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INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AE-85 Motor mechanisms 51106165 MO Ww STIOSI6SMO Rev 0 097208 MOTOR MECHANISMS FOR ROTATING /DISCONNECTORS TYPE AE-85 MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS 51106165M0 Rey. BO INDEX: L INTRODUCTION. 2:DESIGN FEATURES AND APPLICATIONS, 3, HANDLING, TRANSPORT AND STORAGE. 4, INSTALLATION, 5. INITIAL START-UP. 6. MAINTENANCE, BEWARE ‘While gh votiage ates nc in operon, certain element ofthe ystem ae ie, obec iy be ‘moving, and other puts may reach hgh texperaure, This mens tht thece ae elected, mechanical And heat-alated cla athe eof there systems, In onder to provide an aceptable leva of protection for both people and propety snd tckng ino arcount the applicbieenvconmental recommendations, the manufictces tat form part of SERCOBE dersiop ‘nd conto thei products according to the principe of Integrated security, bated on the following tad: -Blminat dangers whenever posible When thsi tchaealy or economically unfeasible, build effective protection devies ino the “Inform wer of any renlning risk 1 at help them undectan the operating proceduce that prevent ‘ete rica and elp therm with the wand ofthe operting personal iat carr cut these procedures, nd (he oe ofthe comet personal protection equlpnent ‘Use eeyelable material according fo the late of tha art and within appliabl echnical and economic. limits and eutabah procedures forthe preceiting ofthe equipment and its component part 40 that once ‘hey ve come tothe end of thelr wef Liver thy canbe dealt within x way tat compllen a a onsite withthe environmental requirements eaublaed by the elevant bes, ‘Au renult when working onthe aytern covered by tht manual onthe vicinity beret the ‘peificnons of paagrah 112 of standard IBC-62271-1 mast be taken nt asovel. Tia work ean only be done by pertonnel who ae sultbly talned and aupervited (in uecordance withthe provisions of ‘tho BNSO110-1 standard on aft in electrical inwalltons andthe ENSOL10-2 standard which apple to AL kinds of civil, with or aru elected intaatin) and who ae sorpletely fail with the ‘earvetins and warnings contained in ths anual an al others of «general ate tht maybe ‘plicable under excreat legaatin onthe prevention of ak andl other tat inthe ure may replace or modify them ‘Tho above inatuctions mut be fllowed with ret cc, bectute the ele and cotec functioning of thir stam depends not only on ts desig, but ala on crcumatanees which in general ace beyond the conc tnd not he eaponlbiy ofthe mansfacturec, in purl: “The somect aneport and handling ofthe equipmant from the ie I eaves he factory to the place whece itt be nutes. 2de 1 i ee T2008 Any storage onthe way mut be cated out under conditions that donot ale or damage the harnctrie ofthe sytem aa whole or of ls esteatal pacts ‘The operating conditions must be compaube wid he specifications ofthe system. The manoeuvres and opettoas cased out while ong the equipment aut be performed ln sit ‘sccordnce with the instruction nthe anal and with a clear understand af the operating and safety pelnlpes tbat apply tit ‘Maintenance work must be carried out comec, king into account the real operating and tnvronmeatal conditions inthe place wher the ystems ntl. “The deposl of he equipment once it has come tothe end of ls wef ie must be eared out acorng ‘0 the instesetion inthe manual an legislation in force a the ine. Focthitreaton, the manufacircr wil at be reaponsble for ay direc or indiret damage eeling from sy breach ofthe gunrate or ofthe esse out above Under ny Juan, eluding damage to people or asses, loss of profs, pcg of idlenet, cots of reps or ceplacement of meter Ouarntee ‘The mnnufactrer guarantees tis produc guint aay fault inthe otc or the operation ofthe system Socing the peiod covered by the contact. any defect ie deeced, te manfactrec may sbooseethe; 'oepaicor to repltce the equipment. Incorect handing of the equipment or the repaeof he ealpment bythe ute will be consicered bresch ofthe guar, “Trademacks nd Copyright Allthe reser tademacks in thi docoment ace the propecty of thei cespectve owners The loteliectualpropecty of thie manus! belongs othe manufacture 3de il ‘S1106165M0 Rev. BO ‘09/2008 2. DESIGN FEATURES AND APPLICATIONS 2.