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Being Me 6-Week Program Home Why How What Outline of the program About the Coach

Rebel With A Cause

Children nowadays are under tremendous pressure from different directions. As teenagers, our children want to find their voice and also their place in the
world. For the first time they are venturing out of the safe confines of the home and family, and have realised that their parents are not infallible. Maybe
they want to discard the pressure of expectations laid upon their tender shoulders by their own family and society. As a result they seek guidance and the
comfort of safety outside of the inner circle that they have relied on their entire life up until now. They naturally seek to find this with their peers and
authorities outside of family. They have an overwhelming desire to conform to the acceptance criteria established by these people.

War Of Ideologies

People of earlier generations were not as politically aware and hence are taken aback when children bring up topics that, for them, seem entirely
inappropriate for children to be indulging in. Not only are they more aware of these things they seem to be extremely articulate in expressing and
defending these ideas. However, very soon, one can realise that these ideas are similar and the defence of these ideas almost always take the same
shape. Could it be that what is happening is actually a clash of ideologies?

Media and Academia as Propaganda

Are we cognisant of what we are exposing our impressionable young minds to? Have we questioned ourselves if this influx of information is appropriate
to their stage of development? Are they just being exposed to new ways of thinking in a socratic fashion, or are they being taught ideologies that run
contrary to their family traditions and beliefs. The exposure to these ideologies and the insistence of adherence to these radical ideas is unsolicited,
unwarranted, uninvited, and unneeded. Are these experts that we are entrusting out children with, really serving to inform us or could their intentions be
not as pure we would like to assume?

Control verus Sovereignty

This vastly differing points of views often cause conflict within family members leading to a breakdown in trust and understanding which are basis of any
solid relationship. The biggest mistake a parent can make in such a scenario is to enforce control. Young people will only rebel harder when confronted
with more restrictions. Not to mention the erosion of trust that would happen as a result.

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