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SECCIONADORES GIRATORIOS 7 DE APERTURA CENTRAL BORNES RECTANGULARES CENTRAL BREAK ROTATING TYPE ISOLATORS RECTANGULAR TERMINALS CEI-129 / IEC-129 MANUFACTURAS ELECTRICAS, S.A. GROUPE SCHNEIDER Telétono (94) 615 91 00 Apartado 8 . Telex 34 672 MEMG E 48100 MUNGUIA - (VIZCAYA) - ESPANA Toletax (94) 615 91 10 CONSTRUCCION Los seccionadores SGCP son de dos columnas girato- rlas, con bornes de conexién rectangulares y la apertu- ra central, Normatmente, los seccionadores so suministra Que las cuchillas abran hacia la derecha, visto desde la columna de acclonamiento. PARTES CONDUCTORAS De cobre electrolitico, con el tratamiento adecuado para cada intensidad. El contacto es puntual con gran Bresion de conexion y se autolimpla con tas manio- ras. AISLADORES De porcelana esmaltadcs en marrén, segun CE1273. Bajo demanda se pueden suministrar los seccionado- res con alsladores distintos a-los indicados en la tabla, con el fin de lograr las caracteristicas mecénicas ¥ ‘eléctricas adecuadas a cada necesidad. SOPORTE GIRATORIO Debido a su robustez y al perfecto ajuste so puede montar el secclonador apoyado, vertical o suspendido, sin gue las columnas tengan movimientos axiales 0 la- terales. Los topes limitadores de giro son regulables CUCHILLAS DE PUESTA A TIERRA Bajo demanda, los seccionadores se suministran con cuchillas de puesta a tierra enclavadas mecénicamente con las cuchillas principales. PARTES FERRICAS Tanto las bases como el resto de las piezas, tornilios, bulones, etc. estén jos por Inmersién en ca- ro inoxidable. =n ee SS CONSTRUCTION SGCP type Isolators are of two gyratory columns, with rectangular connection terminals and central break. Normally, Isolators are supplied with blades opening towards right, seen from the operating column. CURRENT CARRYING PARTS Current carrying parts are of electrolytic copper with sultable treatment for each current. The contact Is Punetual, with great pressure of connection and selt- ‘cleaning with the operations. INSULATORS Insulators are of brown glazed porcelein, according to 1EC-278 Standars, Under request, isolators can be sup- pplied with different insulators to’ those Indicated in the fable, In order to get mechanical and electrical charac- teristics proper for each need. ROTATORY SUPPORTS ue to the, strength and perfect king, Insulators can be mounted ‘in horizontal, vertical or’ hung postion, ‘without any axial or lateral movement of the columns. Rotatory ends can be adjusted. EARTHING BLADES Under request, Isolators are supplied with earthing bia- des mechanicaly interlocked with the main blades. FERROUS PARTS So the basis as the rest of pieces such as screws, rods, etc. are hot dip galvanized or are of stainless Ga| Gap be ae ‘on zi pon EA ealsalsslenias alia] type CENTRAL BREAK ROTATING TYPE ISOLATORS, FOR OUTDOOR SERVICE UP TO 123KV.(800 and 1.250A) SGCP INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ‘The equipment covered by this publication, must be selected for a specific application, and ‘must be installed, operated and maintained by qualified personnel. This publication is not intended to be a substitute of an adequate training. 