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UNINUR NIAGA SDN. BHD. Ooi Soo Huat » Moy Wah Goon + Wong Teck Sing Janilah Bin Osman Oni! =.= Foreword vil Introduction viii “f » Functions 1 Relations 2 Functions 8 Composite Functions 16 Inverse Functions 2 are» Quadratic Equations 28 CQuecratc Equation and is Roots 99 Solving Quadratic Equations 3 Diserminant of @ Guadkatie Equation 38 “wey Quadratic Functio: ‘Guedratc Functions and Their Graphs a ‘Minimum anc Maximum Value of @ Quadratic Function 54 ‘Sketching Graph of Quadratic Functions ‘56 Quedratic Inequalties 59 2 Simultaneous Equations Solve Simultaneous Equations in Two Unknown: (One Linear Equation andl One Non-linear Equation 65 ry Indices and Logarithms 70 Indices and Laws of Logarithms n Logarithms ond Laws of Logarithms 6 Change of Base of Logarithms at Equations Involving Indices and Logarithms 84 Coordinate Geometry Distance between Two Points 1 Division of a Line Segment 99 ‘Area of Polygons 96 Equation of a Straight Line 100 Parallel and Perpendiculer Lines 110 Locus 118 Statisti 125 ‘Measures of Central Tendency 126 ‘Measures of Dispersion 141 Radian 165 Arc Length ofa Circle 167 ‘Area of Sector of 8 Circle 12 Differentiation Differentiation by the First Principle Differentiation of Polynomial Functions 189 Concept of Maximum and Minimum Values 901 Rates of Change 210 ‘Small Changes and Approximetion 22 ‘Second Order Differentiation 216 Solution of Triangles Sine Rule 994 Cosine Rule 930 Area of Tangles 936 Index Number Index Number Fond Composite Index Number 248 Project Work 260 Answer 269 Glossary 291 References 293 Index 294 Xperts Function: CL emeton is «rinion tas | describes how one quantity depends | on another. The distance travelled by each | of these cyclists is a function of | time The area covered by the SS cireutar wave is a fonction of its SS | radius. —— Can you suggest some other $=! useful funetions in our daily nay Chapter Objectives @ Understand the concept of relations. @ Understand the concept of functions. A @ Understand the concept of composite funetions. @ Understand the concept of inverse functions. “cL ecrning Ousteomes | 1. Represnt a elon sing row diagram, ordered pain and gaph 2: Nan domtin, cedomal, objec, tage and ange of cl 3. Chelly reution shown on «mapped dligam at o0e-to-onc, anyto-006 ee ate ere In our daily lives, we sometimes prefer grouping things or quantities that share some common traits or characteristics into sets. Besides grouping ‘quantities into sets we usually seek connections ‘or try to form relations between these quantities or sets. Study Photograph 1.1 and try to establish the relationships between the members in the photograph, 111) Introducing set notation ‘The notation of a set is { }. Study the information below and group the quantities given into two different sets. Specify the criteria that you use and first mathematician to introduce the idea of set in 1874. Example(1 5 | Pahang dofs % sometimes a set may have too ‘many elements. We use simplified fet notation to desribe the set Solution For example, the set Eof all positive Let 5 be the set of states in Mala ‘even numbers less than 50, C be the set of area codes/f telephofe lines wevwite F = £2,4,6, 48) ‘Then (Selangor, Melakg#fahnang, Saifh} or Ea fesxiseven C= (03, 06, 09, and 2 =x <50} ) Practice I> Express the following in set notations. (a) C is the set of the colours of rainbow. (b) Sis the set of all the states in Malaysia, (c) Pis the set of the colours of Jalur Gemilang. (d)_P is the set of positive integers. 11.10) (Representing a relation In order to visualise a relation in an orderly manner, we can represent a relation with an arrow diagram, a set of ordered pairs or a graph. Example( 2s Referring to Example 1 (area codes of telephone lines and names of states), represent the relation ‘between the two sets in the form of (@)_ arrow diagram, (b) ordered pairs, (©) graph Solution (a) Arrow diagram recov sass wf, Gg 9 ce fn 06 Nata ® Pang ows Sabah (b) Ordered pairs ((03, Selangor), (06, Melaka), (09, Pahang), (O88, § (©) Graph names of states 03.06 09 088 area codes Practice <2 > Express the relations between the sets given in the form of arrow diagrams, ordered pairs and graphs. (a) Set of fathers, F = (Ahmad, Seng Hui, Rajoo, William Tingo} Set of children, C = (Swe Lin, Megarajan, Stephen Tingo, Fakri} (b)_ Set of integers, A= (1,2, 3, 4, 5} Set of perfect squares, B= (1, 4, 9, 16, 25} (©) Set of numbers, N= {-4, 0, 1, 2, 3) Set of types of numbers, 7 = (negative, positive, prime} By 112 Determining domain, codomain, object, image and range of a ~~ relation Figure 1.1 shows a relation father of that matches each of the children in set A to their father in set B, Sather of Communicating Taam (RA mathematics Kam Sing Ise Bis being matched to set 5 Riv ‘A. what type of relation will that ‘be? Which i the domain and + Femandez ‘which is the codomain? Set A is called the oinain of the relation and set B is the covomain. Each of the elements in the domain is an o})jec! and each of the elements in set B that has been mapped is an |. ‘The set that contains all the images that are matched is the ‘anu. % , Examples P thepowerofs 0 The arrow diagram shows the relation the power of 3 that maps set P to set Q. (a) Name the domain and codomain of the relation, (b) Identify the image for number 2. (©) Identify the object for number 27 (d)_ State the range of the relation. Solution (a) Domain = set P, codomain = set Q. Info| (b) The image for number 2 is 8. POE EE (©) The object for number 27 is 3 Poneto ne (4) ‘The range = (1, 8, 27, 64} codomain. sD Practice D> 1, List down the domain, codomain, objects, images and the range of the following relations. @) ) number R 2. The figure represents the relation the power of 2 from C——_ she power of 2 P English grade Q of sides *AL B3 C5 set C to set D. (a) Identify the domain and codomain of the relation. (b) Identify the image(s) of -1 (©) Identify the object(s) of 4. (@)_ State the range. D 4 1 types numbers of numbers negative 4 2 itive 5 pos prime Domain ~ Codomain This is a one-to-many relation because the object “3° has two images in the range. students ‘games played Aziz. |Chong ‘Domain ‘Codomain This is a many-to-many relation because an image is related to two objects and an ‘object has two images in the range. State the types of relations represented by the arrow diagrams, ordered pairs and graphs given below. @) ‘umber of sides triangle 3 square 4 rectangle pentagon | + (b) factor of 4 3 RB 4 20. s © @ © ((3, odd), (6, even), (8, even), (11, odd)} ((ime, seconds), (Lime, minutes), (mass, kg), (mass, g)} wo 20; t Mathematics 4 —+—45 tet Coat + ‘a Genin |! 234 4 mx ei de 2 5 Express the following in set notation. (a) Cis the set of multiples of 4 (b) Dis the set of perfect squares Express the following relations between the sets given in the form of arrow diagrams, ordered pairs and graphs. (a) Set of type of games, G = badminton, volleyball, football) Set of number of players, P = (2. 3, 8, 22) (b) Set.of states, $= {Kelantan, Perlis, Negeri Sembilan} Set of capital cities, C = (Kangar, Seremban, Kota Bahru, Ipoh} State the types of relations between the sets given below. List down the domain, codomain, objects, images and range of these relations, fa) transportations ) currencies tana — train Japan. rs ic | ‘aeroplane Malaysia inf] ee s % sea: ship England $ ‘The figure shows the relation between set P and set Q. State 2 (a) the type of relation between set P and set Q, ? (b)_ the range of the relation, TF 8 ‘A relation between set A = (4, 5, 6} and set B = (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) is defined by the set of ordered pairs {(4, 1), (4, 3), (6, 5), (6, 7)}. State (@) the image of 4, (b) the object of 5 11. Recognise function asa pecial relation, 2. Express functions wsing function notation. 3 Determine domain, object, image and range of «function. 4, Determine image ofa function given the object and vice vers Gry 121 (Recognising function as a special relation A function is a special relation whereby for every object in the domain, there is one and only one image in the codomain. Workers Monthly salaries Sami —] RMIS00 Raj Crone] M800 Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3 Consider the relations in Figure 1.2 and Figure 1.3. The relation in Figure 1.2 is a function because each object in the domain is mapped to one and only one image in the codomain, The relation in Figure 1.3 is also a function although two objects are mapped to the same image, each ‘object has only one image. Hence only one-to-one relations and many-to-one relations are functions. Example(3 Fass. ne Identify which of the following relations are functions. Give a reason for your answer. Note thar not all he elements in (a) {(0, 0), (1, 4), (2, 8), (3, 12] ceanhen, ‘must be mapped (b) {(25, 5), (25, -5), (9% 3). (9, -3)} ©) Wd square shirt size 5 Tim Lex x 36 Jeyai +L 4 Jafar M 6 @ ©. 