaty of Versalles.Between 1934 and 1939 the party
established full control of all phases of life in Germany. When the confrontation began, most German
citizens tried to stay safe at home, others tried to migrate to another country and over 18 million men
served in various military groups, mostly young and middle-aged. During the war, Germany won
different battles and gave a result that, to german society, promised glory to Germany, thats why
citizens started to support Nazi party as it grew. Regarding the political aspect, Germany was in
Hitlers dictatorship, so national objectives were mostly focused on engineering innovation, creation of
war machines, establishing diplomatic relations with other countries (China and URSS), etc. Nazism
was a movement with some particular characteristics:

- It was an atheoretical and anti-intellectual movement, meaning neither political nor scientific
theory or hypothesis was accepted, this affected scientific progression as the theories needed
to obey certain Nazi dogmas, that made medicines and healing methods less effective and
more dangerous.
- Promotes and believes in the inequality among humans and certain races, meaning that the
strong have the right to rule the weak. This belief that jews are inferior to others surprisingly
helped Germany’s scientific progression, as those people were victims of Auschwitz and
Ravensbruck experiments.
- The verisimilitude principle. It exposes that arguments should be structured from different
information sources. This is directly related with the renovation principle, it consists in
creating arguments and new discoveries so that the enemy’s response never counter the public
After stating these rules to follow Nazi ideology, they started to work on their national objectives and
“Nazi dreams”, these were mainly focused on political, social and economical aspects, some of them

(The early Nazi Party - beliefs and structure, BBC, 2021)

- German resurgence, the Treaty Of Versailles should be abolished and the German army must
be prioritized. (Completed)
- No democracy, a dictator should have the absolute control of Germany and only his ideology
must be followed. ( Completed)
- Social Darwinism must be enforced, black, jews and gypsies are inferior and should be
eliminated. (Almost Completed (Holocaust))
- The German nation needs to expand through Europe and be the absolute power. (Temporary

Nazi political and social objectives are clear enough, but what about scientific aims and evolution?
Did the scientific actions followed then Nazi beliefs? Experiments made in the third reich had the
purpose of military progress and improvement, testing of medicines and the achievement of Nazi
racial goals. The main reason of the cruelty in Nazi experiments is that they rigorously followed their
own beliefs. Experiments such as Auschwitz and Ravensbruck were made to find methods to
maximize army’s healing and medicine effectiveness as well as to demonstrate certain Nazi racial
beliefs, basically this experiments fulfilled every of the Nazi central dogmas. Scientists from 1933 to
1945 couldn’t make any significant discovery or invention as Germany's war status hindered any
investigation or experiment, because they were actively working on any work Hitler assigned to the
scientific community. (BBC, 2O22)
Relevant scientists in the time and their experiments (step II):


Born on December 26th of 1905 in Lamspringe, Germany, Kurt Heissmeyer was a member of the
NSDAP party , he was a German doctor who performed medical experiments on inmates of the
Neuengamme concentration camp. All his family were doctors, so was he. He studied medicine in
Freiburg, Breisgau and Marburg, his main objective was to increase his social prestige in the medical
field. After graduating, he moved to Berlin and worked at the Victoria Augusta hospital, where he
enjoyed certain benefits of the NSDAP party. After a lot of the party support, he was assigned to the
SS (Schutzstaffel) hospital in Hohenlychen, located in Uckermark district in Germany. He was
lacking of a title that would allow him to publish his scientific work, fortunately he got the help of his
cousin August Heissmeyer, he was an Schutzstaffel general and head of Reichsbund für Kinderreiche
(RFK); with the support of his cousin, the RFK institution and the head of the SS Central Office
(Oswald Pohl), he convinced Leonardo Conti (Reichsgesundheitsführer) that he could find the cure
for tuberculosis. This information arrived to Heinrich Himmler (Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel) and
he assigned Kurt an experimental Laboratory at Neuengamme concentration camp. In his operation
time in the camp he conducted various experiments such as the Tuberculosis investigation (explained
in experiment section). Kurt made an experiment with 20 children and 32 soviet prisoners, the results
were negative, the war was ending and the allies were not far from discovering the atrocities that
happened in Neuengamme. In 1946, Kurt and some other SS officials and doctors eliminated all war
crimes evidence. Kurt and his team killed the 20 children, a pair of french and dutch doctors and the
soviet prisoners. Five doctors of the kurt team were judged in a trial, in this session the war crimes of
Kurt were told and, in 1966, he was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. In 1967, he died from a
heart attack as an inmate. (kirptkit, N.A)
(Dr Kurt Heissmeyer. Source: The Children of Bullenhuser Damm Association..)