1 = SUPPLY The two columns isolators, type SGCP, fig. 1, are supplied duly packed, being possi include one or more three-pole apparatus in the same packing, even as the interphase trangmissions.. The isolators are supplied in the “closed” position. In order to economize in packings, transport, etc., the isolators may be sent with the insulators separately for their assembling at works. ‘The unpacking must be carefully realized, in order to avoid breakages or deformations in ysulators or in the apparatus “live parts”. the FIG.1 We do not recommend to maintain the apparatus in closed packages, such as the maritime ‘ones for example, for a period higher than three months starting from the delivery realized in our factory. It’s also recommendable to realize a visual inspection on the arriving of the material. at destination, in order to verify if it has been damaged during the transport, in which case the correspon- dent claim to the Insurance Company must be carried out. Ka mesa gatica, s.a. 7.0, Box 68 ‘Tolephone 34 4-674 02.00 SMUNGUIA- VIZCAYA- SPAIN “Telex: 31922 MEMG E “| CENTRAL BREAK ROTATING TYPE ISOLATORS, ‘y sacp | FOR OUTDOOR SERVICE uP to t23Kv. (200 and 1.2504) INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS 2_— SUPPORTING STRUCTURE The structure, on which the isolator will be installed, must be rigid and with the necessary distances in order that the insulation between poles and between these ones and ground be the correct one and besides, enable the installation of the several elements of the command. Before placing the basis or the isolator poles on the structure, verify: a)- That the structure drillings correspond with those of the basis anchoring. b)- That the anchoring or support points are aligned and at level. c)- That the distance between phases will be the forecasted one. d)- That, in the case of new drillings realized - during the assembling, the surfaces without galvanization will be suitably protected. }ASIS INSTALLATION AND ALIGNMENT Y Proceed in the following way: a)- Place the basis on the structure and bolt them without tightening. b)- Aligne the basis of the two ends, making reference in the structure and, inmediately after, the central one in making reference in those of the ends, and tighten the bolts. ¢)- Level the basis in the longitudinal and transversal direction. If necessary, place shims between the basis and the structure. d)- In case that the isolator has earthing blades, it’s advisable to realize the align- ment and levelling on the earthing axles in order to make easier the assembling of the transmissions between earthing blades. The installation of the unit composed by structure isolator and commands may be \ realized in different ways. In the fig. 2, we have represented one of the more usual moun- tings. 4 = INSULATORS ASSEMBLING The insulators assembling, in the case that the mentioned elements have been sent separately, will be realized with extreme care ‘once the basis have been strongly anchored on the structure, Take into account that the insulators layout depends on the isolator mounting posi- tion, upright, vertical or inverted position, and that in no case it'll be such that enables the water accumulation on the insulators ribs. 7.0. Box 58 ‘Teleghone 34. 4-674.02.00 MUNGUIA. VIZCAYA. SPAIN -Sfelen 31922 MEMG E nq mesa gatica, s.a. type | CENTRAL BREAK ROTATING TYPE ISOLATORS, sacp | FOr OUTDOOR SERVICE uP to 123 Kv. (200 and 1.2504.) INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS INSULATORS LEVELLING AND ALIGNMENT Once bolted the insulators on their rotating supports, proceed as follows for their alignment: a)- Verify that the A. and B. distances are within the checkpoints showed in the fig. 3. If it was not so, rectify the B distance in placing supplements to the ihsulators. Verify the distance A, turning the pole 90°, isolator closed and opened; if the insulator is not concentric, loosen’ anchorage and center it as far as possible and, if necessary, use shims as required. Ak2 be {Command column pté Rotat Insulators anchoring bolts x |g Male biage FIG. 3 b)- Puta level on insulators heads, Y - Y, direction, and level using shims as required. c)- Repeat the same operation in the X - X, direction. d)- Tum the insulator 90°, and check that it's leveled in the Y - Y, nq mesa gatica,s.a.