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Разработчик: Ахметова Cахибам Cайдалимовна

учитель английского языка HiTech Academy

при поддержке ГНМЦНТО
при Управлении образования г. Алматы

План самостоятельной работы учащегося 7 класса по английскому

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Номер урока: 5
Тема урока: Listening and Speaking: My favourite hobby

Цель: You will be able to listen for specific information and to present your
about your favourite activity.

1. Listening: Listen to Petra talking about her favourite hobby and fill in the

Hobby: ______________
Place: _______________
How often: ___________
Equipment: ___________
Cost: ________________

2. Read the questions. Answer them. Use prompts if needed:

- What’s your favourite hobby or sport?
I love snowboarding.
- Why do you like it?
I like it because it’s great exercise.
- Where do you do it?
I go snowboarding in the mountains.
- How often do you do it?
I go twice a month.
3. Find a photograph showing you doing your favourite hobby. Create a video
presentation. Send it to the class chat and to your teacher.

Обратная связь: Send the voice message and the text to your teacher by

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