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A Step-by-Step Guide for GIS Specialists on Exposure Mapping


Copyright © October 2019 by Iyarmoon G. Dulay. All Rights Reserved.

Guide on GIS-based CDRA Exposure Database Development

Table of contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3
Getting Started .......................................................................................................... 4
Data Requirements ................................................................................................... 4
Expose Elements ....................................................................................................... 5
Exposure Database Defined ....................................................................................... 7
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) ...................................................................................... 10
Data Processing ..................................................................................................... 11
Task 1: File System Data Structure ........................................................................... 12
Task 2: Extract the 5 Elements ................................................................................. 13
Task 3: Polygon Intersection .................................................................................... 15
Task 4: Pivot Table ................................................................................................... 17
Task 5: Exposure Database Table ............................................................................. 18
Exposure Map Samples .......................................................................................... 23
Reference Material ................................................................................................. 24

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Guide on GIS-based CDRA Exposure Database Development

At the outset, this document addresses the need to have a simplified guide on GIS-based
Exposure Database Development in the conduct of Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment
(CDRA). However, this will not replace the need for an in-depth study of HLURB's
'Supplemental Guideline on Mainstreaming CCA / DRR in CLUP' if the objective is to have a
full understanding of CDRA and how the results are to be mainstreamed in the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance (CLUP & ZO).

The main objective of this guide is to equip the GIS specialist with practical skill set that will
help him work systematically and methodically in developing the exposure database.
Importantly, this will help the end-user understand and appreciate the logic behind the
process and ultimately be able to replicate the steps laid out.

At the least, this guide does not claim to be comprehensive in its scope, but is designed to
be a foundation on which the reader might improve and add on according to his level of
expertise. For newbies, this guide will not dwell on esoteric or secret GIS techniques. The
processes discussed here are considered basic and are well established in the GIS

The author subscribes to the idea that learning is cumulative and falsifiable. Therefore, the
end-user may use a different method as long as he can produce the required output
consistent with the standards set forth in the Supplemental Guideline.

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Getting Started
Guide Questions:

1. What are the data requirements of CDRA Exposure Database development?

2. What are the land use classifications of the five (5) expose elements?

3. In the context of CDRA, how is Exposure Database defined? What is the preferred
geoprocessing tool to collect exposure data?

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Data Requirements
What are the data requirements for exposure database mapping?

1. Shapefiles of existing land and water use (building footprints, crop, etc.);

2. Shapefiles of hazards applicable to LGUs (e.g. flood, rain-induced landslide, storm

surge, active fault line, etc.) that come from mandated agencies, and preferably
ground validated;

3. Shapefiles of LGUs' administrative boundaries;

4. PSA latest census data for barangay population (CBMS data is an advantage but not
a requirement).

Disclaimer: The data requirements mentioned here are GIS-related and the
processes therefore are GIS-based. The other relevant information for Exposure
Database indicators that are not GIS-related (e.g. percentage of young and old
dependents, percentage of people living below the poverty threshold, etc.) should be
provided by each concerned office and might warrant the TWG to conduct Focus Group
Discussion (FGD) among key stakeholders and/or primary surveys (e.g CBMS,
ClimEx.Db, etc.).

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Expose Elements
What are the land use classifications of the five (5) expose elements?

1. POP Population are building footprint of residential areas in your existing land
and water use shapefile.

You can also use the CBMS point data if available. The indicators for this element are
focused on the inherent characteristics of the population (e.g. percentage of young
and old dependents, percentage of malnourished individuals, etc.).

Refer to the image below for the exposure table indicators.

2. NRBPA Natural Resource-Based Production Areas are the production forest,

agricultural areas, and production water use (e.g. fishpond/fish cages, etc.) in your
existing land and water use shapefile.

The indicators for this are in terms of area occupied by what type of dominant crop (if
there is inter-cropping, prioritize what is the dominant crop otherwise double counting
will occur).

Refer to the image below for the exposure table indicators.

