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ELT in Focus, Vol.

5(2) December 2022

Copyright © 2022 ELT in Focus



Nendah Sari Indriani
Masoem University, Sumedang

Rahma Sakina*
Masoem University, Sumedang

doi: 10.35706/eltinfc.v5i2.7530

To cite this article: Indrian, S. N. & Sakina, R. (2022). Teaching English speaking using Role-play
technique at a senior high school in Bandung. ELT in Focus, 5(2), 55-66. doi:


The purposes of this study are to: (1) investigate how role-play technique is used in English speaking
class, (2) to find out advantages of using role-play technique in teaching speaking from students’ and
teacher’s perception, and (3) to figure out the difficulties that students and an English teacher
encountered when using role-play technique in the classroom. The method used is qualitative with
observation and interview as data collection techniques. The findings showed that the teacher carried
out role-play technique with several stages such as delivering materials, dividing students into several
groups to make a dialogue, students’ practicing the dialogue in their group, students’ performing the
dialogue in front of the class, and evaluating students’ performance. Role-play technique provided some
advantages. Firstly, it gave students opportunities to practice their speaking ability. Secondly, it
increased students’ confidence to practice speaking in front of the classroom. Then, it improved
students’ interests during the learning process. Fourth, it made students add more English vocabularies.
Finally, students could communicate in English frequently with their friends so they could maintain
their social relation with their peers. When using role-play technique, the students found difficulties
related to pronunciation, word or sentence structure, lack of vocabulary, and memorizing the dialogue.
The teacher found that role-play technique was time consuming, and it was hard to make sure the
suitability of the material to the activities.

Keywords: Role-play technique, teaching speaking, senior high school

INTRODUCTION the goal is to acquire a variety of knowledge

and students able to understand textbooks
English is an important language that must written in English to gain knowledge later,
be owned by everyone in this modern era. thus students immediately ready to entering
There are a lot of people trying to learn to be the university level.
proficient in English. Some of them are for
the concerns of individual himself, such as: In learning English, there are several
to be able to interact with each other with skills that must be mastered: listening
foreigners, travelling, find job, do business, (listening), speaking (speaking), reading
conduct research, or educational needs. (reading) and writing (writing). This paper
Students at schools studying English with focuses on one of the skills in English,

*Corresponding author
ELT in Focus, Vol. 5(2) December 2022
Copyright © 2022 ELT in Focus

namely speaking. According to Efrizal more choice for the exercise of individual
(2012), speaking is one way to transfer ideas distinction, initiative, imagination, and role
and messages verbally. Brown (2007:4) simulation as well. This means helping
cited in Parmawati (2018) defines speaking students to practice speaking in real-life
as an interactive process of constructing contexts. Of course, physically involving
meaning that involves producing, receiving students in role-playing in class will make
and processing speech of sounds as the main them more effective and build confidence to
instrument. Speaking in English can help be able to perform live. Therefore, it can be
students to express their thoughts and can used as a teaching and learning process
share information with others. It also technique and help students to interact.
becomes an indicator of someone's ability in Therefore, this technique can be an option to
one particular language (Irianti & Muja, be used in learning English.
2017). It can be concluded that speaking is
an important skill used for transferring According to Donn Byrne, there are two
ideas, and it could be an indicator of types of role play, namely scripted role play
someone's ability in one particular language. and unscripted role play. Scripted role play
involves the interpretation of either a
Unfortunately, the ideal conditions textbook dialogue or a reading text in
above are still hampered by a lot of things in spoken form, the main function of the text
many English as a foreign language (EFL) being to convey the meaning of the language
classes, particularly in Indonesia. From in an easy-to-remember manner. The
several observations made in several situation of unscripted play has no different
schools, it is clear that students often feel with the scripted play in any textbook or
less comfortable and less confident to notebook. This role play without script is
participate actively, especially in speaking known as free role play or improv. The
classes. Saurik (2011) identifies that most of students themselves must decide what
students feel shy when they speak English language to use and how the conversation
language because they think they will make should be developed. To carry out this
mistakes when they talk. They are also activity, good preparation of teachers and
afraid of being laughed at by their peers. students is needed.
Meanwhile the expected condition is that
students can participate in English learning There are several previous research
activities without feeling pressured and can findings related to this study, such as Sri
follow them with fun. Of course, in the end Irianti (2011) concluded that role-playing
this became a separate problem among activities can improve students' speaking
English teachers. Therefore, new skills as indicated by the scores they get.
innovations must be made by providing Another previous study was conducted by
more interesting presentation in English Kunto Laksono (2014) and reported the
speaking class, one of which is using role- results of the study showing that the
play technique. application of role-play techniques in the
teaching and learning process of English is
According to Rahman, Yassi, & Arafah effective for improving students' speaking
(2016) "role play permits a lot of students skills. Students can appear more confident.
chance to speak since they are the subject of In addition, their motivation and enthusiasm
learning, through role play students get a lot in learning English also increases. However,
of time to speak". Rahayu (2015) also stated what makes this paper different is the
that role play is a procedure that involves research results, and the research design
students taking on a role and carrying out where the author of this research will
conversations with each person playing their produce a comprehension description of the
part. It is also highly flexible, leaving much

