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The Anasazi

What became of the Anasazi people

and how did they disappear?

by John Adams

Table of Contents

PART ONE...............................................................................................................3
ANASAZI “STAR CITIES”.....................................................................................5
SOME RV HIGHLIGHTS........................................................................................7

PART TWO.............................................................................................................13
ERV SESSION BY JOHN ADAMS.......................................................................13
ERV SESSION BY THION....................................................................................37

PART THREE.........................................................................................................47
CRV SESSION BY HENRIETTA HAJDU............................................................47
CRV SESSIONS BY JEMMA WARNER..............................................................68
CRV SESSION BY JOHN DIXON........................................................................80
TRV SESSIONS BY PATRICK FLANAGAN......................................................107

PART FOUR..........................................................................................................113
ERV FEEDBACK (2003), REPORT, SUN STREAK PROJECT.........................113
DAVID MOREHOUSE (2003) CLASS DATA.....................................................120
ERV SESSION (2003) BY BECCA NIELSEN.....................................................121

PART FIVE............................................................................................................126
SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS.............................................................................126
SOURCES AND ADDITIONAL MATERIALS..................................................129


The Anasazi were ancestors of the Pueblo people in the areas known as the Four Corners, comprising
New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah. Their name is often translated as the”ancient ones” (or
often as “ancient enemies”, so now the term is considered offensive to some). These people were
hunter and gatherers who, somewhere around 100 AD, turned to a more sedentary lifestyle and began
creating an advanced civilization which included many stone structures, some of which contained
rooms up to 1,000 in number.

Chaco Canyon is in northwestern New Mexico and was at the heart of this civilization. The location
became the focal point of original members of the Remote Viewing military, which included David
Morehouse, Ed Dames, and Mel Riley. Apparently, they had viewed Chaco Canyon over the course of
several weeks. Ed Dames, in his book “Tell Me What You See”, places the project in 1991, under the
umbrella of his civilian remote viewing company PSI TECH. As detailed in the book, it was a pivotal
period in his life, a place he felt he needed to go to determine his future, ultimately choosing to leave
his military career behind, mostly after becoming disillusioned by the Iraq War. According to the
current PSI TECH website (acquired by Dane Spotts), “In the [sic] 1991 PSI TECH received a strange
envelope containing a video tape. It was from a scientist at JPL in Pasadena, California, who received it
from someone who taped an anomalous life-form in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. They had no clue
what it was, but hired PSI TECH to study it and write a report”. Paul H. Smith recently confirmed that
a trip to New Mexico took place. The company, he recalled, was hired at some point by Prince Hans
Adam of Lichtenstein, who along with Hal Puthoff and others had eventually lost interest. One of
Morehouse’s students and friend, Becca Nielsen, tasked the target to me blind and I decided to re-task
it in order to focus on the Anasazi departure. She viewed it in 2003. Her session is included and with
permission the ERV class feedback and report by Morehouse.

The sudden departure of the “ancient ones” from Chaco Canyon has stumped archaeologists and
researchers to this day. Theories on the subject range from warring and starvation to drought, though
none of the theories are entirely conclusive. For instance, they were said to have endured worse
droughts among their civilization in the past. Some evidence of cannibalism existed, but it did not
define their way of life. In fact, it could have been the result of attacks or break away society. In around
1054, these cosmic events are now known to have taken place: a supernova, the formation of the Crab
Nebula, and the arrival of Halley’s comet, all which were thought to have affected their way of life
somehow. It is speculated that the events were documented in petroglyphs. Around 1300 AD, the
inhabitants left Chaco Canyon never to return, their descendants eventually becoming the Pueblo, Hopi
and Zuni Indians.

Again, we set about to explore this aspect in more detail. It should be noted that these impressions,
while strongly in agreement and quite interesting themselves, are not any kind of final authority on
whatever may have actually taken place.

Pueblo Bonito / CC / Flickr

Chaco Canyon is recognized as a World Heritage site. It includes the areas Pueblo Bonito, Peñasco

Blanco, Pueblo del Arroyo, Pueblo Alto, Una Vida, and Chetro Kelt. The area is now arid and desolate,
spread over by light foliage, shrubbery and cactus. Ancient structures still inhabit the region. They are
claimed by some to align with the cosmos. Chacoan Great Houses include ceremonial chambers which
include kivas, cliff dwellings and watchtowers. There are also great facades and roads that appear to
mysteriously lead nowhere.