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Guide on GIS-based CDRA Exposure Database Development

3. UUA Urban Use Areas are the residential (building not the people), commercial,
industrial, agri-industrial, tourism, eco-tourism, parks and recreation, cemetery,
special use (i.e. cockpit & sanitary landfill) infrastructure utilities (i.e. wharf, port,
airport, air strip, multipurpose pavement, dam, & terminals) in your existing land and
water use shapefile.

Refer to the image below for the exposure table indicators.

4. CPF Critical Point Facilities are the institutional land use in your existing land
water use shapefile.

These are mostly government funded buildings and or institutions such as schools, day
care centers, evacuation centers, government hospitals, barangay health stations,
rural health units, senior citizen buildings, home for the aged, rehabilitation centers,
government offices, administrative buildings, police stations, fire stations, military
camps, big churches, outposts, and other national government agency offices. These
are the facilities that provide basic socio-economic services in the LGU.

Refer to the image below for the exposure table indicators.

5. LU Lifeline Utilities are the infrastructure utilities in your existing land and water
use shapefile.

These are the major network linkages that support life (i.e. major road networks,
bridges, major water pipelines, reservoirs, power distribution and generation systems,
communication towers/offices, internet service providers, radio station, tv stations,
cable tv stations, and ICT hubs).Refer to the image below for the exposure table

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Exposure Database Defined

HOW are we going to collect data to develop the Exposure Database?

Objectives of Exposure Database Development:

1. To Identify and geo-locate the exposed barangays, land uses, road networks,
and facilities;

2. To collect attribute information in terms of the elements' inherent characteristics

expressed as indicators (e.g. percentage of households living below poverty
threshold, percentage of young & old dependents, dominant crop, percentage of
structures employing hazard-resistant design, etc.) - this part is outside the scope
of GIS and needs other mode of data collection;

3. To determine the TOTAL area and/or length of the exposed land use.

Fact Check: Total area and length is defined as the sum of units including the
portion that are not directly exposed to hazards. For example, Barangay X has a
total residential area of three (3) hectares but only one (1) hectare is exposed to
flood. Thus, it follows that exposure table should reflect three (3) hectares, not one
(1) hectare. This is exposure data banking. To illustrate the point, refer to Fig.

Fig. 1. Exposure data banking where the total area of the exposed residential land
use in Barangay X is computed regardless if only a portion of it is exposed to flood.
Exposure estimation, as opposed to data banking is different. Refer to Fig. 2.

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Fig. 2. Showing the principle of estimation as a result of intersecting land use and
hazard shp.

Although Intersect tool is recommended in determining the overlapping features, it

does not reflect the total area allocation of the expose element in Barangay X because
it considers only the portion of features within the impact area of the flood - features
outside the impact area of hazard is not included in the computation.

Again, for exposure database development, determine the affected land uses and its
total area allocation per barangay. This is important to be able to establish in
succeeding CDRA Steps (i.e. Steps 4 & 5) the percentage of exposed land use vis-
a-vis total the land use allocation in the exposed barangay.

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Guide on GIS-based CDRA Exposure Database Development

Below is the sample Exposure Database Table for Population. Take note that
computed residential area from fig. 1. shall be recorded in column 2 - Residential
Area. This means that the GIS specialist should indicate the total residential area
allocation of the identified exposed barangay.

In a nutshell, in relation to these elements: a) population, b) natural resource-based

production areas, and c) lifeline utilities, total area and/or length shall be indicated in
the Exposure Database Tables. Data should be consistent to the land use per
barangay as reflected in the existing land and water use table discussed in Module 3
of CLUP/ZO seminar-workshops.

Conversely, for critical point facilities and urban use areas the area generated by
Intersect tool shall be used instead.

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Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Fig. 3. Data Flow Diagram shows the process involved in exposure database

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Data Processing

This section enumerates the suggested steps on how to prepare and develop
the Exposure Database:

Task 1. File System Data Structure

Task 2. Extract the Five (5) Elements

Task 3. Polygon Intersection

Task 4. Pivot Table

Task 5. Exposure Database Table

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Task 1: File System Data Structure

Task Objective: To develop a file system that promotes easy storing and retrieval of

Procedural Steps:

Step 1. Create a mother folder and name it as, 'CDRA_ExpoDatabase'.

