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Carley Hoenig

Mrs. Motsinger

9th lit, pd 2


Running into the Night

They run, run into the end of time with sweat glistening on their foreheads, dripping down into

their eyes, panting for breaths that were not coming. Weary legs pushing for strides that have

become painful as they stumble over branches and fallen debris. The few friends push forwards

in order to reach a destination that has been awaiting them all day. The woods have engulfed

them, all sense of direction lost; therefore, the glowing moon peeking through the lush green

trees, towering above their heads, was their only source of navigation. The sunset was not going

to stop them from finishing what they had been waiting for all summer.

“Hey Lena, you down to go out today?” Carley asks hopefully. This would be one of the

days where they would spend it laughing and having a time they will never forget.

“Yeah sure. We should get Kaiden and Jeremy too. I’ll text them real quick.” She replies,

shooting the two a quick text of question. Excitement surged through both girls as they knew that

this day was going to be full of adventure and amusement. Each time these friends get together,

idiotic decisions are made, and laughing is more occurring than talking. No words had to be said

to be able to enjoy each other's company as hours pass of just spending time together.

Shortly after asking, the four friends met up with each other under the brilliant blue sky,

wandering in a neighborhood, roads steaming from fresh rain fall clashing with the heat of the
midsummer day. They synchronously decided to go on a back trail leading into the wide range of

trees and tall grass that whet up to their hips. Each step was carefully placed to not step on

something that could harm them, such as a snake. On the other hand, this was short-lived as the

two boys started to push and shove, trying to knock the other over.

“Guys, you need to watch where you’re stepping. I am not carrying you all the way back

if either of you gets hurt,” states Carley, knowing it most likely wouldn’t stop anyway. As the

walking continued, they finally decided they had fooled around enough for now. In this moment,

the four were still in a clearing, but soon the trees would envelope them. Not knowing where

they were going.

Their minds wandering of where to go next, they lost track of all time; although, they

didn’t have a care in the world. Wide smiles were on everyone's faces as their voices echoed to

what seemed like a never-ending abyss.

“Oh no,” Kaiden says in an outburst, “There is no way I’m going to walk in the creek

with these shoes.” They knew there was no changing his mind about that. The water rushed

down the sandy bank, rocks of all sizes coating the bottom of the stream. It wasn’t deep enough

to really soak him, but he was only worried about his shoes. The navy vans, with off-white laces

where they have been worn time and time again, were not the most appropriate shoes for the trip

the friends were taking.

The other three debated who was going to carry him across the creek. They all look at the

sleek water once more and Carley volunteers. Her shoes had the best grip; therefore, she was less

likely to fall with the extra weight.

Continuing, Carley trudged through the water with Kaiden weighing her down while the

other two race ahead laughing and teasing.

“Kaiden, I still can believe you won't suck it up and just let them dry out later!” Jeremy

shouts, stifling his laughter once more.

“Honestly; Carley if I were you, I would just drop him right then and there. We have a lot

of walking to do, and you’re going to be sore,” Lena says precociously. Carley looks back at the

boy clinging to her and shows a wicked grin, one that went from ear to ear.

“Carley,” he pleads, “You don’t have to do this, we can talk about it?” her malicious grin

only grew wider.

“What’s in it for me to not drop you right here and now?” she replied, thoughts of

following through or not racing through her head. Knowing it would be mean, she didn’t want to,

but it would be so funny in the moment. She knew he would make a pained face and then

chuckle. Just like he did every time something happened that he didn’t like. She also wondered if

this time, it may be different.

“Well, I could-” he was cut off as his feet hit the ground and he slipped on the smooth

rocks beneath his feet. He looked up with that face she knew so well. Eyebrows scrunched, he

slowly looked up, his eyes turned beady as he squinted at Carley. Trying to keep a straight face,

she mimicked his facial expressions. Her lips curled down, yet she looked as if she had a smile

on her face still. Seeing how she was holding back laughter as Jeremy and Lena busted out in

glee, Kaiden started to chuckle as well. They could all tell it was an annoyed chuckled, but it was

still there.
“I cannot believe you!” he states with a light shove, a smile taking over his otherwise

pouty face. His shoes were now soaked all over. There was no going back from that, so they

continued. He was constantly complaining about how soggy his shoes were now. Each step they

took on dry land was followed by loud squishing. “Ew’s” went around as they all worked to get

up a steep hill and they could feel the water sloshing in their shoes.

Finally reaching the top of the hill, they saw the place they had been hoping for all day.

Each person shared excited looks and knowing smiles. The sweltering air was now down to a

cool breeze of the summer evening. The four friends have spent the day sharing an experience

that only happens once every summer. Each time new memories are unlocked, and they are

satisfied with the day. Knowing that this is their last destination, they take off in a sprint, ready

to go head on into what lies next.

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