-Desripton The ABS type wotor mechani is designed forthe operation of rotating daconntctors. It main echaeal specifiestons and use limitations we defied in tection 2.4 of thi anal, The switchgear cabinet consts of thee nai semen “Mechania! group “Blectical group 2.1 -Hounng The houting i made of 2mrm-geugepre-alvasized steal sheet, coated on both the inside and outie with ‘rat poiyeter-beted punt (grey RAL 7038). The coating it applied elecuoratclly tnd in fartace polyerte, ‘The switchgear cobnet doors supped ss sandard with x handlo-opersted cach, bat is avallabe on request with #kay-opersedloelng handle Al the rear ofthe houtng (te fig 1), here ao fie individual M12 x 40 teed supports for securing the ablnat othe tact. The four pec supports alto hold the mechanical group so ta! the housing does not suffer ay sess renulng from operation ofthe motor mechanlam. The lowe soppdtpreveats te howag fiom ibang while Ue unite in operation, ‘The purpote ofthe oles inthe base and se panels of the hovslag lst provide vestaoa. Thete hoes are Fed with wire meah to stop insects entering, and the eld hole ro alo protected to prevet the eaty of ‘Tha dtachable cover at the bottom of the cabinet permit the delling for cables oul, and the fing of ands ‘Th protection degree ofthe casing is 143 as deine by IBC-439), Parte protection depres on equet Th manual operaig handle (Cig 4) ie loeaed isle the cabinet, fixed othe bottom prt ofthe door The command is supplied with two coupling plates (ee fg. 1). The upper coupling plate should be fed Aivecty tthe verealwansrisin, ving conical bol, 2.1.2-Mechanleal group “The ene mechanical group le ited to frame, which iat dicey attached to the anchoring 2. {ts emia components ne: “Blecte motor “The torgve limiter (ig2, lee 1) le supplied pe-adjunted aod sealed aad must aot be amped ‘wih in any way. The AB-83 motor mechan fuoe at « mainain operating torque of 85 Ke m {Fayre jam, malfunction or other cause seslts It he required torgue exceeding the love Indicated, tis device maintais torque at 85 Ky/m. Thls hele avoid mechanical breakdowns tad keeps the power contumption of the motor conta to prevent it burning out. The operation i Interrupted forthe ning relay provided atthe motor techaniam, which adjusted to = period tonges thn that coreeponding ta the actual operation ine cn Ditferentl, operated manvolly by meaas of the handle (Gg. 2, lem 2). When the bande i inserted (0g. 2 item 3) a wlecotwitch activate, bloclng the alectied fonctoning of The command under request, The unit can be aupplied with an adonal contact for openag the ‘with, a loc, electrical interlocking device ofboth item together, inorder to prevent mana! penton. Drive reduction i cared out by nets of gon, erlang in worm screw with octed wheal ‘ued directly to the ccve shaft The deign of this aysiom maker the consol opetion ineverbe, Fig. Mechasion group : 4de Lt i STIO6IGSMO Rey. BO 2.L3.ectrical group 09/2008 {As fled to a0 ladependent pane fixed to the housing by mean of four screws. The base component which depend on the electscal diagram supplied, ae at fllowe (ig. 4) “Postlon swith for loealemnate contol $8) Ofenciose push-button for local operation ($4 and $5). Timing eng (KAZ) for eectcal dlecoonestion of te rotor alten pe-et plod ong than socraa opeatng pevod, ‘Moto inverter witches (KM land KM2). th Motor proecion ctl beaker (2), Heating element (RI) protected by thecmosta (89) mit and signa switches ($1). For further detall ofthe actuation sequence of the sally contact, ple rele tothe electra diagram lclode in each comunaed lecucal Iotesocking duing manual operation ($6). When the manval opeiting handle te loverte, a miroswitch ($6) astvaes, blocking the eleccel functioning of th command. Infeios (X2) and exterior (1) conneedon terminals am Mangal and eletical interlocking devices, by means of clement interted in bande net T = + cect (apple fo single-phase AC couerands only) Options ‘Microswitch for lndicatng electca interlocking during manual operation lectin itectocking prevents roanval operation if extemal conditions requled fo excite coil (1 by pushing $10 ate not tule. Bloctrclintetlocking ls eleased by imply peselg: S00 te pect te nterion of the manual operating Handle, DO NOT keep the button presed while his operations being easied out Refi Reference NTFAB: fabrication, Cont: Contrel voltage Motor: Motor voltage Motor: Motor curent 4 cables nyt Resist. Resatnce voltage Fig 4 Cabinet tay Fam Torque, Fs Sde lt W 23. Techical speliations aaa teal data 51106165MO Rey. BO ‘09/2008 f Single-phase [iio waome_|ias vee | aio vAGDE BIA 5A. 414, Teepe ov. Bwaoy BABS, 42.60. Coniaeion common TOVDC [TV Be] ov. be | TiMOAS aw 3H. Sw _—[_4SVA “Treoching cal cnaumpiion ney wy aa 1A iA [18 ‘alg clement consumption BW, ‘perng ie STeiaes ‘Opecling ig rl YES “Mechanical orque ier YES Maxim operating torgu Wig. Angle of rotation so" ‘Drive Tnavecbi I “Approx Wel 50g. No f continuous oporaions (maxim) TOT 15 mies No. of tums of handle (men, pera ‘Apprss. 