Step 2. Create Four (4) sub folders inside the main folder and name them as
follows: a) Elements, b) Hazards, c)ExposureTables, d) Boundary

Step 3. Create five (5) sub folders inside Elements and name them as
follows: a) POP, b) NRBPA, c) UUA, d) CPF, e) LU.

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Task 2: Extract the 5 Elements

Task Objective: To save as individual shapefiles the five expose elements from the
existing land use shapefiles.

Procedural Steps:

Step 1. Load the existing land and water use shp and hazards in QGIS. Make
sure that all of the shapefiles have the same projection. Check if your existing land
and water use shp have barangay field in the attribute table. If it has, you're good
to go - if does'nt, you need to intersect your barangay boundary shp with the
existing land and water use shp.
To intersect, go to menu bar and click Vector > Geoprocessing > Intersection.
If you get an error, click Processing > Toolbox > search Fix Geometries and fix the
invalid shp. Alternatively, you can go to Processing > Toolbox > search Polygon
Intersect under SAGA.

Step 2. Open the attribute table of the existing land and water use. Ctrl + I
or hit the abacus icon Open field calculator. Compute first the areas of polygons by
using these parameters: output field name - area_sqm; output field type -
decimal number real; output field length -10; precision - 5. Click 'Geometry' and
double click $area.

Step 3. Click Select Features by Expression > fields and values > select your
land use column. Click Unique Values and select 'residential'. The formula should
like this: "LandUse" = 'residential'. Hit Select expression and close.

Step 4. Right click on the existing land use layer, for QGIS 3.4 or later choose
Export > Save Feature As. You will be asked where to save the shp. Of course,
select the sub folder POP, choose the same projection i.e. EPSG 32651 and DON'T
FORGET TO CHECK 'Save only selected features' and hit okay... Do this for
remaining four (4) elements.

Note: Make sure to deselect previously selected features when exporting to

shapefile so as no to include the previous selection.

Step 5. For elements with more than one (1) land use to extract use the ff.
formula: "field" = 'landuse' or "field" = 'landuse', etc...

e.g. Natural Resource-Based Production Areas

"LandUse" = 'agriculture' or "LandUse" = 'fishpond'

e.g. Urban Use Areas

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"LandUse" = 'residential' or "LandUse" = 'commercial' or "LandUse" = 'industrial'

or "LandUse" = 'agri-industrial' or "LandUse" = 'cemetery' or "LandUse" =
'sanitary landfill' or "LandUse" = 'cockpit' or "LandUse" = 'parks and recreation'
or "LandUse" = 'tourism' or "LandUse" = 'eco-tourism' or "LandUse" =

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Task 3: Polygon Intersection

Task Objective: To geolocate and identify the exposed barangays and elements
affected by hazards, and generate a new shapefile containing level of hazard

Procedural Steps:

Step 1. Load your hazard shp and extracted elements in QGIS.

Step 2. Go to menu bar > Vector > Geoprocessing > Intersection. Input the
ff. parameters in the dialogue window:

Input layer - e.g. Pop_total_lgu;

Overlay layer - e.g. Flood_MGB_51N;
Intersection - save the file in your POP subfolder and label it as

Step 3. Click Run. Your intersect layer should appear in the layers panel.
Rename accordingly.

Note: Do this for all the remaining four (4) elements.

Step 4. If you encounter an error due to invalid geometries, go to menu bar

> Processing > Toolbox and type in the search bar Intersect. List of tool will be
shown, select Intersect under SAGA.

Note: Always check the attribute table after the intersection just to make
sure that you get the right output.

Intersect tool in SAGA does not allow you to intersect shp with different vector
type (e.g. line to polygon). Although it has other intersect tools but the resulting
attribute do not give us what we need. In intersecting Road Network and hazard
therefore, use the Intersection tool in the menu bar. If you find it returning an error
message due to invalid geometries, you can fix it using Fix Geometries in the
processing toolbox before intersecting.

