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PAGE: 1/17 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 3 g oS 3 € 123 kV - 1250 A DISCONNECTOR g TYPE A3365 - FILE 42836 8 Written by: Name Department Date T ‘Signature TAP. | _ E, BENTAYOU engineering 13.06.96 | Approved by : Name Department Date ‘Signature T.&P. | Y. ROURE engineering 24/06/46 | —| Accessibility HISTORY OF REVISIONS Rev.] Date | Modified Subject of Modif. | Name and paragraphs revision note__| department 00 | 13/06/86 | Creation 960613 | E. Bentayou | Engineering PAGE: 2/17 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CONTENTS ~ COVER PAGE — CONTENTS 1— GENERAL FEATURES 2— DELIVERYIPACKING LIST 3~— ASSEMBLY 4— MAINTENANCE soule: aouessind 19 yodsue. PAGE : 3/17 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION — GENERAL FEATURES Equipment list | DRAWING | we Qa | DESIGNATION oulle aouessind yo wodsues. 2 ORIVE POLE WITH EARTHING AND TRANSFER EXTREME POLE WITH EARTHING PADLOCK BAR to VERTICAL TUBE BEARING BRACKET WITH MOUNTED.BEARING DRIVE TUBE OF LINE.DISCONNECTO! n @ PHASE AND EART! LINKING TUBE LINKING CLAMP |AND.SCREWING ISET IARTICULATION.AX!! (DRIVE.SUBASSEMBL (OF LINE DISCONNEC TOR WITH PINING SCREWS % ELECTRICAL, CONTROL BOX DRIVE TUBE OF EARTHING DISCONN. ‘SELF LOCKING DEVICE 1 MECHANICAL CONTROL BOX ran auessind ya wodsuen soul TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 1 Scope This document defines disconnectors 123 kV - 1250 A. Contract no. 42836 CLEMESSY VIETNAM CAN THO. 1-2 Application field High voltage disconnectors for outdoor use. 1 — 3. Reference standards and identification file. - IEC 694, 129 and 947-1 - Identification file :A3365 1-4, Main technical data Group operated three pole rotating disconnector Type .A3365, Rated voltage Un = 123 KV Rated current Ith sp 1250A Section des bras... x80x5 Current density ........ 5 1,56 Almm? Number of contact points (clamp side) .... 4 Number of contact points (articulation side). AU between terminals under | = 100 ADC 3 < AUS8 mV Rated short-time withstand current (rms) .... 31.5 kArms 18 Rated withstand current peak value .... .80 kA peak Rated withstand power frequency Voltage ......sccsseeneerss 1230 KV 1 min/earth Withstand voltage under industrial frequency .... 265 kV 1 min/opening aati casein a distance Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 1,2/50 1s 550 kV/earth Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 1,2/50 ps 630 kV/opening distance Rated withstand voltage 50 Hz earth of LV auxiliary 2,5 kV eff 1 min Porcelain insulator used . Minimum creepage distance Pollution level pace] Maximum temperature withstand under permanent service Maximum temperature admissible at contact level... ‘ST.0559 wv ° 7 Oo REV.:00 ‘ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PAGE: S17 Minimum opening distance... 11440 +20 mm Mechanical terminal lead Transversal... = eee ett o0 aN Longitudinal . se 105 daN \Vertical 30 daN ‘Closing torque of the pala ee .20 9E TeNtL OL NO SE webs OL 40 BC WNAADL OL NO WOMIN BV | A WNL 1 oarno) TwrAWH AB OBDOWIN | 98 sans aouox | 7s € Twable3 9 TWNE3; OL NO ES 3am SAO ypore WL 2/2 series oxo fe 72 rsens wos | cs SL wm OL 26 3am obs Maas 2873 sures aod fc 19 sens woos | 2s 9 Yeah OL NO CH 38h maa ieee (ta aL OL NO 3a ot naz ie eee ee aloes te ia OL HO 8S 31m w31 OL NO Zn on/> ourmes ouson fie zac nouns rowinen | 92 aL OL 90 4S 3M 31 OL MDA sa alsarmnse san Kiya uns saya | 2 9 Tweak OL NO Hu 28M 2 96 TWN OL NOT 2M 20 ' 3/9 oxmmers owson fe 7c avcans omit | 92 yuna, Io on sumo svson be 9 sens sina | 3s NOLYi0d 2583434 OL MOK 9/2 auras 1/5 sans wo | 2 ilies af sovine) 3H 40 moa w340 01 awossRIWOD ve [id ww3 swrmenas sansa fic sass iow | 1 377 swmtwvais owson be ze oe J¥IN0) BAL 40 WoUISO4 3500 aL NONaLSI:IOD v3 WI) 0x73 sutonais ansona fou it * ‘YaUY ONIN JIS = .002-061 ONY 01-0 0/3 stasis ownae0 fe /0¢ rouines avsow | 19 + TAVHS T0BINOD BOLDHNNOSSIO AH SHL JO WOUISCd BYINON roaiwed snaago | 09 ¢ || 20.00 ia Ki eats ee uel | ‘ L; A S00 OW Uy ast rowing veer ave = No S¥193130 NouISod 40 512¥1N03 ea ADYINO SNTTYNAIS 40 NON ISO S$eeeee Ba a oF og eq] 2 BE EGEGE ove VIE ee Py ae wah eG aS CEEEE! 