Gary David has written several books about this region in more recent years and maintains that the
Anasazi “Star Cities” align with Orion and other constellations. Although we don’t have direct support
of that it is worth noting that David Morehouse’s students perceived what they called “astronomers”
and “star-

Drawing on rock

Graham Hancock has studied ancient history for years, often going against the grain of orthodoxy,
however some of his work has now been established within that orthodoxy. It is interesting to note John
Dixon’s naming of “Graham Hancock” in his CRV session! The REXpedition ’17 at Chaco Canyon
with Graham Hancock And Gary David can be seen on video here:

2022 RV Highlights

2022 RV Highlights

2022 RV Highlights

2022 RV Highlights

2022 RV Highlights

Examples of Chacoan pottery




John A’s ERV Transcript

AOL Source of light, with the image of a heavenly object.

Something through a lens is being stabilized, bouncing around.

Like a star.
The letters cmy20 or ym20.

Star cluster?
Warm, yellow, brown, rough, exquisite
energy cloud, energy plus a cloud, AOL a storm.

Transient. I font know what that means

Passing by, passing through, monetary or inter-dimensional.
Green, glowing, lovely, warm, superficial.
Some kind of burning flame quality, a high temperature, or sustained burn of a flame.

The image of a star with many flares off of it or spikes pointing out; irregular?
Dark, silhouetted with the very edges highlighted.
Image of the wheel of a vehicle, a tire.
Warm, contrast, technical, fluidic, sweeping bright, glowing, like looking at a giant star (AOL).

Almost like a portal, like you can get through it.

Orangish, spherical, luminescent, power plant, power source, power, magnetic force like the force of a
jet engine, almost like flares from a jet engine in a circular pattern, but AOL Space Craft or vehicle.

Some expanse of darkness, dark silhouetted waves with blue highlights maybe?
Like a black, blue lake... doesn’t fully describe it.

AOL Alien.
AOL Alien Planet.
AOL Warp Drive (pops into mind).

The symbol that reminds me of a 69, like a spinning yin and yang but slightly different.

Like a view, vista, or horizon.

Some strange lands or area.
Dark, dark colored dirt, earth or geography.
Otherworldly planet look.
The sense of moisture and water.
Standing on it would be like watery and/or muddy.
Hot thick airiness or atmosphere or consistency.
Smells somewhat sweet.

Lattice structure, intricate patterned structure, almost engineering like, wire frame model grid structure
or some kind of intricate pattern.

[Perceive if anything is around me]

Immediately I see fogginess, land, as if there was a thick fog and I was standing on land and it was very
rural, almost fantastic looking. The fogginess would be a grey light green, mostly grey.

Land, flat, almost as if you were looking at a dry lake bed, but different. The word territorial for some
Exploding, AOL Lunar, weird bands of land, or landscape, colored, marbled or water-colored like
bands, white, grey, opalescent, maroon, dark blue, dark green.
I looked around for any subjects and seemed to focus on an extreme bright whiteness, radiance, almost
higher vibration like or frequency of something, whether it's physical vibration of something or
spiritual essence.
It takes me to a higher state. Then I see weird patterns, almost LSD like. Sparkle like patterns of color,
line, blue, green, sparkle, star-like, starburst, multiple starburst from a distance or glimmering,

If I float above and look down there is some sort of glowing colorful consistency, almost surreal like.

AOL like the surface of the sun or a star, but colorful. Tie-dye like.
Sphere, spheres, bands.

A hum; it's an emanating energy, from a point in space that goes outwards.
Weird strange grey patterns, like an emanation upwards. There is some structure to it. Monotone, hard
to describe. Think of a waterfall flowing upwards mixed with that of a structure. Like metal, or...
something about protect.

Then I see these orb glowing lights that come out of a cloud and are moving around. I'm at a perfect
viewing angle here. Very bright if you look at the essence of it. AOL War of the Worlds, space like.


Smeared, like the smeared energetic level of something, whether place or structure.

AOL a place, gathering, or meeting place.

Like close encounters of the third kind.

