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[Problem No: ! aT TO eas ETO Oh IE 8 cont of F250 ing he year be prchased and sold debentures 5700 i) On 1.62017, 1,000 10% Debentures of € 100 exch are purchased cum-imicrest 2 8 cx of © 1,096,000. i) Ese, im_10 btn of 100 eh amp pected aes * 8 1,17,600. {aly Om 30.11.2017, 1400 10% Debentures of 100 each re old ex-iteest Com Of © 1 2408 iv) (Om 1.122017, 1,500 10% Debentures of € 100 cach are sold cum-interest at 8 cost of ® 47m wy eee a0 1% Debesaresof€ 100 cach re purcaed com tenes asc of vi) Ime payee on 3 ane an 31° Deemer cer ree, The Books of si = 31" March every year: Prepare 1m Debemun Account in the books of Dr. Jade fr the year ends on 31° March, 2918 (May - 20%, Fimmciad Acvommuing Sem 0) Practica! Probiems rrr a On 21" March, 2018 the Company announced right issie of equity shares in the ratio of 3:2. She purchased all right issees mt market price of © 24 per share Market Price of shares on 31" March, 2018 is @ 16 Prepare Equity Shares Account in Ms. Barkha's books for the year ended 31* March, 2011 Problem Ne (October ~ 2018)| Mit. Shivom gives you his following details of investmont for the year in 129s Debentures of € 100 each io BH Lid Date Particulars | Numbers of Debentures Terms ‘01042017 Balance | 2,000. Cost Price ® 2,02,000 3062017 Purchased | 1,000. £103 Cum —Interest_ ‘01092017 Purchased | 1,000 94 Ex — Interest O1/AI2017_ Sold 1200 | 103 Cum — tmerest ‘AWIOF Sold 200 © 104 Ex — Interest o10273018 Purchased 600 @97 Cum — Interest O12018 400 © 105 Cum Interest Interest is payable half yearly on 30° September and 31" March every year. The Books of accounts are closed on 31" March every year. Prepare 12% Debenture Account ir _he books of Mr. Shivom for the year ended on 31* March, 2018. Problem No: 4 (October — 2018) Mr. Jinen had 10,000 equity shares of AP Ljd, on 1" April, 2017. The fice value of the share is © 10 ‘each but book value on 1" April, 2017 was © 15 per share. Gn I" May, 2017 be purchased another 2,000 equity shares in AP Lid., at having market price of Seach, Qn 1" June, 2017, ie purchased additional 3,000 equity shares of the same company at a market price of 5S higher than face value. On 1* July, 2017 he wad 3,000 equity shares at € 25 share. ‘Gn 1" October, 2017 the directors of AP Lid, had declared and issued bonus shares at the rate of one share for every four shares held aa on that date, On 1° December, 2017 he purchased 2,000 equity shares of AP Ltd. when market price was t 20. On 1* January. 2018, he purchased 3000 right shares in AP Ltd, at € 18 per share. ‘On 1* February, 2018 he sold 2,500 equity shares for ® 25 per share. ‘Market Price of shares on 31" March, 2018 was © 12 per share. Prepare Equity Shares A’e in’ Mr, Jinon’s books for the year ended 31" March, 2018. On 1” April 2015, 1,000 equity shares of © 10 cach of "XYZ Lid” were held as investment by Mr. Narayan at a cout of © 12,000, On 30" April 2015, he purchased 1,000 of such equity shares @ © 20 per share, (On 10" May 2015, the company declared Bonus shares in the ratio of one share for every two Shares On 1" June 2015, the company made a right issue in the ratio of one share for every five shares held on Payment of € 22 per share. Mr, Narayan subscribed to 50% of the shares and sold the balances of his rights @ € 2 per sharc. On 15" September 2015, dividend was received @ ® 2 per share for the year ended 313.2015, Om 1" November 201, $00 of such shares were sold by Mr: Narayan @; 2S per share. On 15% January 2016, 1,000 of such shares were again wold @ € 26 pet share. Prepare Equity shares in "XYZ Ltd." Account if the books of Mr, Narayan for the year ended 313.2016, off figures the nearest rupee). Ua opis Ris aoe Rm pt 2) On 1" April 2016 Mr. Rajesh holds 