ELT in Focus, Vol. 5(2) December 2022
Copyright © 2022 ELT in Focus

use of role-play techniques in English- a semi-structured interview where the

speaking class. outline of the topic to be asked had been
prepared previously but when some
Therefore, the purposes of this study interesting answers appeared, some
are to investigate how role-play technique questions were given more deeply for the
is used in English speaking class, to find out problem. The interviews were addressed to
advantages of using role-play technique in an English teacher and representatives of
teaching speaking based on the perception each member of the role-play group. The
of students and teacher, and to figure out the purpose of carrying out this interview is to
difficulties that students and an English find out the advantages and disadvantages
teacher encountered when using role-play of using the role play technique.
technique in the classroom. The results of
this study are expected to show better The researcher observed directly into
utilization of role-play activities in teaching the classroom for four meetings in which
speaking skills to high school students. the students were doing English speaking
with role-play technique. Moreover, field
notes were used to record all activities
starting from teaching and learning
METHOD activities carried out from beginning to end.
This direct observation was carried out to
The research used descriptive qualitative get information related to seeing directly
research. According to Nazir (2014:43), the implementation of the teacher using role
descriptive qualitative method is a method play in the classroom, as well as how the
of examining the status of a group of students responded to these activities.
people, an object, a condition, a system of Wenden (1992:80) states that some limited
thought, or a class of events in the present. information about the learning process that
Therefore, the purpose of this research is to may be obtained by observation. Therefore,
describe the facts and phenomena being the purpose of carrying out this observation
studied in the form of sentences. This is to figure out how teacher uses role-play
research was conducted in one of senior in the classroom.
high school in Bandung. The school that
was used as the place for this research The last technique to collect data in the
because its strategic place, complete present study is by document analysis. The
facilities, and achievements in various documents to be analyzed here were the
fields, one of which is in English subject. exercises carried out by teachers and
The participants involved in this research students as well as lesson notes written by
were an English teacher and thirty students students. By analyzing their notes, it helps
of the tenth grade. to obtain the additional data as it makes it
possible to identify strategies that may not
Data collection techniques used in this have been used consciously. This document
research were interview, observations, and is important to study because it relates to
document analysis. According to Yusuf answering all the questions from the three
(2014), interview aims to record opinions, research objectives that have been
feelings, emotions, and other matters described in the previous part.
relating to individuals in the organization.
By conducting interviews, researchers can RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
obtain more data so that researchers can
understand the culture through the language As mentioned previously, the purposes of
and expressions of the rights being this research include: (1) to investigate how
interviewed; and can clarify things that are role-play technique is used in English
not known. The interview in this study was speaking class (2) to find out advantages of

