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Level of acceptance.

This refers to the level at which a student is satisfied in using a

particular learning tool that helped the student be motivated and was able to better

understand the subject. (ano gagamitin natin?)

Juror. A member of a group of people who makes decision in a particular evaluation

committee. In this study, this refers to a member of the evaluation committee who

evaluated the developed Interactive Video Lesson.

Content Quality. It refers to the depth of information contained within a piece of content

(Active Campaign, nd). In this study, this refers to the quality of information contained in

a particular lesson, and the learning acquired by students after using the developed

Interactive Video Lesson.

Instructional Quality. Pertains to the quality of curriculum design and learning design of

an instructional material. In this study, this refers to the quality of learning gained by the

students after using the developed Interactive Video Lesson.

Technical Quality. This refers to the physical and quantifiable characteristics of

technological equipment. In this study, this is defined as the quality of the layout and

audio-video presentation of the developed Interactive Video Lesson.

Situated learning theory. A theory proposed by Jean Lave which suggests that

learning occurs within authentic context, culture and activity that is widely unintentional.

In this study, this theory supports the perception of the researchers that the developed

interactive video lesson which contains authentic context and activities will provide the

students with meaningful learning experiences.

Dual Coding and Common Coding Theories of Memory. A theory proposed by Paivio

which attempts to give equal weight to verbal and non-verbal processing (Culatta, 2021).

In this study, this theory supports the perception of the researchers that the use of

interactive video lesson in teaching grade 7 mathematics geometry that contains verbal,
auditory, visual and kinesthetic imagery will further result to an effective learning

experience to students.

Sociocultural theory. A theory proposed by Lev Vygotsky which is based upon the idea

that a learner’s environment plays a pivotal role in his/her learning development

(Pappas, 2014). In this study, this theory supports the perception of the researchers that

the teachers, parents, peers and the community has an effect on students learning


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