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Exercise – Creating a Website using PaaS approach

Step 1- Go to the Resource and create one

Step 2 – Give a name to the resource Group – and select the data center name No tags and just review
and create it
Step 3- Can view the resources group –
Step 4- Create a Web App ( from Create a Resource – Web – Web App)

Step 4 – Fill up the details and create the Web App in WEST US
Step 5- Navigate to the Web APP ( select the resource group )
Step 6 – Select the Website ( prabhjotusa)

Step 7- bLank and Step 8 on wards from document 2

Step 7- Download the file from “Get Publish Profile ”

Step 8 – Open the file with word pad and look for the Publish URL, User Name and Password
Step 9- Open the ”File Explorer ” and Paste the Publish URL A pop up windows appears and fill up the
User Name and Password
Step 10 – Create a web site page on a Note Pad and Same it here – Malke sure you give file name as






Welcome to Microsoft Azure Course! hosted in West USA</h1>


Step 11- Copy this File to the WWWROOT folder by dragging and dropping it
Step 12- Open this link in a separate browser –

Step 13- View the website live-

Step 14 – Create and host a SECOND Website in a Separate Data Center say in LONDON ( North Europe)
Step 15 – Updated the indoex.html file
Step 16 – th live print screen of our site 2 hosted in North Europe

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