0 1 4 It isa function because every object in the domain has only 2 8 one image in the codomain. 3 2 ) . » 3 It is not a function because the object 9 has two images, “3. namely 3 and -3. 254 = (©) It is not a function because the object 5 does not have an image in the codomain. (@)_ It is a function because every object in the domain has only one image in the codomain. ‘Practice Identify which of the following relations are functions. Give a reason for your answer. @ height ® distance travelled 70km 130 km 3h 185 km shoe size © tourist anraction of Twin Tower Snake Temple KL Tower © 5 + (Salina, grade A), (Halim, grade B), HH (Omar, grade B)) att tt (©) (Ratnam, scout), (Chong, choir), att (Ratnam, chois), (Chong, scout)} iH 1234 AA 122 [Expressing functions using function notation In mathematical notation, a function can be represented (Sy Maths A by the symbol fand the object by the symbol x. a wd " . co x——>—__ + & \ 1 4 2 8 3 12 i Domain Codomain Figure 1.4 Hence, a function that maps every object x in the domain to an image in the codomain that is four times its value (as shown in Figure 1.4) can be written as: ‘Write the following relations in function notation. @ ©) hobby square Jamia reading I 1 singing Sidek. fishing 36 Domain Codomain Domain Codomain Solution (@) f+ individual > hobby ) L x—L—# 1 1 9 4 36 fixre Practice 6 Express the following relations in function notation, @ ) inverse of ‘ypes of living things 1 4 + water lily Susi tiger animal 5 1 fly insect 5 a > © square root of @ capitate 49 7 Malaysia ‘Kuala Lumpur 25 5 Indonesia }-+ Jakarta 16 4 Philippines Manila © savea © radius ofeircle 2em om 6om aa) Ga 123 Determining domain, object, image and range of a function Figure 1.5 shows a function, retktLas £ wwe have learnt previously, the set P = {2, 4, 6) is the domain and each element in the domain is an object. The set Q = (1, 2, 3, 4} is the codomain, Each element in the codomain onto which an object is mapped is an image. The set {2, 3, 4] which contains all the images is called 6 4 th of the function, © range ove Dofmain Codomain Figure 1.5, Example(™ Determine the domain, objects, images and range for each of the following functions. @ (b) J f ivy + ——£__ 2-38 o u 1 2 1 7 é _ 1 2 3 3 - #h 7 © xs ——_§_, 343 @ —— 2. is o 0 i 4 30° os 3 48°. 0.707 a. ! Solution (a) Domain = {0, 1, 2, 3} (b) Domain = {1,0,-1} 0, 1, 2, 3 are the objects 1, 0, -1 are the objects 11,7, 3,-1 are the images 2, -1 are the images Range = (11, 7, 3, -1) Range = (2,-1} (¢) Domain = (2, 1,0) (d) Domain = (0°, 30°, 45°) 2, 1,0 are the objects 0°, 30°, 45° are the objects 7, 4, 3 are the images » 0, 0.5, 0.707 are the images Range = {7, 4, 3} Rang {0, 0.5, 0.707} Practice<—7 > Determine the domain, objects, images and range for each of the following functions. @ ) G (d) Opt see « geass 1 3 © 2 2 6 90°. 0 3 a 180°} 4 18 eae 2 Example ‘Sketch the graph of the absolute value function ftw determine the range of the function. ixl in the domain {x :-2 ‘Sketch the graphs of each of the following functions. Hence, determine the range of the functions respectively. le-Slfor2 1. Given fi) 2 ~ 3x. Find the images for each of the values of x 2. Given fis) = +1 fors = 1, and x# 0. (@) Evaluate (3). (b). Find the value of x for which f(x) = 3, 3. Given g(x) = 2 sin x3 for 0° < x= 90°, (a) Evaluate g(45°) and g(90°) (b) Find the abject for which the image is -2. 4. A function h is defined as h sx 12 re 3. inction f is defined as wy = 2 (a) Find the values of h(0) and (4), (b)_ Find the values of x if h(x) = —3 and (x) = 12. 5. Given the function fix) = br 61. (a) Find the images for x = 0, 4 and 8. (b) Find the value(s) of the object that maps to itself. @® 1. Identify which of the following relations are functions. Explain your answers. @) sper of rainibers ) sain 3 prime 9. 3 3 sp—__ tt i of} ee 49. 5 © consists of @ Stimes carbon dioxide: eu 2 10 water ee 3 - 15 di 20 State the domain and range of the following functions. @ fix)=4—-x — forx=(-1,0, 1,2) ©) 8 (4.0.12) (7,89) {0, 1, 2.3} 3. Sketch the graph of each of the following functions and state the corresponding range. (@) fix>2-3ford x+ Land g : x — 3x, Find the composite function gf. Solution \s Communicating Re Mathematics Sik +x-H0 Bix-+095x fixcrtl manufacturer desler cons gine During 2 sales promotion, the of) manufacturer offers a RMSO rebate from the list price of a new airconditioner. In addition, the dealer offers a 5% discount on the price offered by the manufacturer. Explain the meanings of f and g. ‘What are the meanings of x, y and Hence, gf: x > 3x + 1) L p—1_.9—_# +r [A-—f} fel ‘The figure shows the function f that maps set P to set Q and the funetion g that maps set Q to set R. What is the composite function gf? 1 2, Functions fand g are defined as f: x — 3 4x and g : x > 4.x respectively Find the composite function gf 3. Given fix) = 2x 5. Find the composite function f?. [Note: f? means ff] 4. If fw 5x43 and g(x) = 4, x # 0, find the composite function fe. 5. Functions f and g are defined as f: x» 2 + 3x and g sx > x 5, Find the ¥ composite functions of fg and gf: Compare fg and gf. Comment on your result. A132 Determining the image or object of a composite function To determine the image of a composite function given the object or vice versa, we use the substitution method, Example Given x) = 4x for -2 ven f(x) = +2 and g(x) = 3 + 2x. Find (ay, the composite functions fg and ef, 5 8f(1), $91), @f (2), fe2). ‘ 2. Function fis defined as f : x > 3x + 2. Determine the composite function f?. Hence, find the values of f%(2) and f%-1), (b) the value of x if (x) = 20. 3. Function g is defined as g(x) = *55- for -1 1. Given fix) = 2x ~ 1 and f(x) = 4 — 3x, Find the function g. 2. Uf fx) =x +4 and f(x) = find the function g. 3. Given g(x) = 3x2 and gf(x) = 2x + 5. Find the function f Examples Given g(x) = 2 — 3x and f(x) = 3 ~ 2x. Find the function f. Solution Jala) = 3 ~ 2 2-33) Let y=2-3r Practice L 2 3 Function g is such that g :x—> 2x+7 and function gfis such that gf : x > 23 - 2x. Find the function f. Given g sx > 2x~3 and fg: . Find the function f (a) Given f:x > x+3 and gf: x > — 1. Find the function g. (b) Given g(x) = 7 — 4x and fg(x) = =e. Find the function f. En “es 1. 2 8; 4 5. Functions f and g are defined as fx) = 1 + 2x and g(x) = 3%= respectively. Find the composite functions fg and gf: Function f is defined as f(x) = 3x — 2 for -1 < x < 3 and function g is defined as 8(«) = 1 + 2x. Find the composite function gf and state its range. Given f(x) = 4 and g(x) = 3x +2. Find 4 (a) fg(1) and gf(-1), (b) the value of x if fetx) = 1 Given g :x > 2x +3. Find (a) g(@2) and g-1), (b) the value of x if gx) = 1. Given f(x) = £4 1 and g(x) = px — 1. If fe(3) = 5, find the value of p. Given the function fix) = and gfx) =x ~ 3. Find the component function g. 5 Given g(x) = 2x + 7 and gfx) = 3x — 2. Find the component function f. Given a function fx) = 8, x = 0 and fe(x) = 4. Find @ 9, (b) the value of x when gf(x) = 3. Given a function k ; x —* x +4 and the composite function hk : x > x2 + 8x + 10. Find (a) function A(x), (b) the possible values of p if Ap) = 3p. Figure 1.8 shows the function after heating for the domain (ice, water) and their corresponding images. rhea a sh eg i_ 3 7 bu fe ss ita sn Pique 8 Fu 19 Tf these images are mapped under a function after cooling back to the objects, the initial ‘mapping is reversed, as shown in Figure 1.9, The function after cooling is said to be an inverse function of after heating. a 1 ‘Determining the object by inverse mapping In mathematics, if f represents a function, the inverse function of £ ‘is denoted as f-!, Therefore, if f(x) =y then fo) =x Example Function f is defined by f: x > 2x 1. Find the object for image 9, Solution Denote the object for 9 be a. Then fa) ‘That is fla) pot inj bn Seniah a let AEA TE Rod cect AP + a no 9 Hence, the object is 5. Practice > 1, For each of the following functions, find the corresponding objects of the images by using the method of inverse mapping. (a) fx 3x—2; images -2 and 8 (b) g ix 415 images 6 and 16 ro & * rx 423 ©) hex © 43,00; images OandS (4) & sade i 4 images -1 and 