° (z ats 7.0. Box 88 ‘Telephone 24 - 4-674.02 00 MUNGUIA. VIZCAYA- SPAIN ‘Telen 31922 ENG E gees ||. ot type | CENTRAL BREAK ROTATING TYPE ISOLATORS, socp | FOR OUTDOOR SERVICE uP To t22Kv,(s00and 1.25041 INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS 6 — LIVE PARTS ASSEMBLING ‘The isolators are normally sent frofn factory prepared for their opening to the right, isolator seen from the command column, fig. 3, in case that it is not specified the contrary in the order. ‘The rotating contacts fastening to the insulators (fig. n° 4), will be realized with the isolator in the open position and verifying that the blades stay parallel. Le blade will always be assembled on the command column. MOVING CONTACTS “Tes : Female blade Rotating contact Rotating contact, Male blade Rotating column Command column Regulation transmission Drive level FIG. 4 Realized the above detailed operation, continue as follows: a) — Approach the blades as far as the moving contacts touch each other. b)-. The male contact must be perfectly: fitted in the female tontact. If it was not so, make them coincide by placing supplements in the insulator basis or in the rotating contacts. mesa gatica, s.a. ent P0.Box68 2-008. CENTRAL BREAK ROTATING TYPE ISOLATORS, FOR OUTDOOR SERVICE uP To 123 Kv. (800 and 1.250 A.) INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS type sGcp c)- Loosen the regulation transmissions locknuts, fig. 4, and turn the pipe in the suitable direction in order that the moving contacts enter with the minim. possible friction. d)- Closed the pole, verify that the blades are aligned and also the checkpoints showed in the fig. n° 4 (Moving contacts). If necessary adjust it by displacing the rotating contacts on the insulators. Tighten the regulation trans sion locknuts again. e)- Close the isolator and verify that, when the two blades form a right line, it must coincide with the command column end of stroke, which’s ‘established with its adjustable stop (fig. n° 5). f)- Open and close carefully the isolator several times, verifying the realized adjustments. The opening and closing operations will be realized by operating on the isolator drive lever, never by pulling on the blades. : 4). If the isolator has earthing blades, take into account to insert the earthing fixed contact between the rotating contact and the insulator head. ADJUSTABLE STOPS 7_— CHANGE OF THE BLADES ROTATING DIRECTION The process for this operation is the following one: a) - Put the isolator in the closed position. b)- Unbolt the screws that fixe the rotating contact units to the insulators and, by turning it 90°, place them again in the open position of its opening to left (fig. 6). c)- If the isolator has earthing blades, change the fixed con- tacts and its stops to the suitable position. d)- The last adjustment shall be realized according the sec- tion 6. OPENING TO LEFT 8 — COUPLING AND_REGU- LATION. OF THE ISOLATOR Rotating eOuss OPENING TO RIGHT To operate the three - = poles of the isolator at the same . time, joint them by means of the svete biede, —/ \ Female bade transmissions, fig. n? 7, and ad- just them according the following JN instructions: ul a a a)- Close the three poles. b)-» Place the transmissions and operate the isolator. The FIG.6 distance A (fig. n° 7), must the distance between mesa gatica, s.a. 9.0. Box 68. Telephone 34 - 4-874 02.00 MUNGUIA: VIZCAYA: SPAIN - ‘Telex 31922 MEMG E \? CENTRAL BREAK ROTATING TYPE ISOLATORS, type FOR OUTDOOR SERVICE up To 123 KV. (800 and 1.250 A.) c)+ If it’s necessary to adjust the transmissions lenght, loosen the ring-bolts locknuts, and tum the pipe, to shorten or to protong, as necessary. d)- Once transmissions lenght is adjusted, tight the ring-bolts locknuts again, and adjust the stops, fig. n° 5, in the pole opening and closing limits. COUPLING BETWEEN EARTHING POLES ‘The same as in the isolator, to operate the three earthing blades at the same time, couple them by means of transmissions (fig. 8) according the following instructions: a)- Close the three blades. 