Sigmund Rascher was born the 12th of February of 1909 in Munich, Germany. He was a SS doctor.
Rascher worked with Heinrich Himmler thanks to his marriage. After being put off from cancer
research led by Heinrich Himmler, he asked for permission to carry out his experiments at Dachau
concentration camp. Later, in 1942, he conducted the high altitude experiment (explained in the
experiment section), blood coagulation experiments and some others. Later on he was accused of
scientific fraud, financial irregularities, murder of his lab assistant and other crimes. He was
imprisoned at Buchenwald following his arrest in 1944, finally the 26th of april of 1945 he was sent
to Dachau and executed by the firing squad. (DBpedia, N.A)
(Hitlerparody, Adrian The Unterganger)


Born the 28th of september of 1898 in Wupperhof in the old German empire, Carl Clauberg was a SS
doctor, specifically from the SS Reserve Gruppenführer. He started his medical career as a
gynecologist in the university of Konigsberg. He met Heinrich Himmler and asked him for permission
to start doing sterilization experiments at a big scale, Himmler previously seemed interested in Carl
Clauberg proposals, therefore in 1942 Carl was sent to Auschwitz and assigned the block 10 to
proceed with his experiments. In Carl experiments, women were injected with caustic substances into
the uterus without anesthesia in search of a "cheap and efficient approach" of sterilization. In 1948,
his war crimes were found, Carl was judged in the Soviet Union and punished to 300,205 months (25
years) of prison. His amnesty was conceded and he was free, but in 1955 he was arrested and 2 years
later he died. (2GM, 2021)

(Carl Clauberg, Ecured)

Josef Mengele was born the 16th of March of 1911 in Gunzburg, Germany. He is considered one of
the most inhumane Schutzstaffel doctors. In 1935, he earned a doctor’s degree in physical
anthropology in the university of Munich. Two years later, in 1937, he joined the NSDAP party, a
year later he got a doctor title that permitted him to work in the rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt in 1943.
After various jobs in different institutions, he started working at Auschwitz concentration camp.
Through time he was ascended to a higher position in Auschwitz II (Birkenau) were he did one of the
most inhumane works in the world, he was in charge of checking prisoners and deciding whether they
live because they’re useful or die in the gas chambers because they aren’t useful for experiments, this
is why he is known as the “Death angel”. In Auschwitz he subjected Jewish and Roma twins, the
most of whom were males, to a variety of torturous and frequently death tests. Josef's objective of
getting a second post-doctoral degree didn’t come true, instead, he escaped from Auschwitz in
January of 1945 because the Soviets were mobilizing to the place. USA arrested Josef in the post war
period, but he set free as USA functionaries didn’t know Mengele’s crimes. After being notified about
his solicitude of extradition, he avoided justice for 34 years. Finally the 7th of april Josef Mengele
died in Brazil from a cerebrovascular accident while on vacation.(The Holocaust encyclopedia, N.A)

(Josef Mengele, Wikipedia, 2022)

Concentration camps (step III):


One of the most important Nazi objectives was to evidence their racial beliefs at any cost. They did
achieve this goal partially in the holocaust, a genocide comitted by the Nazis to the Jew society.
Aproximately 11.000.000 Jews and other racial and etnic groups (Poles, Czechs, Russians,
homosexuals, black people, slaves, Roma people, Jehova’s witnesses) were killed in this genocide
started in 1930. Before the Nazi party raised to power and start a dictatorship, Jews were killed in
1930 by the Ordnungspolizei, Kriminalpolizei, Sicherheitspolizei, Geheime Staatspolizei and
Sicherheitsdienst, being the Kriminalpolizei the police group that started to kill Jews on 1930
(Einzatzgruppen was the most important Nazi special forces group), but WHY DID THEY DO
THAT? Jews in Germany were truly powerful, most of them were rich and they owned German elites
that maintained the unstable economy of the time. Locals owned by jews were closed and these same
people were killed secretly, as they represented a complication for the NSDAP party, they were
enemies of the state. German society rapidly adopted Hitlers belief about Jews through propaganda
(made in the street and in all the existent communication media, this was supported by Joseph
Goebbels) and verisimilitude principle. Hitlers greatest delusion was to rid Germany of jews, at first
he and his party were initially aggressive by closing the economy to Jews, encouraging people to hate
and ostracize them. After the creation of the Nuremberg laws, it became a critical objective in Nazi
reign, Hitler unleashed all his hate to Jews through actions as forced migration, creation fo dire
conditions for a rapid extintion of Jews ( The Warsaw ghetto was a the very reduced space Jews lived
in , Hitler made them live here to exterminate them by exposing this population to terrible living
conditions). Although Hitlers actions were horrendous and radical, this was not sufficient to fulfill
Nazi expectations, the slow death of the Jewish race and the inefficiency of Polish slavery lead to the
official beggning of the worst period ever in humanity, the Holocaust. Auschwitz - La Fábrica de
Muerte (documental 2017)