2, Given h(x) = 4x ~5. Find the values of fr'(1) and fr-(-1), Find the values of g\@) and g-\-3). Br 142 Determining the inverse function We can determine the inverse of a given function based on the concept of inverse function that we have leamt. Example(is\ Given f: x > 2x +7. Determine the inverse function f~! Set = Let aeg to find tore \ finan x © wiite y =) © Sve his equation for in Rea @ reptce i (9 = cals HAD = He Tus 1) = 2529 Pe © Replace all the 7’ by xs the final equation, ( / 1 \ Replace y bys (1G) = 257 Hence ft :x > Practices > Find the inverse function of each of the following functions. @ fye3 () gop =4r © W@)=7-2e @ ke=% © f=2x-0 © s@=3 (g) h@)=Sx-2 (h) Ky = 3eth @ peo 2 QD 24.143 ___ Determining condition for the existence of an inverse function In section 1.2.1, we have leamt that there are two types of functions, namely one-to-one and ‘many-to-one functions. Is the reverse of a one-to-one function or the reverse of a many-to-one function also a function? In other words, do inverse functions exist for all types of Functions? Consider the function fx — 2° and its reverse mapping. ‘Fis a many-to-one function but the reverse mapping is not a function because i rt it is a one-to-many relation. Thus many- >}—_[,\ \ x to-one functions do not have inverse 7 2 é functions. Only one-to-one functions \_5,J~—=—bea tpt have inverse functions. \ Figuse 1.11 Example/ie¥ Determine whether each of the following functions have the inverse that are functions as well Explain your answer, @ f , ) . 8 , (a) f-' is not a function because the object ¢ has wo |p Communicating images. Therefore fis one-to-many elation. K~ Mathematics \ y—_ = + is a function because it is a one-to-one relation. Determine whether the function fh) = |x| for -2 = » <2 has an inverse function. Sketch the graph of fl) and explain. Work Th out Does the function g = {(1, 45), (2, 5.6), (8.5.6) 4, 6.8) have an inverse function? Explain your answer. ) @u Practice 16> Determine whether each of the following functions has inverse functions. Explain your answer. (b) (a) (©) fix) =le+ I for-2< 452 une ecoc L. Given fx 5 + 3x. Find (C1) and fU), 2. Given g(a) =—45, x # 2. Find 2) and ¢'Q). 3. Find the inverse function of fsx» 28=3, y 2-1 xe 4, Find the inverse function of g sx > 5 — 2x, $. Find the inverse for each of the following functions. Hence determine whether each of the inverse relations is a function, (a) fla) = 3x-+2 with domain = [x : 0S x 3,.xis an integer} tb) ga) = 120 . + IF 6. Given g:.x > p + qx. Find (a) ¢'G) in terms of p and g, {b) the value of p and value of q if g(9) =~ and g(3) = 7. Given fi. 2+ pand f-! :°— m(4x + 3), where p and m are constants. Find the value of and value of m. 8. Given funi @ fw, (b) value of m such that g— Pi and g(x) = 4f0°) ap Representation of relations ‘Types of relations + Codomain + One-to-one Objet + One-o-many eee . /-to-on6 Shane Many-to-one + Many-to-many poe Functions ___ Types of functions ‘Composite functions + One-to-one : Bi 7 + Many-to-one ary &, + Only one-to-one f functions have inverse f functions COE ere eat e 1. The arrow diagram shows a funetion of Find the values of « and 6.” > B=, f 2. Given f(x) = = 0. If f(4) = &, find the possible value(s) of &. 3. Given f(x) and g(x) = 6x, x « 0. Find @r ) ¢! © fe @ ff 4. Given f(x) =x ~4 and g(x) =. -f Find the value of fe"'(4), 5. Given f(x) — 3x and g(x) = hx + k where / and & are constants, If gf(-1) = 6 and g\4) = @(4), find the possible values of h and k. 6. Given g(x) = px + where p and g are constants. If g'(x) = 16x + 15, find (a) the possible values of p and q, (b) the value of x such that ¢(3x) = 2g(x) for the case p > 0 in part (a), 7. Given f(x) = 2x —3. Find the function g such that (a) fae 4x (by gfx) =e 8. Given the function f: x — [2x — 31. Find (a) the images for wi Gi) (b) the objects of which the image is 7. 9. ‘The arrow diagram shows the mapping of x to y by a funeti fy (f:4 = mux —2 and the mapping of y to z by a function g : y > OY | Find 5 6 (@) the values of m and n, (b) an expression for the function that maps x to =, > (c) the element x that remains unchanged under the composite function in part (b). 10. Given functions fz. —> 4x +3 and ¢ sv + .x°—3u + 2, find @ #6) ) ge) LI. Given functions g : x + my +n, m>0 and g? x > 9v~ 16. Find (a) the values of m and n, &) (eV). 12. Given f (x) f@) fo), (b) value of p if (p + 5) = gip —4). Application 13, Profit Sharing A sales representative for a cosmetic supplier is paid a monthly salary plus a bonus of 5% on the amount of sales exceeding RM10 000. Let f(x) =x — 10 000 and g(x) = 0.05x (a) What do f(x) and g(x) represent? (b)_ Is the bonus represented by f(x) oF gfx)? (©) Find the amount of bonus if sales for the month is RM25 000, ¥4. Production Cost The cost C in RM of producing x m of a certain kind of fabric is given by the function C(x) = 1800 + 3x (a) Find C(100) and C1000) (b) What do your answers in part (a) represent? (©) Explain the meaning of C(0). 15. Finance ‘The formula for the simple interest earned on an investment is At) = prt where f(t) is the interest earned, p is the principal, ris the interest rate and /is the time in year. Assuming the principal sum invested is RM1000, the interest rate is 5% per annum and that interest is added to the principal at the end of each year. (a) Find the amount of interest that will be earned each year for 3 years. (b). State the domain and range of the relation. (c) Find the total amount of money to be received by the end of the third year. 16. Physics ‘The energy (measured in Joule) stored in a spring that is compressed by. m is represented by the function E(x) = 8001 (a) Find £(0.1) and £(0.2). (b) Find the value of &'(72). Explain your answer. 17. Critical Thinking ‘The graphs of functions fix) and g(x) are straight lines. Is it true that the graph of f2(x) is also a straight line? Explain your answer. 18 Critical Thinking ves ' x+l Given g(x) = 1 =x? and f(x) ned, ind F(2). With the help of a graphing calculator, sketch the following pairs of functions on the same axes. fa) fl) = 2x, go) ae ©) fos) =F. 8G) = Ar ford < x= 6 for0) Identify which of the following are quadratic equations. Hence 5 express the quadratic equations in the general form and state | Explain why x? +. the values of a, b and c. juadratic equation C47 () 8-6 +1150 ,_ Oisnot a @ x (© Met dyad Solution. (Ail Tisch Mat hie ida oF the equation a aie @ 5+ 1 Cee wox-7=0 — Compare with the general form ax? + bx +c Thus a= 1, b==1 and c () Thins not aguas equation because highest | power of xis 3. | © xv +4) =4x—3 i eedv=dy—3 ‘Khare (800 — 847), 2 ae eer i e+3= e +1 Algebra’ ‘Thus a= 1,6 = 0 and Practice 1 > Identify which of the following are quadratic equations. Hence express the quadratic equations in the general form and state the values of a, b and c @ #-8r= (b) Ww+S= (@) 2=3r-4 ©) Qr+1P G2\_21.2___ Determining the roots of a quadrat ‘An equation is a statement. It may or may not be true. Any number that gives a true statement when we replace the variable by the number is said to satisfy the equation. The number is called a solution or root of the equation. ‘To determine if given value of x isa root of a quadratic equation, we can use the following methods: equation B® By substitution We substitute the given value of x into the equation given, Info| - Example/a WE ESE ‘Acquadkati equation has at most Determine whether x= 1 and x = 2 are roots of the quadratic two roots. equation x +.x-2 = 0. Solution ‘Substitute x= 1 into the left + Substitute x = 2 into the left hhand side of the equation, B4x-2 =P 42-2 “0 nota root ofthe equation, hand side of the equation, Bex-2e+1-2 2500 wane is a root of the equation. Hence,x= Hence, x = Practice <2 > Determine which of the values of the variable x given are the roots of the respective quadratic equations (a) +2x-B8=0, 2,-4,1,2 (b) 4xv+3=0, 13,45 (©) 8 -30-10=0,"=-2,-5,2,5 @ Wwe mwe+3 41,3 & By inspection ‘The roots of a quadratic equation can be determined easily by inspection if the equation is written as the product of two linear factors such as (x + a)(x + b) @® Example(3 Determine by inspection whether x = 2, x= 2, x = 3 and x =—3 are the roots of the equation (x— 2) + 3) = 0, Solution. + Ix=2, @-2ert3 + x=-2, (2) 3) = (2-212 +3) -4(1) =-4(%0) Hence, x =2 is a root. Hence, is not a root + Ix =3, @ 2043) =G-2GHI + Hv=-3, = IUEHD) 2-3 + 3) = 16) 6 (0) Hence, x = 3 is not a root. Hence, x = ~2 is a root. Practice <3 Determine by inspection which of the values of x are the roots of the following quadratic equations. (a) G+ 