Where they met at Devil's tower with lights and people there
at night.

Pots, panel, molten, smelting, something emanating, moving around, energetic, magical almost, bright
or glowing.
Vibrant, hot.
AOL Satellite.
Bright, yellow, hot, pulsing, exchanging, interchanging, looping.
Place, shadows.
There may not be typical gravity here; floatingness, suspended, gravitating?
A glubule-something (or of something) floats by.
Plasma, plasma atmosphere, mist, haze.
There is something orange about this target, glowing, but also dark, like a dark forest, the orange in the

Then I see these dots or circles also, but darkened, and some amount of dark green cloudiness, rather

I see almost like these tracings or blue prints or designs. Again glowing, star-like.

End Session


Session Start

I get some color red, and like a dark orange.


I get a sense of a place, or a rectangular structure.

[Do you see any other colors or anything around the structure?]

Yeah, some white. It's like I'm looking from above. And a sense of cypress trees that are pointy.
And a sense of Earth, like dust and round.

[Does that have a color?]

Brown, dark brown.

[Is there a temperature?]

It's a bit cold, and maybe a bit humid, because I sense that I touch the ground.

[Any smells?]

I never smell in remote viewing. Let me see...

It's this color, like bright orange, that keeps coming. Like a fireball. Not fire, but.

[Is that what you see, a fireball or something orange?]

Like how you see a comet, there is a ball and a trail. But the light is orange and red.

[And this orange object or color, do you see it going in a direction or doing anything?]

Yes, it is moving.

[You see it go across, or in front of you?]

Yes, from right to left.

[Can you tell where it's coming from?]

It's coming from north or northwest. I see it in the sky so I can't know actually some
And like it's burning or something. But not like the burning we know, a different burning.

[Can you get a sense of what it is, or is it some kind of comet?]

It's not a comet. It's like some star. Some sun, or some star. But I don't know where it's moving.
Like it's on fire but I saw it moving. Like there is to the right a train or small reddish fiery trail,
like that.

[Is there a significance to this or a result to that thing, whatever it is?]


There is a vertical line opening, from like another dimension or portal, and this thing is going in
there. It's not fully open, but opening, and this thing is going in there. Like this thing has a
destination, is going somewhere. Some light place, some other place.

[And how does this dimension opens up or whatever it's going through?]

It feels as if this dimension knows, like the dimension has been waiting for this object, so now
the object is here and the dimension opens in two vertical lines that open and there is light in
there, and I see this object in the sky and the sky is dark. Two vertical parts of the sky opens.
Two vertical lines open in the sky so this objects go in there.

[Do you have a sense of where this is, or a sense of place?]

There is this object. And I feel that the earth is down to the Earth a little bit

[Okay, I didn't want to put words in your mouth?]

[With regards to Earth where you are standing what else do you see around there? Do you see
anything around you you notice?]

I feel the place I am standing it is white. It reminds me of some Greek things we have built for
the pigeons. Small, like castle like, and white, and some triangle shapes, some ornaments or
something. Like, I don't want to say shrine or temple, but this place is is not a house but
something else, and it looks or it feels...western...Mediterranean. I don't want to AOL because
of where I live.

[Okay, yes just how you feel or perceive. So you said not Western?]

Yes, not Western.

[This structure, can you tell me what material it's is made of?]

The material inside I don't know, but outside it is white and feels like it has...plaster. Like
outside they

have, yeah. But this plaster is like Earth, this white you put

[Earth Materials?]

Yes, but it feels old, like a little bit decayed, or preserved, or maintained, this structure.

[And do you see any subjects around this structure?]

I felt alone but let me check. There can always be someone, ha.

It feels like I was behind this thing, to its rear part, and to the front, which was facing northeast
or east, right to the door there is someone, like a priest or religious person or something. But it
doesn't feel like a church.

[Can you see this person's face?]

Shit, I don't know, there is something intense going on. (Rver is starting to struggle with

[It feels okay?]

It feels this person is intense, and maybe male. It's maybe from the past. I don't know if this
person exists now. It is from the past but has left some energy.

[Do you have a sense of what this person looks like, this male subject?]

Sense of beard. But also a sense of light. At first it felt a bit not good, but of light. I perceive a

[And if this is in the past, how much in the past, if you get a sense?]

