Learning and Improving Listening Skills in English

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International Journal of English Language,

Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL)

ISSN: 2583-3812 Journal Home Page: https://ijeel.org/
Vol-2, Issue-1, Jan-Feb 2023 Journal CrossRef DOI: 10.22161/ijeel

Learning and Improving Listening Skills in

Idrisalieva Lyubov

Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Namangan, Republic of Uzbekistan

Article Detail: Abstract
Received: 09 Jan 2023; The article discusses the concept, importance, purpose,
Received in revised form: 10 Feb 2023; difficulties in mastering listening in the learning process, the
relationship with other types of speech activity, provides the
Accepted: 14 Feb 2023;
necessary suggestions and ideas for improving the skills of
Available online: 27 Feb 2023 studying listening аnd overcoming difficulties in learning
©2023 The Author(s). Published by listening..
International Journal of English Language,
Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL).
This is an open access article under the CC
BY license
Keywords— listening, listening
comprehension, strategies, difficulties,
suggestions, ideas, importance.

Introduction in communication. This is significantly more than

. Listening has an important place in learning as speaking, which accounts for 30 per cent, and reading
it is one of the four major skills in language and writing, which make up 16 per cent and nine per
acquisition. Even though the other skills such as cent respectively. Yet, for all its importance, students
reading, speaking and writing are essential to develop (and even teachers) often fail to give listening the
language proficiency, listening contributes primarily attention it needs. This is all the more remarkable
for language expertise. Listening awakens awareness as learners often say that listening is the most
of the language as it is a receptive skill that first challenging of all the skills in English [2].
develops in a human being. Learning to listen to the Difficulty is caused by many factors ranging
target language improves language ability: substantial from the difference in sound between the student's
and meaningful response. Especially in learning a first language of a second language they are learning,
language for communicative purpose, listening plays a their lack of vocabulary, their lack of grammatical
vital role, as it helps the language learner to acquire knowledge, understanding a talk, lecture or
pronunciation, word stress, vocabulary, and syntax conversation, talking quickly, background noise, a lack
and the comprehension of messages conveyed can be of knowledge of the topic, and an inability to
based solely on tone of voice, pitch and accent; and it distinguish individual sounds. Many students struggle
is only possible when we listen. Without with listening comprehension assessments because
understanding input appropriately, learning simply they don’t remember the information they may have
cannot get any improvement. In addition, without just listened to. There are many reasons that a student
listening skill, no communication can be achieved [1]. might have difficulty remembering something that
It should not be difficult to realize the they just listened to. They might have trouble because
importance of listening when we consider that the information is longer than they’re used to, or they
it occupies about 45per cent of the time adults spend might have lack of focus.

Article DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeel.2.1.3

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 16
Lyubov, International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL), 2023, 2(1)
Jan-Feb 2023

d. Teachers should familiarize their students with the

Useful Suggestions for Overcoming Students’ rules of pronunciation in order to help them hear the
Listening Comprehension Difficulties. different forms of rapid natural speech and ask them
However, the skill of students will not be improved the to imitate native speakers’ pronunciation.
best without teachers. Teachers play such a significant e. Teachers should help their students to be familiar
in building up their skill. By each lesson, the teachers with the accents of different native speakers. Due to
show his students the ways in each stage of listening the fact that native speakers have specific accents it is
comprehension. Generally, there are three stages: pre- necessary for students to recognize the differences
listening, while-listening and post-listening. In short, between American and British accents.
this research does not focus on how teachers carry out f. Listening activities should be presented according to
their lesson but it is a chance to understand more their level of complexities; that is, listening activities
about the student’s problems. As suggested that here should be provided from the very simple texts to the
are the micro skills that needed in an enable listener: lower level students and moved to the very
● predicting what people are going to talk about complicated authentic materials to the advanced
● guessing unknown words or phrases without students.
panicking g. Teachers should provide background knowledge
● using one’s won knowledge of the subject to and linguistic knowledge to their students while
help one understand listening to different listening materials.