3)r-2)=0; 1 (b) Qx~ Der+2)=0; © x +5)=0:4=5,0,-5 @) Qr+ NQr-5) A213 Determining the roots of a quadratic equation by trial and improvement method With the help of a spreadsheet, start substituting x = 8 into the left hand side of the quadratic equation x° — 3-18 =0 and fill up Table 2.1: From the results you have obtained, it is clear that x = 6 is a root of the equation. Can you determine the other root? D Example(4) Determine the roots of the equation x° 2x ~ 15 = 0 by trial and improvement method using the given values of x = 6, 4, 2, 0,2, 4, Solution, lies between . ‘Try substitute x= 5 into the equation, Similarly, the other root lies between x 2 and P= 2e= 19 =~ 215)—15 Try x=-3, 2¢-3) 15 = 10-15 +6-15 0 ‘Thus, x =5 is a root of the equation. Thus, x 3 is another root of the equation, ‘Practice TS Use the trial and improvement method to find the roots of the following equations. (a) P+3x+2=0 (b) Pe +x-2 (©) + 10r+24=0 (d) xe -8r+ 15 (e) e+x-20=0 (f) -4r-21 LiiuE ina eae ent 1. Express the following quadratic equations in the general form. @ x (b) 8 +9=4~3r © x—4P @) Gr-Nor+4)=2-¥ 2. Express the following quadratic equations in the general form ax? + br + ¢ = 0 and state the values of a, b and c. (a) 4v-6= 38 tb) 2+ 1) (©) P=8 @ G+ 3)x-4)=6 fe) 6r+3=50 TH+ 5F 3. Determine which of the values of the variable x given are the roots of the respective quadratic equations, (a) 4x-6=0; (b) 2x + 5x = + 1-7) =0;4=7, 1-1, -7 2-3) =0; oe © &+ Dr) = 05457, (8) Qx—3)4x +5) =0; 3.3,-4 4. With the help of a spreadsheet, determine the roots of the following quadratic equations. (a) e-x-12=0 (b) e+ 4r-5=0 (0) +5x-14=0 (d) 8x + 16=0 (©) ¥-8=2+7 () Wr+8=3e ® 22> _ Solving Quadratic Equations - elearning Qutevmies: 1, Determine the roots of « quadratic equation by (@) factorisation, (b) completing the square, (0) using the formula, 2. Form 2 quadratic equation from given roots. R221 Solving quadratic equations To solve a quadratic equation means to find all the roots of the equation. In general, one can determine the roots of a quadratic equation by (a) factorisation (b) completing the square (c)_using the quadratie formula B By factorisation If a quadratic equation can be factorised into the product of two factors such that jotta a ple g=0 An the case p = q, then the Then, by the zero-product property, ‘equation is said to have two equal x=p=0 or x-q roots. v=p or x=q ‘Thus, p and g are the roots of the equation. Examples Factorise and determine the roots of the quadratic equation ©? +x ~ 12 = 0. Solution tre Communicating x44=0 0 or x-3 Explain how a quadratic equation a oe is Factrised ‘Therefore, x =—4 and x = 3 are the roots a Practice <5 > Solve the following quadratic equations by factorisation. (a) xP 4+30r- 0 (b) 15, (c) 4° +4y-3=0 d) e+ 10r4 24-0 (e) 12e=6-x () xQr-5)=12 (g) v+2r=8 (hb) S°=6~ 136 @) Tr-2=3e B) By comple Solving quadratic equations involving perfect squares Find the values of « by finding the square roots on both sides of the following equations. @ 224 (b) ¥=25 ©) @-1F @ w-2F=12 ©) +2" © eee Discuss your findings. From the activity, note that if the algebraic expressions on the left hand side of the quadratic equations are perfect squares, the roots can be obtained easily by finding the square roots. To make any quadratic expression 2° + br into a perfect square, we add the term. (SF to the expression, ‘That is Example(o Solve the quadratic equation «2 + 6x — 1 = 0 by completing the square. Solution aoe NN P4+6r-1= Make sure to add the eame P46 constant to both sides of the \ 1+ (Gp cea erat 2 +3 C equality of the equation, ———__ Square root can be negative or or Hence the roots of the equation are 0.1623 and —6.1623, Practice <—~@ > Solve the following quadratic equations by completing the squares. (@ €+2r-3=0 (b) e—4x+2=0 (©) 4 5r+2=0 @) © +6r47=0 (©) F-6r=9 ®) 8=5044) cs Example(7 Solve the quadratic equation 20° + 4x ~3 = 0 by completing the square. Solution “Se rs Qe +4x—3=0 (Before completing the square, x= 0.5811 or x=-2.5811 Hence, the solutions of the equation are 0.5811 and ~2.5811, Practice <7 > Solve the following quadratic equations by completing the squares. (a) 2°-40-4=0 (b) 3° +6x-2=0 (©) 4e-3x-5 @) 3e+Ir+1=0 (©) Se-T+1=0 (e+ Bre © By using the quadratic formula ‘The quadratic equation ax? + hx + ¢ = 0 can be solved by using the quadratic formula E pbs P Ete | where a0 Example/s Use the quadratic formula to find the solutions of the equation 10x? + 3x = 16. Give your answers correct to four significant figures. # Sotution 7 Tifee. 1s? + 3x = 16 90 3-10, 0-3, ‘Aways wite the exquation fate 10x? + 3x-1 0° ———— general form before using the ‘i aie bine oh 210) = saps Wark Thi one -124 or 1.424 Use another method to find they Hence the solutions of the equation are 1.124 and —1.424. _— Rt 8 ec: Practice <8 > Solve the following quadratic equations by using the quadratic formula, @) e+ 4x 0 (b) 7+ 5v-3 (©) 2+ 6x43 (@) 3x=8x-5 (@) 4r—3x (xe + 4) =3 2.2.2 Forming a quadratic equation from given roots If the roots of a quadratic equation are known, such as the Info | a Zero-product © + q)iscaled the sum of the property ots whereas pq is called the #—(4Qx+pq=0 product of the roots. Hence, the quadratic equation with two given roots can be obtained as follows. 2° ~ (sum of roots} + (product of roots) Example/9 Form a quadratic equation with roots 2 and —3. Work This (ow Solution Expand the equation Given p = 2 and 2 + 3) =0. ‘Then, sum of roots = p + q=2 + (-3) product of roots = py = 2(-3)=-6 * Hence, the required quadratic equation X= (sum of roots}s + (product of roots) = 0 = (Cle + (6) P+x-6 Practice <9 > Form the quadratic equations with the given roots. (a) 2and3 (b) -3and4 © Tonly @) Oand9 () -4and-6 © 3and+ Example/i0 Given that a and f are the roots of the quadratic equation 2x° + 2x ~ 5 ‘equation with roots (ce 2) and (2). 0, form a quadratic Solution. Communicating 3€ Mathematics > Explain whether it is easier co find the individual values of ce and fb Sum of roots = +f tna gi oe se a Product of roots = ai =~ 5 odes For the required equation, Work This. oat ‘Sum of roots Given hand k are the roots of the ‘equation 2e°- 5x + 2=0. Form the equation with roots of (3) and te + 3), The required equation is we5red 0 That is 2+ 10r+7=0 Practice < 10 1, Given that «and are the roots of the equation 2x? + 3y~9 = 0, form quadratic equations with roots @) Sana (b) 3cand 38 2. If one of the roots of the equation 21° + px + 9 = 0 is twice the other root, find the possible values of p. Gi ea, Solve the following quadratic equations, (@) 28-13r-24=0 () P+e-S=10-x (4-3 (@) x +6r-2 () =3r-2 © 4 3 2. Express the following quadratic equations in the form u(x +p)? + @ = 0 by completing the squares. Hence solve the respective quadratic equations. (@) 8-84 12=0 (b) 3+ 10r—2 (©) 4430-250 () 2v-3x GD 3. Form a quadratic equation with roots ~4 and -b. Give your answer in the general form, 4. The roots of the equation x? + (a + 3)x 2b = 0 are 2 and —3, Find the values of a and b. The equation x° ~ 2kx + 9 = 0 has two equal roots, Find the possible values of & 6. Given that the equation 51° — 6x + £ = 0 has two equal roots, find the values of k and the root. 7. Given one of the roots of the quadratic equation x" + kx = -12 is one third the other root. Find the possible values of k 8. The length of a rectangle is 4 cm longer than its breadth. If the area of the rectangle is 21 cm®, find the length and breadth of the rectangle. 