This place has gained not some significance but some strong energy or something, through the
times, through the ages.

And I don't know if it's too old or if i can feel different eras to it or something.

Sorry, but (struggling).

[Lots of energy?]

Uh, Yeah.

And like I perceive some other people, from like a downhill, or I don't know.

Old, old, like older.

[Are these people all connected in some way or just there?]

They are a group. But many people, but a group.

[OK. What are they doing?]

Coming, ha, for like help, or I don't know, like coming for help, or I don't know, some
instructions or advice.

[Are they in need of help or advice, in other words are they in trouble or do they need regular

It seems like they are in trouble or in great need of advice.

Anxious...Like coming, really coming with momentum to get this help.

[Who are they coming to get help from?]

The place and maybe the male; the male stands out.

It seems the male has a light or quality that does not fit the place. Something like that.
Like a bit stronger, yes. Like a part of this person fits the place, but there is a part
that is different, but with light, but gives him some power.

[What kind of power would you say that is?]

I don't know.
I sense like there is an overall feeling of apprehensiveness. And like this male can lift their
hands, their arms. I don't know, I hope it's not my imagination. I try this male is some
priest or some I don't know some wizard or like that.

[Would you say he comes from a different place, because you said part of him feels like it's not]

It comes from two places. One place is the Earth and there is another place that has come, uh
more powerful, but these two parts of him coexist in his body.

[Where would you say this other place is connected to or related to?]

I got like the source, but. Some other, not this area, some other dimension, not from here. That
man was born and the other part of him came and attached to the human part and gave this
access to some light or powers.

[Can you tell in what way he's helping them or advising them?]

First of all I saw that the light and the powers are in his head and I saw the throat and the third
eye, something to do with that and...I don't know if this man is entirely not benevolent, but
taking advantage of this place.

[Taking advantage with his power you mean?]


[How might that be?]

With the ego. Like he wants maybe to have power over people, that he likes it.

But the situation is precarious overall, like he's the man to go to.

[Would you say this help is beneficial?]

Like they have no other solution. he's the man to go to. Many go to him because they are lower
vibration or the situation is lower in vibration and he gives them light or wakes up in them
force, but he has to learn also because he has the human part now.

Some intense stuff, i don't know. Like there is some war somewhere. Precarious situation.

[Are these people involved with some kind of war, is that what you mean?]

Maybe, or some fight, or they are fleeing, victims, like fleeing this difficult situation. I sense
some kind of fire in the background.

It's in nature, like in the fields and they come.

[Can you get a sense of what initiated this need, or problems, or?]

Like there was a turmoil but I also sense some natural phenomenon, like fire, fire flying from
the sky, like there is a jungle, fire falls, and burns everything. They manage to escape this
turmoil or burning.

[Is this a natural phenomenon?]


[And what is the outcome of going to receive this help or advice?

What do you perceive after this?]

Just let me go there, I need to shift. Can you repeat the number of the target?

[Target number repeated]

The problem is, I see many things at the same time that there are many possibilities or

I see a barren place, like burned to the ground and became a desert; this is immediately
afterward but at the same time closer to me. I also see flowers and grass, but I think this is
I think there are different levels of time.

[At this time at the event immediately following, as you said, are there any subjects in the


Almost feels like not everyone survived or something.

[By not surviving do you mean perish?]

They are not part in any way of this new environment.

[And do you perceive them anywhere else?]

The others?


The others...they went to, they flew, to some light. They became lighter and flew. To open again
the light like they went there, but good light, not to burn.

[And how do you see that happening? Can you describe this process a little bit?]

Yeah, like this man represents something. And the part that is darker, some people follow this
part. And the part that came from light, some people follow that part. There is like a separation.
But the people that go toward this light thing, they understand some things and also about that
man or situation. Because this man is like a...I dont know. They meet, there is this turmoil, and
they go up.

[How do they go up?]

By knowing, like they know there is this possibility, so they can go easy. They didn't know
before and like there is this now and they can somehow manifest it. Because it's like the
lightning. Because the lightning starts not only from the clouds, from the sky, but from the
Earth. And it starts from this manifestation. Part from the sky and part from these people who
have understood or realized some things. And they start to create this connection and this is
manifested eventually, and they can go there, very easily now.

