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Drinkable Lake Water

Parker Wilson


The purpose of this project is to find the most safe and
Materials Method The results gathered showed that all methods were able to
effective method to filter unclean lake water to become fit ● 4 Gallons of unfiltered lake water 1. Obtain 4 gallons of lake water remove harmful chemicals on account of there not being any
for drinking. Specifically, the three methods of; boiling, ● 1 HoneForest temp and TDS meter 2. Test lake water for harmful substances present. This is to be expected as any lake harboring enough
solar, and application of chlorine tablets. The process ● 100 SJ wave 16 in one test strips 3. Expose .75 liters of water to the sun for 6 hours copper or nitrite for it to be picked up on a test strip would be
used to determine the most effective water purification ● 1 H2Ok Prolab’s water test kit 4. Boil 1 liter of water for 3 minutes
incapable of supporting life. The results also showed that each
● 1 glass container 5. Apply an Aquatab Chlorine tablet to 2 liters of water
method is its ability to filter out chemicals, kill bacteria, method was able to kill any possibly harmful coliform bacteria.
● 1 3-liter boiling pot 6. Analyze results of tests and compare them to original samples
and reduce the amount of total dissolved solids. The However, the results for filtering out TDS had varying results.
● 6 Varify Bacteria tests 7. Repeat steps 2-6 this time testing for coliform bacteria
application of this research could allow people to provide 8. Repeat steps 3-6 for each methods effect on TDS
Using UV radiation to purify the water caused the levels of
themselves with drinkable water knowing that they are potential solids to remain the same. Dissolving the chlorine tabs
using the most effective and safe process possible for in the water caused the TDS to go up as now there was a tablet’s
worth of concentrated chlorine also in the water. Boiling the
treating the water that they need to drink.
water caused the total TDS to jump to around twice its original
value. This is because boiling causes steam to evaporate and
leave behind the dissolved solids, massively increasing their
concentration in parts per milliliter.


Three things that determine the success of the tests. Table 1. Table 2.
The original hypothesis was proven wrong as each individual
First, is the amount of chemicals that they manage to method is just as capable of killing off any potentially harmful
remove from the water, specifically the presence of bacteria as the others, but that doesn’t mean each method is as
chlorine, iron, copper, lead, nitrate, nitrite and fluoride. safe as the others. Boiling the water has shown to massively
Along with the ability to kill coliform bacteria, which is increase the concentration of all possibly harmful solids, making
a bacteria that is created in the intestines of creatures, any harmful substances within the water even more dangerous.
such as those native in a lake, that are known to cause Image 2. Chlorine purification can be effective but also dangerous if done
incorrectly, if one tablet is applied to any less than 2 liters of
the illness E.coli and are a major threat when
water then the concentration of chlorine then becomes too
consuming lake water. Lastly, is the filtering of TDS (
dangerous for consumption as it can cause damage to
Total Dissolved Solids), which is a measure of the
microorganisms in the body. Meaning that the safest from of
number of dissolved solvents in the liquid per the liquid tested water purification is solar, as it was the only tested
itself. However, it isn’t always a measure of harmful method that managed to kill the harmful bacteria without
substance but any difference in its concentration is a causing any additional health risks.
sign of effective purification. The hypothesis is that the Image 3.
Image 1
chlorine tablets will prove the most effective method
for removing chemicals, bacteria, and the total Coliform Bacteria Tests
The above image shows the results from the tests for coliform bacteria.
hardness. The control variable is the water being
Bevill, M. (2016, January 4). How to Purify Water Using the Sun. Sunshine on My Shoulder Solar Cooking Guide.
Despite all being the same color, only the far-left control group shows signs of coliform presence as it
filtered via each method, the independent variable
was taken with a different test because the original H2Ook test kit only had one coliform test that sun/#:~:text=Solar%20radiation%20can%20purify%20water%20and%20make%20it
would be the amount of water used in each purification Institute, M. S., EdD Sunlight. (2014, January 2). Sanitizing with Sunlight: the Best Disinfectant Know. Sunlight
happened to have yellow as the indicator color while the Varify tests that were used for the Institute.
process, and the dependent variable is the amount of experiment tests used yellow as the color for absence of bacteria. know/#:~:text=In%201890%2C%20the%20German%20microbiologist%20Robert%20Koch%20%28w
contamination remaining in each water sample. What does a positive test for coliform mean? – (n.d.). Retrieved
December 5, 2022, from

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