16 (Citechanical endurance 1060 operon (10.000 wader rqoen Table} Techaleal date 2.9.2 Applieabie + Bc 494 + TEC i129 + IBC 439 + BC S29 + BN29001 + ASTMA 9081 + ASTMA 153.82 24-Operating condos ‘The AB.8S type motor mechaniar hs been dexigned to provide long-term safe ad eli ‘provided the nntcton in this manuel ae ately beerved andthe it ed as spel {othe condons Ute a IBC 694 Mas, temperature: 40°C; min temperature: IOC (avectging lat than 35% over 4 24h pcod) + Alitade under 000 + Other operaag condone under cont le functioning, nd acorn ‘Any other we ay affect the fe operation and comet performtnes ofthe unt gving eto poten hazard fo pects and plant eqipment. Its therfore important to ead thoroughly aed Undertand the ‘manval before alempting any intalaon work or operon ofthe wat. Ease ete ta ll aif employed to lnvll o service the ult ace propery tlae, ‘The operations deaibed shouldbe cared out scoring to cuent netylelalation and under the ‘esponsibility of pecton qualified to represen the wee, [MBSA will coe no Unbilty whatever for any consoguniss that may ceultfom fll to obreev the {ngtevclios contained in this manual, cr from any uneuthoraed ute of he it, Fo eafty reason, ‘eongly ndvied to contult us before etry out any operation not neluded inthe muse ‘At sent of improvement ia mati echnology, you may fin tba cetala tee on your unit do aot ‘exaciy match the information given in ths document, Ihe the cat, o if you have any athe query ‘egg te rye, plete contact weedy or vi ou commercial epreseaaive or aferanes see ‘HANDLING, TRANSPORT AND STORAGE 34-Delvery ‘AB.AS type motor mechanisms ar supple in Woodan crt, Pacing can be seaicght or tuna, depending on th destination ofthe mated. Each erate may contain one ot me us (Carriage is the responsibilty ofthe customer unless otheriseapeciied. For thls reason the supplle acepta no lnblty whatsoever for any atuation tat may arias while the dallvery isn teanalt,Pleate contact the insurer or career directly Inthe even o any problem, Pleae cary out a check imma ter aivl i ‘ted inthe delivery note and order documentation, 0 ennuce thatthe tem suplled match the ems Pleat band the et according tothe invrvetons tached to them. "tems supplied for export are coveced by intemational INCOTERMS rules ei 6de1 i a s7008 3.2-Liftlng and transporting the unit lente fellow the latest nated onthe cates ‘A forklift tek or crane holes sulicient fr moving aed handling the wot lenportant Avald nny impacts or sudden movement tht may damage components, produce dents in the housing oc darage the unl’ protective ceuing pein ‘Do ot ale the units dow Inclined Woo ares or airway. ‘Do ot leave the eats in aby inadequate Ioction euch ts untae wet surface. 3.3.Unpeeking the wit The unit shoud be unpacked with ge ear In oxder Yo avold damaging any prt ofthe equipment Top past eee Face Mes Side panels Releae nd detch the top panel followed bythe side panes. (See fg 4) PONOT pall hold or ws a suppot any moving o erica pat ofthe unt (Le the dive shat, door, Aochor bol, ete) ‘Ure cope cradle as shown In fig. 5, when lifting or moving the unit This operation ceguicer the presence Ct petson to keep the lod balanced, Figs 34 Checking atthe arrival ow ace vied to cary out visual check to ensue tht the unt hare not fled any dagen cen {yon do nd any dunaged tens, pleas contact he inte and ke the corerponding lee Before carying ou this nepecton please unpeck the wl folowing the estore given tr son 3.9, "Now inpest the delivery to enna that each item is correct identi, und chek he following isn ~The datas shown onthe nanmplate shosld match the de apesiflestions ‘All aoettoris include in the order shouldbe preset The elescal diagram should match the order specifications 1m he even of any anomaly, poate make ota report ollaboraon wth fhe carrie. The eport should Indcate the order umber and give deta of te durage and how it war entnes All dogs report and compentlon siainy MUST be wbrited to MESA wile the gactte pedod, 9 lak for rexponablies 35 Storage ititot adveabe to store the unit in eae (eg seeiight)pockings formic than peso of sx onthe (tandaed, counted from the momen of dpa fom MESA. __Frotet th ule fom te comsive atmosphere prodiced by such chemi] product at cement ponte, Tomes, smoke, eal-aden see, Stor il tems laa dy, wellvetlated place, ore tht ll omoponen ar stored careful, sacked or grouped In «vay cot locations, ponding to thee inal tern tred fo long pecod shouldbe cleaned and bread folowing the insicions given in the ‘lntenanes rection (ection 6 of thls document, before being ued. Pike conto wits are tobe moved for x long peti without belng put nto eric, please obveee the following pointe ~Stoe thm ugh, afr operation, in xd to prevent wae entering the hovlag ~Comeet te beating element, provisooaly if neceaary 4 INSTALLATION 41. General conditions {hs minimum condone comespondig tothe pont of lalaon should confor o your acl equveleat ofthe HY rules contained ln ITC 13 (eplcae In Spal 42.