[So something changed with their realization and they were able to go to this place and they
physically went there?]

Yes, physically.

I see they went there for help and there is separation and there is this light, but a portal of light.
I don't know if it's a portal or symbolic. I will not try to explain, but they can jump there you
know and go in there.

[A leap of faith?]

Ha, maybe. They want to go there.

[And the priest looking subject, what becomes of him, what is he doing?]

It feels that this priest stops to exist there. Not his lighter or darker, heavier part...stops.

But this priest comes from this giant also. They go back home by dying or something.

[And by "giant" you mean higher self? (a colloquial term)]

Yes, higher self, but very high.

[Can you contact that right now?]

(Exclamation. Viewer is experiencing increasingly powerful energetics through the session, and
seemingly accessing a higher aspect of the target.)

Yes, he is here where I am standing. Like we are in all this together, this whole thing.

I'll tell you exactly how it is, OK? It feels like I am a bigger giant, and this giant is a little
smaller and not as red as me, but also a giant. And the giant is earth-colored and learning to do
things. How I put it doesn't make full sense but this is hard to explain because these are very
high dimensions. But this is how, a bit, how to explain what we are doing here. That some
giants, sometimes to learn, the smaller giants send a smaller part of themselves to Earth. This
part is very important. I don't know, some things senior, I don't know. To do...yeah.

Like this giant is a child compared to us.

And we want to pat it on its shoulders, or caress its hair. There is tenderness from the rest of us
for this giant.

[It's a sort of learning giant?]

Yea, like child but a giant.

[And so does this little giant still have a connection to Earth, or a role?]

We all do, all that we are there, like we have created this project or something. This is a project.
Not only earth but the whole reality.

Oh my god...

[Are you feeling comfortable?]

Yes, but the energies...Sorry I make these horrible sounds from hell.

It feels like this was a situation that was not very bright. And some intense measures had to be
taken, from the part of the spirit. Like now we take some very intense measures, because we
can. Because it's time to take the very intense measures.

[OK, to intervene or take other steps?]

To intervene, or take steps like these people have never seen or could never have imagined.

[Can you speak more about this project and what you perceive about it?]

It's very important. One of the most important projects ever in the history of....

Because this whole reality is very important for God to go there, like the ultimate refinery, to
change, to evolve, because God evolves, God is not static, and perfection of God is not static,
and eternity is static; there is some kind of evolution that we can not be aware. And this reality
has been like this a (cough) big project of the giant. We are god and we can create whatever
environment we want, for whatever reason, even to play, and part of this project is to play, to
have fun. There is a lot of fun there. It's not only like some refinery. But sometimes when things
take a twist that we don't like we take these measures.

[And if we were to compare this project then and compare it to, let's say current time, what do
you perceive about it?]

Yes, I perceive that now the current time is a very, very good enhanced possibility that things
have taken, very good possibility, a very good reality, there are other realities and the beings
involved in the whole project can go back in time and go to other realities and keep enhancing
this project. And what we are currently living is one of the good ones, let's say. One of the
lighter ones, like light can flow better in this reality, right now currently.

[And the importance of this project is the refinery, and...]

The importance of this project is many things because it does not have only one purpose. The
purposes are many of the giants. There is playfulness involved, beauty, darkness, refinery,
learning, school, creation, many, many things. God is a very complicated being, and these giants
are very complicated beings. So when they create something it is not like a flat thing with a flat
purpose. It is many purposes together, many thousands of purposes together, creating a whole
reality that we can not perceive. But if feels this project has been a great refinery, that this is the
main thing, the main idea, playing, but together with so many things, many things together, yes.

[And this little giant and these other giants, do you perceive them separate from the God you
mentioned? (No...) Not separate...but not exactly the same?]

I see them separately because I can see them better. But essentially we can not even grasp what
God is right now. Not even the giants, exactly, to be honest. Even the giants from very high
dimensions, who know everything, or whatever, because God is something bigger, is the great
consciousness, God. But there is a part of God and we perceive it as Source, like the core, the
essence, and this part understands everything, knows everything and creates everything, and the
giants are like the people, not living there but they are very, very high beings, but let's say they
still have their own blind spots as far as god is concerned, if it makes sense.

[Okay, very good I think we can end it there then.]

