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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Region 3
Pampanga Provincial Office
Sasmuan Fire Station
Sta. Lucia, Sasmuan, Pampanga
Tel No.: 0942-731-2489


Prepared by:
FO1 Diosa C Dela Carcel


I. On the Job Training Grading Sheet
II. History:
 Background of the Fire Station
 Mission and Vision or Philosophies
 Practices and Organizational Set-Up
III. Duties and Responsibilities
IV. Lessons Learned
 Human Relation
 Administrative Skills
 Operational Tasks (Fire Fighting / Rescue)
V. Daily Journal (1st day to 30th day)
 Description of each day encountered and experiences while on OJT
VI. Research and Analysis:
Trends and Updates in Fire Fighting Career
Work Ethics/Values Learned
Knowledge and Skills Learned
Problems encountered and their solutions
Observation and Overall benefits derived from training
Conclusion and Recommendation
VII. Attachments:
 Certificate of Completion (photocopy)
 Evaluation from the City / Municipal Fire Marshal
 Daily Time Record / Attendance
 Pictures on Actual Training
 Pictures at the façade of the Station
 Pictures with the co-workers
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Date:August 23, 2022


INSTRUCTION: Place an (x) mark on the 0 in the scale below which corresponds to the rating of the trainee.
Legend:1. Strongly Disagree 2.Disagree 3. Fairly Agree 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree


Trainee helps maintain cleanliness of fire trucks regularly. O O O O O
1 2 3 4 5
Trainee orderly keeps tools and fire equipment. O O O O O
1 2 3 4 5
Trainee is prompt on orders of his/her superiors. O O O O O
1 2 3 4 5
Trainee’s willingness to hop on board the fire truck/ambulance O O O O O
when there is fire call as instructed by fire marshal or his 1 2 3 4 5
Trainee observes courtesy and chain of command while doing O O O O O
the operational tasks. 1 2 3 4 5
Trainee observes proper wearing of fire uniform and O O O O O
equipment. 1 2 3 4 5

Trainee observes team building and camaraderie with his/her O O O O O

co-workers while doing operational tasks. 1 2 3 4 5
Trainee shows resourcefulness on the available resources while O O O O O
doing operational tasks. 1 2 3 4 5


Reception- The capability of the trainee to maintain O O O O O
truthfulness while entertaining the inquiry from client. (ex. 1 2 3 4 5
Front desk and telephone inquiries)
Time Management- the capability of the trainee to observe O O O O O
deadlines, and manage tasks within the specified time. 1 2 3 4 5
Flexibility- The capability of the trainee to handle multi-tasking O O O O O
duties while at the OJT site. 1 2 3 4 5
Observance of Courtesy- The trainee’s orientation and O O O O O
observance of chain of command, and respect to authority. 1 2 3 4 5
Dress Code- Proper wearing of uniforms and paraphernalia. O O O O O
1 2 3 4 5
Assimilation- The capability of the trainee to learn from the O O O O O
experiences he/she encountered at the OJT site. 1 2 3 4 5
Ethical Capability- The capability of the trainee to decide on O O O O O
what is right. 1 2 3 4 5

____________________________ ______________________________
Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name
Chief, Administration Chief, Operations

Signature over Printed Name
Municipal Fire Marshal



Sasmuan Fire Station is a fire station in Pampanga. Sasmuan Fire Station is situated nearby to Hon. Jesus
'Boyet-Balas' M. Angeles Building, and close to Department of Trade & Industry Negosyo Center.


We commit to prevent and suppress destructive fires; investigate its causes; enforce Fire Code and
other related laws; respond to man-made and natural disasters and other emergencies.

