Notes For Freelancer

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Notes for Freelancers to Format (sent)

Guidelines for editors:

● Make a copy of this document so you can use it for your reference. This document is
view only and will not be edited. Save this to your Google drive for reference when doing
the work
● Please read each section of text and then make a heading and format the rough notes
so it is easy to read.
● Send the new Google Doc link in Fiverr chat once finished. No need to download the
notes, just send the Google doc link of your document
● That is it! Reach out on Fiverr with any questions before submitting your work

the ads are just ig stories using the boost feature

clients can put ad dollars into boosting the instagram posts and we run the ads. get client to
understand there is an ad spend on top, or include $1000 in add spend in the $5000?

new notes

copy and paste all notes into an email

here is what you need to do

Find accounts using the methods explained in the training when you click on someone’s account
first thing you do is view their story. If they have one story up, you like the story if they have
anywhere from 1 to 5 stories up on their profile, you will view all of them and then like every
single story. If it’s more than five they’re only like the first few and move onto the next one.

Also, go through my inbox and delete anything that isn’t relevant us, including other people
advertising their services unless it’s really compelling just delete them they don’t need anyone’s
attention if it’s a realtor, or anyone like that, you moved into primary so we can follow up with
them very easily. If they’re in the primary category we want to know the way you honestly only
should really focus on the primary category.
say Hey Jason, I just sent you a DM about one of your listings. Check it out! for every realtor or
some variation. don’t copy paste always type out the response except for the disclosure

Put blue checkmarks onto tweets even on the stories and you can reuse the quotes say from
last week you can re-post it on the story or last month so you can reuse many of the posts

Reply to a comment, anyone who comments or engages at all, any type of engagement. send a
DM ideally 10 minutes after th

Mom was receptive to the idea of me creating a studio/home office in the basement

Say, I’ll catch you later when ending interactions in person

Chat GPT is perfect and really only should be used for social media captions such as long
Instagram captions it works the best

The strategy works for realtors, and every single major market in the United States

Bitches love the gram

form relationships on Instagram with exotic car owners, and say that you’re interested in buying
a car yesterday one too. Just feel the relationship kind of like how you need to build a
relationship with someone with watches you need to build a relationship with someone for
expensive cars it’s the same with expensive luggage and expensive clothing. You have to have
like a sales rep that you actually have a real relationship with , I just reach out on Instagram to
exotic car dealerships. Semon DM is like you’re sending real estate agents DM.

compile a list of the GM’s I’m sorry not the end of my notes that were recorded on my phone just
copy and paste them into one document and then send it to the people on fiverr to reformat it

Don’t message exotic car dealerships until you’re in authority in the space I would say at least
10 headphones maybe 3000 but he will need a low following count eventually

make a Google Drive folder with all the training videos in one folder and give people access to
the folders that they need to get access to to do their specific job duties. For example is people
who are doing Instagram DM‘s give them a folder for Instagram best practices, DM and
commenting and liking it following and viewing stories. It’s important to view every story if
someone has them I delete you only want to click on accounts on Instagram to have a story
because you know that’s a recently Act , so moving forward we only target accounts that have
stories if they don’t have a story, I do not want you visiting their account and then we will view all
of the stories that they have off and also give it a heart Instagram has a feature now where you
can give it a heart, and then your name goes to the top of the people that use their story so we
want to do that increase our disability, and increase the likelihood that people will click through
to her profile

send the fiverr people a PDF of what I’m looking for and what notes I already have send them a
PDF copy and say I need this reformatted take a quick look and tell me if this is something that
you can do and how much it will cost

I am Instagram may actually be more effective the less you follow people and the less you
engage with them or quality interactions so we actually do not want to rush it. We want to follow
slowly and steadily and our follower count should be stable and increase each month if we go
hard with it, then we’re gonna gain followers quicker than usual if we had to be relax , maybe in
the beginning just follow incessantly not over excessively but more frequent then we will be in
the future.

ask the fiber people to create headings for each paragraph then once a paragraph is out, you
will need to read it and then come up with a heading because his paragraph should have the
same general topic, so I just need you to categorize the notes so I can easily sort where to
place notes for training purposes

The most amount always been the most amount of commons possible I’m not exactly sure how
much Instagram let you put a pin comments, but always pin comments even if there’s one
comment always pendant always reply to the comment always like the comment anything like
that that you can do like that seat features that Instagram releases you need to take advantage
they want you to engage with contents in that shows Instagram that the contact that you engage
with high-quality and then it’s just really good for organic Instagram, outreach and best practices

