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Governance As the governing body

1. BOD acts as an management &
intemediary betweeb goverrnance As the managerial
shareholders and Management
2. The main function is
Board of Director
to ensure that the 1. Responsible for the
corporation has been overall decisions and
run by the management performance of the
in an appropriate organization
manner Governance and 2. Appoint a CEO who
Management The Role of the Board of will compose the
Governance and Board Director corporate management
1. Acceleration of global of Director team
3 Carry out the function
2. Complex corporate
of providing advice to
business environment
Board of Governance the management or
3. Increased demand for
progress directors
4. Pressure to be more
involved ion CSR Phantom, Rubber
activities stamp, minimum
Continuum board
review, Nominal
participation, Active
participation, Catalyst

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