● identify relevant points; rejecting irrelevant h. Teachers should give their students the necessary
information feedback on their performance because it can promote
their error correction and increase their motivation,
● retaining relevant points (note-taking,
and help them to develop their confidence in listening
● recognizing discourse markers, e. g, Well, Oh,
i. Teachers should help their students to develop the
Another thing is, Now, Finally, etc.
necessary skills of listening comprehension like
● recognizing cohesive devices e. g such as and listening for understanding particular information,
which, including link words, pronouns, references, etc. listening for the main ideas, explanation and
● understanding different intonation patterns inference, listening for intended meaning through
and uses of stress, etc, which give clues to meaning and providing different tasks and activities at different
social setting. levels.

understanding inferred information, e. g, j. Teachers should use body language such as pointing
speaker’s attitude or intention [4]. and facial expressions to reinforce oral messages in
There are some suggestions that are beneficial to their students.
students to overcome some of their listening k. Teachers should provide opportunities for
comprehension problems. developing top-down and bottom-up processing skills
a. Listening activities should be provided based on the because top-down activities motivate students to
students’ needs and teachers should provide authentic discuss what they already know about a topic and
listening materials for students that help them bottom-up activities give confidence in the
understand better the natural speech uttered by native understanding of the components of the language such
speakers. as sounds, words, intonation, and grammatical
b. Teachers should design listening tasks that arouse
students’ interest and help them learn listening skills l. Teachers should encourage their students to develop
and strategies. These tasks not only test the students’ listening strategies. Predicting, asking for
listening comprehension but also motivate them to use clarification, and using non-verbal cues are some
various types of listening strategies in order to gain the examples of these strategies that improve learners’
maximum benefits in doing their activities. listening comprehension ability.

c. Teachers should provide students with different m. Teachers should be appropriately trained in
types of input like lectures, radio news, films, TV plays, speaking skills. Listening is related to good
announcements, everyday conversation, and pronunciation; therefore, teachers should have good

Article DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeel.2.1.3

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 17
Lyubov, International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL), 2023, 2(1)
Jan-Feb 2023

and acceptable pronunciation which can help learners method that fits all types of English classes. Listening
to become better listeners. activities should be arranged from basic to more
n. Teachers should ask their learners to always listen complex as the learners gain in English language. This
to music, documentaries, and news on the radio and review of literature indicated the factors that caused
television, talk to native speakers face to face or on the some serious problems for learners’ listening
Internet so that they can create and reinforce a good comprehension and also offered some useful
habit of listening in themselves [3]. suggestions for teachers and students to improve their
listening comprehension ability. It is hoped that the
Some more ideas about the solution to improve
findings of this study contribute to the improvement
the listening skill of the students are as following:
of teaching and learning in listening comprehension
Firstly the students should spend much more time on [3].
practicing. They should listen to a variety of topics in
Listening is important not only in language
order to get familiar with them. Hence, the
learning but also in daily communication. However,
background knowledge will be enriched as well as the
the students seem to have problems with listening.
skill. In addition, the students should know to apply
Many problems, such as the time they spend on
suitable strategies to each kind of listening text in
studying themselves is too little to improve the skill,
order to get the best result.
the inappropriate strategies of learner, and also the
Based on the findings of this study, the listening material itself. The students should have
following recommendations are suggested: much more exposure to variety of listening and learn
1- since listening skill activities are very important the tips or strategies through each of their learning
in language teaching process, it is necessary to lay themselves. There is not an ideal method that fits all
stress on the suitable techniques used for this types of English classes. Here, the teachers play an
issue. important role how to select the suitable listening
strategies and how to apply them into the listening
2- The listening skill should be considered from
task. Listening activities should be arranged from
early stages of education.
basic to more complex as the learners gain in English
3- Students of English major should try to practice language [6].
their language specially in this skill whenever get
4- A great amount of vocabulary and special
expressions should be taken into account by the [1] Croom Helm Cross, D., 1998, Teach English, Oxford:
Oxford University Press
[2] Raphael Ahmed, 2015, How can learners improve their
5- The students should be aware of many listening comprehension? Why listening is important
grammatical issues used in language [3] Abbas Pourhosein Gilakjani1 & Narjes Banou Sabouri,
communications. Learners’ Listening Comprehension Difficulties in
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Listening comprehension has been ignored in Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
many English language programs. Listening [7] Ahunbabaeva Nargiza Hamidjanovna, Yunusova Nilufar
comprehension is a complex process. The strategies of Mahmudjanovna HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF
listening comprehension must be used UZBEK MILITARY TERMINOLOGY. Namangan
simultaneously. We must understand the text as we Engineering Technological Institute, Namangan,
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it with what follows and adjust our comprehending of
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what we hear through previous knowledge and next
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Article DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeel.2.1.3

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 18

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