A modern fire service fully-capable of ensuring a fire-safe nation by 2034.
Service to the people is our priority; WE give NO FAVOR to everyone and expect NO FAVOR to


SFO4George G Cabusao BFP

OIC – Municipal Fire Marshal

SFO1Jeremey Owen C Peña FO2 Al D Cabrera
Municipal C, Operations Municipal C, SAO/ FSI

FO2 Philip M Pingul FO1 Gideon R Lapuz

Municipal C, IAS/ FAI/ DPO/ Operations Clerk Collecting Agent/ FAI/ Alternate DPO

FO1 Mark Angelo R David FO1 Xavier John M Calimlim

DPO/ Fire Safety Inspector DPO/ Operations Clerk

FO1 Patrick Ferry B Donquillo

Operations Clerk/ SAO Clerk
SFO2 Marlon Q Dimarucut
Municipal C FSEU/ BPE
SFO1 Gloria D Morales
Municipal C Admin/ Municipal C, IIU
FO3 Lilizeth S Kong
Municipal C, Finance/ SDO
FO1 Joan M Dizon
Municipal C, PIS/ Admin Clerk
FO1 Diosa C Dela Carcel
FO1 Vinky Mae D Domingo



We are charged with duties ranging from saving lives to keeping firefighting equipment clean. At a
moment's notice, we must be ready to perform job functions such as rescuing people and also
animals from burning or collapsed buildings, fighting fires and providing emergency medical
assistance. In addition to attending emergency call outs and rescuing people and animals from life-
threatening situations, ourduties also entails:

 Promoting fire safety via talks, advice and training sessions

 Performs various public information or education tasks

 Inspecting and enforcing safety standards in commercial and residential properties

 Demonstrating the use of firefighting equipment

 Performing practice drills to different schools, barangays, private companies etc.

 Checking and maintaining vehicles, equipment, hydrants and water supplies

We are also responsible for maintaining our jobs skills and equipment when not responding to
emergencies. We must engage in practice drills and ongoing training in areas of fire prevention and
control, as well as the preservation of life and property. These responsibilities and more are required
during time at the station when we are not actively engaged in firefighting at a hazardous site.

We are also expected to know and frequently train and rehearse for situations in which we save lives,
property and the environment. Cleaning the fire truck, hoses and all other firefighting equipment is
also part of a fireman's recurring responsibilities while awaiting emergency calls.


This is where the concerns of the people’s issues that involves the interpersonal and organizational
relationships. Human relations is an important part for the organizational success. Every time that
our Municipal Fire Marshal goes to the station, he calls the duty personnel and set a meeting to
addressing our needs, resolving any conflicts and other possible concerns that we need to discuss. As
we all know we are working for one organization that aims for the betterment and continuous
progress of our workplace that is why we should know how can we establish good relationship with
the people within our workplace. Personnel must frequently work together on activities,
communicate ideas and provide motivation to get things done. Without a stable and inviting
workplace culture, difficult challenges can arise both in the logistics of managing personnel and in
the bottom line. Organization with engaging workplaces and a well-trained workforce are more
likely to retain and attract personnel, foster loyalty with customers and more quickly adapt to meet
the needs of the Organization.

In order for us to attain the success of the organization and administration, we need to have the skills
that is required to continuously improve, such as communicating, organizing, planning, scheduling,
and computer software skills comprehending word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and
telecommunications. Any person in charge of running an organization must have strong
administration skills, which include both organizational and technical skills, to make sure the work is
completed in an organized and efficient manner. And the work of an administrative personnel
nowadays has been enhanced by advance computer technology, so as an admin personnel should
have familiarize to the computer skills such word processing, spreadsheets, etc., to make work more
faster and efficient.
During our duty, first thing we learned was to observe different tasks in different areas of work at the
office. It was difficult for us at the beginning but as day goes by asking queries, offering ourselves in
which we can use our skills and knowledge in administrative works, we managed to understand little
by little on how the fire station works aside from fire prevention and suppression. Following the
protocols, courtesy and chain of commands, I learned how the officers work hand on hand on daily
basis, observing the according to their station order given by the MFM and with this, it made me
appreciate them more in their service with the people and community of Sasmuan.
I learned that permits must be signed and complied with Fire Department according to Fire Code.
And all important documents must be signed with the knowledge of MFM. The Public must be
properly informed by the fire department and all the activities throughout the year must be complied
as per the instruction given by the Bureau of Fire Protection. Fire safety inspection for every
building, establishment, occupational or none, business or private must comply with the Fire Code of
the Philippines. Working as fire trainees and OJT, we have learned the administrative duties and
responsibilities of fire stations here in the Municipality of Sasmuan. We were oriented always on the
latest requirements to be reported to the Provincial Offices up to the Regional Offices to be
submitted by all the stations that will be sent to the National Office.