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Aaviexne T tomas By Wacttor ROUTINE TESTS CERTIFICATE VUES: PAGE : 1/2 N° SE0719% 3 = Soulé's file N°: 42836 & — Customer's order N°: 11694 AvN°1 z dated on 16/02/96 e Customer: Clemessy (for EGT Vietnam - § Can Tho) SUBJECT: 2-123 KV, 1250.81 pole dsconnector with anual conto! and Sqnaling 6NO + BNC Serial N° ASS. Techneal fie” 3368 G04 2-STANDARDS AND CUSTOMER REFERENCES: CEI 694 ; 129; 947-1 3-TESTS LIST Desa hi ia aie Ged) ieee re (including values means saa) | 3.1. Dielectric tests (50 Hz 1 min ; dry IEC 129 ile 3.1.1 On main circuit open; between live IEC 129 §7.1 HY. parts and earth: IEC 129 §7.2 | 230 kVirms. OK generator Fi. Oh mame sree apeeaient par wee oat 280 KV es - Pace Gertie aumren 285 kVems oe 14 Gy ker vip unietieg fp eth 25K ms ox 32 electiea tests Sapiised BE 1 Canes eNBTane Reston generator (aimed positon betvase sexed gS under 100. DC) 43ERE94uQ | Rmax =5¢yx2| multimeter 3 Mechanica ess SaoTTer Bian Ratatny caper Kg cerca nga mes beers ny 27<¢rs6Nm : Maximum value Crm =3,. Nm aouaureace (gem % Nin 3.3.2 Operating torque neasurement at the double drilled ear of the pole (wath Cr torques): Closing value: 35s Cc <65 Nm Maximum value Minimum value ‘3.5 Checking of nameplate indications TEC 129 §5.9 A6040 9351 OK 16D. : Oo. ¢ See ROUTINE TESTS CERTIFICATE S| PAGE : 272 No A6e7193 3 5 ai 3 Descripticn Documents | Specified values | Stated ] Necessary ref (including values means | tolerances) 3 Dimensions checking 35 per dravangs ]> 3.61 Disconnector A 3365 0004 ‘A 3365 0007 ‘A 3365 0016 oK 3.6.2 Manual control ‘8 5663 0100 \ 3.63 Linkages: 5992 1823, 37 quantity checking as par customer ok order 37 Aspect - Mentiication Warks on 4- CONCLUSION Tests results and controls Conform B Non conform = Observations: On AM sae pret 2 ae c een BEN Week ROUTINE TESTS CERTIFICATE soule; PAGE : 112 Ne ACoVAO3/A 3 8 Soulé’s file N°: 42836 8 Customer's order N=: | 11694 AVN"4 3 | dated on 16/02/96 g Customer: Clemessy (for EGT Vietnam - g Can Tho) 3 1-SUBJECT: 2-123 kV; 1250.4; 1 pole disconnector with manual control and Signalling 6NO + 6NC Serial N°... £02 Technical iie A 3365 0004 2- STANDARDS AND CUSTOMER REFERENCES: CEI 694 ; 129 947-1 3- TESTS LIST Description Documents | Specified values | Stated Necessary ref. (including values means tolerances 3.1. Dielectnc tests (50 Hz 1 min ; dry IEC 129 tests) 3.1.1 On main circuit oper: between live IEC 129 §7.1 HY. parts and earth EC 129 §72 | 230 kV rms ek generator 3.1.2 On main circuit oper; between live paris and each 2a KV ems, ote 3.1.3 On main circuit oper; across opening distance 265 kV ms ox 3.1.4 On low voltage auxilares to earth 25kVers ok 32 Electrical tests Siabiised BC 3.2.1 Contacts resistance neasurement generator (closed position between connecting lugs under 100 A DC) 43 orger ST Aspedk Genicaton Mans = 4-concLusion: “ests results and conrols Conform a Non conform Observations: on A2) 296 an oA Wack ROUTINE TESTS CERTIFICATE quale: PAGE : 1/2 N° S60} ADBIE 3 Soule's file N°: 42836 & Customer's order N°: 11694 Av N° 1 z dated on 16/02/96 2 ‘Customer: Clemessy (for EGT Vietnam - e Can Tho) a 1=SUBJECT: 2-123 KV; 1250 A; 3 pole disconnectors with electrical control 3BOVAC and aux, 220 VDC - Signalling 6NO + 6NC With manual operated earthing switches and signaling 6NO + 6NC. Sonal Nol. Bind Mas? Technical file “A 3365 0002 2- STANDARDS AND CUSTOMER REFERENCES: CEI 694; 120; 947-1 a- TESTS List Descripton Documents ] Specified values | Stated] Necessary ref. {including values means tolerances) Bi Dielectio tests (GOFe Tmin:dry IEC 125 tests) 3.1.1 On main circuit open; between live {IEC 129 §7.4 HY. parts and earth EC 129872 [230 kV ems ok | generator 3.1.2 On main circuit open; betwen live paris and earth 230 kV ms o« 3.1.3 On main circuit open; across opening distance: 265 kV ims ok 3.1.4 On low voltage ausliaries to earth 25 kV ems eK 3.2 Electrical tests Siablised DC 3.2.1 Contacts resistance measurement generator (closed position betweenconnecting iugs under 100 A DC) 43

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