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With interest/distrust

Eye: to look at sb/sth carefully, especially because you want sth

or you are suspicious of sth
Look sb up and down: to look at sb very carefully
To suddenly see something
Look askance (at): to look at sb/sth with suspicion or doubt, or in
a critical way
Notice: to see or hear sb/sth; to become aware of sb/sth
Sight: (formal) to suddenly see sth, especially sth you have Quickly
been looking for
Spot: to see or notice a person or thing, especially Glance (at/up/down, etc/sideways*): to look quickly at sth/sb
suddenly or when it is not easy to do so Glimpse: to see sb/sth for a moment, but not very clearly
Skim (through/over) / Scan (sth/sth for): to read sth quickly in order
to find a particular point or the main points
*Glance sideways: to glance at what is at your side
With sexual interest

Eye sb up: (informal) to look at sb in a way that shows you have a Angrily
special interest in them, especially a sexual interest
Frown (at/on/upon): to make a serious, angry or worried expression by
Leer (at): too look or smile at sb in an unpleasant way that shows
bringing your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your
an evil or sexual interest in them
Make eyes at/give sb the eye: to get the other person’s attention
Give sb a dirty look/black look: to look at sb in a way that shows you are
Ogle: to look hard at sb in an offensive way, usually showing sexual
annoyed with them
Glare (at/into/round/across): to look at sb/sth in an angry way
Have bedroom eyes: A way of looking at sb that shows that you are
If looks could kill: used to describe the very angry or unpleasant way sb
sexually attracted to them
is/was looking at you
Look daggers at: to look at sb in a very angry way
Scowl (at): to look at sb/sth in an angry or annoyed way

To stop looking at something

With difficulty
Avert one’s eyes: to turn your eyes away from sth that you do not Peer (through/into/out of): to look closely or carefully at sth,
want to see especially when you cannot see it clearly
Look away: to look towards a different place or in a different Squint (through/over,etc): to look at sth with your eyes partly shut in
direction. order to keep out bright light or to see better
For a long time Other ways of looking

Contemplate: to look at sb/sth in a careful way for a long time Look around: to visit a place or building, walking around it to
Gape (at): to stare at sb/sth with your mouth open because you are shocked or see what is there
surprised Sightsee: (only used in the progressive tenses) referred to the
Gaze (at/into/etc.): to look steadily at sb/sth for a long time, either because you activity of visiting interesting buildings and places as tourist
are very interested or surprised, or because you are thinking of sth else
Gawp/gawk: to stare at sb/sth in a rude or stupid way
Goggle: to look at sb/sth with your eyes wide open, especially because you are
Denoting affection
surprised or shocked
Stare (at/through/into): to look at sb/sth for a long time Make goo-goo eyes at sb/go all googoo eyed over sb: to be
infatuated with someone, presumably because one’s eyes
widen and shine brightly whenever the object of one’s
Carefully/Searchingly affections is seen or mentioned

Check (that/whether/how/who/for/against/with): to examine sth to see if it is

correct, safe or acceptable Without purpose
Engross: sth/sb that is so interesting that you give it all your attention and time Browse (through/around): to look at a lot of things in a
Examine (how/whether/what, etc./sth for sth): to look at sb/sth closely, to see if shop/store rather that looking for one particular thing
there’s anything wrong or or to find the cause of a problem To be just looking: used in a shop/store to say that you are
Go through: search not ready to buy sth
Inspect: to look closely at sb/sth, especially to ckeck that everything is as it should be
Look over sth: inspect; examine
Look sth over: inspect one by one or part by part Secretly
Observe (that/sb doing sth/how/what/where): (formal) to see or notice sb/sth
Peek (at/through/into): to look at sth quickly and secretly
Pore (over): study with close attention
because you should not be looking at it
Scan: to look at every part of sth carefully, especially because you are looking for a Peep (into/through/out, etc/through/from/out of): look quickly
particular thing or person and secretly at sth, especially through a small opening
Scrutinize: to look at or examine sb/sth carefully
Survey: to look carefully at the whole of sth, especially in order to get a general Opening and closing one’s eyes
impression of it
View: (formal) to look at sth, especially when you look carefully Blink: to shut and open your eyes quickly
Watch: look at sth moving paying attention; keep the eyes on sth to see every Wink (at): to close and open one eye quickly to
movement, every action, etc. communicate sth or to show that sth is a secret or a joke
What do they have in common? The three verbs perceive sth by means of the eyes

Why are they different?

 See stresses the reception of visual impressions (use of the organs of vision). See is a verb of perception.
Examples: “I can’t see anything”; “If you shut your eyes you can’t see”
 Look stresses the directing of the eyes to sth or the fixing of the eyes on sth in order to see it. Watch is a
verb of attention. Examples: “He refused to look in the mirror I gave him”; “Look at this”
 Watch implies the following of sth with one’s eyes, so as to observe every moment, every change, etc.
Examples: “Watch for a while and tell us what you see”; “The cat is watching the mouse”

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