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Mata Kuliah : FLSP 1 (Integrated) Jurusan : Manajemen

Pengajar : Tim LC Semester/ Kelas : Ganjil/ A - N
Waktu : 60 menit Sifat : Tutup buku & kamus

Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

Four Ways in which Coronavirus has Impacted Risk Management

The impact of the current coronavirus pandemic has already been huge. It has changed the entire world
around us, for individuals, governments, and businesses alike, and its impact will no doubt be felt for many years
to come. We are experiencing economic difficulty both collectively and individually. Since governments must
not only aid businesses in conquering the issue but also find the funds to do so, here are four of the most
significant ways that coronavirus has impacted the global risk management environment.

The first change is on employee management. How an organization manages its workforce is essential
even during more normal times. A motivated and engaged workforce is seen by most as a key element of
successful business and that has only become truer during the pandemic. Organizations have had to change much
of how they approach workforce management.

The second is leadership and communication. The way that senior personnel communicates with their
remote teams has also changed. There is no real reason why leaders can’t lead well using digital tools, but for
many organizations, it is still fairly alien to do so. Employees want to feel valued and well-remunerated in their
work, but also increasingly want to work for a company that does business in the right way and feel like they
have a say in the direction of that company.

The third aspect is related to logistics and operations. Supply chains across the world have been disrupted
or even completely dismantled. This has meant factories have closed, demand is not being met and there is an
attendant impact on sales from this.

The last one is related to post-pandemic planning and risk mitigation. Just as new measures were put into
place as the world went into lockdown, so they will also be when the world comes out of lockdown. With so
many people working from home – and many doing so successfully – there will be discussions about how to plan
for the future.

Adapted from

PART A: Answer the following questions based on the text. (Score 50)
1. Who gets the impacts from this huge pandemic?
2. Mention the top four adjustments in the management environment that have been affected by this current
3. Why are many organizational leaders unable to lead their organizations well during this pandemic?
4. Why is the demand for the factory’s product decreasing?
5. What is the possible plan for post-pandemic planning and risk mitigation?
PART B: Grammar (Score 50)
1. Analyze the part of speech of the underlined words from the sentences below.
a. The impact of the current coronavirus pandemic has already been huge. (paragraph 1)
1 2 3 4 5
b. Organizations have had to change much of how they approach workforce management. (paragraph 2)
1 2 3 4 5
2. Find 5 different phrases from the text, mention their types, and decide in which line those phrases are stated.
3. Compose one sentence for each type below.
a. Simple sentence
b. Compound sentence

- Good Luck -

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