20,000 Equity Shares of © 10 each in HLAd, ata com of ® 3,00,000. On 1" duly 2016 he purchased 4,000 additional shares of the same Company at s cost of 64,000. Scanned by TapScanner eee - 5 ever University Question Papers (T¥.B.Com,) Sem... — — - = hy Rate ; Dare = & 98 cum-interest Age OA Herest seen nia © 104 ex-interest aber, 2 %97 cum-interest 7 % 97 ex-interest ~ You are required to prepare investment in 6% debentures in Excellent Ltd, Account for the year end 30" Mareh, 2015 as it would appear in the books of Mr. Tushar. (Apply AS-13). Prodem No, : 25 ( on purchase and sale of shares) ate A a 2010) (Old Couns Universal Plastics Traders acquired 5,000 shares of Maruti Ltd. each on 15" July, 39] acq 2014; Maruti Ltd. issued right shares in the ratio . Brokerage is paid @ 0.5%. On Ist December, ; 2:5 @ B98 per share. Universal Plastics Traders exercised their option for 50% of right shares and appii, for the same. f On 20th March, 2015; Universal Plastics Traders sold 1,600 shares of Maruti Ltd. @ % 100 per share Brokerage is paid @ 0.5%. : Calculate profit / loss on sale of shares on 20" March, 2015. rrr Scanned by TapScanner (On 1-7-2014, the dirwctors OT Lad, issued bonis shares st the rate of ne share for every three shares ‘On 1-01-2015 Aditya purchased $,000 right shares in T Lid. of € 10 each at 15 per share On 31-01-2015 he sold 20,000 equity shares in T Ltd. of & 10 cach ai ® 40 per share. ‘Show investment Ac as it would appear in Aditya's books for the year ended 31-03-2015. Problem Sa : 21 (Renouncement Shares) (October — 2011) ‘On | April 2014, Mr. Vinay had 40,000 Equity shares of © 10 each of Spectrum Ltd. purchased at gem off 1S per share. ‘On 1* May 2014. Ihe purchased 10,000 Equity share of Satyam Lad. (Face valut © 10 each) at € 25 per gore. On the same day he also purchased 20,000 Equity shares of Spectrum Ltd. at © 12 each, On Je hly, 2014 be sold 2,000 Equity shares of Satyam Lid. @ € 22 per share. Board of Directors of Spectrum jad snncunced rights issue of Equity shares, in ratio of one share for every three shares held, at € 20 cach, fell emownt was payable by 31" August 2014, Shareholders were allowed to renounce their right cither in part or fall wo the cotsiders. Mr. Vinay renounced 40% of his rights at € 5 per share and subscribed for the balance a (* December 2014 Mr. Vinay sold 5,000 Equity shares of Spectrum Lid. and 2,000 Equity shares, of Sapam Lid. @ € 30 and @ € 27 per share respectively, You are required te prepare : 1, investment in Equity shares of Spectrum Ltd. A/c and ‘2. tavestment in Equity sharcs of Satyam Ltd. A/c in the books of Mr. Vinay for the year ended 31" March, 2015. (Prablem Na. = 22 (Fixed Interest Securities Give (March — 2011) Qn 1 April, Mr. Dhana Bala beld 500, 6% Central Govemment Bonds of © 100 euch at a cost of ‘T4000. Interest is payable on 30 June and 31" December every year. He entered into following mamactions in respect of 6% Central Government Bonds during the year ending on 31™ March, 2015. Purchases : a) On I" May, 2014 Face Value of & 10,000 at © 102 Cum-Interest. b) On I" September 2014, Face Valuc of ® 30,000 at ® 105 Ex-Interest. ‘Sales : a) On l* August 2014, Face Value of 2 15,000 at & 104 Cum-Interest. b) On i" February 2015, Face Value of © 15,000 at & 102 Ex-Interest. Show 6% Central Government Bonds Account in the books of Mr, Dhana Balu fot the year ended 31" March 2015, (Investments are to be valued at weighted average cost). During the year ended 31% March, 2014 Mz. Virag bought and sold the fallowing 12% Debentures of 100 each of Limozin Ltd. Interest being payable by Limozine Ltd. on 1" April and 1st October each year. Date Particulars 1 June, 2014 Bought 300 Debentures at & 92 ex-interest 1" September, 2014 Bought 100 Debentures