( Warsaw ghetto, 1940)

(nuremberg laws, they determined how Jewish a citizen were)
(Las Leyes raciales de Nuremberg, Holocaust encyclopedia, 2022)


Three years have passed since the start of the Nazi criminal actions… In 1933, the NSDAP party and
Hitler became absolute rulers of Germany, from 1933 to 1939 Jews in Germany were tortured and
excluded from all comodities and services. The Nazis implanted a hatred, disgust and social exclusion
towards the Jews, they were verbally and physically abused in the streets, bussinesses owned by Jews
were wrecked and everyone who opossed was killed. This genocide had such a highness that, in 1938,
this antisemitism reached its peak. The night of the broken glass, Jewish houses, businesses and
temples were set on fire. This was believed to have been a social revolution against Jews, but later
with some investigation it was demonstrated that the Nazi military and Hitler were the ringleaders of
this crime. The war started the 1st of September of 1939, Hitler invaded Poland using the Blitzkrieg,
just a couple of days after, Polish and Jews living in Poland were locked up and surrounded by a 3
meter wall around the Warsaw ghetto and other neighborhoods, these with the objective of getting rid
of Jews from all Europe; on 1942, the kriminalpolizei killed approximately 300.000 Jews and Poles.
This only happened in Varsovia, every city in Poland taken by Germany was processed and the
German army group, the Einsatzgruppen killed as many Jews as they found in each city. The Warsaw
ghetto was coming to an end as the infrastructure was getting damaged. Finally, in september of 1941,
Jews living in Kiev (Ukraine) received a message expressing that all of them should be ready for
Meinlkova and Dokhturovska, they were sent to a ravine that had a depth of 30 meters; in the months
of September and October, this ravine was filled with 100.000 death Jews, soviet soldiers, Ukrainans
and Rumanians. Auschwitz - La Fábrica de Muerte (documental 2017)
(Warsaw ghetto wall, 1940)

(Babi yar, ravine full of death bodies mainly of Jews, Poles, soviet soldiers, Rumanians and
Ukrainans) ( ¿Qué ocurrió realmente en la horrenda matanza nazi de Babyn Yar en Kiev?, El
plural, 2022)

At first only four concentration camps were in use and operating, they were Chelmno, Auschwitz,
Sobibor and Treblinka. Auschwitz was , back then, a route to transport Poles to Germany as a kind of
slaves. After a space for this people was needed, Auschwitz began to be reformed, it became rapidly
the most complete concentration camp back then, as Nazis saw a big potential in it, the first inmates
were political and normal criminals of Poland jails. Heinrich Himmler was the Reichsführer
responsible for this concentration camp, it rapidly became the biggest one because Heinrich invested a
lot of monetary resources boosting this place. In Cracovia, in the beginning of the 40s, Nazi elites
known as Schutzstaffel transported all the Jews and Poles in that city to Auschwitz. After they
arrived, they suffered hell on earth. The first step was made by doctors of the SS, they checked on the
inmates and decided whether someone dies or lives, that depended on how useful they were as guinea
pigs as well as in their slave capacities. The useful ones were sent to the concentration camp itself and
were tortured. Prisoners were forced to do agricultural and industrial labor with no rest. After the
construction of mono beach, the daily work rose to the point that inmates died from exhaustion. They
worked all 6 days, Sunday was the only rest day they had. All this genocide and antisemitism gave
rase to a incredibly high rate of deaths inside Auschwitz, thats why Rudolph Hoss ( Auschwitz
commander) and Hitler decided to make the concentration camp even bigger (the construction was
made by the prisioners); as a consequence, this brought even more effort from the inmates but some
new minimal commodities. The complex organization made Auschwitz the best concentration camp,
besides it was guarded by 6.500 guards from a specialized group. In relation with science, the
experiments made in Auschwitz were inhumane, scientists tested vaccination agents and tests for the
prevention and treatment of infectious diseases on camp inmates, in order to find an effective therapy
for hypothermia, scientists undertake freezing experiments on convicts. He also utilized the inmates to
experiment with other methods for making seawater drinkable.Auschwitz - La Fábrica de Muerte
(documental 2017)


