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Name Chimodo Emmanuel Chinedu

Nationality NIGERIAN

Master’s Program: Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS) Course

2019 Research Proposal

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The Arab Spring: Its Impact on Security, Terrorism and the Future of African Politics

The Arab Spring: Its Impact on Security, Terrorism and the Future of African Politics.

A Research Proposal


The Graduate School of Global Studies,

Department of Peace and Conflict,

The Tokyo University of Foreign Studies,

Tokyo, Japan.

Name Chimodo Emmanuel Chinedu

Nationality NIGERIAN

April 2020

Research Outline

1. Introduction

2. Research Background.

3. Research Purpose,

4. Research Methodology and Design.

5. Bibliography.


The Arab Spring represents a wave of revolutionary demonstrations, anti-government protests,

and armed rebellions that swept the Arab world which comprise of Maghreb or North Africa and the
Middle East. It is regarded as one of the greatest political development in world politics. Numerous
factors such as violation of human rights, youth bulge, declining economic conditions and monarchy led
to the Arab Spring, but it was triggered by the self-immolation of a Tunisian national protesting against
police ill-treatment. The short term consequences of the revolution varied greatly across the region but it
led to the downfall of three regimes in Africa including a civil war in Libya, civil disobedience and
protests in Syria, Yemen, Morocco, Algeria, Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, Jordan and minor protests in some
MENAP countries (Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan).
Nevertheless, the revolutionary movement known as the Arab Spring cannot be confined only to
the Arab world. With Africa’s increasing potent ties to the Middle East under the southern spread of
Islam, the extension of the Arab Springs effect spills into the sub-continental region which will gradually
shape the future of African politics. This future development may threaten the United States influence in
the region. Also, it will bring internal changes in African political affair which will mostly bother on
maintaining a central government, curbing terrorism, and avoiding revolutionary demonstrations. The
motive of this research is to critically analyze the impacts and consequences of the Arab Springs as
regards to terrorism, security and politics in the continent of Africa mainly focusing on Nigeria.

Name Chimodo Emmanuel Chinedu

Nationality NIGERIAN

Research Background

The Arab Spring has engulfed African politics even in her sub-Saharan region. Opposition
leaders, trade unionists and other political critics in Africa frequently spiced their public utterance
concerning the uprising that happened in North Africa. It is very important and critical to address how the
revolution greatly influenced internal politics, created security concern and as well made the region
vulnerable as most African states are struggling to maintain a central government. Also, the region has
adopted the ideology of the Arab Spring as a recipe to impose a political and economic change in their
various countries instead of using the traditional means of change which is the election. For example,
there was a call for revolution in Nigeria aimed at ousting President Muhammadu Buhari and many
activists were arrested and detained. Also, it is believed that the Arab Spring might have had an impact on
the sudden rise of insecurity and terrorism not only in Africa but globally.

Though there are many types of research on the Arab Spring, I aim to fill the literature gap and
to show the continuous effect of the Arab Spring on Sub-Saharan African countries like Nigeria.

Purpose of Research

There are few linear relationships connecting events in the Arab Spring to specific shifts in the
democratization of Africa. Also, the effects of the revolution on sub-Saharan African democratic
development are rarely talked about. This research intends to explore effectively and clarify the link
between the Arab Spring and political developments in Africa.

Secondly, to examine the relationship between the Arab Spring and insecurity in Africa as it is
believed to have a consequential effect on destabilization of Mali and as well contributed to
farmers/herders clash in Nigeria caused by the overthrow of Moammar Gadhafi. Heavily armed Tuareg
rebels allied with Gadhafi in Libya returned to some African countries in Sub-Sahara; joined forces with
terrorist groups and fought the central government. Sequel to that security became an utmost priority.

Name Chimodo Emmanuel Chinedu

Nationality NIGERIAN

Osakwe (2014, 27) the Arab Spring is an ongoing process. It is constantly evolving as it is
revolutionary in its dismantling of some certain political cultures. Revolutionary activities are contagious
and history repeats itself. What led to Arab Spring is visible in other African countries. For instance,
Nigeria has a population of over a hundred and eighty million people with an increasing youth
population, sixty-seven million are unemployed. Similar conditions are found in other African countries
and can trigger a new revolution (African Spring).

Research Methodology and Design

Qualitative research was deemed suitable for this project as a continuous process of the
phenomenon will be outlined. Qualitative research enables the reader to understand the meaning of the
experiences, the distinctive nature of the problem and its impact. Therefore, I will be engaged in reading
articles and books on the history, political and economic progression of the countries within the Arabian
region prior and during the movement, cases of societal incidents like human right abuse, increase in
unemployment, corruption, and misuse of power, terrorism and its rate will be reviewed. This will enable
me to fill the literature gap as regards Africa as a whole.

Similarly, I will also revise previous researches carried out on the Arab region immediately after the
revolutionary movements came to a halt in all parts of the regions. I might also make use of statistical
figures and graphs to show whether the African countries are in a positive or negative progression,
politically, economically and otherwise after the Arab spring to arrive with a logical conclusion.

Name Chimodo Emmanuel Chinedu

Nationality NIGERIAN


Abgogu A.E, Nigeria: “The prospects of an Arab Spring” Global Journal of Arts Humanities and Social
Science 2, no7, (2014):18-26.

LaGraffe, Daniel. “The Youth Bulge in Egypt: an Intersection of Demographics, Security and the Arab
Spring.” Journal of Strategic Security5, no.2, (2012):65-80

Okpara, U.T., Stringer, L.C, Dougill, A.J., M.D. (2015). Conflict about water in Lake Chad: Are

Environmental, Vulnerability and Security issues Linked? Journal of Progress in Developmental

Studies15, (4), 308-325.

Osakwe Chwukwuma, “The Arab Spring and its Implication for Nigerian National Security” Journal of
politics and law7, no1, (2014): 23-29.

Salih, Kamal. “The Root Causes of the 2011 Arab Uprisings” Pluto Journals.URL http://www.

Uchendu, Egodi. ”Security and Development in North Africa until the Arab Spring: implication for
Nigeria’s defence industry.” Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria24, no28, (2015): 108-135.


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