Who is always like the first three posts of every Instagram account that you come across that is
a realtor or any type of real estate professional they can be loan officers, landlords property
managers those people you can follow, but only engage with realtors that their bio says that
they’re in a defined market and then also only engage with Instagram accounts where there is a
story active Instagram shows you ahead of time if they have a story post it when you’re viewing
accounts so moving forward only engage with accounts that have an Instagram story and then
also you hear the story every time every single time you view the story and then you heart the
story like the story you comment on the story send them a DM, something insightful, something
useful, something intelligent send them a DM get them engaging with you. You could sell your
services over DM I would recommend doing some type of introductory post and not just going
for the sale right away. Try to have a conversation with them first before the sales pitch.

just sell a single story for one state on the highligh, for 24 jr period and let it run I can tell people
that my Instagram is basically all chat, GPT all the social media captions and basically
everything it is GPT.
Record the process of creating a can the template and how to make the listings how to find the
realtors to tag in the listings and how to do the whole thing with

These next one to three months, I gotta grind with the business and go hard. He’s next one to
two months are gonna be crucial for the success of the business. We had an inflection point
right now.

Instagram captions should be 3 to 4 lines per paragraph maximum two sentences than the dot
enter than put the dot enter again then paste the rest of the caption from chat GPT

social media is a long term game and we want to act and engage with content like a normal
person. Would that means not overdoing it with mass follows start with 50 followers a day that’s
reasonable come up with metrics on how many posts like each day I should act as if I am doing
the job and doing 5 to 10 minutes at a time and see how it works , it’s not overloading with
Contin and active management honestly everything to be done with one hour each day to say if
you have one hour every day $10.08 dollars an hour do it every five minutes throughout the day
just do it for five minutes until it adds up to an hour so five minutes what the fuck is that how
many increments so for following if you have one hour and you engage on Instagram and do
virtual assistant work for two hours each day do it in 10 minute increments and do a little bit of
everything so you’re not just messed following your liking stories you’re hurting the stories hear
your liking the stories you’re viewing a lot of stories your viewing and engaging with contact and
the stories if you like the stories and give the stories a heart, it puts your name towards the top
of the list so you can be seen that way and then the realtor will see your name. So we need to
do the following things.

one follower accounts, comment on photos, like the first three photos of every account you
come across give the follow don’t mess follow people we need you to record the leads any
contact information record in the spreadsheet Instagram, DM‘s respond to DM‘s use the DM
script say the disclosure every message do not give out personal information from our end over
comments. Any personal information such as phone numbers and emails should only be
exchanged in direct messages and not in the comments triple check your writing. I’ve made
writing mistakes in the past and I want you to take your time and not rush things to make sure
you have a good comments now what I would probably recommend is that you create a google
dock of maybe like 10 different DM scripts or just common messages that you’re gonna come
across just like have that in a google dock and then you can just copy and paste either on your
phone or on the computer

I want you to like and reply to every single comment. If someone says send me a DM here’s my
phone number here’s my email you like the comment and then you hit the reply button and
respond directly to the realtor every single time someone says to DM or two give them a call ,
always respond to comments, and like their replies, you are the one to end the interaction
There is so much that I could be doing that. I honestly don’t have time to do the work book yet.
Hopefully I will have time in the future to do it if they ask about any of that.

DM Script

IG Followers Tracker

just start posting recent listings using actual real estate agents, photos, and put it on your story
and tag and then once you get a lot of viewers on your story, you can sell the spots where
people and we’ll see agents will pay you to be on your story highlighted because your stories
get a decent amount of use my stories yet 100 organic news 200, 300 and if you and I can put
you in my Instagram and you pay me almost like a billboard for advertising on TV

Text Kim about what her pain points are as a real estate agent

Redo the copy on my website homepage, that is more of a sales funnel type thing with good
copy from chat GPT

Text script for those who give out phone and mention theyd like a text

Hi XXX! This is Scott Leventon from the real estate group on Facebook, thank you for reaching

Just to be clear, this is a referral service and I’m looking to partner with a real estate agent in
your area. Are you looking to take on more clients?