After the Babi yar massacre, different concentration camps were built and their inmates were mostly
men, but in 1938 men prisoners were ordered to build one exclusively for women. They constructed
Ravensbruck, it was located at ravensbruck which was a neighboring village of ferstenberg. Initially,
Ravensbruck had fourteenth prisoners' barracks, two hospital barracks and a little hut for the
bathroom and the kitchen. This concentration camp had the most luxurious living quarters for the SS
staff, the construction of the whole camp was finished after the building of the detention block, this
was builded because of the women's bad condition in the detainment camp situated in the fortress of
shlosh lichtenberg. The 21st of may of 1939 Ravensbruck already had 974 female inmates and 800
children, this made Ravensbruck the most extensive and important women concentration camp in
Europe. A total of one a hundred thousand women were killed and violated in Ravensbruck, at first,
violation and direct assesination was used against women, they died mainly because of the inhumane
conditions they lived in as well as because of the toxic gasses chambers. Poles and soviet soldiers
were the most common women found there, while the rest was a mixture between women from
Germany, Hungary, Yugoslavia , France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Czechoslovakia. Many
women gave birth to approximately 560 children of whom 95% were killed immediately after the
birth in front of their mother. The rabbits of Ravensbruck was an experiment conducted in that
concentration camp. Sulfonamides are being tested on women as an antidote to bacterial wound
infections. an incision was made along the patient's fibula, and surgeons subsequently infected the leg
muscle with injected bacteria cultures with the objective of causing gangrene. This were
socioscientific experiments that mainly combined Nazi racial goals with the purpose of making
German army the biggest and strongest one. ( Ravensbrück concentration camp DOCUMENTARY,
CHRONOS-MEDIA history. 2014)

Experiments procedures and impact on victim’s body (step IV):


During the 1939-1945 period a technological and scientific race began. Nazis didn’t only create high
techonology missiles or heavy tanks, they also were trying to find ways to make nazis stronger in the
battleground regarding their time recovering from a shot or a wound. Unfortunately Nazis used non
orthodox methods to find different healing and instant wound recovery as well as new medicines for
soliders. They used 74 women from ages of 16 to 45 as guinea pigs to do an experiment whose
objective was to treat wounds in soldiers using sulfanilamide. Frontline soldiers tended to suffer from
gas gangrene ( a type of progressive gangrene), so SS doctors conducted an experiment in which they
tested sulfanilamide efficacy in controlling this death of body tissue. Karl Brandt along with his health
and sanitation team did the rabbits experiment, it consisted in causing battlefield wounds in the
inmates, then they filled these open wounds with glass, dirt and wood shavings, doctors even infected
the wounds with bacterias such as streptococcus, gas gangrene and tetanus. To make it worse, SS
doctors also cutted blood vessels from the leg to simulate a war wound as realistic as possible. In
short term damages these women suffered from internal hemorrhages, blood infections such as
MRSA, hepatitis, etc. In long term damages, women suffered from extreme agony, calf tear, bone
infections, skin infections and even death. But this was just one of the atrocities of the Nazi regime, in
Ravensbruck, doctors also wanted to test if a limb or a joint from one individual could be effectively
attached to another one that lacks from it. Inside the experiment, doctors amputated legs and shoulders
from prisoners to unsuccessfully implant them in another individual. Consequently, women suffered
from severe pain, permanent disability , mutilation, multiple tissue, bone, blood and skin infections.
Most of the survivors of this “hell” were submitted to an intense healing process and ended up with
disabilities. (Holocaust on trials, 2000)

(Regained faith in people, Utoronto, 2011)

