Eng7 Q1 Module 2 Worksheet

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

S.Y 2021-2022

Identifying the Genre, Purpose, Intended Audience

and Features of Various Viewed Texts

Name of Student

Grade and Section

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the genres, features and intended audience of the material

2. present a poster containing information from material
viewed; and
3. organize information from a material viewed.

Activity 1: Let’s Get Connected!

Hello learner! Before we begin with the lesson, we just want to test
your prior knowledge about viewing materials. Be sure to read and
understand the questions carefully before answering the items.

Directions: Choose the letter of your answer for each item. Use a separate
sheet of paper for your answer.

1. A program that is a single item of important news aired on the

a. news flash c. movie clips
b. internet-based program d. documentary

2. A short video clip that can be watched over television or YouTube that
gives you an idea about the film or movie.

a. trailer c. internet-based program

b. movie clips d. news flash

3. You are watching over the television and suddenly there is an

interruption made to give way for the very important news that needs to be
a. movie trailer c. documentary
b. internet-based program d. news flash

4. Children love to watch cartoons on TV. Their themes vary as well as
the target group. This genre of movie clips is called__________.
a. comedy c. animated
b. horror d. fantasy

5. Which of the following is an example of documentary?

a. Frozen c. Failon Ngayon
b. Covid-19 updates d. The Monkey and the Tortoise

LESSON 2: Identifying the Genre, Purpose, Intended

Audience and Features of Various Viewed Texts

What’s In

Activity 2: Below is a chart of materials or programs which you can

view from your television sets or through the internet. Examine each item
and put a check mark under a column not familiar if you do not know
about the material.
Put a check mark under the column familiar if you have heard about
the material, very familiar if you have watched one.

What is good to Know!

Movie clip- a strip of motion picture film

Trailer – a short clip from a film
News flash – a single item of important news that is aired separately and
often interrupts other programs.

Television or TV, tablets and android phones plays a very

important role in our society nowadays. It is a way to inform people about

what is happening in our country and even in the whole world as well. By
means of watching, we can learn, we can be informed of, and we can stay
updated about the recent news, movies, entertainment and others.

There are three genres of materials viewed:

1. Movie Clip
2. Trailer
3. News Flash

1. Movie Clip - picture film, especially an excerpt from a longer film or

one inserted as part of another presentation, as of a telecast or full
length motion picture.
Movies, TV and online programs have various genres.
They are the following:

Animated – These are the cartoons we see on TV. Their themes vary as well
as the target age group (some are for toddlers and kids, while some are for
Children – These shows are for children and are almost always educational.
They can be animated or not.
Comedy – These shows are meant to entertain viewers, through the use of
jokes and pranks.
Drama – These shows are highly emotional, and the story always has sad
parts, like broken families, betrayals, etc. however, not all endings are sad.
Usually, the protagonist prevails in the end.
Educational – These shows are highly informational and can be intended for
children, teenagers, or adult. A lot of these shows are in documentary
format, which each episode focusing on a certain person or theme. Some use
demonstrations, as in shows that teach people how to make art.
Fantasy – These shows are unrealistic characters and plots, usually
including magic and supernatural creatures. They can be animated or not,
with a lot of visual effects.
Horror – These shows are intended to scare audiences, usually employing
supernatural beings like kapre, manananggal, and aswang.
News – These shows are used to inform the public about the latest updates
in the world, country, and community.
Variety Show – These shows include games, song-and-dance performances,
and other segments.

2. Trailer – (also known as a preview or coming attraction) is a commercial

advertisement for a feature film that will be exhibited in the future at a
cinema, the result of creative and technical work.


The Harry Potter movies have always done a great job with this. The
trailers remind us where we left off, remind us that we’re still fighting evil
and then leave it at that.

The same elements seem to appear in most film trailers such as:

1) The opening sound - the initial sound which is designed to grab the
viewers’ attention. It sets the mood for the trailer and gives the viewer an
idea of what the trailer is going to entail.
2) The music - used to set the mood and influence the audience emotion
3) The quick cut - gives the audience a sense of excitement and quick
paced. It can make a boring film seem a lot more exciting. Used to give the
audience a quick overview of the film which leads to curiosity and wanting
to know more.
4) The mute - gives the impression of loudness and therefore by removing
the sound altogether the impact is greater. Usually used in horror films to
add suspense and anxiety or in other genres to highlight the particular shot
or scene.
5) Motion graphics - adds something to read and can set a story. Use of
letters and words that fly, blow up, light up the screen and transform are
becoming more effective and popular.
6) The voice over - helps to tell the audience what the movie is about. An
audience sometimes need help to be told what the film is about. A voice over
can help to do this.
7) The character change - some call it the sex change but it basically
means focusing on the leading man for once audience and half way through
the trailer introducing a female character. A trailers aim is to usually
introduce the main characters/actors/actresses and they switch between
each one to aim at all target audiences.