at © 94 cum-interest T* December, 2014 Sold 200 Debentures at © 95 ex- interest 1* Febevary, 2015 Bought 150 Debentures at & 98 cum-interest ‘Books are closed on 31” March every year. Market price on 31" March, 2015 was ® 90 Debenture. ‘You are required to prepare investment in 12%. Debentures im Limozin Ltd. Account for the year ‘sating 31" March, 2015 in the books of Mr. Virag (Appl AS 13). (eke Na 36 ere cm beret quotas gre) ~faprl7079] Gn Ist April, 2014; 200 6%» debentures of € 100 cach of Excellent Lid. were held ay investment by Mt. Tushar at a cost of € 18,200, eee eer et sel ls Nee ee a entered a eae neers re ‘by him during the year JI" March, 2015 in regard TER Com.) 15, Litany avnthon Paper 4 Hooks of Mt. Miu fOr they, “h wer ’ 7 nen non gary Sens ofA Ln NN I TE 10 Marek, 2014. aa - ove bey > a a [eet No HF = ica daring te year ended 3170¥2014 ~—~2y Te ag mo Na ios oe Digulty Sharwa of 10! each in "ABC LL foe ® 50,55 ut aa in 3 uy Shares 2 OE ig My a RAPS oud 12:00 Bours fr 2008 . FAC Lud’ Acecuit in tha Books of Mise Nain year ended 3}. Prepare “Baguity Shaves tA CPN opera a Raid 1020 a ee seg wanaactiens of Me Sayan ok poe tring ajar ended 91032014, Xe * on Trochases 43,00,000. 6 ons a 0,50 eum-inleres toterest. Interest ts paygii. TAR Ni ee wa 1” May every yet Povo Va of each Bond is © 100, re Ag Apel ronthased 100,000 guy Shares of € toad in X Ad. for 40,00,000, Fay 201) Received halfigene’s interest on 6% Blond. wpa 283 Lad made Bonus ianae of unre Baga shares for every two shares held [st ine 2017 Mt, Naeayan sold 125,000 onus ahve for © 20 each Foe. 201) Sok © 3,00,000, #% ands at © #1 exlnterest, (Now, SLY Received half-yoar's hood interest. eer TN Borel account and uly shares i °X" Lids decount in the books of Mz Namayan fri Prepare ‘yout erabed BOLO, Mr. Jayant haokds 2,400, 6% Debentures of © 100 each in Gemini Lid. as on 14.2015 at & cong © 2,830,000, Interest is payable on 30" June and 31" December every: year. Other details are as follows |. Ow 01.06.3015, 800, 6% Debentures are purchased cum interest at © 81,600. 2. On (0).11.2015,:800, 6% Debantures are purchased ex-interest at € 76,800. ’ 3. Ow 30.11.2015, | 200, 6% Debentures are sold cum-lnterest for ® 129,000. 4 0 31.12.2015, 1,800, 6% Debentures are sold ex-interest for ® 1,54,600, Prepare 6% Debentures necount in the books of Mr, Jayant valuing chosing balance on 31.3.2015 aor ef mariort price whichever is lower, The Debentures are quoted at par on 31.3.2013, (Interest on 3} 12291. to be reconded after giving ¢ffect Wo the sale (ansaction.) praia Ns 218 (Merch — 201) ‘Oa 1” Apiil, 2014, Miss Prachiti had 1,000, 9% Debentures of € 100 each at & }08 (in KK. Lirried) held as investments KK. Lid. pays interest on 30° June and 31* De ye ey December every year Prachiti had following trans’ +" F* Jane, 2014 = Purchased 800, 99% Debentures at © 98 ex-intere 1" December, 2014 — Sold 900, 0% Debentures at € 10S ex-interest r in 9% Debentures Account fot the year nding 31" March, 2013, Apply AS“? 7) ee 0 1-4-2014 Min. Mina tad € 3.00000, 138 (Oa patie bil jouty ot 30 hte and 31" Deemer cea PA (ne vale © 100). Lee 1-204 Mrs, Mal sold ® 90,00 Of 125 Seber oe 12% deternures were quited é 124 Debentures of Mrs Mee ee Hck exchange on 31-3-2015. D0" # the year ended 313.2015, Fesmesal shccomning: (Siem!) Practical Pevhlem: wow q we | No of Bonds T Detail 1704/2015. Sues _ iL 2,400 ning Balance at a cout of © 01/08 /201 | a | Sold g@ C105, Tan 008 value of the above investment on 31.03.2016 wast 2,03,456. (Figures to be Rounded off to the nearest rupee) Problem Now: 11 (prt 20163) ‘Go I April 2014, Mr. Ramdas helt 1000, 6% Central Goverment Bonide of €100 ench at cow of £96,000. Interest ix payable-on 30" June and 31" December every yenr. He entered