( Ravensbrück concentration camp DOCUMENTARY, CHRONOS-MEDIA history. 2014)

( Ravensbrück concentration camp DOCUMENTARY, CHRONOS-MEDIA history. 2014)


Dachau concentration camp was the first camp builded on Germany, it was built in 1933. Nine years
later, in 1942 doctor Sigmund Rascher from the SS along with his team made an experiment whose
objective was to protect German pilots who were forced to eject at high altitudes. In this experiment
they placed prisoners in low-pressure chambers that simulated an altitude of sixty-eight thousand feet,
while this happened doctors kept track of their biological response as they died inside the chamber. In
the analysis process, doctor Sigmund Rascher dissected the inmate’s brain to show that high altitude
effects were caused by tiny air bubbles in the blood vessels of a certain part of the brain. This caused
death in the short-term damages; the 120 survivors were killed by SS officials. (Holocaust on trials,
( Ravensbrück concentration camp DOCUMENTARY, CHRONOS-MEDIA history. 2014)


In 1944 the war was arriving at its end, Germany was getting out of resources and industrial
production, one of the essential resources that were scarce was drinking water. After the “discussion
of making seawater drinkable” meeting between Dr Hans Eppinger and 14 ministry officials, Hans
made an experiment at Dachau concentration camp with the objective of making seawater drinkable.
This experiment consisted in giving 90 Gypsies "full aviator food" (3,000 calories) for ten days.
Subsequently, inmates had to drink half a liter of seawater with a chemical in it everyday. As a
consequence, prisoners became dehydrated and they suffered extreme pain that resulted in an injury
in all the individuals, specially in the stomach and liver. This experiment was made with the aim of
making Nazi army stronger (relation between political and scientific concepts). (Holocaust on trials,
( Ravensbrück concentration camp DOCUMENTARY, CHRONOS-MEDIA history. 2014)


The 22nd of 1941 Germany invaded the Soviet Union , this operation was called “operation
Barbarossa”, at first Nazis won the battles and gained a lot of territory, but not for long, winter helped
the allies. After Germany opened a second battlefront in the URSS, a long time soldiers died because
of extreme climates on the battlefield, they didn't have any protection against the cold. Freezing was
not only a problem in operation Barbarossa, but also in the pilots that ejected into the ocean as an
emergency. Therefore in 1941 SS doctors led an experiment in the majority of the concentration
camps with the objective of determining the best solution for treating these two main issues. The
experiment comprehends two ways of finding the solution, the first one consisted in placing inmates
in tubs of icy water for 5 hours in a row. The second involves strapping victims down naked in the
outside the barracks, while prisoners suffer from hypothermia, vomiting and unconsciousness. The
doctors monitored and recorded changes in the victim's body temperature, heart rate, muscle reflexes
and other variables of the experiment. 80% of the victims died. (Holocaust on trials, 2000)
( Ravensbrück concentration camp DOCUMENTARY, CHRONOS-MEDIA history. 2014)


In 1938 the Neuengamme concentration camp was built in the village of Neuengamme in the
Bergedorf district of Hamburg,it was the largest concentration camp in northern Germany. Heinrich
Himmler (Reichsführer de las Schutzstaffel) told Dr. Kurt Heissmeyer to perform an experiment to
find a cure for pulmonary tuberculosis; afterwards, Himmler assigned Dr. Kurt an experimental
laboratory in Neuengamme concentration camp. Heissmeyer’s hypothesis expresses he thought
injecting tubercle bacilli under the skin of human guinea pigs would form foci of infection, generating
immune defenses such that they could be vaccinated against pulmonary tuberculosis, and that's
exactly what he did in the experiment. This caused death in 200 adults, meaning death was the short
term damage. (Holocaust on trials, 2000)
( Ravensbrück concentration camp DOCUMENTARY, CHRONOS-MEDIA history. 2014)

Data Analysis:

This graph shows the different characteristics and Nazi national objectives in order of importance in
the Nazi ideology. We can observe how social objectives had more importance than political and
military ones. Due to this, national objectives such as engineering innovation and creation of war
machines are not as important as imposing the nationalsocialist ideology. We can see all of the
characteristics and beliefs exposed in the graph are similar because they involve political and social
aspects; for example, belief *1 adresses a political and social aspect, *2 adresses a political through
Lebensraum, *3 involves a fully political aspect through dictatorship, *4 adresses a political aspect by
evading the Treaty of Versailles, the *5 involves a social aspect by encouraging citizens to use the
renovation principle and finally the *6 involves a fully social aspect as it was looking forward to
eliminating various races. Belief *1 is less relevant because it was created only to prevent any new
ideological and political opposition, but wasn’t really made to achieve any goal proposed in the Nazi
dogmas. *2 is the actions Nazi made in WWII (trying to conquer all Europe) but not quite a central
idea. Lebensraum was proposed by Rudolf Hess while Hitler was in prison in Landsberg. *3 was an
obvious rule and we could have determined this rule by Hitlers personality. Nazis always wanted a
dictatorship, they even tried a coup in 1923 called the Beer Hall Putsch (Munich Putsch). A
dictatorship was necessary to fully impose all Nazi ideas but it was not relevant in the ideology, it was
just a way of been heard by the people and a political position. *4, abolishing the Treaty of Versailles
was a very important goal to give Nazi the liberty to take actiions in the army and inside the economy.
This goal *was important as it technically started the war, when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 he
violated an army restriction rule as well as a territorial one. *5, the renovation principle was very
important during the period in which Nazi tried to boost Germany up economically. Hitler invested
almost all German monetary resources in engineering innovation and war machines creation, he hid
that investment using the renovation principle against press and political opposition like the
communist party. Belief and goal *1 is the most important because of the actions Nazis took to
achieve this. When Dietrich Eckart was Nazi leader he started antisemitism by blaming the Jews of
Germany’s political, social and economical problems, consquently, Hitler took the power and started
a chain of actions to eliminate all the Jews in Europe, known as The Holocaust. This hate toward
specific races also addressed economical issues as Jews managed the industrial elites of Germany.

This graph shows the level of pain the inmates were suffering based on the severity of the symptoms
of each experiment. We can analyze that all the experiments tend to be at level 7 or higher, this
suggests that experiments were made without anesthesia and in very bad conditions (in concentration
camps with little or no commodities). Experiments that cause death as a short-term are less painful but
long-term effects or diseases might level up the pain to a “worst pain possible”. High altitude
experiment caused tiny air bubbles in blood vessels of the brain, this effect is called venous air
embolism. Air embolism causes the mortal effects of high altitude, the short-term effects of this are
heart attack, strokes or respiratory failures and death, the long-term effects are chest pain, joints pain
and low blood pressure. This experiment is on the severe pain scale when victims are directly affected
by short-term effects as they can cause instant death, the mortality of the effects is dramatically high
but its duration time is so short it's meaningless. However, inmates affected by long-term effects are
classified in “very severe pain” because of the duration of the symptoms; chest pain and joints pain
could affect the individuals performance in her/his daily life, low blood pressure can cause
inopportune faintings, and, although this could be treated, the medicines have a short temporary
effect. Tuberculosis experiment was made by injecting tubercle bacilli, the bacteria that causes this
disease.The injection of this caused an infection of foci that is a brain lesion which includes long-term
symptoms such as headaches, stiffness, eye pain, memory loss fever and movement difficulties. These
effects could be treated but their appearance could be uncertain, meaning that pain could affect the
daily performance of the victim; these symptoms could leave the individual in a vegetative state as it
affects movement, it could also cause dementia as it affects the brain functionality and memory.
Almost no inmate suffered from instant death, however, they died in less than a month due to the bad
conditions and the severe pain. It's also classified in pain level 9 because the pain could get worse
through time as tuberculosis evolves in a month or so. The freezing experiment was divided into two
sections, first the victim was sunken in icy water for 5 hours and secondly they were strapped down
naked in the cold atmosphere of concentration camps. The first section is not so painful as they were
sunken with special suits monitoring the body of the victim, the main effects were extreme coldness,
headache and vomiting, these effects were short and temporary, they could be treated easily without
any medical resources. After a few sessions of the first section, doctors continued the experiment by
strapping down naked outside the barracks until they died. This causes medical emergencies such as
hypothermia, this is not painful but it kills the body in a silent way, it weaks the individual, then being
in a dreamlike state with hallucinations finally loss of consciousness and death, it is a slow and
painful death. Other symptoms were blood vomiting, gangrene and trench foot, these effects are the
reason why this experiment is classified in the 7th level. The seawater experiment was highly painful
because all effects were long-term, this means the victims had a slow and painful death as well as a lot
of suffering because of no medical treatment. After inmates started the seawater diet, they started to
experience an extremely painful stomach ache, the excess of salt may cause dehydration and multiple
organ failures that caused fever, vomiting, mental deterioration and infections. The thing that
classifies this experiment in the 9th level is that these symptoms happened on a daily basis most of the
24 hours, meaning a day was unbearable specially because of the stomach ache.