Ok great! I’d like to set up a quick Zoom call to talk about how the process works. Are you
available at XXXpm on XX (DATE)? If so, feel free to send over your email so i can put it on
your calendar!
just comment on instagram posts that you’re looking for an agent and please dM me if you can
help. that’s the strategy on IG

real estate marketing notes

collect emails of realtors, when messaging on FB for people that are interested say what’s your
email i’ll send you a calendar invite or ask them to fill out a spot on my calendar

how do i

go to real estate networking events and open houses, give our business cards

offer payment plans

daily 9 am calls with the team

participate and have camera on

need to have the appearance of a real estate professional


an ad of a video of me starting saying that i don’t want you to just take my word for it here are
some actual real estate agents that we’ve gotten real results for

ask kim holland for a video testimonial

she makes videos so i need a video testimonial i can use for ads and website

invite people / real estate agents to be on the podcast

change website to include lead form and ideally video testimonial of kim

i want to preserve the legacy of the Leventon name and continue its existence. if not through
having sons, some other way like donating a building or something like that

start acquiring book marks from new travel locations

get google reviews on my business profile, ask current / precious clients

realtor leads

more notes

don’t drink at all and don’t party? go full monk mode, work eat sleep gym. that’s about all i need

keeping the culture and work culture is super important, what do i want the work culture to be

should we do headshots?


jason wardrop video

do the ads in ^ this video 4-5 days before an open house. i have a plan to gain traction before
the open house. get some leads and let people know about your open house so you’re not just
putting a sign out the day of

tell people i specialize in marketing with real estate agents. use Kim holland as a case study.
say we got her results in our cold emails and we can do the same for you. tell them that we work
exclusively with high performing real estate agents and can get them the same results.

but do high producing agents need someone like me? they most likely already have some type
of marketing efforts. need to talk with actual high producers and see what they say. if they’re
happy with their current marketing efforts or if they want to go a different direction. need the
market research.
reach out to high producers as a person and say that we’re doing market research on high
producers and whether they’re happy with their current marketing efforts and other questions

now is a good time to be selling, it’s a sellers market. but the high producing real estate agents
get consistent seller leads

maybe target moderate producing real estate agents (ideal client) because they have some
money coming in but most likely want to make more and scale their business where they can do
it full time. they will be more willing to pay for 3-6 months upfront of marketing services

lead with an offer also saying we can include real estate photography as a discounted service
as part of our marketing

target real estate agent on social media, linkedin would be very effective for leads due to their
targeting and people are on there for business


use boutique lending as a term to refer to myself

i’m a boutique lender

give ahrefs reports on clients websites, send via cold email? use that as a hook?

lead with a 3 month or 6 month deal?

give the total amount over the 3 month period, and then divide by 3 and tell them what they
would owe for the first month

say that our services range from $800 on the low end all the way up to $6000 per month plus
advertising spend enterprise clients mostly through word of mouth i hardly do any paid

don’t ask what the clients budget is, tell them the price range for our services and be firm

record my sales calls?

try to not schedule meetings on a friday, people are mentally checked out and just want the
weekend to come. they will most likely have a meeting and then worry about it on monday. you
need to be top of mind, send follow up emails quickly, do what you say you’re going to do and
focus on closing the client, be persistent but professional, don’t flood their inbox but don’t go
MIA for 3 days
we price our services based on the level of output for seo and copywriting services and make
custom plans for each client because each client is unique, but generally charge around $0.20
per word, but does fluctuate based on the client and other marketing services that they may also
be getting in addition to seo. for example if they want us to do social media marketing in addition
to SEO we would most likely lower the price of copywriting services

focus on client outreach. try a variety of different methods? do it yourself first and then when you
need to scale you can hire appointment setters and potentially a sales team. that’s what Zach
did when i worked for the website company Creative813. his service is web design and he built
an agency. that’s what i hope to do but i offer a different marketing service. he’s a CEO and
manages tons of people online and remotely. he hired a sales trainer who trained me about the
comapny and how to approach the sales calls. the problem is that when you have to learn how
to sell and how to sell someone else’s product they will need to train and learn about the
industry before they can go out and sell.

