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KERIOR c or Sens Sneha Republic ofthe Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMEN LOCAL GOVERNANCE REGIONAL RESOURCE CENTER 1 PAGPAPAYO PARASA : LAHAT NG MGA DIREKTOR PANLALAWIGAN NG DILG PAKSA : ALL LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS (LGUs) TO ENSURE THAT THE DAY CARE CENTERS ARE OPEN AND OPERATE ON MAY 09, 2022 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS (NLEs) Ito ay patungkol sa nakalakip na Memorandum Circular No. 2022-057 na may petsang Mayo §, 2022 mula kay Kalihim Eduardo M. Afio ukol sa nabanggit na paksa. Mangyaring ipalaganap sa mga lungsod at munisipalidad na inyong nasasakupan na magbukas ng kanilang Day Care Center sa Mayo 9, 2022. Para sa inyong impormasyon at pagsunod ng lahat, [i J. DAQUIOAG, Ph.D., CESO III 4 Ranrehiyong Direktor '4 ORDWUDILGMEDIRGS ihe g. “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” Tel. Nos. (072) 888 2108 » 888 2289 - 888 2204 « 888 3106 {888 7695 + 607 1245 + 607 1831 + 607 4467 to 70 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, Barangay West Triangle, Que: vn dig MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR No.2022-057 > 7 To : ALL PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS, CITY AND MUNIGIBADN>~ MAYORS, PUNONG BARANGAYS, DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS AND FIELD OFFICERS, BARMM MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MILG) AND OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT : ALL LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS (LGUs) TO ENSURE THAT THE DAY CARE CENTERS ARE OPEN AND OPERATE ON MAY 09, 2022 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS (NLEs) MAY 06 2022 The Commission on Elections (COMELEC), pursuant to the pertinent provisions of the Philippine Constitution, the Omnibus Election Code, other election-related laws, and Republic Act No. 9710, otherwise known as the Magna Carta of Women, issued Resolution No. 10780, requiring all LGUs to open their Day Care Center on May 09, 2022, National and Local Elections and in the subsequent elections thereafter. The Subject Resolution intends to inspire women with courage to exercise their right to Participate in po In this regard, all Local Chief Executives are enjoined to comply with the COMELEC directive by ensuring that their respective Day Care Centers are open and operational on May 09, 2022, NLEs, subject to the following requirements, to wit: a) Hours of Operations.- They shall be open during Election Day, from six o'clock in the morning (6:00 AM) up to seven o'clock in the evening (7:00 PM) “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” Trunkline No.:8876-34-54 b) Minimum Public Health Standard. - the teachers/custodian shall strictly observe all the minimum Public Health Standards laid down by the IATF corresponding to the Alert Level as declared in their respective areas of responsibility to ensure their safety and that of the children, such as, but not limited to: 1) Well-Ventilated Day Care Centers. - Preference for spacious and well- ventilated classrooms shall be emphasized; 2) Cleanliness and Sanitation. - Teachers/custodians shall ensure the sanitation of frequently used/touched surfaces; 3) Temperature Checking. - Teachers/custodians shall check the temperature of the children upon their entry into the center and refer to the Physician anyone who will register a temperature of 37.5 degrees Celcius and above for proper medical treatment and isolation: 4) Wearing of Face Mask. - All teachers/custodians should wear face mask at all times; and 5) Maximum Number of Persons Allowed. - Depending on the Alert Level of the area, the people inside the center shall not exceed the maximum number allowed viz its operational capacity. Alll Local Officials are informed that the Commission will monitor the implementation of the subject Resolution, as well as the Compliance and Non-Compliance thereto by LGUs. As such, all concerned are advised to coordinate and collaborate with the Local COMELEC/Election Officers concerned, for other information, details and/or clarifications regarding the matter. All DILG Regional Directors are directed to cause the widest and immediate dissemination of this Circular in all LGUs within the Region. Likewise, the Provincial Directors, City Directors, and the City and Municipal Local Government Operations Officers are directed to ensure that the Local Chief Executives within their respective areas of jurisdiction are informed of this directive. The BARMM-MILG is respectfully requested to circulate this policy and urge compliance with COMELEC Resolution No. 10780 by all Local Chief Executives within the BARMM Territory. For the information, guidance and compliance of all concerned. . ANO Secretat 0 (OSECIEMANBOOIe=m enc: COMELEC Resolution No, 10780 dated Page 2of2 Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS Manila IN THE MATTER OF PANGARUNGAN, Saidamen B., Chairman REQUIRING ALL LOCAL INTING, Socorro B. Commissioner GOVERNMENT UNITS CASQUEJO, Marlon S. Commissioner PEN THEIR FEROLINO, Aimee P. Commissioner DAY CARE CENTERS ON BULAY, Rey. ae ECTI 9, TORREFRANCE-NERL, Aimee S. Commissioner = ION DAY, MAY 9, GARCIA, George Erwin M. Commissioner 2022 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS AND IN SUBSEQUENT Th TONE ee Promulgated April 13, 2022 Lo x x