9. Given that cand f are the roots of the equation x° — 3 + p = 0 whereas 3a and 3 are the roots of the equation x° + gx +7 = 0, Calculate the possible values of p and g. ). Form a quadratic equation with 10. Given ccand B are the roots of the equation 4x? + Sx— roots (2a + 3) and (26 + 3), 11, Given 3 and a are the roots of the equation (2x ~ I(x + 4) = k(y = 1) 4 3, where k is @ constant. Find the values of m and h. 4m has roots “and 2. Given that «+ = 9 and 12. The quadratic equation px(2 ~ x) a = 12, find the possible values of p and © 23 )___ Discriminant of a Quadratic Equation _ Mirae Ostet 1, Determine the types of roots of quadatic equations from the value of — ac. q 2. Solve problems involving #°~ 4ac in quadratic equations to @) find an unknown value, () derive a relation 23.1 Determining the types of roots of quadratic equations abs In section 2.2.1(c), we discussed the use of the quadratic formula x = Aae_ 49 find the roots of a quadratic equation, ‘The quantity D = #° —dac is called the discriminant of the quadratic equation ax’ + bx + ¢=0, ‘The value of the discriminant will determine the types of roots of a quadratic equation 2a 3) Identify the values of a, b and ¢ for each of the following quadratic equations. Find the roots of the equations (if any) and the values of the respective discriminant 6? ~ 4ac. From the results obtained above, itis found that: (a) If-b* —4ac > 0, then the quadratic equation has two different roots. (b)_ If 4ac = 0, then the quadratic equation has two equal roots (©) If.b* —4ac < 0, then the quadratic equation has no roots, Example(ty Determine the types of roots for each of the following nfo ‘quadratic equations. "No roots’ means No eel rots (a) a+ Se-4=0 (b) 4 -12r+9=0 (©) e-3r+ Solution (@ 3e+5r-4=0 BF dac = 5° 43)(-4) 73>0 Since # — 4ac > 0, the equation has two different roots ) 4e-12r+9=0 bP dae = -12F ~ 4419) 44 — 144 - 0 Technology ac = 0, the equation has two equal roots. Use graphing ctor to plot 3 a1 the undatic expesions fr ar aay Sipecia Coma Discus your findings. Hence, the equation has no real roots, af * Practice 11> Calculate the discriminant for each of the following quadratic equations and hence state the types of roots for each of the equations. (a) 3r—Sr+1=0 () P-6r+9 oe @ 3e+ ©) xGx ®) 56 -4y) CA 232. Solving problems involving the use of the discriminant riminant of a quadratic equation can be used to find an unknown value or derive a relation. Example(i2 ‘The equation (k + I)? —4r +9 = has two different roots. Determine the range of values of &. Solution. + Given the equation has two different roots, oe + Find the range of values of &. Dee —* Mentify a,b and e. tin + Use the condition for different roots, b? — 4ac > 0. —— ee B-dac = (4-4 +109) S 32g pn 16 — 36(k + 1) Sa #—4ac > 0 Therefore, 16 ~36(k + 1) >0 16 ~ 36k — 36 > 0 36k <-20 ke 9 Practice 1, Given that the equation 41° — 2px + 3p —5 = 0 has two equal roots, find the possible values, of the constant p. 2. The equation x° + 2hx + (h + 2)? = 0 has two different roots, find the range of values of h. Show that the equation 2? —4e+ p+ 1= has two real roots if p < 3, 4. Given that the equation (p + 5)x° — 8x + 1 = 0 has no roots, determine the range of values ofp. aD Example/i3\ Given the quadratic equation 2 — 4mnx + n= 0 has two different roots. how that din’ > 12 For different roots, ‘Thus Practice Cis > 1 Given that the equation ’x? - 2kx + 1 = 0 has two equal roots, find the relation between ft and k. Given that the equation (2m + I)x? ~ 2nx + 3m = 0 has no roots, find the relation between and n. Find the relation between p and q if the quadratic equation px? + 6x + q ~ 3 = 0 has two different roots. Renn “ee, Given each of the following equations has two equal roots, find the values of k @) Se +avek+3=0 (b) 8+ E-3xe-3k=0 (©) 9+ 3kr—k=0 (a) YP -6x+3=K2r-1) Given each of the following equations has two different roots. Determine the range of values ofp. (a) ¥+4r+2p=0 (b) 84 dpe + dp = 0 (©) Axe = 4) = 9p ~ 28 ~ 4px Given each of the following equations has no roots. Find the range of values of m. (a) Imx'+3r-6=0 (b) mam — Dx m+ 1=0 — dgx + 3p = 0 has two equal roots, find the ratio of p = 4. ‘The equation 41° + Shr + 9 = 0 has two equal roots. Find the relation between and k. ‘The equation 3p Given one of the roots of the equation 3x(x + 4) = 3/t— 1 is three times the other root. Find (a) the values of the roots, (b)_ the value of h “The quadratic equation 2x* + hr + k = 0 has roots 6 and —4, Find (a) the values of hand k, (b) the range of values of p such that hy + k= p has two different roots. Gb Methods of determining Conditions of the roots of quadratic equation types of roots + sub a and x= + for wo different + inspection then (x= a(x — B)=0 roots, b= 4ac>0 + trial and or + fortwo equal roots, denptcvtntt 2-(a+ px ap=0 B-dace0 + factorisation + forno roots, ae tox+e=ty+ pet) b—4ac<0 + completing the square wet het c+ (AP erie (BP +k-(4 | + quadratic formula | x= bt Whee 2a 1. Solve the following quadratic equations. (a) © 10r+25=0 () xe (© 12-1%r-5e=0 @) e-x-10=x45 (©) Qx#3)r~ 1) = 25x42) © (&+3\x +2) = Ake + 6) ® 2. Express.x° + Sx —2 in the form of a(x + h)* + &. Hence solve the equation 1° + 5x-2= 0. 3. Form a quadratic equations with the following roots. (a) x=5,"=3 0) x=6,x=-4 4. Given (ft + 1) and (2) are the roots of the equation 1° + 9x + 14 = 0, Bind the values of f and k. 5. Given one of the roots of the equation 2x? + 1 = h— Sv is four times the other root. Find (a) the values of the roots, (b) the value of fi 6. Given the equation x? + 4m + (2m + 1)? = 0 has no roots. Find the range of values of m 7. Given the quadratic equation 2x° + 4 = k(2x— 1) such that & is a constant, Find the possible values of & if the equation has two equal roots. 8. Given.x = 6 is a root of the equation x* + px +24 = 0, Determine the value of p and hence find the other root. 9. Given p and q are the roots of the equation 4px? + 7x+ q=0,p #0,q#0. (a) Find the possible values of p and q. (b) For each of the values of p and q in part (a), form the quadratic equations with roots 4 1 2p and Ly. Application 10. Geometry ‘The shaded area of the L-shaped figure is 145 cm?, Find the value a of x Bem Tam" Jem IL. Frame makin A piece of wire 32 cm in length is cut into two pieces. Each piece is bent to form a square. Given that the sum of the areas of the squares formed is 34 cm’, determine the length of each piece of wire 12. Geometr. ‘The breadth and length of a rectangular piece of land are x m and (x + 20) m respectively. If the area of the land is 2400 m?, find the dimensions of the piece of land, 13, Travelling ‘The difference in time for a car travelling at a steady speed of v km hr! and at a reduced speed of (v— 20) km h to cover a distance of 400 km is exactly 1 hour. Find the value of v. 14, 15, 16. 17. 18, 19. Packaging sm sen] — eat Figure (a) Figure (b) ‘Squares with sides measuring 4 cm are cut off from each comer of a square piece of cardboard as shown in Figure (a). The cardboard is then folded into an open box as shown in Figure (b). If the volume of the box is 900 cm’, what are the dimensions of the original cardboard? Gravit; ‘An object is dropped from a height HM. m above the ground, Its height, H above the ground after 1 seconds is given by H Sr, (a) Find the height of the object after 2 seconds, (b)_ If the object is dropped from a height of 125 m, how long will it take to fall to the ground? Caring and Sharing A group of students from class 44 plan to buy a birthday present for their teacher, The cost of the present is RMO0 and will be shared equally by the group of students. There are 4 students from class 4B who want to share the cost of the present as well. Each student will then pay RM0.50 less. Determine the total number of students sharing the present Critical Thinking Derive the quadratic formula fe given that ax? + br + ¢=0 [Hint: Use the method of completing the square} Critical Thinking Solve the equation x! — 2x? — Critical Thinking (a) Solve y?~ 12y + 20=0. (b)_ Hence find the solutions of the equation (x? + 1)? ~ 1202 + 1) +20 = 0. With the help ofa graphing calculator, solve the equation —3x~ 18 = 0. Step @ Press the ON key Step @ Press ¥ Key in" — x 18° as ¥, by pressing X\T.0.n Step @ Press ZOOM] 6| Enter | Step © (@) Press 2nd | TRACE] 2 | to find the roots. Left bound? Move the cursor as close to the root (where the graph crosses the x-axis) as possible. Press the left arrow to move to the Teft of the root, Press ENTER). A marker will be set to the left of the root. Right bound? Move the cursor as close to the root as possible. Press the right arrow to move to the right of the root. Press ENTER). A marker 4 will be set to the right of the root. Guess? Just press ENTER) One of the roots is x Step @ Repeat Step @ to find another root. ‘Try to solve the following quadratic equations. (@ 2=5x-14=0 (b) 22-54 @) P-3r+9=0 (@) 5430-1220 are Any bridges are supported by parabolic structures at the bottom. Can you think of any other kinds of buildings which are supported by parabolic structures? Parabolic shapes can be represented mathematically using quadratic functions. There are various problems in our daily lives which can be modelled using quadratic funetions. Chapter Objectives @ Understand the concept of quadratic functions and their graphs. @ Find maximum and minimum values of quadratic functions, @ Sketch graphs of quadratic functions, @ Understand and use the concept of quadratic inequalities. 3A Quadratic Functions and Their Graphs (ocrning Outcomes: 1, Recognise quadatie funetions. 