Sincerity To Each Other - Pamphlet # 18

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Allah said: “Friends on that Day will be foes to one Abu Dharr said, “The Prophet sallallahu alayhe

u alayhe wa sallam the truth. Similarly, we must order them to what is good
another except the pious and righteous persons” (Qur'an said to me, 'Do not belittle in the least any good deed, and forbid them from what is evil. By flattering our
43:67). even if it is to meet your brother with a cheerful face’” companions and being flexible with them in the sense
(Muslim). that we tolerate their falsehoods, all in the name of
Choosing A Companion and Friend friendship, we are not showing the sincerity that the
Gentleness, love, compassion, and kindness – these Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam commanded Muslims
The Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam forbade that we strengthen the ties of companionship, for, Allah is "Rafeeq to show.
should keep company of unrighteous people. This is (kind, gentle, merciful), and He loves Ar-Rifq (kindness,
because an evil companion will always have a negative gentleness, and mercy). He gives for gentleness that Mutual Cooperation Among Companions
impact on one’s character. which He does not give for harshness and that which
He does not give for anything else” (Muslim). "And Allah helps His slave as long as His slave helps
Abu Moosa Al-Ash'aree reported that the Prophet his brother" (Muslim).
sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, “The example of a In Mas'ood related that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa
righteous companion and an evil one is that of a carrier sallam said, "Forbidden upon the Hellfire is every Being Humble with One Another
(seller) of Al-Musk (best kind of perfume) and a blower easygoing, flexible, easy- to-deal-with, and easy-to-be
of bellows. As for the carrier of Al-Musk, either he will sociable-with person" (Hasan, Ahmed). Believers are to be humble and easygoing while dealing
give [Al- Musk] to you as a gift, or you will buy from with each other, which help develop strong relationship
him, or you will find a pleasant odor emanating from him. One of the ways of increasing love between companions between them. If they behave with pride and haughtiness,
And as for the blower of bellows, either he will burn your and of removing rancor from their hearts is for them to the bond between them will be weak. Not only that, pride
clothes or you will find a foul odor emanating from him” give gifts to one another. and haughtiness lead to transgression, wrongdoing, and
(Bukhari & Muslim). oppression.
In his Muwattah, Malik related that the Messenger of
Loving Someone for the Sake of Allah Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, “Shake hands with Although Allah created people with different level of
one another: rancor will go away [from your hearts]. And lineage, status, and wealth, these differences are not an
Mu'aadh Ibn Jabal reported that he heard the Messenger give gifts to one another: you will love one another and excuse to belittle others. Abu Hurairah reported that the
of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam say, "Allah said: My [all] enmity [between you will go away” (Hasan). Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, "No
love is compulsory for those who love one another for one shows humbleness for the sake of Allah except that
Me; for those who sit with one another for Me; for those Be Sincere and Give Sincere Advice to Each Other He (Allah) raises him" (Muslim).
who visit one another for Me; and for those who spend
[charity] on one another for Me" (Sahih, Ahmed). Tameem Ibn Aous Ad-Daaree related that the Prophet Good Manners
sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, "Religion is An-
The highest level of companionship is to love someone Naseehah." Tameem related, "We said, 'To whom, O The Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, who had the
– not for material gain, not to achieve an important Messenger of Allah?'" He said, "To Allah, to His Book, best of manners, said, "The best among you is the best
position, not for any short-term or long-term worldly to His Messenger, to the Imams of the Muslims, and to among you in manners" (Bukhari). Ibn Mansoor said, "I
benefit – but only for the sake of Allah. the Muslim masses” (Muslim). asked Abu 'Abdullah about good manners, and he said,
'For you to not flare up in rage, nor even to become
Also, when two people love each other for the sake of The Prophet's saying, "The religion is An-Naseehah," angry..." Ishaaq Ibn Raahawiyyah said, "It is to have a
Allah, they should search their hearts every once in a means that An-Naseehah (to give sincere advice) is the cheerful face, to not become angry, and other similar
while, and check – has anything mixed with their love best and most complete aspect of Islam. Ibn Al-Jawzee qualities."
and contaminated its purity? explained: To give sincere advice to the Muslims means
to want good for them; this includes educating them, or Good manners play an important role in relationships
Elements of Friendship: Cheerfulness, Gentleness, at the very least teaching them what they need to know, among companions. When two friends have good
Love, And Kindness and guiding them to the truth. manners, their hearts will become united and all malice
will be emptied from their hearts. They will then meet
Therefore, to be sincere to our companions, we must each other with smiling faces, and they will choose the
It is basic Islamic etiquette for a Muslim to meet another want good for them, we must clarify the truth to them,
Muslim with a smile every time each meets the other. best of conversation for their meetings; they will avoid
and we must not, through flattery, deceive them about
base talk, and when one of them makes a mistake, the To forgive someone also means to accept his apology.
other will find an excuse for him. Al-Hasan Ibn 'Alee said, "Were a person to curse me
in this ear of mine and to apologize in the other, I would
Having A Heart Free from Rancor and Enmity accept his apology." And Al-Ahnaf said, 'If a person
apologizes to you, then meet him with cheerfulness."
From the supplication of the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa
sallam was: "And remove the rancor of my heart” (Sahih, Keeping A Secret
Jaabir Ibn 'Abdullah related that the Prophet sallallahu
Few are those who are free from feelings of rancor and alayhe wa sallam said, "When a man says something
malice - few because it is difficult for a person to give and then turns around (to make sure that no one is
up his rights to others. If we manage to meet the listening), then it (what he said is a trust (i.e., a secret
wrongdoing and ignorance and transgression of others that you must keep)" (Sahih, Ahmed).
with a pure heart that is free of malice, if we manage
not to reciprocate their evil with another evil, and if we When we are entrusted with a secret, we may not reveal
manage not to hate them for the wrong, they did to us, it to anyone, no matter how close a person is to us.
then we have reached a very high level of nobility and The Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam made it clear
goodness in our character. that a secret is a trust and that it must be kept safe.
Even if a person does not outright say, "This is a secret;
Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah don't tell anyone about it," but instead simply turns around
sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, "The believer is Ghirr to make sure no one is listening, we must treat what he
(one who is not deceptive by nature, and one who is says as a secret.
deceived because of his kind disposition and noble
character) and noble; the evildoer is Khibb (clever and The Wickedness of Being a Person of Two Faces
deceptive, always looking for ways to deceive people)
and ignoble" (Hasan, At-Tirmidhi). The Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, "You will
find that among the wickedest of people with Allah on
Having Good Thoughts About One's Companion the Day of Resurrection is he who is two-faced: who