1250 13,250 FIG. 8 b)- Place the transmissions and bolt the coupling plates. These transmissions are supplied with one of the coupling plates bolted to the tube and the other one to be bolted at works, at presentation. Take into, account that the coupling plate is bolted to the tube by means of conical bolts and, therefore, the drillings must be different in the two parts of the tube, according the fig. 8 c)- Operate the earthing blades and adjust the stops in the blades opening and closing limits. 10 — ISOLATOR AND EARTHING CONNECTION Clean the connection terminals of the own isolator, even as the terminals to be coupled to the same. In connecting the isolator to the line, take into account the suitable isolating distances with the possible effect of wind. Verify that the iine strees does not force the isolator columns. ‘The earthing connection will be realized in the terminals that, with this purpose, each ‘one of the blades disposes in its own rotation axle. mesa gatica, s.a. n £.0. 0x 58 Teeptone 34-4 - 676.02 00 aayequia-vizcava-seane ‘Telen 31922MEMG E a CENTRAL BREAK ROTATING TYPE ISOLATORS, FOR OUTDOOR SERVICE upto 123 Kv. (800 and 1.2504.) INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS type sacp 11 —COMMANDS ‘The commands with their transmissions and auxiliary pieces, shal! be installed according the erection drawing where it’s showed the location of every components. 12 — FINAL CHECKING stallation of the isolator and its command, and before to put i service, the following checking operations must be done: a)- Check the bolts tightening, so of the anchoring to the structure as of the transmissions. b)- Clean the insulators and check that these ones have no breakings or faults. c)- With the commend in the “closed” position, verify the blade alignment and the checkpoints showed in the fig. 4. d)- Check the distances between the live parts of the-poles and between these ones and ground. ‘These verifications shall be done with the isolator in the open and closed p e)- Grease every command joints and rotation points. After doing several operations, remove the grease. a f)- Operate the isolator and earthing blades to check their operations. 13_— MAINTENANCE ‘At least once @ year, if the isolator has not done any operation, several opening and closing operations will be realized. In this way, it's assured that the isolator and command moving parts are in a good operation conditions. Every two years, put the isolator out of service, and realize the following operations: a)- Check the contact conditions. The parts in bad conditions will be replaced. b)- Clean the contacts dirtiness and replace the grease, removing the remaining one. c)- Lubricate the command and transmissions rotation points. d)- Clean the insulators. In case of adverse atmospheric conditions, the cl shorter intervals. e)- With the command in the “closed” position, verify the alignment of the blades in each pole and ‘the checkpoints showed in the fig. 4. ining shall be done at mesa gatica, s.a. Ban 0. 