-Fting the watt EAE rotor mectanam con bowed with diconnctr of eating bide of many ferent type. (Pleat oferta leafet No. $850), : Tde 11 ) 51106165M0 Rey. BO ‘09/2008 Before Intaling the drive and trantmtsons,entue you have avaliable a ett one overall nyout plan indieting he epeified location of each component, song with the Inyout of he taneritions connecting the deve and he daconnestor, 42.4-Locatlon and seuetare MESA isnot esponible for struture desig, ‘The lst vetcl transmission guide shoul be located s high as poube eave to the ansmiaton in ‘ede to prevent bending inte dleconnecio dive ‘The uucture whese te motor mechani i intaled thou be: = Rigi, o avoid any motor mechenem misalignment ~ Designed callow the attschmect of the vaious dive system component Before fiting the motor mechanism tothe stvture, check that: 13) The holes dled inthe stevture careapond othe motor mechaniam anchoring pats )- The atichment or supporting points ae aligned and leveled. leis vital for the cocect adjustment and consequent functioning of the ysters hat wl bolts ao tghtned 1 Une required torque. Pleas efecto the frgue stings given in able in seton 4, ‘The unt canoot be ajusedcorecly ules al bol re Ughtened fet Never nrc bolts wilh hammer = modify the hole i necesay. 4.22-Fiting the motor mechani tothe structure Before raring work on the mor mechunitms and disconaetor, ensue thatthe vwitehgear cabinet is prlected from fling object such a aeldentally dropped tools or dabris suche loots chippnge tht cay Aegrthe cane oc damage he protechie coating pat Do ot sand on the cabinet while thee taka are belng cated out, ‘Once the motor mechanism ited, shot all door to prevent the eatey of water. stand r0 on A Tadesed ini. he motor mechanism ie ited wilh ve rear-mounted M {2x40 stud bls, ‘These support eecore the motor mechanism tothe atucure once has been fied in postion, thoes supports ONLY. They are provided specifeall for this purpose. DO NOT secure the unt by any other means, such as extra dell holes, bracket, ee. ‘The motor rechania is supplied wit two coupog plas, one Nite to the veel aba of the moor rmochunitm and te ther for conection tothe veetical tentmisson. (Once the nullaton ofthe dsconnector and required tankmstion uit Is complete, place the discoonector init lose position aed continue configuring the moto mechaalam a shown below 1 Une the hale to move the motor eochasim manually ot elted positon. 4 Rotate the handle in reverse by Between buf and ove fun. This isto abrord any postble backlagh from the transition uni 3 With he ual io thie postion (daconnecto completely sloved and motor mechanism tuned back fom the closed poaition by between “hulf and one tum of the dle), cil x hole inthe trangsion tube and attach i 1 te upper coupling pat af the moter mechanam (a described In 44), wing coniea! bolts 4- Once the motor mechaniea is coupled tote ienaltion, te the hance to ape the Accnnector to the requled angle. 5 If ita required to ler the opening angle an the tnsaision units (AQ-4 te.) ‘DO NOT attempt to alter the angle of rotation of the AE-65 motor mechaniem, ‘Alvaye eure tha the eicoonectr closes completely, eve iit has net eorplted is 90° opeaig rotation. ‘The end limit switches need tobe activated, both when citing and oping al frm before the moter mechani fsbo tnvect ‘The motor mecharitm should come to halt tthe end stope of the motor mechanltm Sef rather than hoe of the deconneto. ‘When the blades ae In el closed portion, the command has fo exceed by between Inf and one turnin manual operation to alow the subaatemly to abuse any beckeah 42.3.-Biectlel onnection ‘The AB/95 motor mecharam is ruppled with «complete secre wing with each wie connected und {dentfed by labels on the tecminals that corexpond tote eleucal lagram sppled with ach motor mechani, ‘Take apecil cae when conectng the mote ower wpply. Obtarve the specifi ‘motor mechan nameplate: Check to entre ta he nupply voltage and erent ralings coined, ‘Wien coanecdng to an AC supply, check the err of he phases ~otherwte the motor may run in the wrong etion. ‘Once the power supply hat been wired up check for corres eoanection befor linking the motor mechslam tothe wannisiog. 08 indicted on the 43 Final check Once the eletica instalation work bs ben completed and checked precaution of subjecting the AE‘ motoc mechanism fo "yu “When doing 0, ngure thatthe coupling plata tht provide the mechanical link between the motor ‘mechani ud the vertical asamlvion we completely tepared Procedure ‘Mask both plates atthe pont where they mact, in ode tobe able o ef the ae inthe same pot, Sepals the cooptng ptr Ae tbe “dy run" hasbeen cated out, refit the tanemition tothe motor mechanism and check the ore ‘eng of th tacumlonsachorng bolt a viable o tks the edition 44Biting the conical bolts Proceed a follows when dling the hole forthe it blt 72) Use the holes nthe covpling plates o mark the exact psidon ofthe les tobe dled Inthe ube, ei : Bdett rr oe eee » 4 2 a ° (Using an M 12.50 bit, il into the tube va the eller of the holes inthe coupling plate To etabliah th tobe poin relive tthe coupling plate, inert abot antici wing a copper or brass-headed harper (rw puch made of one of thea materiel) ‘Use