invest heavily into the education of our employees but don’t overload them where it becomes a
burden. how can i train our first few employees? these are potentially the most important
employees because they will hopefully stick around for a long time if they can do what they’re
hired to do. we want employees who stick around because it takes time and money to train

give employees a course curriculum, give them an online course to go through as part of the
training? have them watch the course and give them a time schedule for what to do during the
day. have daily sales calls when they’re just starting? give them fridays off. when they settle in
give them more autonomy where you don’t have to be available at the hours of 9 to 5 but do
need to have their phone on them in case of some emergency

give them the online course to work through on a regimented schedule. X hours per day. then
follow up with sales calls. Since i have other stuff to do i can give them small assignments
before they are done training. i can either do it on a contract basis or hire employees by the
books. what are pros and cons? the business does need to bring in consistent revenue that
we’ve hit for months prior to hiring full time staff

i shouldn’t hire staff yet, need to build a team of contractors at the moment and then bring
employees down the line. but need a stable source of passive revenue streams that’s
predictable and consistent. running paid ads for course sales? it’s potentially faster than doing
organic for 2 years and straight grind. i think advertising the lead magnet to get them in the
funnel is the best way to then upsel the course with an email sequence

that’s a passive income option. affiliate marketing still is viable, i haven’t posted on my Jetpage
site after getting the DA to 8, i was including links in my clients articles but stopped. it is a good
amount of work but maybe hiring someone just to post on my website. that is their sole job, to
manage my blog website and post articles etc. they send me the articles to review all the time in
the beginning. can’t have Ai content tell them which plagiarism checkers i use so they can be
sure it doesn’t show up for it before they submit.

christina would let us know after we turn it in and leave us guessing whether or not it passed.
she’s not a great communicator, she’ll go MIA for days while marked as online. a little frustrating
and her rates haven’t changed as my rates have changed recently

it makes sense to raise prices. say $0.20 per word maybe even more. let them know that i’m a
pro and i mean business and can get them where they want to be

ask them what their goals are at the right time during the sales call. once they tell you their
goals then say that you’re gonna help get them there. should you ask them what their income
goals are? ask about income for the business not their personal income goals. then say we can
definitely get them to $x in revenue per month and how much business i need to generate for
them each month

customers aren’t going to be able to keep paying month after month if you’re not generating
revenue for them. that’s why SEO clients probably have higher churn on average since results
aren’t instantaneous. results are instantaneous with running facebook ads and they can justify
paying each month with a direct ROI

does that mean copywriting and seo isn’t viable. No, but there are just cons that may outweigh
the pros to seo and copywriting. maybe being in the paid facebook ads space is the way to go
for many reasons:

Pros of being an ad agency instead of seo and copywriting

- not as labor intensive, only takes an hour or so to set up campaigns and then you run them for
2-4 weeks and don’t need to do much else
- copywriting as a career may be in jeopardy. not in the near future, but Ai looks to have the
potential to write content better than most humans. let’s face it. you’ve probably come across
someone with bad emails and bad communication. the Ai can write clear and concise content
and put things into words better than a large percentage of the population. the Ai also has
access to the entire internet. it’s literally an Ai encyclopedia because it scrapes data from billions
of web pages to get you information and outputs based on your query
- direct ROI (or lack thereof) that clients can see on a report and it’s clear what the results are.
with seo and copywriting, the results are more website visitors, more email subs, and other
technical data that may or may not have as much value in the short term as having a direct ROI
with paid ads.

position ourselves as an ad agency? but offer seo and other services? or only work with paid
ads clients. that’s our speciality is social media marketing.

do local google ads where people type in marketing agencies in philly and i come up
do the same thing with Badecki, see how many people are searching for “marketing agencies in
philadelphia/new york” and keyword research into his medicare niche and see what we can do.
google local ads could be more effective for local service based businesses. that could be the
best thing. we need to have a professional website or landing page for the google ads that gets
them to schedule a sales call. the website should have a landing page that converts. could be a
kartra page as my google ads landing page. that’s a good idea it doesn’t have to be my
company website it can be a landing page although the domain won’t be correct.

maybe look at squarespace templates for squeeze pages. don’t only make it a sales page.
make it look like a real home page website but with CTAs.

redo my website and model it just like scaling with systems website? i should redo my website if
i want it to look legit. use the interphase logo blue as the theme.

get a realistic estimate for new website. can’t do any of this until we have more money coming
in to reinvest into the business. need to reinvest nearly everything back into the business to
grow it. go hard with paid ads once i get $5000-6000 per month? or now? i just need enough in
my business bank account for taxes

get my taxes squared away

tell a web designer that i will provide all website copy.

have the freebie on the home page just like scaling with systems.

pay for the email subs and then find out conversion rates for the course. organic is probably
going to produce better conversion rates i would assume than paid ads, but how much better?