As has been noted, Nazi experiments on inmate individuals where inhumane and tyrannical as it
caused tons of pain on victims just to achieve some antisemitic and senseless goals. My hypothesis
claimed that experiments were made to improve “volks” health and to search for long term
precautionary solutions to flaws in the human body and that some experiments were made with the
objective of demonstrating how different “races' ' contained, spread and contracted various mortal
diseases. In contrast with the investigation and results, my predictions were right as I correctly
guessed the intention of Nazis with this experiments, however, I stated that this experiments helped to
the creation of various medicines, thats undoubtedly wrong as the investigation made showed that
experiments were made with very specific goals that didn’t adress any daily problem or common
disease so they didn’t cure anything although they tried to (tuberculosis experiment). My hypothesis
also states that either no scientific discovery nor significant progression was made as experiments
were made to justify racial and Nazi central dogmas, this prediction was right as all the experiments
were made to make Jews suffer and to show Germany how these races could serve more as guinea
pigs used in this medical procedures to improve the army and find new resources. However, my
hypothesis lacked of critical thinking as I didn’t predict anything about Nazi ideas and beliefs. This
investigation has a main significance on me as it addresses topics of my whole interest and it
improves my investigation and synthesizing skills, it also improved my way of communicating
information and my explicit way of explaining. It also has an academic significance as many bloggers
and investigators could find this research useful for their own purposes and can show society a
different point of view on the topic. This research impacts medicine because all this happened more
than 50 years ago, so this may clarify various doubts scientifics and doctors have about the specific
procedures of Nazi experiments as well as doubts of historians on Nazi beliefs and structure. This
investigation has an impact on social dynamics, culture and ethics as it could make readers have a
reflexive moment in which they think about the suffering of victims, Germany’s political and social
culture and the moral rightness of Nazi actions. Despite all intentions, scientific application was
essential to achieve racial Nazi goals as well as military one as we can observe in the investigation
section, Nazis needed a justification to do this practices in inmates and science progression and
innovation was the perfect one. I believe the research plan was perfect, it involved all imaginable
aspects of the research question and the steps were objective and purpose full as it explained all in an
explicit way, the steps could be reduced though. This investigation has a main academic implication
in my personal life but despite that, this made me a more informed and cultured person that knows
history. Regarding my personal life, this investigation made me more passionate about the topic and
encouraged me to research many unsolved or apparently nonsense inkognitas. We are all
unquestionably wondering how someone could be so inhumane and heartless, What was on Adolf
Hitler mind? How did citizens and The Allies manage this chain of war crimes? How can these
experiments be made safely and what was wrong in the Tuberculosis one? All this research causes us
questions, curiosity and interest, and that is why we can say that this research has been successful and
has been carried out perfectly.


The why and wherefore of this extensive investigation derives the motivation caused by my ambition
to comprehend and fathom the history, purpose and mystery of the Nazi period. In this convoluted
investigation we are going to expose and explain a hiden side of the coin in Nazi period, science in
their regime, punctually how did Nazi experiments affect victims, and how did that help science
evolution. This research was organized in an objective based approach to expedite the apprehension of
this history period. This research plan was organized in a correlation-like manner. The readers are
going to be engulfed in this explanation of the NSDAP party creation, their influence and actions, and
their important scientists and scientific experiments. Generally Nazis where violence itself, they
approached to the full power control in Germany using aggresive methods, inculpating and
annihilating various races. After the holocaust we as individuals with morality could state that hitler
and Nazis were inhumane and tyrannical in their acts as they almost killed an entire race, however,
they helped their army in war but not science evolution. However, most of their experiments had the
purpose to improve “volks” health and strength and basically to justify their wrong ideology towards
different races like jews or gypsies. At the end of this journey from the near mid XX century the
reader would be able to have a reflective moment in which they think about the senseless ideology
and thinking of the inner circle of hitler as well as the incoherence of the dogmas that compose the
Nazi ideology.


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