goes to these (a group of people) with one face, and
Allah said, "Avoid much suspicions, indeed some to these (another group of people) with [another] face"
suspicions are sins. And spy not, neither backbite one (Bukhari).
another" (Qur'an 49:12). We should have good thoughts
about our companions. When they make a mistake, give "The difference is that a two-faced person praises the
them the benefit of the doubt; and when they say group he is with and finds fault with the other group,
something we don't like, interpret their words in such a and he does the same when he is in the company of
way that reflects best on their character as we have been the other group. On the other hand, the praiseworthy
forbidden from Adh-Dhan (suspicion). person goes to each of the two groups with words of
reconciliation, finding excuses for one group while he is
Forgiving Others’ Mistakes

to Each Other
with the other, trying to convey good points of the other
group while hiding their faults" (Fathul-Baaree).
Allah said, "...who repress anger, and who pardon men;
verily, Allah loves Al-Muhsinoon (the good-doers)" Source: The Book of Manners. Chapter: The Manners
(Qur'an 3:134). When we forgive someone for a of Interacting with One's Brothers. Pages 424-450.
mistake or an act of transgression, we are not showing
a sign of weakness; to the contrary, we are showing the From The Book of Manners by Fu'ad Ibn 'Abdul-'Azeez
nobility and honor of our character. Pamphlet Prepared by Nasrin A. Ash-Shulhoob.

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