ELT in Focus, Vol. 5(2) December 2022
Copyright © 2022 ELT in Focus

using role-play technique in teaching Therefore, the teacher didn’t need to re-
speaking based on the perception of explain what and how role-play is. The
students and teacher (3) to figure out the teacher immediately explained the material
difficulties that students and an English briefly and then gives some examples to
teacher encountered when using role-play start the role play activity. Before starting
technique in the classroom. The finding and to create a dialogue, the teacher explained
discussion of the research are explained about the roles that usually appear in
below. conversations with the theme of the
material then invited students to express
their ideas. After that, the teacher discussed
with the students about the topic and started
How role-play technique is used in the discussion by doing brainstorming to
English speaking class get students' ideas related to the
conversation and asking students to write a
The first research question is related to how dialogue together. This activity was carried
role-play technique is carried out by the out about 20 minutes.
teacher in the classroom. This question has
been answered by using data collection The next activity was dividing students
techniques in the form of observation. into several groups of two or three students
Observations are carried out directly in the in which they discussed to make a dialogue
classroom to see the teaching and learning related to the topic. The teacher gave 20
process using role-play technique, student minutes for each group to make the
attitudes, and how students speak in groups. dialogue. During the discussion of
Before the teacher started speaking learning dialogue, the teacher went around the class
activities using role-play technique in the from one pair to another to check students’
classroom, she gave a presentation of involvement. According to Lyman Nurhadi
material to students. Djamarah (Pane, (2005: 120), it is in accordance with the
2017:343) revealed that learning material is class situation where the teacher goes
the substance that will be delivered in the around seeing student discussions in groups
teaching and learning process. Without to make sure all students are involved in
learning materials, the teaching and making the dialogue text. Next, the teacher
learning process will not occur. Therefore, gave instructions to memorize the dialogue
the teacher must have and master the for approximately 40 minutes and when
subject matter that will be delivered to they are ready, they will perform it in front
students. The material discussed at this of the class.
meeting is about "What Are You Going to
Do Today". The delivery of the material The third activity was practicing the
will be carried out by the teacher using the dialogue in their group. After all groups
role-play activity in the classroom. were ready to perform, the teacher invited
the group to perform in front of the class. In
Role-play technique is considered order to create the conducive atmosphere in
suitable because it is in accordance with the class the teacher asked each group to
one of the learning competencies that must pay attention and gave comments to the
be achieved by students, namely students group that performed in front of the class.
able to create short and simple oral and Suharsimi Arikunto (1988: 67) argues that
written interaction texts that involve the act classroom management is an effort carried
of giving and asking for information by out by the person in charge of teaching and
paying attention to social functions, text learning activities or assisting with the aim
structure, and correct linguistic elements of achieving optimal conditions.
context. Role-play technique had been
carried out by students in the last meetings.

ELT in Focus, Vol. 5(2) December 2022
Copyright © 2022 ELT in Focus

The final step is the teacher's perception of students and teachers. This
evaluation about the performance of each question has been answered by conducting
role-play group. According to Pane interviews to students and an English
(2017:350) learning evaluation serves to teacher. The students who were interviewed
see the success of students in learning, but were two low achiever students and two
also serves as teacher feedback on the high achiever students. The categories of
performance they have done in the learning low and high achiever students is got from
process. This is also done by the teacher, the evaluation of students’ performance
namely conducting evaluation activities. before.
The activity is carried out in the last 10
minutes at the end of the learning activity. Based on the interview, there are
The activities and steps in all meetings were several advantages that students get from
not much different. What distinguishes was using role-play technique in learning
the material that was delivered. In speaking. First, role-play technique gives
conclusion, the role-play technique carried students more opportunities to participate
out by the teacher in teaching speaking actively in the classroom so that their
included delivering materials by the motivation is also increased. This finding is
teacher, dividing students into several stated by the teacher as follow:
groups and they discussed to make a
dialogue with their group member, Excerpt 1:

“The advantage of using role-play

Then, students practiced the dialogue
technique is giving more chances
in their seats till they were ready to perform for students to participate more
in front of the class. When the students actively in the classroom,
performed the dialogue in front of the class, especially in their group, so that the
the other students paid attention and gave classroom atmosphere becomes
comments. Finally, the teacher evaluated more different; the level of
students’ performances of all members of enthusiasm is increased. Seeing
the role play group. their friends perform in front of the
class, they clap, give comments,
From those stages that had been carried laugh, so the classroom situation
out by the teacher to conduct role-play becomes more active and
technique, those are in line with the enthusiastic.”
technical implementation of role-play
This finding is also supported by
technique proposed by Jakob (2018).
student 3 who has the same view of role-
According to Jakob (2018), the technical
play technique that it gives students
implementation of the role-play is consisted
chances to practice their English-speaking
of some steps, namely dividing students into
groups, giving students time to prepare the skill with their friends so that they can
dialogue from the role-play that will be speak English more fluently in classroom.
present, giving time to students in each group This statement is expressed by student 3 as
to present their role-play in front of the class, follow:
and allowing each student an opportunity to
provide feedback among the group. Excerpt 2:

“I think it (role-play technique) is

The advantages of using role-play great because it can give students
technique in teaching speaking opportunities to practice their English-
speaking skill with their friends. Then
The second research question is related to it has been done quite frequently in this
the advantages of using role-play technique classroom…. It has many advantages
such as students can speak English
in teaching speaking based on the