As a firefighter it is our duty to save lives, property and the environment. In a matter of seconds fire
can rapidly spread and endanger many lives; however, with modern firefighting techniques,
catastrophe is usually, but not always, avoided. One of the major hazards associated with firefighting
operations is the toxic environment created by combusting materials. The four major hazards
associated with these situations are smoke, the oxygen deficient atmosphere, elevated temperatures,
and toxic atmospheres. Additional risks of fire include falls and structural collapse. To prevent fires
from starting, a firefighter's duties may include public education to different barangay’s, schools,
hospitals, establishment and also private companies about fire safety and conducting fire inspections
of locations for their adherence to local fire codes.
SFO2 Marlon Q Dimarucut as the Chief Operationof Sasmuan Fire Station showed and taught me
how the OJT functions in the fire station. He explained to us the training course that we have through
the memo that came from the Provincial Office. He also told me the officers that are in charge to
different duties and responsibilities of the station and endorse us to the officers who will help us to
widen our knowledge with our chosen field. Sharing his knowledge and techniques, plus experience
of his duty as fire fighter. Same as with FO1 Gideon R Lapuz and FO1 Xavier John M Calimlim also
taught me on how to operate a firetruck and firetruck’s pump from the opening of the PTO up to
putting the pressure to the hose using the throttle. They also taught us the types of nozzle that are
available in the station and how to connect to the fire truck. FO2 Al D Cabrera, FO1 Gideon R Lapuz
and FO1 Xavier John M Calimlim also taught me on how to answer a call coming from a Radio or
Telephone. How to receive a message through email or radio message and to codes that we use here
in Pampanga. I learned the guidelines and house rules of the station. I saw how they maintain the
cleanliness of the station and daily routine for the fire truck maintenance.
On the other hand, I render public services with my senior officers where we attend different
activities like barangay assembly, Fun Run activities, Oplan Ligtas Pamayanan, monitoring the water
level of the bridges in Sasmuan and roving the area when there are typhoons or even low pressure
area that we need to monitor to ensure the safety of our area of responsibility.


DAY 01

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Courtesy call at OPFD, BFP Pampanga, Region III under the supervision
0700H- 1000H
of SUPT ROMEO A PEPITO Jr, Provincial Fire Marshal.
1020H-1130H Travel from OPFD to Sasmuan Fire station.
Courtesy call for SF04 George G Cabusao, OIC Municipal Fire Marshal;
1140H-1300H SF04 George G Cabusao conducted briefing with regards to the Rules and
Regulation of the station.
1301H- 1700H Assisted the FSES in the Profiling of Business Establishments.
1700H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 02

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

0530H- 0550H Rise and shine.

Polishing AOR.
0600H - 0730H
Personal necessities.
Operations Key personnel conducted briefing regarding on how to make
0730H - 1200H
operation reports, where and when to submit the operation reports.
1201H-1300H OJT’s conducted AOR on kitchen
OJT’s conducted practice of Evaluation of a Building and how to compute
1301H- 1700H
a Bill of Materials.
1700H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 03

Thursday, 25 August 2022

Rise and shine.

0500H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
0801H-1000H Duty floor watch with FO1 Vinky Mae D Domingo.
1200H- 1700H Assisted the FSES in the Profiling of Business Establishments.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 04

Friday, 26 August 2022

Rise and shine.

0400H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Administrative Personnel and Records Section SFO1 Gloria S
0800H-1030H Morales, Chief Admin. Orientation on the all documents pertaining to
personnel and office handled by Administrative section.
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
1100H -1700H Resumption of discussion with SFO1 Gloria S Morales , Chief Admin.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)
DAY 05-06

Saturday to Sunday, 27 August 2022 to 28 August 2022

Rise and shine.

0500H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Administrative Personnel and Records Section SFO1 Gloria S
0800H-1030H Morales, Chief Admin. Orientation on the all documents pertaining to
personnel and office handled by Administrative section.
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
1100H -1700H Resumption of discussion with SFO1 Gloria S Morales , Chief Admin.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 07-08

Monday to Tuesday, 29 August 2022 to 30 August 2022

Rise and shine.

Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Flag Raising Ceremony and Celebration National Heroes Day.
Assigned at Logistic and Supply Section SFO1 Gloria S Morales , Chief
0800H-1030H Admin. Orientation on the familiarization of various FSES, Bussiness
Permit and Administrative section.
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Prepare for lunch and wash dishes as a junior.
1100H -1700H
Resumption of discussion with SFO1 Gloria S Morales, Chief Admin.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 10

Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Rise and shine.
0530H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Budget and Finance Section FO3 Lilizeth S Kong , Chief
0800H-1030H Finance. Orientation on all documents pertaining to Budget and Finance
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Prepare for lunch and wash dishes as a junior.
1100H -1700H
Resumption of discussion with FO3 Lilizeth S Kong , Chief Finance.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

Day 11

Thursday, 01 September 2022

Rise and shine.

0400H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Budget and Finance Section – FO3 Lilizeth S Kong , Chief
0800H-1030H Finance. Continuation on the orientation of all documents pertaining to
Budget and Finance Section.
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Prepare for lunch and wash dishes as a junior.
1100H -1700H
Resumption of discussion with FO3 Lilizeth S Kong , Chief Finance.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 12

Friday, 02 September 2022

Rise and shine.

0400H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Plans and Training Program Section SFO1 Gloria S Morales ,
Chief Admin. Orientation on Office Performance Commitment and
Review (OPCR) target setting and monitoring handled by Administrative
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Prepare for lunch and wash dishes as a junior.
1100H -1700H
Resumption of discussion with SFO1 Gloria S Morales , Chief Admin.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)
DAY 13

Saturday to Sunday 03 September 2022 to 04 September 2022

Rise and shine.

0500H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Plans and Training Program Section - SFO1 Gloria S
Morales, Chief Admin. Orientation on Individual Performance
Commitment and Review (IPCR) target setting and monitoring handled by
Administrative section.
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Prepare for lunch and wash dishes as a junior.
1100H -1700H
Resumption of discussion SFO1 Gloria S Morales, Chief Admin.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 14

Monday, 05 September 2022

Rise and shine.

Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Flag Raising Ceremony.
Assigned at Customer Relation Section SFO1 Gloria S Morales , Chief
0800H-1030H Admin. Orientation and briefing on BFP Citizen Charter handled by Fire
Safety Enforcement Section (FSES).
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Prepare for lunch and wash dishes as a junior.
1100H -1700H
Resumption of discussion with SFO1 Gloria S Morales, Chief Admin.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 16

Tuesday, 06 September 2022

Rise and shine.

0500H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Fire Code Revenue Collection Section - SFO1 Gloria S
0800H-1030H Morales, Chief Admin. Orientation on assessment, re: computation and
records keeping handled by Fire Safety Enforcement Section (FSES).
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Prepare for lunch and wash dishes as a junior.
1100H -1700H
Resumption of discussion with SFO1 Gloria S Morales, Chief Admin.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)
DAY 17

Wednesday, 07 September 2022

Rise and shine.

0530H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Fire Code Revenue Collection Section- FO1 Gideon R Lapuz,
Collecting Agent. Orientation on Fire Code Fee Collection (FCFC), re:
issuance of O.R, reporting and records keeping handled by Fire Safety
Enforcement Section (FSES).
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Prepare for lunch and wash dishes as a junior.
1100H -1700H
Resumption of discussion with FO1 Gideon R Lapuz ,Collecting Agent.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 18-19

Thursday to Friday, 08 September 2022 to 09 September 2022

Rise and shine.

Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Fun Run in Santa Monica.
Assigned at Building Plan Evaluation Section – SFO1 Gloria S Morales,
0800H-1030H Chief FSEU/BPE. Orientation on Building plans’ Evaluation and filling up
of checklist, handled by Fire Safety Enforcement Section (FSES).
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Prepare for lunch and wash dishes as a junior.
1100H -1700H
Resumption of discussion with SFO1 Gloria S Morales, Chief FSES/BPE.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 20

Saturday to Sunday 10 September 2022 to 11 September 2022

Rise and shine.
0500H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does Physical Fitness Test (PFT).
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Building Plan Evaluation Section – SFO1 Gloria S Morales,
Orientation on Fire Safety Inspection re: conduct of Fire Safety Inspection
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Prepare for lunch and wash dishes as a junior.
1100H -1700H Resumption of discussion with – SFO1 Gloria S Morales, Chief
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 21

Monday, 12 September 2022

Rise and shine.

Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Flag Raising Ceremony.
Assigned at Building Plan Evaluation Section – SFO1 Gloria S Morales,
0800H-1030H Chief FSEU/BPE. and Continuation on the Orientation of Fire Safety
Inspection re: conduct of Fire Safety Inspection (FSI)
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Prepare for lunch and wash dishes as a junior.
1100H -1700H
Resumption of discussion with SFO1 Gloria S Morales, Chief FSEU/BPE.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 22

Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Rise and shine.

0400H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Fire Safety Enforcement Section – SFO1 Gloria S Morales,
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Prepare for lunch and wash dishes as a junior.
1100H -1700H
Resumption of discussion with SFO1 Gloria S Morales, Chief FSEU/BPE.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)
DAY 23

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Rise and shine.

0500H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Fire Operation Section – FO2 Philip M Pingul, Chief Internal
0800H-1030H Affairs Section.Orientation on Fire alarms and Running Chart;
Communication/ Commel – Telephone and Radio tasking.
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Resumption of discussion with FO2 Philip M Pingul, Chief IIU/Chief
1100H -1700H
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 24

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Rise and shine.

0530H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Fire Operation Section – FO1 Xavier John M Calimlim ,
0800H-1030H Driver Pump Operator, orientation on Rescue Emergency and Medical
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Resumption of discussion with – FO1 Xavier John M Calimlim ,
1100H -1700H
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 25

Friday, 16 September 2022

Rise and shine.
0500H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Fire Operation Section – FO2 Philip M Pingul, Chief Internal
Affairs Section. Orientation on Fire Arson and Investigation, re: Role of
Lead Fire Arson, Role of Fire Scene Photographer, Role of Fire Scene
Sketch Preparer, Role of Evidence Recovery Personnel and Custodian,
Role of Team Security Personnel, Preparation on Fire Investigation
Reports (SIR, PIR, FIR, FIIR)
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Resumption of discussion with FO2 Philip M Pingul, Chief IIU/Chief
1100H -1700H
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 26

Friday, 17 September 2022

Rise and shine.

0530H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Fire Operation Section – FO2 Philip M Pingul, Chief Internal
Affairs Section.Orientation on Preparation on Fire Investigation Reports
re: Spot Investigation Report (SIR) and Progress Investigation Report
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Resumption of discussion with FO2 Philip M Pingul, Chief IIU/Chief
1100H -1700H
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 27-28

Saturday, Sunday 17 September 2022 to 18 September 2022

Rise and shine.

0400H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Assigned at Fire Operation Section – FO2 Philip M Pingul , Chief Internal
Affairs Section. Orientation on Preparation on Fire Investigation Reports
re: Final Investigation Report (FIR) and Fire Incidence and Investigation
Report (FIIR).
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
Resumption of discussion with FO2 Philip M Pingul , Chief IIU/Chief
1100H -1700H
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)
DAY 29

Monday, 19 September 2022

Rise and shine.

Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
Flag Raising Ceremony.
Assigned at Fire Operation Section – FO2 Al D Cabrera, NCOIC Shift
“B”. Orientation on Fire Suppression and Control re: Fire response and
response time and fire truck familiarization and its maintenance/
1030H- 1100H Personal Necessities.
1100H -1700H Resumption of discussion with – FO2 Al D Cabrera, NCOIC Shift “B”.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities.
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

DAY 30

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Rise and shine.

0400H-0800H Morning Conditioning and does reveille/jogging.
Polishing of AOR and personal necessities.
0800H - 0830H Prepare for the day’s activity.
0830H - 1000H OPLAN LigtasnaPamayanan (Brgy. Paguiruan)
Assigned at Fire Operation Section – FO2 Al D Cabrera, NCOIC Shift
“B”. Orientation on Fire Suppression and Control re: Functions and proper
use of fire fighting equipments and its maintenance and Fire fighting
1100H- 1130H Personal Necessities.
1130H -1700H Resumption of discussion with – FO2 Al D Cabrera, NCOIC Shift “B”.
1700H-1900H Afternoon Exercise and conditioning; and personal necessities
2300H End of Turn of Duty (TOD)