an 13.25 bitio dil nw the tbe vate Inspr coupling plats hole ‘Remove and reste the pin previously inerted by han, ot neering a new blt int the eecond hole by utig a copper or bast headed hammer Insect the conical ol into the hoe left by the 13.25 bit and if wot already casted out in ihe previous sep, ap itwit «copper or brast-headed haznwoee Un there i lilt protruding thread io attach and completely tighten the bot (fig, Inorder ‘o allow the conieal bolt to full is function of securing the coupling pate to the tbe, ‘he length of thread used shouldbe les than the total length of thread avaliable, {is lao posibie toute a 1:50 reamer bt making the oles va the Inger opening i he coupling plac (Once the it bolt is inset and secured, te second bolt in dhe seme way t Fig. 6 Conical bott installation in detail 1350 oF basa 4s-Tongue settings rEnatan East Vt RP MOR UBS! hamansiohe eee Sa Ma a5 MS - a3 nd as | Mi 1s as [ag 2s a3 oe ia ro Mid 6a Bs [Mie is 2 a0 ies fa al a 2 zi a2 265 ~ 3 Me 3S : cn Ma a 1a [380 Go 16 a Tube 0972008 S-INTIAL START-UP Do no coramence the nial start-up of the ult without fet caring oul the check sted in section 4:3 ‘ud eorarng th ll he differnt sytem favoived ae fanciosng petty, 6-MAINTENANCE ‘The design ofthe AB-8S vat andthe materiale ued to consol hlpto keep tt maintenance to« tminlmom. Ils however advisable fo carry eu fll inspection at est once nyo folowing the ‘ainenance schedule pple. Base that ll pron engaged to carry outstation ae supped with copes of the insti oan before starting work. All sat involved shoul, by th instalation handover dt, be falar wit the deta ofthe nit uctiuly its operating procedures - and buve a thorough kac node ofthe resid snfely prosutons ‘plied in-house ead those exiabled in ea! legion ‘Before carving out maintenance work of any type, envi thatthe fected ection ofthe sai shut dowe tad disconnected from the power roply following thee fie step | Swite of and phystaly unplug the uni from all power source, ekg adequate sept prevent any potelbliy of neldentalrescnaeton, 2, Secure a inalock, wherever possbe, the movement ofall breaking and sigouling devices in tele ‘comerponding command, 3. Cheek to ence at na past ofthe elect! system el ive 4 Barth an sort ot all ponible power source nthe area where the work il be ctied out 5. Attach appropriate warning ign orate accetfo the working are, Before ating tevcing work of my type onthe conta unl pleas eberve he following pols Shut down the dlconnectr, (Cary out all man! operations withthe power supply to the unt et of {he eytem does ot permit epeing andor coring of the dsonntcto,looren the coupling plate om the vera trasmisson ult and the pate from the motor mechanim ell. Ths will eabie cou ‘peat the motor mechanism fom the dive system and eAry ou he operation requted yow do need to separate the plata, pease eure tat they are masked tthe point whee they meet This ‘lows them to be efited in exacly the sve potion flr maintenence work was tors cuson cet 64 Haste maintenance checklist: | Mechanieal group: -lntpest the sate of wea fall components in hie subuatemby, checking for facutes, Impact damage and the presnce of outside elements ussembly slowly withthe handle, checking for smooth ottlon of te sono ot without jamming othe wt of excersive afore ‘Check the elect motor: connectons and cores funcloning. NOTE: DO NOT greate the set of gers fitted tothe AEB motor mechanism, Duel WW) 2 Interlocking: ‘Cheok the action ofthe wunlary contact (ntvaed by Soering he hand) (Chao the interlocking col fr caret fuyciaing (if ited to thi rotor mechanism) 13 Elecite! group ‘hack the fonctioning ofthe following elements (Ng 3) Heating element (1) ‘Thecmostatconco ($9) ‘Timing relay (KAZ) Mageeto-ermal motor protection relay (QU). Lec emte switch ($8) (pen and clorepurh-butons ($4 and), ‘Blecrea! Interlocking mmchaniam (dopendig In contigo) ($10 and ¥1)- 4 General functioning ‘Check ihe grew and bol of both mechani! an elec! component for gh Buamne the gute of Wear ofthe aulary elements and tanalaion ul tat fron the dive syter, checkg for tema such at mstng bole, damaged razeeion pats, loose ‘Entre tat al the moving parts ofthe ditconnectr, anes rotor mechacirm are In good condition and functioning corel. To do tl, open and clove the oi seveal tier repeately Wipe off any surplus lubicatng geal fe malnonance hasbeen ced out 5 Touch up any damaged palatwork on the Rousing Pay particular attention to aenawbjet to corrosion and ne pnt detigned to provide sutdor protectin. "Never apply paint to the hinge plat, this ould caves ther to ize up ply and prevent operation. Cur out foal check to ensure thatthe pote mechani electoal ulpment i ate comet portion relative tothe daconnecor, and me it if necentry “Application =] Requneeah cee surfaces to be treated ul cena Moving pare ‘ag and approplt solvents, ISOFLEX TOPAS bearings and | Adequate for | “Do not mix with any other product, | NB $2, supplied by teanemlasion unit | outdoor ute te bis might decrease lubricating | KLUBER performs (or high + Apply labicantuting a small | pefforance tet paintbrush, to leave atutace coating | rach at beatings, of02-O.mum, ee) = Wipe off any wurplus grease, 51106165M0 Rev. BO ‘09/2008 Wipe the uctace to be weated | Any pnt designed ‘lng clean age |torotsoocae For painting the | Pent dvigesd for swipe io “hog na ak re ae | eri oa emit,’ | éa5peu ‘The moto mechanism in designed to provide long-term liable anctonng under conditions of normal ‘te, Utes ae however adveed to muna stocks of rpses, a thelr own duretion,corespondng othe ‘umber of motor mechanisms in operation. ‘Ava gue, the following lt gives det of th wage, ‘Machaaleal groups ‘This subuaembl doesnot contain any para nject to pomiblebrekcown, Whe sumer of motor mechaninns i high (Le. 20 or mor), you ae adie to keep «apace ‘moter on hand Blecteteal group: ‘Your should malatul «tock of on ech ofthe following item for opecton: ° lements most kay to requle replacement sie rary tn motor wechanles in Moor hnverter it Motor protection eel bretker “Lt und gral witch eating element Ite arg aumbe of motor mechisms we in uu, itt alt posible to stock ons oc two complete rexeeve ‘motor mechaslams. This precaution permits immeate eplcement and allows reps to be euied out ‘with the damaged unit won ou of sevice, 6.3.Guaraates “Matai are guaranteed for x period of 12 month «counted rom the date ofthe inl startup - or 18 ‘month fromthe dt of dellvery or MESA’s put (whlchever our ‘The gusrante is lnited tothe upp, in the sores tne poeibe and without charge of «pat with the ‘me characteristic as the defective component. handover oo 5 10de 11 subestaciones 7 substations aeroports Umspannwerke FIUgGhAPEN ay S pee = one” aerports aeropuertos wind farms parques edlicos Windparks ae ae parc éoliens * Industriesektor sector industrial secteur industriel industrial sector cogeneracién = Blockheizkraftwerk Cogénération Referencias en mas de 90 paises References in more than 90 countries Présence dans plus de 90 pays Referenzen in Gber 90 Landern cogeneration SCE AE-85 LEFT OPENING MOTOR / MOTOR / MOTEUR 220V DC CONTROL / CONTROL / CONTROLE 220V DC CALEFACCION / HEATING / CHAUFFAGE 220V AC | SENALIZACION / SIGNALS / SIGNALISATION —8NO + 8NC. = = = — AE-85 Si © [eee - = LEFT OPENING | roman / me Pie / Face 8 woe Ila! — ea i z slr ma tassios To a = W Scneider - 186230 PR fooooe| © = oe —— in. 2 I rT IJ ~~ Griginal Tarmat AS — (ASE.dwa) =e Ep ase ae SEES 220vDC - + xt x1 1 2 MOTOR PROTECTION 1x3 6 ADJUSTED 70 1,64 cy Wy t 2 [4 [6 7 8 0 0 Nm DB mB SHEET 003 AND 005 3 3t 44 32 _— an 1 d3 a5 d7 1.43 45 d7 kw VAN kuz NON" ope conncron 2 \4 Jes 2 )a \e \e X2] X21 x2) x2, 2} af ef 8 M = AEBS : mae | LEFT OPENNG =] eso rea / Pere / oT MR a a apa [ vee fs fe mae rom =| - 186230 __| [ao pours m4 et = ighal Tama SUSE iy 723 4 5 6 7 8 9 OH RBM S 6 7 8 8 one Dd HS 6 7 me MH OS OR ‘ ® aur surren ctose tur svarcn oven 81] 220vDC S67 MANUAL WTERLOCKING swaTCH sig ss 4 7 * 14 ia SEE PAGE 005 SI ws ‘5 3 e2 5 2 ELECTRICAL INTERLOCKING WAZ FE mersus fea Sect renoon Kato 160 a 52 44 28 At At Qi MOTOR PROTECTION SWITCH 25 KM1 CLOSE CONTACTOR OPEN CONTACTOR KM2 43 38 Az 1 14 oP va o 4) oon es|4 KM2\ KM1 kt uskauTron Ka’ 54 [54 2 83 413, OPEN 13 Ter supety eles PUSHBUTTON 1 )24 sio} lis te) 14 Kaz [az t & TIMER RELAY sa\ 4 Zw AL ‘SELECTOR {cat Remoro xi} xit xi x SExih 28 Xt x4 ye al oy 12] Boast yp tel 15 extemal electrical | S8_| 42 | 34] 56 | 78 | 910 Bol 28 4 interiocks LOCAL, 2 AMPLE OF lkeword REMOTE. CLIENT ORDERS: — AE-85 7 e LEFT OPENING | Ese 0 wn / CONTE CCU / COLE In| ——| En iat 7 = “ (=a eae =| 186230 | frat : 1 —— a Tena 1S USE Sa) ff. one 8 4 6 6 7 8 0 wn 2 DN SB & 7 B Bw Hw ie 220VAC N F i & ; Auxiliar | Ciccuits : Switch ie 4 i i 7 . i Resistor R" 5 a3 i Lonp i Switch ' lf | 1 Ht ! Thermostat go " Lamp 93 2 = ‘AE—85 rag. = LEFT OPENING | | neues nauseam. oRCTs/ ence omnes | ia ian za} — a Z nail Im Scene Wend Yi ero ~ 786230. hom ‘inal Tormat ASE Sve) ° 0 1 8 8 4 8 © 7 8 8 0 0 @ BN B w 7 B Bw HB & g ' : rw og course A] 7] wea si so ly | aa f xt xt Xt x1 Xt Xt Xt XT Xt XT XT Xt Xt XT Xt XT Xt IS Xt Xt % 20, 22, 24, 26 28 30 3: 36 38 40) 4: 46; 48 50, 52, 5: f wodKcomac le THEO OOM 3 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2| 4 2 2 4 | qremonmer) * fs 7 Ale 2h 4 fe 2 fe eA be 2h Sb ley 4 [as le “be gel le ary, a2 Sa es a — pon e 2 2 6 2 8 6 12 10 16 14 |20 18 jz 28 26 [92 }30 [36 [se ‘ 0 pt x4 xt X41) X41) Xt) XA) XA) Xt X41} Xt X41) Xt. x4] X14) Xx Xt x1 x1 x1] x1 xi) x 21 2a, 25) 27) 2, 31) 3a, Sq 37] Sel 4a] 43, 45, 47) 4a, Sa Xt] Xt Fs LEYENDA Fermé Ouvert SECCIONADOR ABIERTO Closed Open aeenAmEtcaH i Cerrado Abierto Sectioneur aan aeRO é i Desconnector switch “tvonetaw0 oO EN ATA | Seccionador -PUERTA