00x 52 Tatphone 244-674 0200 . MUNGUIA - VIZCAYA. SPAIN. "Telex 31922 MEMG E 1d99S s3qv78 <2 ONIHLYWS HLIM SYOLYIOSI rf 2usntunvon ae teins ay tea ST faraeTE Sol = fone fos feral si ~_ Ghetene TIVL30 GV¥d TWNIWYSL 7 i) oe aa | ov fat tor alwlalaifa i : mans “ate eet Pen EY) S TE) s | socal aRWIL'** “ai¥ 008 al ini Pali i HINTS i 4 ¥3de00" “WIMBLYH a 4 FH SNOISNBHIO pete Saeed % Wy SE BOS PLS SONTYOHONY SEX ET W NOTIORNOD PLS I—t i] vO6E 026 408 T1d305 ONIHLYYA OKL HLIM SYOLYTOSE sana BekL SNILYLOW 3389 WHIN39 ie TIVL30 G¥d WNIWYAL va fra [ar aa [a V fe for = olalolsls hia aiglalele SES castmiss++ sain oset i PE PPTEIE) ELE [5 [soc ! GaINtL""* “ate 608 | meee alae fA | ael G| |a) Ef _ LA weaeoo! isa tttt tt ia] ls ; SNOISNIHIG > Pe ae va u 7] u naa : {7 f | 3 \ \ Nl | weer , va i 9E abs ol 8 7 SONIYOHINY I [ ‘| a Aap See SSS at Vd i pal |e ere NOTTS HLT 80 tf Edition oniginale/ First lowe HodiFication/ Modification t MANDO MANUAL MANUAL COMMAND COMMANDE MANUELLE : 92a waveacronas euecrucass.] I GROUPE: SCHNEIDER a [AGi4A ‘Original format A4 Siovine>- ~ & os Hatt eee d HOLIMS ONITWNOIS| roluisos avieaaaunt 7 ao no ACCIONAMIENTOS PARA SECCIONADORES GIRATORIOS ERATING MECHANISMS FOR ROTATING TYPES ISOLATORS SMES DE COMMANDE POUR NNEURS ROTATIFS GENERALIDADES EI mismo disefio de accionamiento, se ‘emplea con dos tipos de transmisiones verticales. =De tubo de 1 1/4 pulgadas, utilizado con seccionadores giratorios de hasta 100 kv, ~De tubo de 2 pulgadas, utilizado con seccionadores giratorios superiores a 100 kV. En la Pagina 4 se describen las distintas piezas relacionadas con una u otra transmision. Tanto los tubos. como las piezas y la tornilleria son galvanizadas en caliente. Se uitilizan dos tipos de transmisiones horizontales, con tubo de 1 pulgada para seccionadores de hasta 100 kV. y tubo de 1 1/4 pulgadas para tensiones, superiores, MANDOS. Normaimente se suministran con un bbuldn para enciavar a 0°, 70", 90° 6 140° y que puede ser fjado con un candado. Los mandos estén preparados para aceptar cerraduras’ HERPE 6 RONIS modelo EL11AP, y lograr distintas, combinaciones de enclavamientos. Para @ste supuesto, se envian con la muesca de 0° realizada. Las demas muescas de ‘enclavamiento, para mayor precision, se realizaran en obra. CAJAS DE CONTACTOS DE ‘SENALIZACION En as listas de la Pag. 4, se describen los distintos tipos normalizados. Pueden ‘suministrarse sin 6 con lémparas de sefalizacién, siendo facilmente regulables en obra, en funcién del Angulo del giro del seccionador. Los contactos poseen las siguientes GENERALITIES The same operating mechanism is used for two types of vertical t 11/4 “inch tube, used for rotating isolators up to 100kV. ~2-inch tube. Used for rotating 100 KV The aifferent part belonging to one or another transmission are descnibec on page 4. Ali the tubes as well as sc {and other oarts are hot dip gaiva are two types of horizi transmissions, 1 -inch tube for rt ‘solators up t0 100 KV and 1 tube for higher voltages. ators higher ‘nan COMMANDS Normally the commands are delivered with a bolt for interlocking at 0°, 70°. 30° or 140° ang which may be secured by a padlock The commands are prepared to accept HERPE or BONIS type locks. mode! ELT1AP. and enable different interlocking combinations. in ins case. the comanas are supplied with the siot set at 0°. Other interlocking siots, required for higher accuracy, will be mage at site SIGNALLING CONTACTS BOXES The standard types are described in the list on page 4. They can be delivered with or without signalling lamos. and can be adjusted easily, according to the angie of rotation of the isolator. The contacts have the following breaking capacities. GENERALITES Les mémes mécanismes sont emoloyés pour 2 types de transmissions verticales. 