End of Session






Session #1

Wavy and man made ideograms.

Preliminary S2 of yellow, golden, beige bright, shiny, radiant, glowing, soft, sheen, warm, light, reflec-
tive, curved, edged, glowing, white, outwards, upwards, "Ray's", round, energetic , light

AOL - Sun Ray's

AI - Feel of some bright yellow curving light expanding outwards.... interesting

Golden yellow has a white tinge, radiating bright, get a sense of a man made connection, angular, flat
vertical solid, warm, edged, square, smooth, indented, slick, polished.. indented edges are like cor-
ners, boxy .. feels past and old

AOL - Golden object , Ark of Covenant , Ancient Egypt

Get a metallic idea here, reflective gold light, shining , feel of edges like posts or legs at sides, defined
edges, slight diagonal from base to top, designed, artifact idea,

Shape of gymnastic horse box tapering diagonals at sides.. feel of energetics

AOL - Sun, Moses, Ascension Throne, artifact

AI - feel its inside some place , some structure

Structure feels solid, blocky, grey, stone feel, like a room, gritty, coarse, warm dry,

It has an opening like corridor or shift, "concealed" inside this place.. feel this golden object is inside
this structure, boxy gold object

AOL - Knights Templar

Triggers feelings and ideas of "The Da Vinci Code"... like a mystery.. lost or hidden



Session #2

Move to explore energetics: Wavy and motion upwards ideograms.

Preliminary S2 shiny bright luminescent green, misty glow, curving, edgy, thin, veil like , tapered
edges, soft light, energetics outwards, layered, segmented, yellow, pointy radiating

AOL - Night vision lens, Sacred Geometry

AI - feel of a green orb like pattern

It gas yellow web like streaks flashing, dark background, feels elevated , upwards perspective
rounded, curving, glowing, light, web pattern in center, geometric like segments, wave form, spiral like

AOL - Orb, Sacred Geometry

Feel of a design if some kind, may mot be perceptible to eyes, intelligence to it, mathematical, light,
green hues and strands

Pattern is curving, segmented connections or divisions like cross sections, fibrous feel, form or shape
"elemental".. emanating a form, like a projection, at a higher level of vibration, subtle energetic pat-
tern, imprint, communication of some kind,

AOL - Fibonacci sequence

Move to purpose - some kind of communication, higher intelligence, not a thing in itself, more an ex-
pression of higher intelligence, every bit as real as the 3D world of material things expressing an idea;
sonic or sound component.

AOL - Maseru Emoto consciousness pattern effects on water experiment, crop circle

What is the meaning of projection - expressing a concept or knowledge from higher intelligence, in-
trinsic in the universe, form of expression, like a conscious design pattern, not random, underlying
blueprint, fabric construct, spiritual quality or could be perceived as such.

Like a principle, mathematical, underlying nature at base level, ancient knowledge known by some ad-
vanced thinkers, communication by thought or mind but can't be felt...

Feels like a code of some kind!


AOL - Passage Tomb



The following report is used with permission from David Morehouse, who tasked his ERV
students in 2003, and in it provided background on Chaco Canyon and the activities during
project Sun Streak wherein they viewed the target and visited the physical location to gather
more info on the ground.

A summary of findings, drawings and an ERV mind map are included, as well as the full ERV
session by Becca Nielsen.

A highlight of these themes are: astronomers/star gazers, a place of spirituality for people to
gather, technology, power, destruction, fear of extinction, guidance from beings from other
planets, shift of civilization on the eve of transition, seekers of knowledge, a beacon for
extraterrestrial travelers, bright lights flashing in darkness, natural catastrophe, and people
who used this stone site became extinct.”

Some of the other data shows: invasion, death, stupidity, tools and utensils, portal, transition,
futile, dark, and sadness.



It is evident that both sets of data, those from 2003 and more recently 2022, are consistent
and mutually supporting, with each mentioning ancient stone structures, tools, desert lands,
technology and a shift in civilization. Similar aspects of dry land, mud, tunnels, underground,
and even strange lights and technology are reported.

