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y Fundamentals of Agricul Exensp, consortia for research on sustainable ryqy ee hoo Component-3: Establisament of security in disadvantaged areas / Establishment of system and action research consortia for livelihood impr, d vulnerable groups. During transformation of agriculture Mey, disadvantaged regions an Nn and class disparities are bound 0 crop UP- Research should consider the needs of ie iy disadvantaged regions and vulnerable UPS: ng Z components: Establishment of consortia fo strengthen basic and strategic rg in agricultural science | Support to basic and strategic research to adress challenging problens of pajny wil global importance. Some oustanding problems cuting across repens, production oe requiring innovative, cutting edge research, education and extension will be funded, lems es! Selection of disadvantaged regions ‘ Ce hundred and fity disadvantaged discs have been identified by te Py okt Commission covering 27 Sates and [3 agro-fimatic zone under NAIP, tg “Thre variables were considered for computing the index of backwardness, nal. ns (i) Agricultural produtivity per worker, se (i) Agricultural wage rate, and a proses Gu (iii) SC/ST population ‘One hun dan fifty districts have been grouped into 13 clusters. Each user consny _yonalF00 of contiguous distil of similar socio-economic and agro-cology willbe pretend ir odie consortia formation. odes, Maha Consortia format west Bengal) ‘A consortium is @ formal group of partners to carry out the idemtiid task by shri various acti research agenda and research resources according to an agreed work plan. The cota duction tech seas be neat bsed and partners shouldbe identified onthe basis of problens oe) wb eased va and ther strength and oter far in “The range of partners that may be engaged informing @ consortium includes ining and mass (i Research institutes within and outside the ICAR system, Rashtriya Krish (i) Farmer ongaisations (PRIs, National Farmers Forum, IFFCO etc) Anew State Plan (iii) Private enterprises, cumely, Rashtriya Ki (iv) State Development and Extension Departments, outlay of ® 25,000 cro (0) Financial Institutions, and provide incentive t th (oi) Voluntary onganisations and NGOs ete, a en eee e Inder the scheme, National Food Security Mission (NFSM) Inegrated development Food security ha ben considered ata number of ves; glaba,regiona, ans Susie mecbanisation household and individ Te ase concep of fod securiy as implied by FAO (I8))864 EMS Integrated pest m All people al ines hae but physical amd economic aces 0 the basco theme ce rt F Je World Bank (1986) modi wfe at all times to enough food for an activ, ty of food and the ability to acquire it, '0n to indicate that food security is access by healthy life. ts essential elements are the “aiabill in view ofthe stagnating food grain production and an increas : : increasing consumption population, Government of India launched this centrally sponsored clone weaned rarity Mission (NFSM) in August 2007, pponsored scheme, National owind Food S ‘The major objective ofthe scheme is to increase production and prod andpulses ona sustainable basi 0 as to ensure food security ofthe eats the ome ee ear management practices. proved technologies NSM will have three components: National Food Security Mission ~ Rice (NFSM — Rico) 136 districts of 14 States (Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, xamataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal) will be covered under NFSM — Rice. National Food Security Mission - Wheat (NFSM - Wheat) 141 districts of 9 States (Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and West Bengal) will be covered under NFSM — Wheat National Food Security Mission — Pulses (NFSM - Pulses) 170 districts of 14 State (Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Kamataka, Madhya Pradesh, Mabarashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal) will be covered under NFSM - Pulses. Various activities of NFSM were undertaken relating to demonstration of improved production technology, distribution of quality seeds of HYVs and hybrids, popularization of varieties, support for micro-nutrients, gypsum, zero-tillage, rotavators, weeders newly released lifting and moisture saving devices, and other farm implements, IPM, INM, extension, watei ‘raining and mass media campaign including awards for best performing districts, Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Yojana (RKVY) ‘Anew State Plan Scheme of Additional Central Assistance for agriculture and allied sectors, namely, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana was launched during 2007-08, with an envisaged outlay of @ 25,000 crore for the 11th Five Year Plan, The broad objective of the scheme is «0 provide incentive to the States to increase public investment to achieve 4 percent growth rate in agriculture and allied sectors in the 1th Five Year Plan. Under the scheme, the following broad activities have been identified for focus atention = Inicgrated development of food crops, including coarse cereals, minor mills and pulses; Axticulture mechanisation; Soil health and productivity: Development of rainfed farming ‘stems; Integrated pest management; Market infrastructure; Horticulture; Animal husbandry

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