ELT in Focus, Vol. 5(2) December 2022
Copyright © 2022 ELT in Focus

more fluently little by little, and they Excerpt 4:

can increase their vocabulary.”
“The most important thing for
The benefit of role-play technique in speaking itself in my opinion is that
giving students more opportunities to students are brave enough to speak
practice their English-speaking skill is also first, come to the front of the class.
confirmed by Osuafor (2017). Role-play Sometimes, some of them lack self-
technique serves a lot of opportunities for confidence so they are embarrassed
students to practice the language; thus, it to speak English in front of the
can improve students’ speaking ability class. Thus, in my opinion the most
important benefit to teach speaking
(Osuafor 2017; Arham et al., 2016). using this role play is that students
are able to and confident to speak
The second advantage of learning English in front of the class.”
English using role-play technique is that it
is able to increase students' confidence to Based on the teacher’s view above, it
speak English in front of the class. can be concluded that the most important
Teaching speaking using role-play actually thing in learning speaking is that students
requires students who lack the courage to are confident to speak first and by using
come in front of the class bravely and speak role-play technique students can improve
up because they are required by their confidence to speak in front of the
circumstances and these activities involve class. This finding is also supported by
conversations with group friends. This Arham et al., (2017) who stated that the
advantage is stated by student 6 below: implementation of role-play technique
improves students’ self-confidence.
Excerpt 3:
Suyono and Hariyanto (2014) added that
“Oh yeah, because I am a shy person the advantages of the role play method are
when I speak in English, especially in that it is able to generate positive responses
front of my friends. I’m afraid to for students who are weak, incompetent,
make a mistake. Because it's a group and lack motivation. In other words, role-
activity, I have to be brave enough to play technique can encourage less
come forward. Otherwise, I won't get motivated students to be more active
any grades." participating in the classroom.
This finding is supported by the The third advantage of using role-play
teacher who views that role-play technique technique in learning English speaking is
can train students' confidence to be able to that it can increase students’ interests
dare to speak in front of the class. For some during the learning process. Different with
students, speaking English is difficult to do, a teacher-centered learning where the
many words and sentences are difficult to students only listen and pay attention to the
pronounce. Moreover, some students are teacher’s explanation passively, role-play
not confident enough to speak English, technique requires the students to
especially in front of the class. By using this participate actively during the lesson
role play activity, students are expected to because they should make the dialogue
have the courage to come to front of the themselves, perform it in front of the class,
class and speak English with their friends. then give comment to their friends’
This view is stated by the teacher as performance. Because they are involved
follows: actively in the classroom, they becomes
more enthusiastic to the lesson. This
statement is expressed by the teacher as

ELT in Focus, Vol. 5(2) December 2022
Copyright © 2022 ELT in Focus

Excerpt 5: long as they interact with their friends in

English. At last, their vocabulary will be
“…... using role-play technique…. improved. This statement related to the
the classroom atmosphere becomes view of Arriyani (2010: 43) who stated that
more different; the level of
students’ ability to speak English to be
enthusiasm is increased. Seeing
their friends perform in front of the good and correct, such as speaking clearly,
class, they clap, give comments, increasing vocabulary is because they have
laugh, so the classroom situation more conversations.
becomes more active and
enthusiastic.” The last advantage of using role-play
technique in learning English speaking is
From the statement above, students that being able to communicate directly
look more enthusiastic during the learning with friends using English. When students
process because they can participate speak with their friends more often, the
actively by performing the dialogue in from communication and friendship will be even
of the class and also give comment to the better. Moreover, if the two students who
other’s performance. This advantage is are not very close then paired in a role play
also found by Osuafor (2017) who group, it will provide good benefits for both
mentioned that role-play can increase of them. This statement is found in the
students’ interest in learning. Santoso interview result of student 1 as follow:
(2011) added that one of the benefits of the
role play activity is to generate enthusiasm Excerpt 7:
and a spirit of optimism in students and to
“Yes, I was happy because I could
foster a high sense of togetherness and
communicate directly with my
social solidarity friends in English. Although I don’t
really like the division of the group
Then, by using role-play technique, that I get. Because usually I'm just
student are able to add some new English with my seatmate and now I have to
vocabularies. Students' English vocabulary be with other people. But I like
will increase because students make the being able to speak English with
conversation themselves with their friend. another friends.”
Whenever they don’t know a certain word
in English they will find it themselves and This statement is reinforced by the
this happens repeatedly during role-play theory of Lindsey & Colwell (2013). They
technique. This finding is stated by students state that the role play technique can
1: maintain social relationships between
children and their peers. This situation is
Excerpt 6: useful for students to practice their social
skill because they interact each other with
“Because it's not the first time I've the given role.
spoken English with my friends, so
I got a lot of new vocabulary. Even Based on teacher’s and students’
though I didn't find it myself, I got perception above, it can be concluded that
new vocabulary from friends in my
teaching speaking English by using role-
play technique serves a lot of advantages
When students practice their speaking for students. First, it gives more
ability with their friends, they might find opportunities for students to practice their
some unfamiliar words for them, then they speaking ability. Second, it increases
ask to their friends and get the meaning. students’ confidence to practice speaking in
This process can happen many times as front of the classroom. Then, it improves
students’ interests during the learning