Step 5. This step is very important. ALWAYS UPDATE THE AREAS AFTER
GEOPROCESSING. Since you manipulated the size of your shp thru intersect the
area field needs to be updated. Go to Field calculator or Ctrl+I and input the ff.

Output field type - Decimal number (real)

Output field length - 10
Precision - 5

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Click 'Geometry' and double click '$area'

Check the 'Update existing field' and select the column of 'Areas_sqm' then hit

Note: Repeat this process for all the five (5) elements per hazard.

Step 6. Lastly, copy the attribute table of the five (5) elements in Excel and
save it in ExposureTable sub folder and name it as 'ExpoElem_intersect'.

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Task 4: Pivot Table

Task Objective: To demonstrate the use of pivot table as a tool for easy identification
of elements exposed to hazards.

Procedural Steps:

Step 1. Open the excel file we saved in Task 3, 'ExpoElem_intersect'.

Step 2. Start with POP tab. Highlight all the cells and go to Insert > Pivot
table and click OK.

Step 3. Select 'Brgy_Name' and uncheck the (blank) record. Then drag the
said field to 'Rows'.

Step 4. Select 'Suscep' and uncheck the (blank) record. Then drag the said
field to 'Column'.

Step 5. Select 'Area_Sqm' and uncheck the (blank) record. Then drag the said
field to 'Values'. Lastly, click drop-down arrow of said field and select 'Value Field
Settings'. Select 'Summarize Values By' and click 'Sum' in the list.

Step 6. Repeat steps 1 - 5 to the remaining elements i.e. NRBPA, UUA, CPF,

Important Reminder: The generated list of exposed barangays, land use, and
facilities shall be used to fill-in the Exposure Database Table.

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Task 5: Exposure Database Table

Task Objective: Supply the exposure information in the Exposure Database

Population Exposure Database Table

Shown below is the relevance of GIS-derived data in the Exposure Database Table
for Population. Obviously, GIS data is applicable only to exposure indicators (the
one highlighted with a yellow box).

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Natural Resource-Based Production Areas Exposure Database Table

Shown below is the relevance of GIS-derived data in the Exposure Database Table
for NRBPA. Obviously, GIS data is applicable only to exposure indicators (the one
highlighted with a yellow box).

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Urban Use Areas Exposure Database Table

Shown below is the relevance of GIS-derived data in the Exposure Database Table
for UUA. Obviously, GIS data is applicable only to exposure indicators (the one
highlighted with a yellow box).

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Critical Point Facilities Exposure Database Table

Shown below is the relevance of GIS-derived data in the Exposure Database Table
for CPF. Obviously, GIS data is applicable only to exposure indicators (the one
highlighted with a yellow box).

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Lifeline Utilities Exposure Database Table

Shown below is the relevance of GIS-derived data in the Exposure Database Table
for LU. Obviously, GIS data is applicable only to exposure indicators (the one
highlighted with a yellow box).

Important Reminder: The Supplemental Guideline provides the reader a sample on

road networks only as lifeline utilities. However, it is mandatory to include bridges,
major water linkages (e.g. major water pipelines) and facilities (e.g water reservoir,
water pumping station), major communication facilities (e.g. cell sites, tv station,
radio station, cable tv station, radio towers and repeaters, etc.), and major power
lines and facilities (i.e. power substation,NGCP transmission lines, hydroelectric or
geothermal plants, and major electric facilities and electric posts).

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Exposure Map Samples

You need internet connection to view and download these maps.

1. Population Exposure Map to Flooding

2. Natural Resource-Based Production Areas Exposure Map to Flooding

3. Urban Use Areas Exposure Map to Flooding

4. Critical Point Facilities Exposure Map to Flooding

5. Lifeline Utilities Exposure Map to Flooding

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Reference Material

'Supplemental Guideline on Mainstreaming CCA / DRR in CLUP'

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