11/4" tube vertical utilisé our sectionneurs rotatis de un a 100 kv. 2" tube vertical utlisé pour Sectionneurs rotalifs de tension supeneure & 100 kV Les composants @ lune ou l'autre transmission sont cécrts & la page 4 Tous les tubes ainsi que les vis. les bouions, es écrous et les autres accessoires sont galvanisés a chavo. (On se trouve 2 types ce transmissions orizontales, 1 tube pour sectionneurs fotatifs de un jusqua 100 kV et 1 1/4 tube pour les tensions supérieures. LEVIERS DE COMMANDE Les leviers sont normalement iivres ‘avec un boulon capable de verroulller a 0°, 70%, 90° ou 140° et qui peut etre scurisé au moyen o'un cadens. Les leviers sont prepares pour recevoir de serrures HEAPE ou RONIS, modele ELTIAP, et rendent possible des Combinaisons aifferents oe verrouillage En ce cas les leviers sont livrés avec Fencoche installée dans la postion O° Les autres encoches de verrouillage SSont réalisés sur lieu de montage. afin obtenir la précision la meilloure. BOITE A CONTACTS AUXILIAIBES. Les types standards sont décrits dans la liste & la page 4. lis peuvent étre lvré avec ou sans lampe de signalisation, et ‘on peut les adapter facilement, afin de convenir @ I'angie de rotation du sectionneur Les contacts sont & rupture brusque et ils ont les capacités de capacidades de corte: coupure suivantes: Tae v “ v0 2 20 FBGok scenes os a 6 ” ° 6 ees a 8 3 2 o7 ct er A a ° * 3 MONTAJE ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLAGE En todos los montajes se colocard un soporte guia ref. AG-19, lo mas cereano posible a la transmisién horizontal y un ‘segundo soporte, a 500 mm. Junto a la rétula ref. AG-27 debe olocarse,siempre el soporte guia, ret. AG-19. ELECCION DE LOS ACCIONAMIENTOS En Pag. 3, 4 y 5, se describen todas las piezas y transmisiones que componen fos accionamientos, con los que pueden realizar las combinaciones adecuadas a ‘su necesidad. En Pag, 6 a 16, se muestran algunos ejemplos de montajes mas usuales. For every assembly, a guide support ref. AG-19, shall be placed as close as possible to the horizontal transmission. second support shail be placed at ‘500 mm, Next to the knuckle joint ref. AG-27 should always be placed the guide suppor, ref AG-19. SELECTION OF OPERATING MECHANISMS All the parts and transmissions which make up the operating mechanism are described on pages 3, 4 and 5. These parts may be combined t0 provide the Suitable solution fo each need. Pages 6 to 16 illustrate some of the ‘most usual types of assemblies. Pendant toutes les assemblages, on placera un support guide ref. AG-19, aussi pres de la transmission horizontale que possible, et un deuxieme support a 500 mm. A coté de la rotule ref. AG-27, on placera toujours le support guide ref AG-13, CHOIX DUN MECANISME DE COMMANDE Tous les composants d'un mécanisme de commande sont décrits aux pages 3, 4et 5. Ces composants peuvent étre combinés entre eux pour former ia reponse adéquate & chaque besoin. Aux pages 6 & 16 on trouve des illustrations de les types d'assemblages les plus uilisés. & “) (COMPONENTES DEL ACCIONAMIENTO CON TRANSMISION VERTICAL DE 1 1/4" OPERATING MECHANISM COMPONENTS 11/8" VERTICAL TRANSMISSION COMPOSANTS TUBE 1 1/4" POUR TRANSMISSION VERTICALE ices dean a acta ‘in nngna ea Fagusirg deers Yh sn oh hard fred ‘Sreaoing sgusrars tne Omar Wet ng onsen pars Dex embovt egutiee avec tte ot toners ert |aunoret Gees ogee Sa ' ‘tatzoraia sure pace ou ena | 140-4 amr ni cra vara 4 AGATA En con duaatin cine commande Hecate we ‘nemoson sora 8 noe on ears ote pos COMPONENTES DEL Soo ert cont OPERATING MECHANISM COMPOSANTS TUBE Re veatcal COMPONENTS. 