 Trends and Updates in Fire Fighting Career

Trend#1: Tablet Computers

Laptops are nice, but they can be bulky and lack the functionality of tablet computers. I use an iPad, and it
has some excellent features and great apps, most of which were free. Tablets feature multiple means of
communication, including email and instant messaging apps. The photo app, standard with the device,
allows you to easily send pictures via email, Facebook or Twitter, allowing others to see what you’re seeing
in the field. Real-time information can be quickly communicated to decision-makers or to the troops in the
field to guide them on what to do. One great app is WISER, which can tie in your location and weather, and
help determine where a chemical plume is going—right now. I also use the I am responding app, which
allows me to track who’s on duty and who’s responding, right in the palm of my hand. And I can use it to
quickly update my own availability. There is an extrication app for hybrid vehicles called Hybrid Vehicle
Extrication Guide, which points out these vehicles’ unique hazards. Multiple apps allow me to track weather
radar for planning purposes, and the Google Earth app shows street views of buildings and other site
information. I’d like tablets to ultimately replace our MDTs and, fortunately, tablet technology is only
getting better.

Trend#2: Drones

It’s called the “fog of war” for a reason, and it applies to fire/rescue operations almost as much as the
battlefield. We try to glean as much information as possible about what’s going on in order to make good
decisions (situational awareness), but it’s often challenging to understand the big picture of what’s occurring
around us from a position on the ground. Incident commanders have used helicopters for recon, gone up on
roofs and aerials, and employed other creative means to get that big picture, but we may now have a better
option. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or “drones”) are being marketed to the fire service. Some were
on display at FDIC this year. Much like how unmanned bomb and SWAT robots give law enforcement a
closer look at dangerous situations from a remote location, UAVs can provide firefighters a better view of an
incident scene—and without placing personnel at risk or having to rely on helicopters, which come with a
much heftier price tag. UAVs are becoming more and more simple to use, and can provide both video and
infrared imaging to the command post and other operating units. Are there concerns about privacy and “eye
in the sky” issues? Certainly, and they need to be addressed through department SOPs/SOGs and effective

Trend#3: Simulation Training

The best way you can prepare to handle an incident is to have gone through the incident previously,
critiqued your performance and learned from it to be even better the next time. However, in our business,
there are few or no “do-overs.” If we burn a building down, it’s gone. The next best thing is to study a
building, transportation location or other place where an incident may occur and run simulated incidents
there. There are several groups that are making very good simulation software to help with this, including
Command, Digital Combustion, Action Training Systems and others. To be most effective, the software
should allow you to load your own preplan information on buildings/target hazards in your own coverage
area. It makes it “real” for the participants, and they will take more away if they go through the motions of
managing something in their coverage area. Of course, an even better training exercise is to take the
simulation to the next level and do a full-scale drill!

Trend#4: Importance of Preplanning

As we sit here and contemplate how to manage incidents in the future, entrepreneurs, engineers, architects
and others are thinking about new materials to use in buildings and new ways to construct those buildings.
We must continue to monitor what is going on in the building industry, and what is being built in our own
community. Get out and take photos of buildings being constructed in your area—at least weekly. You
become the de facto historian of the buildings in your coverage area, and those photos may pay big
dividends later. I have an outpatient cancer center in my coverage area that looks like a simple office
building, but behind the windows at one end are 4-foot-thick walls that protect a room with 8,000-lb. doors.
Those doors lead to two more rooms that house equipment that uses gamma radiation. We were able to get
photos of the building during construction, which was great because we never would have been able to get
photos showing those walls again.

 Work Ethics/Values Learned

Realistic firefighter training is essential for ensuring safe operations at true emergencies. Realistic training
remains inherently hazardous, though policies and safety procedures have provided for a much greater
degree of safety over the past twenty years. Because fire suppression operations are also inherently
dangerous, the fire service should train firefighters in as close to actual conditions as possible, while
protecting them in the process. The challenge for firefighters to push themselves to the boundaries of their
capabilities is necessary for long-term firefighter survival.