ELT in Focus, Vol. 5(2) December 2022
Copyright © 2022 ELT in Focus

process. Fourth, it gives students to move forward, if something

opportunities to add more vocabularies in goes wrong, friends can help”
English. The last, students can
communicate in English with their friends From the interview above, the
more often, so that they can maintain their difficulties of speaking English with role
social relation with their peers. play technique are about pronunciation
and the large difference between the words
The difficulties encountered by the or structure from Indonesian to English.
teacher and students in using role-play The difficulty of English pronunciation is
technique in the classroom also found by Hetrakul (1995). According
to Hetrakul (1995) the problem that is
Teaching and learning speaking often faced by the students in speaking is
English using the role play technique is about pronunciation. They felt difficult to
certainly not as easy as imagined. This pronounce certain words. In English
difficulty can be felt by students and also language, pronunciation and spelling are
the teacher. Continuing on the last different. Therefore, the students did not
research question, which is related to the easily recognize the pronunciation.
difficulties found by students and the
teacher when using role play technique in The second difficulty found by
the classroom. This question has been students when using role-play technique is
answered by collecting data through related to the lack of vocabulary. All
interviews to students and the English students interviewed answered that they
teacher. lacked in vocabulary. As a matter of fact,
vocabulary is really important in speaking
Based on the result of interview, the ability. When students don’t have enough
first difficulty faced by students when vocabulary, they cannot express their ideas
using role play technique in the classroom in English very well. It was stated by
is related to pronunciation and word student 2 below:
structure. Due to the difference between
the spelling of English language and how Excerpt 9:
to pronounce it, it can cause confusion for
"My vocabulary is so lacking that
some students. In addition, the word
when I forget a word or sentence in
structure of English language and English, I can't continue speaking
Indonesian are clearly different, so activities in a dialogue"
sometimes some students speak English
with incorrect word structure. Those The lack of vocabulary is one of
difficulties are encountered by student 1 as difficulties faced by all students in this
follow: research. Based on Shahzadi, et al. (2014),
students may not express themselves well
Excerpt 8: because of inadequate and inappropriate
vocabulary. In addition, Hosni (2014)
"Maybe from the
pronunciation, because I assert that the most common speaking
don’t frequently speak difficulties the students encounter in
English, so it's hard to speaking EFL is lack of vocabulary. It was
pronounce. Then the structure noticed that those students wanted to
of words and sentences in speak but they could not find the
English is different from appropriate words to express what they
Indonesian. So, I have to wanted, thus they stopped speaking.
practice speaking English
often as you did earlier.
Together with friends so that

ELT in Focus, Vol. 5(2) December 2022
Copyright © 2022 ELT in Focus

The third difficulty encountered by Excerpt 11:

students when using role-play technique is
the difficulty in memorizing the English "Furthermore, it may be more on
text. This factor can be caused by the the use of a relatively long time.
Because as you know there are
different structure of words or sentences in
many steps of role play activities.
English and also the lack of practice Starting from making the text
outside the classroom. This statement is independently by students, the
expressed by student 3 in the interview process of understanding,
below: memorizing and others. Of course,
it takes quite a long time, while the
Excerpt 10: learning time is so limited. So that
with improvised preparation, of
"It's difficult, because the structure course, it will also result in less
of word and sentence is very than the maximum in the
different from Indonesian, and appearance of students.”
getting used to memorizing English
texts becomes even more difficult. From the statement above, the use of
In addition, I rarely practice role play activities takes quite a long time.
speaking English outside the class The opinion regarding these difficulties is
too. At least, I only practice
similar to Djumingin (2011: 175-176) who
speaking English at school during
English learning activities.” stated that role-play technique requires a
longer time allocation. Therefore, teacher
From the statement above, the preparation must be more mature and
students found difficulties in speaking appropriate strategies are also needed to be
English using role play, especially when able to carry out these activities well.
they tried to memorize the texts and this
can be caused by the lack of practice The second difficulty faced by the
speaking English outside the class teacher when using role-play technique is
independently by students. This finding is related to the suitability of the material to
in line with the research found by by Afisa the activity to be used. Because not all
& Yolanda (2015) which showed that the speaking activities can be done with role
factors that cause difficulties in learning to play. The teacher must pay attention to the
speak English are the frequency of practice competencies that must be achieved by
speaking English. students during speaking learning
activities. The following is the result of
The difficulties of using role-play interviews with English teachers.
technique during speaking activities is also
encountered by the teacher. Based on the Excerpt 12:
result of interview, The first difficulty is “There must be difficulties,
that teaching speaking using role-play especially if the class uses role play
technique is so time consuming. It is clear activities for speaking learning
that role-play technique requires a long activities. Because not all English
time for preparation, explaining the material can be matched by using
materials, group-discussion, practicing the role play, therefore I must adjust
dialogue before performance, performing what competencies students must
the dialogue, and evaluating the achieve. The learning activities in
performance. On the other hand, time the last weeks were in accordance
allocation of the learning process is quite with the method I used, because it
contained aspects of competence,
limited. This is showed by the data from
for example, students were required
interviews with teachers as follows: to write short and simple oral and

ELT in Focus, Vol. 5(2) December 2022
Copyright © 2022 ELT in Focus

written interaction texts that had to class, one of which is role-play technique.
involve action. So, I think this role This study aims at investigating how role-
activity is appropriate. It's good for play technique is used in English speaking
the material to be studied with the class, finding out advantages of using role-
competencies that students must play technique in teaching speaking based
achieve, maybe like that."
on the perception of students and teacher,
From the statement above, the and figuring out the difficulties that
second difficulty that the teacher felt was students and an English teacher
related to the suitability of the material, the encountered when using role-play
competencies to be achieved, and the use technique in the classroom.
of appropriate technique. According to
Based on the findings, the role-play
Hamzah (2008: 26-28), not all subject
technique carried out by the teacher in
matter can be presented through role play
teaching speaking included several stages
technique. Thus, it is clear that not all
such as delivering materials, dividing
learning activities can use the role play
students into several groups to make a
dialogue, students’ practicing the dialogue
Based on the explanation above, it can in their group, students’ performing the
be concluded that students encountered dialogue in front of the class, and
some difficulties when they learn speaking evaluating students’ performance.
using role-play technique. The first
In terms of the advantages of using
difficulty is about the pronunciation and
role-play technique, the findings showed
word or sentence structure. Secondly, it is
that it serves a lot of advantages. First, it
related to students’ lack of vocabulary.
gives more opportunities for students to
Finally, students found difficulty in
practice their speaking ability. Second, it
memorizing English texts. In addition, the
increases students’ confidence to practice
teacher found two difficulties during
speaking in front of the classroom. Then, it
teaching speaking using role-play
improves students’ interests during the
technique. First, teaching speaking with
learning process. Fourth, it gives students
role-play technique requires a lot of time.
opportunities to add more vocabularies in
There are many steps that must be carried
English. Finally, students can communicate
out starting from making dialogue texts,
in English with their friends more often, so
understanding content, memorizing texts,
that they can maintain their social relation
performing the dialogue, and evaluating
with their peers.
students’ performance with limited time.
The second difficult faced by the teacher is When using role-play technique, both
that the suitability of the material to the teacher and students encountered some
activity that will be used because not all difficulties. The students found difficulties
speaking learning activities can use role related to pronunciation, word or sentence
play. structure, lack of vocabulary, and in
memorizing the dialogue. Meanwhile, for
the teacher the difficulties are that teaching
Speaking is one of important skills that speaking with role-play technique needs a
should be mastered by students to be used lot of time and it is hard to make sure the
for transferring ideas. Unfortunately, some suitability of the material to the activity that
students feel less comfortable and confident will be used in role-play technique. The
to participate actively in speaking classes. results of this study are expected to show
Therefore, a certain technique is needed to better utilization of role-play activities in
encourage students’ participation in the

ELT in Focus, Vol. 5(2) December 2022
Copyright © 2022 ELT in Focus

teaching speaking skills to high school Speaking. Proceedings of the Fourth

students. International Seminar onEnglish
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