down the line create a software program that clients can use for free as long as they remain a


down the line create a software program that clients can use for free as long as they remain a
client. instead of the fantasy football space? maybe both

what would the software program be? i need to determine my ideal client. high producing real
estate agents and mortgage loan officers. that’s my target client moving forward. i will still work
with all my current clients but do outreach primarily to real estate agents and high producing
loan officers
ideal client is a real estate agent in the US? build them a real estate CRM that only clients and
partners can use? offer that as a perk to doing business with us. the program isn’t free. it is
listed as a line item on proposals for $x per month included in the monthly retainer

building the software platform is the passive income stream we may need. it’s a real estate
CRM. going to be very expensive to build, but it can be done with enough cash. get investors to
fund this business venture. dad may be on board if he sees the light when money starts coming
in from smma clients

come up with names for the software platform

tell oscar that i’m doing outreach specifically to high producing real estate and mortgage clients
and will definitely upsell his real estate photography to my potential clients and say i can do it all
or offer it cheaper. i can pay oscar a flat amount, take a loss on the real estate photography and
securing social media marketing services with FB ads.

the photography services are a loss leader and i can pay oscar full rates and take the L or just
break even. maybe break even on the real estate photography


down the line create a software program that clients can use for free as long as they remain a
client. instead of the fantasy football space? maybe both

what would the software program be? i need to determine my ideal client. high producing real
estate agents and mortgage loan officers. that’s my target client moving forward. i will still work
with all my current clients but do outreach primarily to real estate agents and high producing
loan officers

ideal client is a real estate agent in the US? build them a real estate CRM that only clients and
partners can use? offer that as a perk to doing business with us. the program isn’t free. it is
listed as a line item on proposals for $x per month included in the monthly retainer

building the software platform is the passive income stream we may need

best uses of Chatgpt

- recipes
- coaching / diet plans
- business names
- app coding
- cover letters
- outlines for articles
- outline for youtube video
- youtube video script
- product description
- keyword research
- social media captions
- writing
- poems/sonnets

Notes Template

Guidelines for editors:

● Make a copy of this document so you can use it for your reference. This document is
view only and will not be edited. Save this to your Google drive for reference when doing
the work
● Please read each section of text and then make a heading and format the rough notes
so it is easy to read.
● Send the new Google Doc link in Fiverr chat once finished. No need to download the
notes, just send the Google doc link of your document
● That is it! Reach out on Fiverr with any questions before submitting your work

make Instagram reels as the advertisement, you don’t even need a landing page.
You can boost Instagram post right from the app and don’t need a landing page.
Create a lead magnet, which is basically just a free training, and then advertise it
by making a real on your Instagram, and then boost the real. That is the strategy
for getting leads from Instagram from your lead magnet.

Invest all the money back into the business by boosting that same reel that
advertises. Make multiple reels all about promoting the lead magnet and see
which ones perform the best experiment with different audiences, etc.

Start to bring on sales reps who have experience in real estate, such as my
coworkers from freedom mortgage .

Ideally, we want to do 4 to 6 stories on our Instagram page on a rolling 24 hour

basis we do not want to post all of them at once. For example, we would want to
follow a schedule where we post one story at 9 AM one story at 12 PM one story
at 3 PM and another story at 6 PM . Try to post one story every 4 to 5 hours
Emphasize the link in the bio and promoting the lead magnet, or just get people
to sign up by clicking the learn more and then take them to the landing page
always do call to actions in the reels and direct them to the link in the bio or just
to learn more by clicking the profile.

as a virtual assistant or social media engagement manager, they will need to

send a template an email or a slack message each day detailing their KPI’s, and
to make sure that they stay on track with the number of followers on Instagram
accounts per day as well as other metrics that we will set guidelines for

Purposely price our consulting service is very high and then do a down sell for a
full paid course. For example, we can say the consulting services are $6000 for a
two month. And then we can say that if it that’s too much and you can’t afford that
budget there. We have an online course where to do it yourself for $600 or
something like that if they’re interested in the consulting services but say that the
budget is too high we want to make some room where we can reduce the price
and try to get them in the door. We can also offer payment plans so if the course
is $6000 for two months we can say if you pay $2000 now then we can get the
process started to get your Instagram up and running and get going. We can get
you in the door and then the next month there will be another payment of 2000
and the following month another payment of 2000 that’s just an example of what
we can do.