 Knowledge and Skills Learned

Failure to follow established guidelines in training can lead to tragic outcomes such as injuries and fatalities.
Fire-fighters encounter a range of hazards during structural as well as wild-land fire-fighting. The hazards
can cause minor injuries to fatal accidents leading to end of career or even death of fire-fighters. Physical
strength, technical skills are important of course, but I would venture to say that the most important skill or
attribute for a firefighter is the ability to work together with others as part of a coordinated team. Everything
firefighters do is a group effort, from advancement of hose lines to the extrication of a victim from a
smashed car. Fire suppression involves both extinguishment and ventilation; investigation and prevention
are two sides of the same coin. Without the ability to coordinate with others, the effectiveness of firefighting
is lost.


How to Operate the 2 Fire Trucks

Since we have lack time about firefighting during our training, it’s hard for us how to operate the fire trucks.
So we request to our Municipal Fire Marshal to have Firefighting training on our OJT, and our request was
granted. The Chief Operation of Floridablanca Fire Station thought us how to operate the fire trucks, shows
the placement of the hoses, PPE’s and other equipments. This training will help us to make our work faster
and efficient in case of fire, especially firefighting is our main function.

 Observation and Overall benefits derived from training

My observation about our respective fire station, it has enough space to park our two fire trucks at our
garage, but the station is clean, and well-organized, and the personnel treat each other as part of the family.
And the organization was also organized, the personnel on duty were divided into 2 shifts and every
personnel have their respective designation or main functions. Personnel are frequently work together on
activities, communicate ideas and provide motivation to get things done. They also provide us training in
firefighting, teaching us on administrative skill, technical skill which will benefit us to develop and enhance
our skills and which can lead our way to be a professional firefighter.

 Conclusion and Recommendation

Firefighting is a specialized job which requires professional knowledge, training, skills and resources with
professional working understating among emergency services and community. The fire emergency response
can be improved through coordination, ongoing enhancement of skills of firefighters, establishing incident
command system, timely provision of resources, in time repair of equipment, community awareness through
seminars, community education through safety and implementation of fire safety standards in buildings or

 Certificate of Completion (Photocopy)

 Evaluation from the City / Municipal Fire Marshal
 Daily Time Record / Attendance

Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Date: August 23, 2022


INSTRUCTION: Place an (x) mark on the 0 in the scale below which corresponds to the rating of the
Legend: 1. Strongly Disagree 2.Disagree 3. Fairly Agree 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree


Trainee helps maintain cleanliness of fire trucks regularly. O O O O O
1 2 3 4 5
Trainee orderly keeps tools and fire equipment. O O O O O
1 2 3 4 5
Trainee is prompt on orders of his/her superiors. O O O O O
1 2 3 4 5
Trainee’s willingness to hop on board the fire truck/ambulance O O O O O
when there is fire call as instructed by fire marshal or his 1 2 3 4 5
Trainee observes courtesy and chain of command while doing O O O O O
the operational tasks. 1 2 3 4 5
Trainee observes proper wearing of fire uniform and O O O O O
equipment. 1 2 3 4 5

Trainee observes team building and camaraderie with his/her O O O O O

co-workers while doing operational tasks. 1 2 3 4 5
Trainee shows resourcefulness on the available resources O O O O O
while doing operational tasks. 1 2 3 4 5
Reception- The capability of the trainee to maintain O O O O O
truthfulness while entertaining the inquiry from client. (ex. 1 2 3 4 5
Front desk and telephone inquiries)
Time Management- the capability of the trainee to observe O O O O O
deadlines, and manage tasks within the specified time. 1 2 3 4 5
Flexibility- The capability of the trainee to handle multi- O O O O O
tasking duties while at the OJT site. 1 2 3 4 5
Observance of Courtesy- The trainee’s orientation and O O O O O
observance of chain of command, and respect to authority. 1 2 3 4 5
Dress Code- Proper wearing of uniforms and paraphernalia. O O O O O
1 2 3 4 5
Assimilation- The capability of the trainee to learn from the O O O O O
experiences he/she encountered at the OJT site. 1 2 3 4 5
Ethical Capability- The capability of the trainee to decide on O O O O O
what is right. 1 2 3 4 5


______________ ______________________________
Signatureover Printed Name Signature over Printed Name
Chief, Administration Chief, Operations

Signature over Printed Name
Municipal Fire Marshal
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government
Region 3
Pampanga Provincial Office
Sasmuan Fire Station
Sta. Lucia, Sasmuan, Pampanga
Tel No.: 0942-731-2489