RESOLUTION NO. 10780 WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 9710 otherwise known as the Magna Carta of Women, states “all people have the rights to participate in and access information relating to the decision-making processes that affect their lives and well-being;” WHEREAS, it is the Policy of the State to ensure women’s Participation in policy-making or decision-making bodies in the regional, national and international levels; WHEREAS, one of the barriers to women’s political participation and voting is the care for their children during election day. Most mothers have difficulty finding somebody to take care of their children while they cast their votes; NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the powers conferred upon it by the Constitution, the Omnibus Election Code, Republic Act No. 7166, and other related election laws, in order to encourage women to vote without having to worry about their small children, the Commission En Banc RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, to require all local government units, specifically provincial governments, city and municipal governments, and barangays, thru the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), to open their Day Care Centers, subject to the following guidelines; Section 1. Scope of this Resolution. - This Resolution shall apply to all local government units, provinces, highly urbanized and independent cities, municipalities, and barangays in the country. Page 2 of 3 Section 2. Operations of Day Care Centers. - All local government units, specifically provinces, highly urbanized and independent cities, municipalities, and barangays, thru the DILG, are hereby ordered by the Commission to open their Day Care Centers on Election Day, May 9, 2022 National and Local Elections and in every election thereafter, subject to the following requirements: a) Hours of Operations. - They shall be open during Election Day, from six o'clock in the morning (6:00 A.M.) to seven o'clock in the evening7:00 P.M.) >) Minimum Public _—-Health = Standard. +4- ~The teachers/custodians shall strictly observe all the Minimum Public Health Standards laid down by the IATF corresponding to the Alert Level as declared in their respective areas of responsibility to ensure their safety and that of the children, such as, but not limited to: 1) Well-Ventilated Day Care Centers. - Preference to spacious and well-ventilated classrooms shall be emphasized; 2) Cleanliness and Sanitation- Teachers/custodians shall ensure the sanitation of frequently used/touched surfaces. 3) Temperature Checking - Teachers/custodians shall check the temperature of the children upon their entry into the center and refer to the Physician anyone who will register a temperature of 37.5 degree Celsius and above for proper medical treatment and isolation; 4) Wearing of Face Mask ~ All teachers/custodians should wear face mask at all times; and 5) Maximum Number of Allowable Persons. Depending on the Alert Level of the area, the people inside the center shall not exceed the maximum number allowed viz its operational capacity; Section 3. Effectivity. - This Resolution shall take effect on the seventh (7) day after its publication in two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines. Section 4. Publication and Dissemination. - The Education and Information Department (EID) shall cause the publication of this Resolution in at least two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines. All field officials and EID shall cause the widest dissemination of this Resolution for the information of the public. Poge 2 of 3 Page 3 0f3 Section 5. Implementation. - The Executive Director and the Deputy Executive Director for Operations shall ensure the implementation of this Resolution through the Regional Election Directors, Provincial Election Supervisors, and Election Officers, all of whom are directed to provide copies of this Resolution to the Heads of the local government units and monitor their compliance therewith. Section 6. Reporting. ~ The Regional Election Directors shall, not later than June 9, 2022, submit their Consolidated Report on Compliance or Non-Compliance by the LGUs under their respective areas of responsibility to Commissioner Socorro B. Inting, the Chairperson of Gender and Development Focal Point System, through Dir. Esmeralda Amora-Ladra, the Head of GAD Focal Point System - Technical Working Group at email address SO ORDERED. SAIDAMEN B. PANGARUNGAN Chairman SOCORRO B. INTING MARLON S. CASQUEJO. Commissioner Commissioner AIMEE P. FEROLINO REY E. BULAY Commissioner Commissioner AIMEE S. TORREFRANCA-NERI GEORGE ERWIN M. GARCIA Commissioner Commissioner CERTIFICATION APPROVED by the Commission En Banc during its regular meeting on 13 April 2022, pursuant to COMELEC Resolution No. 10671, entitled: “Supplemental Resolution to COMELEC Resolution No. 9366 Promulgated March 25, 2015 entitled, ‘Rule on the Enactment and Promulgation of Executive or Administrative Resolutions’ Providing for Other Format of Meetings Applicable in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Imposition of Community Quarantines and Similar Emergency Situations”. ATTY. IELO B. DIOLA Acting Comelec Secretary This Resolution can be verified at this number (02)85272987; email address comsec@comel \h. Page 3 of 3

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