1 1/4 41/4" POUR Oe VERTICAL TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION VERTICALE wasca | nerenenca exotunacion ese | “REPERENGE Perounenon wisove | REFERENCE Sévounatton Tai Ranson ioe (opaacio Te Tgecoutae Te [Petecnrearrats unoae | sogagoarcorsmeon repeater cme ie ce | Baupura nog Elec comers racx—_|ain ca cans Sk ncn ita uhoge.,— (Abrrarensan be ge ee ; tor bangers oi mig Dobie aet ce coerce a sets — |r pps It ora ere cocomane rote s ois |excaarano cece. Secret nce Neves onsorepeta ® (ete [Eioraconaraensearens rnc eercer cece Serve os erosane ° nee iimrcereareserencoumern, [Sor to nercig cboes Ce sere ce verutee wk Jee [tiene ubocet it ietaeanson 1 1 Abe geen SZ m soi | Seategua Gots Seon 9 aa roan —_|rquoo orate easing soe moore 2A een [paceman arane eres p82 Pate oe core ma Sean |roumorinsanats er ace nce alec won nooate a oan [acon conznape Tipe ce ae Rave tv eles Bh | a Rn ee anomamoiniaec. [Spaingcorrtonr Ovi. ——_Jaaecesputan a= a y sa | Aa (Coa ecmcerovancer ttc, [spaingeoacenr@yoveo) —_(etecebae a-B wx | seaman [Chace aaa tut) [suingcmcror OO) YBa cera OW a caaao_|aacecrmcs cea na Dwr temarrencensonet __[Deqaons amu det ronien nee COMPONENTES DEL OPERATING MECHANISM COMPOSANTS TUBE ACCIONAMIENTO CON COMPONENTS 2” 2" POUR TRANSMISION VERTICAL ch VERTICAL TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION VERTICALE vagca | nerEnENGA pvonnacion wes | ‘nerenence Pexounaron wheee | RePERENGE Béiounarion Tan mnca na aprvomnene T1e Fameaote 3 Tek | Fae ease wt (Sagrr aguareonmssen | venbe Tie oumcmse wee ‘ see |Beagnar wa wer Berar connec : toscana cap cancer é MES [Fein acta nce we lapurrrenssn 11 e gece eH cor |Beapare coe cero ine Bae ee ncaa te Kea | ie anal por parc. rs conraraby ee ve coomsarcranaie 's fois [Eecmoneno vera: excoropac ieee ere scrape ‘ te |Gecommcmetonareenenin — [anien orien cree Ser rine ° wee [eer acareaesce encore. [Boru wo cto abc Gone one ce verutge ' fete |tormervonen rose? fetcavonnssen he geet ne ® ren |Seom sacra Sepnasce S a fea [taraace organs Coin ee ewer 2 a2 [pasate tinea noes contra pe ea cone dzone. a torr — |nmnninntoanen ieee nore feuncinotece a rome | nce unn ceo apte sept ore ae dion eit > Ne [Rie ne treenaau. |spamenactatio-so, —— |Blnerurlenen Ht) 2 Not Ca coca ec) (Spuingcomerter OO. |eropeien ASE, S| ee eae crac swan tte, [Spsteycoet2o (O20, | Redesrtn OO) a Gann [cantecnac senses, [Doce wnaremsnesoraspot —|Domepnc ae east 5 fos reps an mae enue tn TOTE: The adequate and necossary paris foreach parte Cee tigner This operating NOTE: Cos mécanemes de commande peuvent ‘echenism 1s complemented by other ‘Sete pares earn sar ‘Sonor, thse are REE AGE-14 ara command wih EE AGC-14 Lever de conmmande manvole teeromagnetc neroctng tres veroumages| ‘Seo pameriot 585. cvoragnatcues, Vor noice S651 EF AE-20 Mande por meter eetreo [REF Ag-90. Motor mechanism wit & ‘congo mag pa ‘omig. rave. FEF AE90 Comandemetorte eee Vertue 500. ‘Soe parohiet 580. aint o 0. Vorroce 580. EF.AE-#S,_ Mando px mete cco [ER AE-SS Motor mechan wi : ee orn per ABs | conan nie COMPONENTES DEL ACCIONAMIENTO CON ‘TRANSMISION VERTICAL DE 2” OPERATING MECHANISM COMPONENTS 2” VERTICAL TRANSMISSION COMPOSANTS TUBE 2" POUR TRANSMISSION VERTICALE weer vere noses enon ey ‘toemcon swe amon on nara ste oes FIGURA2 MONTAJE 1. HORIZONTAL - PARALELO Seccionador de 2 columnas, hasta 100 kV con accionamiento por ataque inferior indirecto. Seccionador de P-T. con accionamiento indirecto. MOUNTING 1. HORIZONTAL - PARALLEL 2-columns isolator, up to 100 kV with operating mechanism by indirect attack from below. Earthing switch with inairect operating mechanism, ASSEMBLAGE 1. HORIZONTALE - PARALLELE Sectionneur de 2 colonnes. jusqu'a 100 kV avec mécanisme de commande par altague indirecte en-dessous. MALT avec mécanisme de commande indirecte aos agit aG-u2 46-258 VISTA DE PLANTA, VIEW FROM ABOVE ‘VUE DU DESSUS

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