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October 14, 2022

Schedule and General Lesson Plan:

City Lights
(Treble Show Choir)

1. LESSON # 2: Intermediate Treble Choir Warm-Ups


Distinguishing backspace (soft palate raised) v.s. no backspace

Singing various patterns involving solfege syllables Do through Sol
Kinesthetic motions while singing
Vocal Independence


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify Do and Sol hand sign syllables HCB.2 HCI.3
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to feel and hear the difference between having their soft
palate raised and lowered HCI.3 HCI.6

Assessment Strategies:
Throughout this rehearsal I will engage in formal assessment by: Asking students questions about what they
are doing

Throughout this rehearsal I will engage in informal assessment by: Observing the sound, attention, and
physical movements of students

Start Timings Activity or Piece Developmental Hierarchy Differentiation

Time Totals Level/Chunks, Plan and Sequence

Time: 1:35-1:43 Activity 1: Chunk 1:

Welcome & Warm- Introduction
Up! Physical warm up
Mouth warm up
Singing warm up


*Minimal Talking
➔ Shoulders up, down, up, down, back, forward, shake it out
➔ Dr. V heart pat down
➔ Repeat after me say: EEEEEE, AAAAA, variations of vowels/backspace
◆ If they do it wrong have everyone do it wrong, then right
◆ Ask who can tell me why the first one was wrong (think soft palate)
◆ Transfer their words into backspace
◆ Tell students you will be using the term “backspace”
➔ do a lip trill siren
➔ then on their own while walking to the piano
➔ demonstrate Gentle sirens (backspace!)
➔ students do their own gentle sirens
➔ Invite them to use their hands with me during these warm ups–promise you don’t
look silly,and it helps more than you think!!
➔ Play D Major:
◆ “Your turn” (sing on D)
◆ Up half steps (about 9)- end around B major
➔ Play Eb: Major: DRMRD
◆ Ah, then O, oo, then hum
◆ going down in half steps
◆ Remind students they can switch octaves if needed
➔ Eb Major: Transition to DSDS-SFMRD
◆ Show them hand signs for D & S, if they can do the others, great!
◆ Demonstrate warm-up
◆ Group echos
● Switch to other vowels as you go up in half steps & use hand signs &
◆ Stop them & correct backspace when you need to
◆ Have them bend knees on top Do if needed
➔ Ask them if using their hands helped
➔ Ask students if they understand back space & call on a student to explain
➔ Tell students they can transfer what they learned about backspace to their choral

TRANSITION WITH: And now I’m going to turn things back over to Mr. Finn, thank you for
warming up with me!

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