Note that the trailer of a film is one of the most important
elements in the marketing campaign. Its purpose is to encourage an
audience to watch the film, giving them a small taster of what the film is
about ensuring that it just enough to get them wanting more.

3. News Flash
News flash is a very short program on radio or television broadcast
suddenly in the middle of another program when something very important
has happened,

When writing a news flash be sure you have all the facts. Speaking
of facts, check more than one resources before reporting on something. The
headline of the news flash is particularly critical. Here are some several
things you need to remember.

• Even though the news may be "hot," don't sacrifice accuracy for speed in
publishing. Be sure you have all the facts.
• Speaking of facts, check more than one sources before reporting on
• The headline of a news flash is particularly critical. While a clever title
might sound cool, you need to stay with terms and phrases that people will
use when they search.
• When describing the event, activity, etc. be sure to include background
information and analysis.
• In addition to the description, be sure to explain how this event or activity
impacts your readers.
• If possible, offer your readers some next steps - what they need to do next,
where they can find more information, etc.
• Be sure to include how you can help your clients and prospective clients.
Explain what benefits you may bring to the table for them.
• Add a call to action to the end of the piece, giving clients and potential
clients a reason to contact you.
 You can offer a consultation on whether this information will
affect them.
 You can also offer other services that may provide support they
may need with regard to the information you presented.

The news flash accomplishes two distinct objectives:

1. The content itself is important to get out to your readers.
2. The content indicates that you are a person who is in touch with the
pulse of the business world.

Activity 3: The Movie Clip Worksheet
Below is a trailer worksheet. Fill in the box with the information needed
about the trailer you have watched.

You have been doing great in our past activities!

Let’s do some more!

Activity 4: Poster Campaign!
As we open our television, we often hear news report about COVID19
pandemic that greatly affects the world today. Make your own poster about
the latest news regarding COVID19 and the preparation you made with your
family at home.

Here is the rubrics for your activity.

Rating Criteria:

Global Appearance – 20

Information/Ideas –5

Cleanliness -5

Total - 30 points

Are you still enjoying our adventure?

Oh! That’s great! You are really a great learner.

Activity 5: What I Have Learned

In this section, you will answer a 3-2-1 chart where you have to give 3
things that you have found out from our discussion, 2 interesting things you
discovered and 1 question you still have to ask.

Let us know check your understanding toward this lesson!
Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the genre of viewing used in the
following statements.

__________1. This genre is a commercial advertisement for a feature film that will
be exhibited in the future at a cinema, the result of creative and technical work.

__________2. A single item of important news that is broadcast separately

and often interrupts other programs.

__________3. A strip of motion picture film, especially an excerpt from a

longer film or one inserted as part another presentation, as of a telecast or
full-length motion picture.

__________4. These shows are highly informational and can be intended for
children, teenagers, or adult. A lot of these shows are in documentary
format, which each episode focusing on a certain person or theme. Some use
demonstrations, as in shows that teach people how make art.

__________5. These shows are unrealistic characters and plots, usually

including magic and supernatural creatures. They can be animated or not,
with a lot of visual effects.

__________6. These shows are meant to entertain viewers, through the use of
jokes and pranks.

__________7. These are the cartoons we see on TV. Their themes vary as well
as the target age group (some are for toddlers and kids, while some are for
__________8. These shows are intended to scare audiences, usually
employing supernatural beings like kapre, manananggal, and aswang.

__________9. These shows include games, song-and-dance performances and

other segments.

__________10. These shows are for children and are almost always
educational. They can be animated or not.

II. Read and understand the statement below. Write T if the statement
is True and F if the statement is False.

__________1. When writing a news flash be sure that all the details are facts.

__________2. One of the elements of a trailer is the opening sound where it is

used to set the mood and influence the audience emotion.

__________3. You are watching your favorite knowledge channel where you
can watch and gain information about the different learning areas such as
English, Math, and Science. This is an example of genre for children.

__________4. Trailer is also known as the coming attraction of a movie.

__________5. The variety shows are used to inform the public about the latest
updates in the world, country and community.

Brace yourself and think about the benefits of learning how to

identify genre, purpose, intended audience and features of various
viewed texts, have brought to you.
N.B: The contents of this worksheet were adapted from
ENGLISH 7 Quarter 1 – Module 2: Identifying the Genre, Purpose,
Intended Audience and Features of Various Viewed Texts (MIMAROPA).

5. F 10. Children 5. fantasy

4. T 9. Variety 4. educational
3. T 8. Horror 3. movie clips
2. F 7. Animation 2. news flash
1. T 6. Comedy 1. trailer
II. I.

Activity 2-5 (Answers may vary).

c 5.
c 4.
d 3.
b 2.
a 1.
What I Know A.

Answer Key:


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