ABIERTA es 1 NOTE H st [2 “grout Tenor veTiOE | 3 = SELECTOR 58IN LOCAL POSTION nore . qt 4 ee i oe sity, ME exo ae NOTE TBI ros. arsvenn GRC Sa TENBON Sener roaren eee i xy 1 peer ‘ower fi ; co aren —_ a ‘AE—85 — <0 lee — Pace — — —| SENALIZACION / SIGNALS / SIGNALISATION Yo = = Q) sore a = ot me bass - 186230 rome = ——— a Sia oa a) 348 6 7 8 § WH ROW WS UT BW © 2 2 BN BW” BB WHT ae DENOURACON FABRICATE NOON cob | penoumuavow SEROMRACON + in| poRTALAWPaRA ROSCA Ea = ZLUMBRADO TERIOR nwwrosoeot [aN SuproR te vars enami | ova | Laveara rusian 220 250 = ALUMBADO TERIOR tessa, [LAM Uae DEECnice 1 ici [ReLe TENPORZADOR 2.2407A0.56 | Snaee | uMTACON OE TEMPO DE MANOGRA las muna — fren 2ezsavAGIG — RELA Tew 1 betxasoauual CONTACTOR 20 th 220V DG [schneider | CONTACTOR DE CIERRE [cLose CONT. 204 ih 220 0G [CONTACT. DE FERMATURE [tsa | s.oave AMAR 2NOreNC [seid | p.oou ALL aikiez aaa aco aN [CONTACT De FERUATURE 1 [1xo9004u5] CONTACTOR 204 ih 220 DO [Schneider | CONTAGTOR DE APERTURA P1Ko9004MD —_|OPEN CONT. 208 th 220 DC [CONTACT. DE OUVERTURE 1 ioe | s.oaue ALAR NONE samo —[a.oous ADL aii . conc. OUvERTURE + sunt |wotoR 220v 0¢ oskw ANTEX MOTOR r2eu704so26 | oToR 220V DC 0.sKW MOTEUR. 1 | evans [ssvovron usooresuico 19-254 [setae | PROTECOONDELNOTOR (Gyaven? -—[oTOs PROTECTION SWTCH 125A] PROTECTION DE NOTEUR 4 GV-AN1 | BLOQUE AUXILIAR 1NO+ING [Schneider SERALIZACION. GVANIT AUXILIAR BLOCK 1NO+1NC_ BLOC AUXILIAIRE: | 4 _A9F74202_[ CON 2P 20 2A CURVA C_ SCHNEIDER | PROTECCION CIRCUITOS AUXILIARES | AS74202 ‘AUXILIAR CIRCUITS PROTECTION PROTECTION CIRC. AIXILIAIRE. | 49426024 | BLOQUE AUXILIAR OF ‘SCHNEIDER | “SENAL PROTECCION CIRC. ALXILIARES | aaaeaz4 [AUXILIAR CIRCUITS PROTECTION'S SIGNAL| BLOC AUXILIAIRE: ‘1 |ASF74102__[ MAGNETOTERMICO C60N CURVA © 1P 2A] SCHNEIDER | INTERRUPTOR ALUMBRADO "AQFTA102 CANP'S SWITCH INTERRUPTEUR ACLAIRAGE pa Ta TEVTER | RESITENGIA DE CALEFACCION ——|"Wist-——| RESTOR I ZOV TAT RESETANCE DE GAO? seni nTERRUPTOR aK cave | WTERUPTOR DE SERALEAGON—reooer ——[ SITAR TWTERROPTEUR BH [eT [aasaas | casezn = PULSADOR VERDE ——| Rl] PULSAOOR De CERRE arent ——ocose POsRaTTON MY) [sec [-aseaor cenro be PoLSADOR TWO Sina —| PULSRDOR DE GEE tarSTi07 LOSE PORFUTTON &6_ [1 2atant CABEZA De PULSADOR ROD ULSADOR OE APERTURA fskext——Joen PUSHBUTTON ULSATEURDE OUVERT. fj [= eee caver rcs 10 Seine — rutsnoon De aPenTURA fsa open pushaUTTON JPCSRTEURDE OUVERT. ‘5 [1 Retz wcRORRUPTOR Senile —[ BLOGUEO ELECTRICO POR OF-NANOAL|cizpazt6 —woROSWaTER (ERROULLAGE ECT SS = | ConA TOAVE—[CORMITASORTOCA-REVOTO——| 180857 —— TOOK REOTO SECTOR aK —[SepeTRCUR A iy [Se 7 ISYCCOTHC| TERMOSTATO. ‘Schneider TERMOSTATO. [NSYCCOTHC [THERMOSTAT [THERMOSTAT (Ss ree | caserusiooreoro adn ruswoonooana sas [cou rusteurron csareun enone so) -ape TEOR DE BOSE i bse 271 capegne pao fo stent | pusoon be poana eyszni [cor ussttrow acre sit [7 3KP2110G11] MIGRORRUPTOR 1NO+iNC_ [Schneider INTERRUPTOR DE ALUMBRADO (CKP2110G11__ | MICROSWITCH [INTERRUPTEUR DE ECLAIRAGE_ [Susie [ua ious —| BORNAS DE CONENOW fsteoes ema na xe [as fsa [Wecrser —| Bonn DECONEROW rstezo1 TERNAL Wa pores x2 [4 —[rse.1007/ as Witmer | BORNAS DECONEXION 1515281 TERMINAL MA [BORNES lg] [ve [+ Tera | poems t10220vAo00 TNAESA | BOBINA ‘512980980070 | CON. 110-220V ACID BOBINE 7 = Se AE-85 7 20 = : LEFT OPENING —] _swosaues / warns ust / wrens alsa — ata me Ta W Scpeider |, = wo ial [See Hence Pardes 186230 "A nro es el Cad we ae AE-85 RIGHT OPENING MOTOR / MOTOR / MOTEUR 220V DC CONTROL / CONTROL / CONTROLE, 220V DC CALEFACCION / HEATING / CHAUFFAGE 220V AC SENALIZACION / SIGNALS / SIGNALISATION 8NO + 8NC Roan "AO 901/008 (SE a) save |r AE-85 + © [eae RUG OPENNG — — - ron / ME nee / ee i ia saan zat : = Pen res fame ee 12 3 ¢ 5 6 7 68 89 ON W® 6 1 7 8 a2 BM 6 6 DB w 0 Nw le 220v0C EF = + i xt xt a 1 2 SHEET 003 AND 005 : 4oTOR PROTECTION 1 da bs 43 ot ADJUSTED TO 1,64 a tf F 44 '32 2 [4 [s 5 fl cose connactor |, |, Is |7 o/b Kut \—\—\__\ km2 \—\-—\__\ open cowracror 2 \a je js 4 |e |s i : x2 x2), x2, | 2 6] 8 li 7 AE-85 = RIGHT OPENING hr aes sz iS eet es Se Se ng rec) od] Mosc mata Ween ea Fam ne Pei me " rend 186227 rors = et ‘Signal rma AS — ASE aun) 2 [ttre ee ee ee NR ee ee ee re 43 1 si |* E] 220v0c sef H armen ore ap nronrencon Lint ston OPEN A - SWITCH TYPE Kf es + 14 2 SEE PAGE 005 4 I] oy ' 5 te “ 2 ELECTRICAL INTERLOCKING Deeps Cree B KM2/. Sttacen sonacsone Kutt, 82 E ae 3 at at Q1\, wororerorectonswrch = 3 KM CLOSE CONTACTOR OPEN contactor KM2 : 43 38 2 m2 8 as 4 14 | ob fe alc alee BE rt KM2’ KM1 KM1 PUSHBUTTON KM2’ = & 2 83 omen \43. 83 5454 43 i ones sure pusnsurron 23 ef = x x4, sro| las =) ted I | 4 i KA2 |A2 L 7 H & ‘TIMER RELAY ss 1) a ‘SELECTOR ie i | trehore fe « i Sy Se xt, exit xt xit x S8xi) 28 x1 xt x4 y aw my 12 woah aa? is) 88 External electrical se [12 [sa] 56 [78 | o10 a i 8 | | interlocks LOCAL CG & EXAMPLE OF i fi IREmore REMOTE CLIENT ORDERS} if | 5 AE-85 | = + = RIGHT OPENING —| ese ne wen / coma. cu / cae algal —— ean taa_[ a 7 a nei a eaten [evs on Ws en |S _ 186227 ase s — Ve = Ta Tema 1S SC 3 45 6 Cn en nu Ro MB 6 7 em OM x1 18 Auxiliar pacetous Ciccuits Q2 Switch 19 1 Resistor as \, Thermostat g9 [ Lamp Switch |? 