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Разработчик: Ахметова Cахибам Cайдалимовна

учитель английского языка HiTech Academy

при поддержке ГНМЦНТО
при Управлении образования г. Алматы

План самостоятельной работы учащегося 7 класса по английскому

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Номер урока: 11
Тема урока: Communication and Technology: Vocabulary

Цель: You will be able to talk about technology that you use

1. Listen and repeat:

1) Chat on social media

2) Talk on my mobile
3) Send an email
4) Send a text message
5) Chat on skype
6) Send a letter
7) Talk on a landline
8) Talk face-to-face

2. Use the phrases from Ex. 1 with often, sometimes, rarely, never to make

3. Which of the means of communication do you use to:

1) video chat with your friends? ........................................
2) post photos? .................................................................
3) send a message to your mum or dad? ...........................
4) talk to your friends? ......................................................

4. Обратная связь: Send the voice message and the text to your teacher by

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