into the following transactions in respect af 6% Central Government Bonds during the year ending on 31" March, 2015 Purchases : a) On I* May, 2014, Face Value of © 20,000 at € 102 each, Cumsinterest, b) On I" September 2014, Face Value of & 60,000 at € 105 each, Bx-interest, Sales : a) On. I August, 2014, Face Value of 30,000 at € 104 cach, Curti-interest. b) On I" February 2015, Face Value of 30,000 at © 102 each, Ex-interest, Show 6% Central Government Bonds Account in the books of Mr. Ramdas for the year ended 31" March 2015, Market valve af his entire Lavestments was & |,00,000 on 31/3/2015. debcniurcs of © 100 cach of Hest Lid, cost being ‘On I Apni 2014,-Mr. Mohandas held 400, 6% 36,400, Best Ltd. pays interest on 36” June and 31" December every year. ‘The following other transactions were etiteted by Mr. Mohandas during the year erided 31" Murch, 2018 98 cum-Interest T= Apel, 2084 toees 2014 104 ex-Interest, A December, 2014 97 cum-Interest 97 ex-Interent "You are required to prepare investment int 6% debentures in Best Lad. Account for the year endoxt 54" March, 2015, as it Would appear in the hooks of Mr. Mohandas. Market value of his entire investments a om 34-3-2015 was & 56,200. a a TOON ag TH res € 100 each of Laxmi Lad. Intorest being payable by Laxmi Lid oo 1" April and i" October every ‘Bought 600 Debentures at € 92 ex-interest. Fea cist gniiT™ March every year Marke price on 31" March, 2014 was € 90 per Debentures You are fe to Investment in 12% Debentures of Laxmi Ltd. Account for the year ended 31" March, 2014 in the book of Me. Tejas. i 3B) Me. Mont pacha 10 Bosly Ronee a e TOs ech at 110 per share, 3 ‘Brokerage. }1* October, further purchased 500 Equity Shares 0! sare Fee a ee eevee Brokcrage paid wat 2. On 31” January, 2014 xa $00 shares a the rate of T140.- per share. Brokerage was 2%. i oe i a canned by TapScanner S_—_—s—asssssss q eT M I. Cl i wre Lnnvertoy Qucetin Peer? ¢ mite ; shares bald 40 08 Waa sew om ate pp (on 4% Qetaber 2016 Comper pe bby Cornpaa ees On 1% January 201 shares oast* ii a a al meine) SS On 5)" January : ae ratrury 2017 he eld 1000 shares fo € 250 sn Rajesh 1 he reed 3 See nesamant in Et ars acct 18 ME 2017. “tal | Prabiews ___fApet Wai? an aig mars oF E10 ah of mpl 8 Were bed we Lavonia, (tat Aasil2015 =. Mire Meer at a 08 ou gerne purchased |,000 of sich ets Se As very nos nM A 28 ee Sd ns es 1 LOE BEY 0 sn, of one shate for every 1:0 thatey he company made sgh owas in th ral shat i pane pay a dv a0 oe shares mi HO balance of her ing, Oars srs pineal mares 2p He ee Oo a a meh tars we sl bbe enn 82 . Cn Dee shasta Assur i the books of Mr OF year ended 31-47).2y), (Round off figures to the nearest rupee) Pratlen Na: = Apr — 20% Following wansactions of 8% Debentures of © TOO each of "ABC Laddd”. Appears to the bout, Mr. Dattatray during the year ended 31/03/2016. {terest ix payable on 30" June and 31" Deceenber every Yer: (a 01/04/2015 be held 1,000 8% Debentures at» cost of 897,000, Details of Purchases : (On O1/0S/2015 be purchased 1,500 85% Debentures for |,52,600 cumrinterest, Gx 01/1 2015 be purchased 2,250 8% Debentures @ € 99 per debenture, ex-interest. Details of Sales {On 91/06/2015, he sald 1,500 Debentures @ € 102 per debenture, ¢ism-interest, ‘On 01/1272015, be sod 1,800 8% Debentures @® 98 per debenture, ex-interest. “The Market value of 8% Debentures held by Mr. Dattatray as oni 31/03/2016 was ® 140,000 ag fale ve Dene ate eee eee D016. (Rand (November — 2216 Of. © 1 each of Anmo} Lid ‘conpany received for the ade Year ended 31/3/2015 os payment of & 2 pera OF ey hares in the rato of cee shes 04 Sold remaining of his be ‘Shares tights @ € 1/- per share Trae be ewe Rapes etal oe Sc. och So O° uC Testec

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