1 H1 Lamp “3 AE-85 =| — = RIGHT OPENING: ba | ones same a. crc eats Anames baal — eae = ie war] toast Nenkenl ve Perm ms | ow low ne " Seay = 186227 70 area ‘aia Tommat AS (ASE ag) 12 3) 8 6 7 @ 8 © 1 a BW v8 0 0 0 2 BB 8 Dw Bw NR ie g . i. foe course 5 if i En si oi E 3 ox Xt XI XP x1 Xt xt OX Xt Xt XE Xt Ot Ot XT xt xt OXt XI ty HB 20, 2%, 24 26 2a 34 3: 36; 38 40, 4 46) 48 50, 52 i ‘wooecomers) E DFEOF COTA 2 2,4, 2 2 al 4 a | neoecomacy > ls bs hs se l7_|e ay, a2 - fons E oS 2 2 |e de feo te estat nn bo fee ow 8 10 | 4 xa) xal xt) xa) xa) vcr) xt] xa xa xa xt ocala xa aca} xa] xa] xt 175 4 2 2: 2 27° 2 3 3: 38° 3 3 4 A 45 4 4 5 53° 55 El LEYENDA Fermé Ouvert secoowvooe wee Closed Open fncorons nino oot, 5 Cerrado Abierto Sectioneur [DISYUNTOR Gt AERTO y i 2 Desconnector switch “tm no poseoMoA EVEL ATUE Bf Seccionador -PUERTA ABIERTA i 2 1 NOTE i st p12 “Cacums vmouT ee i 3 SELECTOR SBINLOCAL POSTON a a a -G2.07EN : st 7, Be samen aes oe i BE ss nreteon “reuse reson i x 2 soe0 “ee cuvent Sr cron “Shawnee one rome OnE = AE-85 | 7 = RIGHT OPENING | [ — | sewurcon / seus / siuusanon cee seer ler PZ] Wojraon| fee eyo = 186227 __[faorposres T ‘rigid Toorak AS RIE ag) 12 3 4 8 @€ 7 @ 8 » NS W 8 6 7 BS w nH Bw & ww BHM Nw [NOM CANT. REF. DENOMINACION, FABRICANTE. FUNCION (COD. MESA DENOMINATION, DENOMINACION, [nr PORTALAMPARA ROSCA Ee = 7RUNBRADO NTERIOR Rinworaorot [Aue SUPPORT oe vane snamie ve zo [Laan TuBuLan 20250 = ALUMBRADO NTERIOR sss [we Ue EEE sat ELE TENPORZADOR 2240VAC-D0 | Sema | LMTAGON De. TEMPO DENANOARA [acum [ruc 40 ADE ELA TEN [aur] + —[ecatmmao| conTACTOR zo ih Z20V 0c sense | cONTACTOR DE GERRE kon —o.ose cost. am anya [cowracr e FERURTURE vat [+ tava | BLoaUe AUMAR NaC sera | L.OQUE ADELA asia [au uraLocaso-2Nc coNTAcT DE FEAATURE ja [+ [pvacroao|coNTAGTOR 20a Z20V 00 Serer | CONTACTOR De APERTURE roeo0@0 — Lop conT. 24th 2200 contac. e ouveRTURE rae [1 atanze[BLOGUE AAR mora sewacer [Logue AML as IMA BLOCK 2D [cowracr. De OWvERTURE M_}1_| sunt _[woror 220v 00 0.9kw_ ANETEK MOTOR _ a1zeezo4sa9e | motor zz0v 0c ogKW. MOTEUR, i_[ 1 evan [vernon uasheTOTERNCD 15-254 [ pRoTecooNDa MOTOR ‘Gvaveo? ~— [oTox PROTECTION SWTTGH 626A] PROTECTONDENOTEUR at [1 | GvANtt | BLOGUE AKLIAR NOsiNC [sera | SERALZACION Guan | ADxLAR BLOCK INOFINE BLOC ADA a2 {1 A9F74202_[ CB0N 2P 2D 2A CURVA C_ SCHNEIDER | PROTECCION CIRCUITOS AUXILIARES | AQF74202 AUXILIAR CIRCUITS PROTECTION PROTECTION CIRC. AIXILIAIRE [7 Rane BLOGUe AL OF SCHNEIDER” SENAL PROTEGION GR. ANLARES | naatint | ADUUARGRGUTE POTECTONS SUL BC LAE 5a WAGNETOTERUCD COON CURIA TFIN| SCINEDEN | WTERTOPTOR RIOMERADO aan [one's Sao TNTERRUPTEUR AGCARAGE Rit TS 1470_| RESISTENCIA 3KO 220V TAW REYTER RESISTENCIA DE CALEFACCION 1518131 RESISTOR 3K9 220V 12 RESISTANCE DE CHAUF. [Art| WTERRUPTOR a GAVE | INTERRUPTOR DE BERALEAION —[ TeoeeT ——] STOR WrERFUPTEUR S11 | 286 Bas | CABEZADE PULSAGOR VERDE nit | PULSROOR = CERRE zatext ——| cose PosraTTTOW POCSRTEGROE FER sft ‘ZB4-82101| CUERPO DE PULSADOR 1 NO [Schneider PULSADOR DE CIERRE |Z5482107 [CLOSE PUSHBUTTON: |PULSATEUR DE ERM. 35 [1] 2BeBR [CABEZA DE PULSHDOR OVD Sirair | PULSADOR DE RPERTURA sven Jen PUSHBUTTON SATEUR OE OUVERT soft ‘7ZB4-8Z101| CUERPO DE PULSADOR 1 NO [Schnelder PULSADOR DE APERTURA [ZB4BZ101 |OPEN PUSHBUTTON |PULSATEUR DE OUVERT. S81 | NAPE MIGRORRUPTOR Snide —[ BLOGUEO ELECTRICO POR OF-NANORI}cizaats —wonosvaTen Irennouluace cr sp TABOR CAVE | CONUTADOR CORA EMOTO Ttza7 ~—— COCA. FENOTOSELECTOR78K —SonMUTRTGUT Es SE [1 RSVSCOTI TemSTATO Seid —_[TERNOSTATO iveGOTHE — rERUOSTAT FEROOSTAT ‘sto |1__ | zeasa2 | CABEZA DE PULSADOR NEGRO [Schneider | _PULSADOR DE BOBINA [ze4BAs [COIL PUSHBUTTON [PULBATEUR DE BOGINE ‘si0_[1__| 25487101] CUERPO DE PULSADOR 1 NO [Schnelder | PULSADOR DE BOBINA. [ZB4BZ101 [COIL PUSHBUTTON /POLSRTEUR DE BOBINE Si_[1—heertnet | mcROMRUPTOR HOTRE rode HTERRUPTOR DE AIWERADO——frocoaToaTT —[WcRosMTOH RERHUPTEUR DE ESSE [6 fase wa Waar BORNAS TE CONEXON fsieons emia nae = xe fas stored wa Meisner | BORNAS DECONEXON retest rena ws OES xa | 4 |115.11607/] aie | Weidmuller BORNAS DECONEXION 4515261 [TERMINAL MA/6_ [BORNES: lil] |v: [+] erso | posma 110-220 acDG NAFSA BOBINA "512900388010 | COlL 110-220V AGIOG BOBINE i i =f - So = AEB 5 7 a eae = GIT OPENING | wwrenwes / waren ust / wrens Vaal — ea W Sdpeider |, nen lc etna evan eerie - 186227 _| Fe lwo : —— ae ee ee Sas aE SCT t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WH RB 4 HS 6 7 8 © 0 4 2 8 m& 2 w% 2 w ww w Nw] ABRIR OPEN Cr) CLOSE OUBRIR ~

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