FO1 Diosa C Dela Carcel


Day 1 22 August 2022
Day 2 23 August 2022
Day 3 24 August 2022
Day 4 25 August 2022
Day 5 26 August 2022
Day 6 27 August 2022
Day 7 28 August 2022
Day 8 29 August 2022
Day 9 30 August 2022
Day 10 31 August 2022
Day 11 01 September 2022
Day 12 02 September 2022
Day 13 03 September 2022
Day 14 04 September 2022
Day 15 05 September 2022
Day 16 06 September 2022
Day 17 07 September 2022
Day 18 08 September 2022
Day 19 09 September 2022
Day 20 10 September 2022
Day 21 11 September 2022
Day 22 12 September 2022
Day 23 13 September 2022
Day 24 14 September 2022
Day 25 15 September 2022
Day 26 16 September 2022
Day 27 17 September 2022
Day 28 18 September 2022
Day 29 19 September 2022
Day 30 20 September 2022
Prepared by: Noted by:

SFO1 Gloria D Morales SFO4 George G. Cabusao

Municipal Chief Admin Municipal Fire Marshal

Courtesy Call- Our Provincial Fire Director - SUPT ROMEO A PEPITO JR, together with OPFD
officers and staff, welcomes and congratulates the twenty - eight (28) newly graduate of Fire Officer 1
Recruit Orientation Program Class SAMBISIG 2022 - 01.
On this day 23 August 2022 at 1300H,personnel of this station headed by SFO4 George G Cabusao,
OIC- Municipal Fire Marshal, welcomed the newly absorbed FO1's as they rendered their courtesy
call and immediately start their on-the-job training (OJT) for one month.
Traditional Monday Flag Raising Ceremony. Moreover, together with other Municipal Employees,
and Department heads
Monday Flag Raising Ceremony and also Celebrating the National Heroes Day 2022.
Physical Fitness Test (PFT) sit- ups and push-ups.
Physical Fitness Test (PFT) 3km run and hose carry 100 meters.
Posting the Tarpaulin of Mission, Vision and Quality Objectives, Policy.
Performing Donning and Doffing.
Daily cleaning of fire station before office hours and Cleaning the table and doing the
Watching the live video of 3rd Quarter Nationwide Earthquarke Drill. Duck, Cover and
Roving and Monitoring the level of water in Sasmuan River.
Earthquake Drill at Santa Lucia Academy.
Daily cleaning of Fire Truck and Refill water.

Refill Water to Santa Monica to San Antonio.

Personnel of this station, with the supervision of SFO4 George G Cabusao, OIC- Municipal Fire
Marshal. Participated on the Color Fun Run, in celebration of "Linggo ng Kabataan" held at Fish
Port Sta Monica and was officiated by the Sangguniang Kabataan of Barangay Sta Monica, Sasmuan.
Discuss about Bussiness Permit.
Checking email coming from OPFD.
Duty Personnel ( Shift A ) of this station, headed by Team Leader FO2 Philip M Pingul, together with
FO1 Mark Angelo R David, conducted seminar & familiarization of fire truck and fire fighting
Duty Personnel ( Shift A ) of this station, headed by Team Leader FO2 Philip M Pingul, together with
FO1 Mark Angelo R David, conducted seminar & familiarization of hose throwing and other
Duty Personnel ( Shift A ) of this station, headed by Team Leader FO2 Philip M Pingul, together with
FO1 Mark Angelo R David, conducted seminar & familiarization of fire truck and fire fighting
Duty Personnel ( Shift B ) of this station, headed by team leader FO2 Al D Cabrera, together with
FO1 Gideon R Lapuz, FO1 Xavier John M Calimlim, conducted seminar & actual performing folding
of Philippines Flag.
Duty Personnel ( Shift B ) of this station, headed by team leader FO2 Al D Cabrera, together with
FO1 Gideon R Lapuz, FO1 Xavier John M Calimlim, conducted seminar & actual demonstration of
Basic Rope Technique.
Duty Personnel ( Shift B ) of this station, headed by team leader FO2 Al D Cabrera, together with
FO1 Gideon R Lapuz, FO1 Xavier John M Calimlim and the newly absorbed FO1's, conducted
flashing at the covered court of San Nicolas 1st.

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