Also, when you get on a phone screen, say that just for taking this call, I will send
you a free training on how to use Instagram to increase your engagement and
grow your Instagram and following just for taking the car. I’m going to send you
an email prior to our next call if we jump on a zoom to course with 10 lessons
give it as a discount or just for free.

Use SMS marketing because a lot of real estate agents will give their phone
number so we want to send SMS messages that intend to sell their products or
get them on a consulting call

Create an email sequence of templated emails that people get once they often or
once they sign up for the sequence. The email sequence can be anywhere from
10 to 100 emails or more because we want to keep providing them with helpful
information through email and then we went to upsell our products and services
through email marketing that’s the goal of email marketing.

Experiment with running multiple ads at once run ads for booking calls or lead
magnets, others for online courses

Mentioned the online course upsell in every actual conversation always mention
the online course. If that’s out of their budget, you can buy the online course for
$200 $300 $600 $1000 whatever it might be most likely we will want it to be
under 1000 I think $600 is the sweet spot for the course always say for only 599
you can do it all yourself will give you all the information that put you in the
position to do it yourself or higher other people to do it so if you buy this online
course for $600 that’s what you’ll get you’ll be able to do it yourself and teach
other people how to do it

Create several online courses, which are basically just screen recordings of me,
talking film, several of these online courses design for different things for different
audiences. For example, we can make Instagram guidelines for real estate
agents when we can also have a course about lead generation and prospecting
the sky is the limit.

part of our offer is to advertise their listings on her Instagram highlights. We can
offer this on the actual call as part of the pitch and we can also sell the ad spots
for people who just want to advertise with us, advertise their listings on her
Instagram profile. We would prove to them how many viewers our story gets and
why they should advertise with us

Think about targeting smaller agents with less engagement on their profiles
because they’re more likely to actually see your comments and they’re more
likely to actually engage with them. Sellers and smaller markets may be more
receptive to comments, whereas large real estate brokerages will probably not
really see your comments. At least the people in charge will probably not really
see it so we want to get in front of the most amount of agents possible. Ideally,
these agents will be producing agents where they’re selling homes consistently
and making real money from it. Because there’s a lot of agents out there that
don’t sell anything and don’t make anything they do it part time and honestly
don’t bring any money so we do not want to target those agents.
Create courses and lead magnets about how to use SCO and do other things for
real estate agents. We can create new lead magnets about these things. Also,
just about different topics so we can get a lot of different leads from a lot of
different sources. Inevitably one or two will perform the best out of all of them but
we still want to create multiple courses multiple offers and get people buying stuff
multiple times.

Always tag the real estate agent in their listing if they’re not paying you because
more than likely if the real estate agencies that you tag them in your story they’re
probably going to look at your story if they’re active on Instagram and we want
them to engage with your story like the post maybe send you a DM and say hey
thanks for posting this. It is possible that the agent will say please take it down. In
that case we would take it down right away but usually if you’re advertising
agency listings are probably gonna be happy about that because they don’t really
get too much other promotion so more than likely they’re not gonna ask you to
take it down however, in some cases, they may want you to take it down and ask
you To.

Start to think about putting job descriptions together for positions that we will
need to eventually hire for send and record looms for training and information
possibly even right in the job description tell them to watch a Loom video copy
and paste the loom video before applying or as part of the application process

We could do another video training on how to set appointments with buyers and
other agents, and how to use marketing with other agents and networking with
other agents for getting more listing appointments and more sales

Virtual assistance when doing a Instagram engagement should only do it in 5 to

10 minute increments. We do not want any spam activity that causes the profile
to get banned temporary early. We want to have a healthy profile with healthy
organic engagement.

Instagram engagement should only be done during the hours of 8 to 7 this is

when we will catch most people on Instagram during the day as at night typically
people aren’t on social media as much possibly. Experiment with following a
different amount of people each day for example, follow 20 people one day follow
50 people the next follow 100 people the next it’s OK to get temporarily
suspended because that allows you to see your limits of how many you can
follow and how often you can follow and engage on Instagram

We will eventually need a project manager. This project manager will manage
multiple accounts or clients. For example, if we have one real estate agent from
Philadelphia, we would have a project manager assigned to making sure we fulfill
all the orders and then that project manager may also manage accounts in
California or other real estate accounts. The project manager will most likely
have multiple real estate agents that they communicate with on a daily basis and

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