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governance system
2. The market for
corporate control 1. The CG structure in
mechanisms lies at the Classification Indonesia both private
heart of the outside and public.
control system 2. The lack of separation
3. Bank-oriented Governance Structure
of ownership and
governance system control, followed by a
high concentration of
1. Company ownership Indroduction of
is concentrated in Corporate Governance
individuals or families Milestone Governance 1. High ownership
2. Share ownership with and Organization structure
majority control by the 2. Excessive
family government
3. The development- intervention
patterned family Weakness 3. Underdeveloped
business groups with capital market
diversified business 4. Weak enforcement of
fields Characteristic applicable lawas
4. Very vulnerable to regarding investor
changes in economic protection
5. Capital market is
relatively small
6. Weak law
enforcement and
supporting institutions
in keeping the system
running property

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