Interestingly, more recent findings by John Kanter of the University of North Florida,
published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, where fingerprints on 985
broken pieces of corrugated ware from a Chaco Canyon site known as Blue J were analyzed
show some support for a change in the activity of male and female members of this culture.
The theme of disaster born of inner strife, war, weather, and earth changes are widely
present. Individuals of the Anasazi culture likely vanished physically from the Earth due to
some or all of these causes, while another component points to an increasing spiritual seeking
or connection where members gain help from a key individual, likely a priest of some kind.
Those choosing the spiritual path may have been assisted and experienced a different fate
from those who did not.

Our More Recent RV Data

There are many common threads occurring in our data to keep in mind. Most prevalent
among them is the sense of a portal that is seen virtually across the board with viewers. Other
aspects repeated are symbols, stone structures, blue prints and various designs, being in the
desert and the need for help or assistance, generally culminating in some notion of

Key terms included the following:

Ancient, desert, desert oasis, layered old land, stone, old structures, city, domed,
underground, portal, spiral, funnel, dimensions, energetics, energy cloud, star-like, stars,
bright objects, orbs, people gathering, people in trouble, people seeking assistance, people
perishing, storm, burning fire, fire falling from the sky, war, a precarious situation, people
physically leaving this Earth, passage tomb, ancient knowledge known by some advanced
thinkers, underlying blueprint, fabric construct, spiritual quality, higher intelligence, every bit as
real as the 3D world of material things, sonic or sound component, what is the meaning of
projection, extreme brightness and high vibration or spiritual essence that takes me to a
higher stat.

A gathering or meeting place like Devil’s Tower in Close Encounters, blueprints or designs,
plasma, symbols, hieroglyphs, ancient ruins, Graham Hancock, confused/looking to each
other for answers, motivationally drive by adrenaline or dire constraint, trying to cause
change, intense measures having to be taken, strange mental state, life force, dreamy,
psychedelic, heart chakra feels activated, divine intervention, synchronicity, metaphysical,
angelic, higher self, infinite,“Yod Hay Waw Hay”, God evolves, God is not static, the ultimate
refinery to evolve and change, transcendental, ascension, from when all things proceed to
when all things return.

Overall, mitigating factors may have included war, fire, and earth changes. In Thion’s session
there was a main subject who was consulted. People appear to have visited this individual for
guidance or help. This subject appeared to be a spiritually powerful priest, originating from this
planet, or coming to being in these ancient lands. He seems to be able to be become
spiritually aware and is involved in a spiritual project at some higher levels. It is uncertain
whether the main subject in Henrietta’s session is the same individual. Perhaps it was actually
the tasker.

In my session, there is an image of people gathering in nature in a scene reminiscent of

Devil’s Tower in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I wrote ‘transient, passing by, through,
momentary or inter-dimensional”. Thion’s monitored ERV session then stretches our belief
systems somewhat indicating that these individuals left through a dimensional opening, but
which is widely reported by nearly all the viewers. The viewers reported strongly on a sort of
transcendental experience, which included aspects of the metaphysical, higher vibrations, and
that which is interestingly “every bit as real as the 3D world of material things”.
Our results indicate the following:

Fleeing from turmoil and a difficult situation took place.

The situation involved storms, fire and war.
There may have been something burning in the sky or raining down.
A raized land was left behind, literally, symbolically, or both.
A spiritual leader-type was consulted; he was considered their only hope.
Deaths took place; some survived, some did not.
UAP aspects were involved.
Multiple sessions reflect some sort of ascension or a dimensional component
Across the board either a portal, vortex, a dimensional hole or tear was present.


We know that the Ancient Pueboloans (Anasazi) did not all mysteriously vanish. Some people
migrated to other parts and eventually settled into what are today’s Native Americans.
Researchers have revealed evidence of deforestation, water management issues, drought,
and some amount of cannibalism and violence. Religious and political upheavel may have
also contributed to the situation. All the data here points to these things and more.

On the Navajo reservation it is considered taboo to touch the relics left behind by these
ancient people.They believe they are cursed and will bring about supernatural harm to others.
While not definitive historical evidence, our clues appear to shed light on this situation further.
Whatever the case, the ancient ones chose to leave Chaco Canyon never to return and so at
least part of the mystery endures on.

For more information visit

Dames, Ed and Newman, Joel Harry. ‘Tell Me What You See’. Hoboken, New Jersey and
Canada. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2011.


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