2. Plot graphs of quadratic functions (@) based on given tabulced values; (b) by constructing the tables of values, 3. Recognise shapes of graphs of quadratic functions. 44. Relate the position of quadratic function graphs with types of roots for fs) ~ 0 CA SA1 lRecognising quadratic functions In conjunction with the National Day Celebration, a school has organised a competition to make the Jalur Gemilang. The size of the flag is set to have a length of (r+ 8) mand a width of (c—3) m. The area of the flag, lx), can be written as function of as y Pause and Ponder ‘There are three terms in the function, namely 3°, Sx Considering x° = 1, can the and ~24. Note that the powers of x in the terms x°, 5x and term -24 be writen asx 10 the 24 are 2, | and 0 respectively. This function is known as powenst a, a quadratic flunetion because the highest power of x is 2. Info a In general, a quadratic function in terms of x must meta contain the term of 2°. If there exist more terms, the ‘The word quadratic comes from power of x in cach term must be either 0 or 1 only. For the Latin word qundratus which example, ix) = 442, g(x) = 3x + 5 and f(x) = 6 — 2x — 5x? eee are quadratic functions. oleealieatie Mathematics >) A quadratic function is usually written in the general form fix) = ax? + bx + ¢ where a, b and c are constants and d #0. Explain why 2° + 3x — i not a quadratic function, o Example(1 3 Determine whether each of the following is a quadratic function. Express it in general form if it is (@) Au) = 3x4 4r () g@=3e +4 Solution fa) fix) = 304+ 4r-7 ‘The highest power of x is 2. Hence, f(x) is a quadratic function and f(x) = 4x2 + 3x—7. ) @ =38+ bearer ‘The power of the term is 1. Hence, g(#) is not a quadratic function. Practice Determine whether each of the following is a quadratic function. Express it in general form if it is. @) fay=4+20 (b) Q)=3y"—2y' (© AG) =9 + 3x78 @ gh) =9 + 3)? 8y (OMG) AA 312 ‘Plotting the graphs of quadratic functions A golfer hits a golf ball and the ball travels towards the putting green, The ¥ flight path of the ball resembles the graph of a quadratic function, In this . section, we shall learn how to plot graphs of quadratic functions B) Based on given tabulated values 4 We have learnt how to plot the graph of a function in Form Three. Let's carry out the following activity to plot the graph of a quadratic function, To plot the graph of a quadratic function Table 3.1 shows some values of x and the corresponding values of (x) of the function fa) =9 =. . x {Minimum point Graph of x) Explain what happens when a = 0. + x Graph of g(x) Figur D The shape of the graphs is known as a parabola. A parabolic graph in the form fx) = ax + by +c is symmetrical about a vertical line passing through the turning point of the. graph. The tuning point of the graph is said to be a minimum point if the graph opens upwards, as in the graphs of fix) and A(x). The turing point of @ graph is said to be a maxinium point if the graph opens downwards, as in the graphs of g(x) and k(x). From the activity, itis also found that for a given quadratic function f(x) = ax? + by + ¢, if > 0, then the graph of the function is a parabola with a minimum point, (ii) @-< 0, then the graph of the function is a parabola with « maximum px Example(3 Describe the shape of the graph of each of the following quadratic functions. (a) fe) =-3e ae 5 0) gG)=4+50B-+20 Since a = -3 <0, the graph of the function is a parabola with a maximum point, (b) gis) = (4 + 5G + 20) 10x? + 23x + 12 Since a = 10 > 0, the graph of the function is a parabola with a minimum point Practice 3 > For each of the following functions, describe the shape of the graph, (@) fx) =2e— Te (b) g(x) = 6r-3x° +8 (©) Mix) = Ir 3? (@)_ kx) = 38 -Qx Py 3.1.4 Relating the position of the graph of a quadratic function Sc) = ae + bx + c with the types of roots for,f\x) = 0 Referring to the graph of fix) = ax" + bx +.¢ as shown in Figure 3.2, mand n are roots of the equation fix) = 0 but m and n are also the values of 2° when the graph intersects the x-axis, This means that the roots of fix) = ax’ + br + ¢ = 0 are the points where the graph of fix) intersects the x-axis, Using this relationship, we can determine the position of the graph of the function f(x) with respect to the x-axis based on the types of roots of the quadratic equation fix) = 0, a In this respect, we have three cases: (a) If Ax) = ax? + bx +c =0 has two distinct real roots, meaning 6? — 4ac > 0, then the graph of the function f(x) intersects the x-axis at two distinct points. fe) fo) za - a>0 a<0 (b) If) = ax? + bx + ¢ = 0 has two real and equal roots, meaning 6? ~ 4ac = 0, then the graph of the function ftx) intersects the x-axis at only one point. fo A) ato — a>0 a0 Example( For each of the following graphs below, describe the types of roots when fix) =O. @ fo) ©) fy TY a : Solution (a) The graph touches the x-axis at only one point. Hence, lx) = 0 has two real and equal roots. (b) The graph intersects the x-axis at two distinct points. Hence, f(x) = 0 has two distinct real roots. za * aco Practice TS Each of the following diagrams shows the position of the graph of fix) with respect to the x-axis, Describe the type of roots of fix) = 0 in each case, @ fy (b) fy (@) fs) =20 +5047 Solution (a) Given fix) = 20° + 5x47. For fix) = 20 + 5x+ the discriminant b? ~ 4ac 5) — 4(2)(7) 1<0 Hence, fx) has no real roots. ‘The coefficient of x? is 2 > 0. ‘Therefore, the graph of the function x) thas a minimum point, The parabola does not intersect the x-axis. Hence, we have fo) Practice > (@) Ka) = 6x3 +20 vv 1 of the following funetions with respect to the x-axis, (b) gy = 98x38 © he {— (b) Given g(x) = 9- 8x - 3x’, For g(x) = 9 = 8x= 3° the discriminant b* — ac = (-8)' -4(-3(9) 72. >0 Hence, g(x) has two distinct real roots, The coefficient of x* is -3 <0. Therefore, the graph of the function g(x) has @ maximum point. ‘The parabola intersects the x-axis at two distinct points. Hence, we have st) ns with respect to the x-axis, BD fuentes Identify the quadratic functions in the following list of functions, fae + art ee a0) = Sx? — 4x hoo Kx) = 5x43 pO) =-2r- 8 +6 ge) (a) Describe the shape of each quadratic function, (b) Plot the graph of each quadratic function for -3 0, then a(x + p)? = 0. Thus, fl) has « minimum value of @ when x+p = 0, () @< 0, then atx +p)? < 0. Thus, flx) has a maximum value of @ when x +p = 0 Explain mathematically why fis) = ale + pP + qhasa | minimum value when a > O and | ‘a maximum value when a < 0. Example(o Determine the maximum or minimum value of each of the following functions and find the corresponding value of x. (a) fx) =e - 4x 412 (b) gs) =9 + 5x-20 “The Babylonians first started 1 Solation ; | work of developing the com (@) fa) =P -4x+12 ‘of completing the square, whi aye =4 =4¥in | was then used in sol exude (St) -(Gty +12 ving ax-40+4-4412 =@-2P-4412 Catoaxe =(@-27 +8 _ Since the coefficient of x° is positive, the function has a minimum value. ‘Therefore, the function has a minimum value of 8 when (x ~2) = 0 or x=2. ©) 8) te Technotogy ‘We can use the graphing ‘calculator or Geometer's ‘Sketchpad to determine the ‘minimum of the maximum value ‘of a function graphically. tis ‘done by plotting the graph and ‘subsequently determining the _ysoordinate of the turing point fof the graph, Since the coefficient of 2° is negative, the function has a maximum value. Therefor the faction has a maximum vale of 57-hen (x— Practice <6 > Determine the maximum or minimum value of each of the following functions and find the corresponding value of x. (a) fa) = 3-4-9 (b) gx) = 11 = 2043)" ©) hd) 5 (d) A) = 2 -Se43 RS es 1. Determine the minimum or maximum value of each of the following functions and find the corresponding value of x. (a) AG) =x +8x-9 (© p@)=3e-4r+6 2. Given the function jx) = (2x ~ 5)? ~ 7. Determine the minimum or maximum value of fx). Hence, find the coordinates of the turning point of the graph. 