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Kelompok 8

1. Dewi Murni C1B020040

2. Nomi Andila C1B020010
3. Cindhy Nurkolifah Siti Ariani C1B020005
4. Peri Jayadi C1B020037
5. Dhevan Wira Andika C1B020045

Service Quality Failure Grab Food

A. Definition Grab Food

GrabFood is the leading food delivery service platform in Southeast Asia. GrabFood
connects users with restaurants and food shops around them, and provides fast and easy
food delivery services. Through the GrabFood application, users can order food from
various available restaurants and food shops, and then the order will be taken by the
GrabFood driver and delivered to the address desired by the user. Users can also choose a
payment method that suits their preferences, such as cash, credit card or digital wallet.

GrabFood has become a popular choice for many people who want to enjoy their
favorite food from the comfort of their home or office, without having to leave the house.
Apart from that, GrabFood also helps restaurants and food shops increase their sales and
reach more customers through their platform. GrabFood also ensures the cleanliness and
health of drivers and users through various strict health protocol measures.

B. Service failure on the Grab Food application

Failure can occur due to several factors such as:

1. Interference with the system or server: If the system or application server experiences
interference or is down, the application will not be able to function properly, maybe
even cannot be accessed at all. This can cause users to be unable to order food or
restaurant partners to be unable to accept orders.
2. Technical errors in the application: Sometimes, technical errors in the application
such as bugs or glitches can affect the performance of the application. These kind of
technical errors can slow down the app or even stop its functionality.
3. Lack of coordination with restaurant partners: If there is an error or lack of
coordination between Grab Food and restaurant partners, such as delays in taking
orders or mistakes in food delivery, this can affect the user experience.
4. Payment problems: If there are problems with payments, such as errors in
transactions or payments that are not processed correctly, this can also be a factor
causing service failures in the Grab Food application.
To avoid service failures in the Grab Food application, companies can improve system
monitoring and maintenance, conduct better training and coordination with restaurant
partners, and fix technical problems that occur in the application. Delays in food delivery: If
the restaurant partner or driver is less responsive in taking orders or delivering food, then the
user may experience delays in food delivery.

Examples of Frequently Occurring Grab Food Service Failures:

- Delay in food delivery, exceeding the specified time

- Telling the customer to cancel
- Applications like to lag
- Rewards sometimes cannot be used
- Promo does not apply at night
- Receive food that is different from what was ordered
- GPS is not accurate
- Food that is ordered often spills
C. Several reviews of service failures on the Grab application
D. Rating the grab application

The following is an assessment of the Grab application, which has a rating of 4.9 out of 5.
So Grab is a good application even though there are still many errors and failures.

E. Efforts Made by Grab Food in Overcoming Service Failures that Occur

Grab Food has made several efforts to address complaints from customers regarding the
failure of the services they provide. The following are some of the efforts that have been
made by Grab Food:

- Responsive Customer Service: Grab Food has placed responsive and trained customer
service staff to provide fast and appropriate solutions for customers who experience
problems using Grab Food services.

- Driver Training: Grab Food also provides training to the drivers who work with them,
including training on driving behavior, how to interact with customers, and handling
emergency situations.

- Customer Ratings and Reviews: Grab Food provides a rating and review feature in their
application to allow customers to provide feedback and ratings on the quality of service
provided by drivers. This can help Grab Food to improve the quality of their services.

- Technology Development: Grab Food continues to develop their technology to make

the application more user-friendly and easy for customers to use. Apart from that, Grab
Food also continues to improve the existing technology in their application, such as
developing a faster and more efficient ordering and delivery system.
- Compensation for Customers: Grab Food provides compensation for customers who
experience service failure, such as refunds or offers of discounts on the next use of Grab
Food services.

F. Efforts to improve grabfood services

There are several efforts that can be made to improve GrabFood services, including:

1. Improving the quality of the user experience: Improving the quality of the user
experience can be done by increasing the speed and accuracy of order delivery,
ensuring adequate menu availability and food stock, and improving the quality of
customer service.
2. Increase driver availability: Adequate availability of drivers is an important factor in
maintaining the speed and accuracy of order delivery. Therefore, it is necessary to
make efforts to increase the number of drivers joining the GrabFood platform.
3. Improving safety and health: Safety and health are a top priority for customers and
drivers. GrabFood needs to ensure that drivers comply with health and hygiene
protocols, and make efforts to minimize the risk of spreading the virus during the
order delivery process.
4. Increasing cooperation with restaurants: GrabFood needs to establish good
cooperation with restaurants, so that it can expand the range and variety of menus
available to customers.
5. Improve technology: GrabFood needs to continue to improve technology and
innovation to improve user experience and efficiency in the order delivery process.
6. Increase promotion and branding: GrabFood needs to carry out proper promotion and
branding to increase awareness and attractiveness of GrabFood services for potential
customers. This can be done through various media such as advertisements on social
media or television, discounts and promos, as well as collaboration with influencers
and digital media.

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