3. The graph of the function fix) = 8 + 6x — x° has its turning point at (m, n). Find the values of mand n. 4. ‘The minimum value of the function fix) = 1% + 2pe-+7 is 2. Find the possible values of p. S. The graph of the function fix) = 3x? ~ 4x + p has a minimum point at (m, 1), Find the values of m and p. @33_) _ Sketching Graphs of Quadratic Functions Learning Outcome: 1. Sketch the graphs of quadratic functions by determining the maximum or minimum point and = wo other points In an art lesson, we can sketch a picture of an object in just a few minutes, such as sketching a flower vase J Since the graph of a quadratic function is a parabola, we can also sketch | the graph of a quadratic function if enough information is given. \_/ Gr 33.1 Sketching the graph of a quadratic function To sketch the graph of a quadratic function. On the Cartesian plane, P and Q are points lying on the graph of a quadratic function. @ is the minimum point. Sketch the graph that passes through these two points. Pho Figure 3.4 From the activity, itis found that the y-intercept and the turning point of the graph are useful for us to sketch the graph. Example/7™ Sketch the graph of each of the following quadratic functions. (@) fixe 2-8 (b) ga) = 8r- 14-2 Solution. @) Step @ Determine the mini fy=P-2r-8 Che) a= 1>0, hence, the graph has fs) = 8-2-8 on -2¥. =#-204(2)-( =(r- 17-9 Therefore, the minimum point is (1, -9). um or maximum point, Step @ Determine the x-intercept. The discriminant b? — dac = (-2)' - 4(1)-8) 16> 0 Hence, the graph intersects the x-axis at two distinct points. When fix) = 0, P-2r-8 (+ De-4) xs2 or x ‘Therefore, the graph intersects the x-axis at (-2, 0) and (4, 0). the y-intercept. When x= 0, fox) = 0° 2(0)-8 =-8 ‘Therefore, the graph intersects the y-axis at (0, -8). Step @ Draw the axes and sketch the graph accordingly. fe) re (b) g(x) = 8-14-22 =-2e + Be 14 a =~2<0, hence, the graph has a maximum point. g()= 20 + 8-14 22 = 4x +7) Seca 202 - a4 4-447) 21 - 2F +3] 20-27 -6 ‘Therefore, the maximum point of the graph is (2, ~6) and.x = 2 is the axis of symmetry. The discriminant 6? ~ 4ac = 8 - 4(-2)(-14) = -48 <0 Therefore, the graph does not intersect the x-axis. When x= 0, a(x) =-2(0) + 8(0) ~ 14 = -14 Fpa Therefore, the graph intersects the y-axis at (0, -14). % 1 he graph does not pss hough the sans, uefa to deteine the axis of symmety of the graph. ‘Practice Sketch the graph of each of the following functions. (a) fx) = 10r-11 9x — 10 - 2x7 (c) A(x) = Sx? - 3x-2 Be + 2-3 1. Sketch the graph of each of the following functions. @ AG)=8- 4045 (b) KG) =-9+5x—3x7 (©) ple) = 4x7 - 20x + 25 2. Express the function f(x) = 2x? + 7x— 15 in the form of fx) = a(x + p)? + q where a, p and q are constants. Determine the roots of 2x? + 7x 15 = 0 and hence, sketch the graph. 3. Using the method of completing the square, or otherwise, determine the axis of symmetry of the graph of the function fix) = 4x ~3 ~ 4x? and hence, sketch the graph, ‘Determining the range of values of x that satisfies a quadratic inequality We have learnt how to solve linear inequalities in Form Three. For example, when x-1>0,x>1, when x-3>0,x>3. To solve the quadratic inequality (x ~ 1x —3) > 0, we use the graph sketching method. Consider the quadratic function flx) = minimum point and intersects the x-axis at x Figure 3.5. ). The graph of the function has 3, We sketch the graph as shown in fe) Ay>o} \ fe) >0 Work This oe a2i|_Ai_1ex<3 7x3, Irthe sketch of the graph of ot 3 the Function fe) i as shown, = state the range ofvales of De that satisfies the inequality Figure 3.5 SW) > 0 0rf0) <0. From the graph, we can show that if f(x) > 0, the solution is x < 1 or x > 3. On the other hand, if f(x) <0, the solution is 1 0, then x, and (b) if fx) <0, then m0 (b) (2-4 +21 30 (©) #+x-12>0 @) 15-4r-4>0 SS “eis J. Determine the range of values of x that satisfies each of the following inequalities. (a) #-6r-27<0 (b) 2° +5x-3>0 (©) 12+5r-2P <0 @ 3¢-1x-20>0 2. Given the function fix) = 4 ~ 4x ~ 3: and f(x) > O when a 0, then fix) has a minimum of g when x=—p, (b) @<0, then f(x) has a maximum of g when x=~p. Graph sketching of quadratic functions Z | Quadratic inequalities Relationship between the discriminant and the position of graph with respect to the x-axis 1. Given the function f(x) = 20 + mx +27 and f(x) < 0 when 3 <.x 3 Application 11, Gardening The diagram shows a triangular piece of land which Faizal has allocated p ° to plant some vegetables for his own consumption. The land allocated is such that PM and QM differ by 3 metres and QM is longer than PM. “x43 If PM is at least 0.5 metre, determine the range of length of OM so a that the area of the land is not more than 27m, 12, Automobile The minimum stopping distance, d m, of a vehicle moving with a velocity of v m sis given by the quadratic function d= a where 11 is the coefficient of friction between the tyres and the road surface and g is the gravitational acceleration. Ifa car is moving on a road with the coefficient of friction 0.8, find the range of velocities of the car for which the car does not crash into a static object 36 metres away when the brakes ate applied, (Take g = 10 ms) 13. Physics A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the ground with a velocity of SO m s". The height, ‘im, from the ground after ¢ seconds is given by ht = 50r— 5°. (a) Find the maximum height of the ball. (b) Find the time when the ball attains its maximum height. (©) Calculate the range of time for which the ball is more than 105 metres above the ground, 14, Sports A golf ball is hit at an angle and the ball travels at a velocity of 40 m s-!. The height of the ball, in metres, is given by the function hGx) where x is the horizontal distance of the 160 ball from the starting point. (a) When the ball attains its maximum height, how far has it travelled horizontally? (b)_ Find the maximum height of the ball. (c) How far is the ball from the starting point when it strikes the ground? king Find the range of values of x for which @ te-sr+ul<4, @) 23679 <0, ‘Geometer’s Sketchpad is a software we can use to explore graphs. Perform the following activity to ‘explore more on the graphs of quadratic functions Siep @ Execute the Geometer's Sketchpad program and maximize the windows, Siep @ Click at to draw the coordinate axes Step @ Click at Ker Siep @ Click - A-calculatorlike dialogue box is displayed, Slep © Follow the following steps to define a general quadratic Function f(x) = ax? + bx +c (Click at Enter“) for Name and!” for (ii) Click at the following five buttons in sequence : J, “J, |, 21, | i) Repeat step () and enter “>” for Nome and“ for (iv) Click at the following three butions in sequence : |, | (9). Repeat step (i) and enter “:* for Nae and “." for Valve. Then elick OX) button Siep @ The graph of f(x) = 1° + 2x ~3 is drawn on the screen. Click and drag the handles at the axes (red spots atthe axes) to adjust the scales of the axes and the viewing area, Step @ Double-click atthe places displaying the values of a, & and c on the sereen to change the values of a, b and ¢ respectively so as to display different graphs. Siep @ Follow the steps below to determine the minimum or maximum point of the graph of a quadratic fuention Draw the graph of (x) = + 3y—7 by changing the values of a, b and e as in step 7. i) Click at 70" button +] on the tool bar and then click once at the taming point of the graph. A red spot, labelled as point A, is displayed at the taming poi (iil) Click at » 4) Too! button SJ and then click point A to select point A. (iv) Click © ‘ The coordinates of the turning point are displayed. Hence, (2) has a minimum value of -9.25 when x = —.5. Siep @ Repeat step 8 to find the minimum or the maximum values of the following quadratic functions. Compare the answers with those done by calculation. (@) fQ)= 28 +3847 (©) fy = 28 -6r-9 Arn travels ftom Kajang Toll to Johor Bahru Toll at an average speed, vk h, If he travels 10 km h' faster, he ‘would have arived 25 minutes earlier. Given that the distance between the two tolls is 300 km, how long would he take to complete the journey with the average speed, v km b'? Chapter Objectives @ Solve simultaneous equations in two unknowns, Solve Simultaneous in Two Unknowns: © 41) _ One Linear Equation and One Non-linear Equation 11. Solve simultancous equations using the substitution method. — 21 Solve simultaneous equations involving real-life simations. rss Solving simultaneous equations using the substitution method ‘Two unknowns in a set of simultaneous equations consisting of a linear and non-linear equations can be reduced to an equation with one unknown using the substitution method. Example/™ Solve the simultaneous equations. x+2y 2D From@: “x=1-2y Substitute @ into @. 21 — 2yP+ 21 —4y+49)+y 2-8y +8 + —8y-20 (y+ 10-2) Oye or y-2=0 or ye Make one of the unknowns 26 the @ qc tubest ofthe near equation. Communicating K~ Mathematics >) ] + How do you identify a linear and nortlinear equation? + Explain what you understand, by simultaneous equations Substitute the values of y into equation (8) to find the values of x. y= 10g 21-10) When y = — 9° 1-2¢ 9) at+20 9 = 9 Sn When y= 2, x =1-2Q) 3 Hence, x = 22, By=2. ‘Practice < Ty Solve each of the following pairs of simultaneous equations, @ x-3y=4 (b) 2x+3y4 2x9? = 17 28+ Gry +5=0 (© xty=6 @ P-y+23 2, 5 3x4 2y= 12 ty © xty=3 ® wty=6 Poa tdesT yer 6r+10 412 Solving simultaneous equations involving real-life situations Example/2\ ‘A 5 m ladder is leaning against a wall so that the distance from the foot of the ladder to the wall is one half of the distance from the top of the ladder to the ground. Find the distance from the top of the ladder to the ground. Solution. > + Distance of the foot of the ladder aan to the wall is one half of the {he probe distance from the top of the ladder to the ground. + Find the distance from the top of the ladder to the ground, £ | + Form a pair of linear and non- { Owe ” linear equations. en + Solve the simultaneous equations using the substitution method. Gang out) ‘Eetthe distance from the top of the ladder to the ground be xm, pes Let the distance from the bottom of the ladder to the wall be y m. Length of the ladder = 5 m. eh yee Bry e# Substitute into @. P(g 472 or ~4.472 Substitute the values of x into equation @. Choose x= 4472, y = 404.472) =2.236 m ‘Therefore, the distance from the top of the ladder to the ground is 4.472 m Check When x = 4.472, from@, y= 4.472) 236 from @, a? + (2.236) 22 = 20,000 Practice <2 > L 2 The difference between two numbers is 4 and the sum of their squares is 40, Determine the numbers ‘A right-angled triangle has sides of length x em, y em and ( — 3) cm as shown in the diagram. Given the perimeter of the triangle is 36 cm and its area is 54cm’, Find the values of pom, O-3)cm rand y. Find the points of intersection between the curve y =x + 3x + 2 and the straight line 2r-y+8=0. Zainal is older than Mukri. The difference between their ages is 7 and the sum of the squares of their ages is 289. Find their respective ages. ‘Aminah spends RM24 and RMIS in buying chicken and duck respectively. The price of 1 kg of duck is RM2 more than chicken. If the total mass of chicken and duck is 10 kg, determine the price per kg for chicken and duck respectively. D 1. Solve each of the following pairs of simultaneous equations. (a) y+2e=3 (b) 22-2y+y%=dr-y=8 y tay = 13 - 16x © +i=10 @) yee +2)=2y 42x x+4y = 12 x-$=0 ©) 4vt1=4 @ t=te1 toy ° era * y A straight line 2x + py = 1 meets the curve 5x° — 3y + 1 = 0 at the points (g, 2). Find the values of p and q. Given (-1, 24) is the solution of the simultaneous equations 1° + py ~29 = and p are constants, Calculate the values of k and p. 4. ‘The photograph shows a rectangular-shaped jigsaw puzzle, Given the area and perimeter of the jigsaw puzzle are 1200 cm? and 140 em respectively. Find the length and breadth of the jigsaw puzzle. Application 3 ‘The figure shows an aquarium without a lid in the shape of ‘a cuboid. Given its volume is 240 cm* and the total surface area is 196 em?, Find the values of x and y. Hobby locm Landscaping Rajoo plans to grow grass on the area as shown in the figure. The length of BC is half the length of AF, and the length of EF is half the length of AB, Given that the area is 720 m? and the perimeter is 124 m, find the lengths of BC and FE. Engineering Zulkitli is designing a mould for a new cylindrical container with a cover. The height of the container is 4 em longer than the radius. If the container has a surface area of 60x cm?, calculate the height and base radius of the container. Critical Thinking If the numerator and denominator of a fraction are each increased by 3, the fraction is 2. if he faction is muhipid by itself, he resis equivalent 1-2, Find equivalent to the fraction. taneous equations, @ Fran is folding a sheet of Ad paper into half four times How many smaller identical rectangles are created on the A paper? If she makes the Sth fold, how many smaller identical rectangles will be formed? Ghapter Objectives @ Understand and use the concept of indices and laws of indices to solve problems, @ Understand and use the concept of logarithms and laws of logarithms to solve problems. ® Understand and use the change of base of logarithms to solve problems. ey oring @ Solve equation involving indices and logarithms, A. Find the valus of mumbers given in the form of = = = Ge) integer indices, s = (©) ‘factional indices. 2. Use laws of indices ro find the values of number in index form that are multiplied, divided or nase to «power = 5 : 3. Use laws of inca t simplifyalgebmic expressions. As we have learnt in Form ‘Two as well as in Form Three, any number, algebraic term or algebraic expression when multiplied by itself n times, can be simplified in the form of index notation. For example, 3x3x3x3x3=3° axaxaxa=a + erty) = +P and many others. A211) Integer indices @ Any non-zero number can be written in the index Eanes andl Fema. © form, af where a is non-zero and 1 is a positive ; integer. This is read as ‘a to the power of n’ and it ivan ty aaa means a is multiplied by itself n times. That is, (doable aacunk ee eet er cme eam | where a is the base, Jess than a month? Try this with mise index. | lela, Example(™ Find the values of @ 4 (b) 2° @ #=6 ractice Evaluate the following, @ 6 ©) © © Gy @ oy © (4F © cup (B We have also leamt that, aed (Fer ad tegen) But any expression that divides by itself must be equal to 1, eee Therefore, @=l Similarly a? +a" But Gea’ Therefore, a Example(2\ Find the values of a) 2? (b) 6)" © ©. © (4) © 02) (b) 4" = © (4) =GP ‘You can use a scientific calculator tw check your answers. Practice > Evaluate the following. (@) 3+ » Gy @ Cay © aay D E5110) [Fractional indices Any non-zero number that is written in the index form, a*, where mis a positive integer is a positive root of a, that is where a #0 Example/3\ Evaluate the following with or without using a calculator. 3 (@ ar (b) 125)" © 16 (@) 0.12)" Solution. (@) 8 = /8r (b) 125)" = Y=125 =9 z] © 6-1 (@ 0.12)" = 0.2433 . i a 9 You can use the appropriate [Bhuion fa scenic clan to etemine the root ofa number “Practice am Evaluate the following. if 8 et (@) (1000); © (3) (©) (0.04) @ os © 56) w (4) Br5. “The index law The laws of indices which we have leamt in Form Three are Example Simplify and evaluate the following. @) ¥+3 (b) 2x2 Solution 1 (@) 343? =3-? (b) Bx2=2" = =z =e =9 =16 Practice i> Evaluate the following. (@) Bae o GyYx@r © (3)+(2) © 20, © (a4 @ (255? + 025) Gr513 ‘Simplifying algebraic expressions by using laws of indices Algebraic expressions involving indices can be simplified by applying the laws of indices. Example(3\ Simplify the following. (a) 2x2 @ eee ©) (nny Solution (a) 2x 2 @) BEE aaa) (nent = (nat = mtn Practice 5 > ‘Simplify cach of the following. (a) ¥x3* (b) Bay x Sx? lap? (© Kn? + km @ 2 op (2a°? x 6a* (@)' xa? — wo @F Example(o\ Show that @ 212289, ) 545-22 26579, (a) RHS =2(8) = 20%) a2" =e = LHS ‘Therefore, 2°) = 2(89) (b) LHS =5'45:-7 = 26(5"-*) Therefore, 5* + 5*-* = 26(5*-4), Practice > ‘Show that @ eas, () 3-31 = 2G, (oc) 4-112) = 2-43), (d) 258°! + 5+! = 5% 0(126) RS “es 1. Find the values of the following. ay @ (3) © Gy © &) .. Evaluate the following. (@) (oey+ 3 © @y'x4?+Qy 3. Simplify each of the following, @) BY Kea (b) (16) + 2 x (BY ©) ax 2a + ay @ Ghee a Getta © Bg 4. Given the equation 2°°*1 x 3-1 = 8" x 3% Show that 6 =. 5. Express 2**°—2"*1 42" in the form p(q’). Then write down the values of p and q. Com in index form to logarthmie form and vice versa. 2. Bind logarithm of a number. 3. Find logarithm of numbers by using laws of logarithms, 4. Simplify logarithmic expressions tothe simplest form. =a Before the calculator was developed, operations of ‘multiplication and division of large numbers can be simplified by using logarithms, 521 (Converting equations in index forms to logarithmic forms and vice versa We can solve equations such as x = 2° and x? = 5 directly. But in cases such as 5* = 2, we cannot solve the equation directly. Therefore, we convert it to logarithmic form. By definition, =a ¢ log, y= x where a> Oanda« 1 Hence, an equation in the index form can be converted to the logarithmic form and vice versa. Example(™ (a) Write 125 = 5° as a logarithmic equation. (b) Express log, 32 = 5 in index form. Solution @ () log, 32= 5 ‘Therefore, log, 125 = 3 ‘Therefore, 32 = 2° Practice <7 > 1, Express the following in logarithmic form. @ T=49 b) (©) 10%=0.001 @ 2. Write the following in index form. (a) 1og,2= 5 (o) © bye @ Gr 522. [Finding logarithm of a number ‘The logarithm to the base of 10 is known as the common logarithm. Common logarithm of a ‘number can be easily obtained from the scientific calculator or the mathematical tables, Examples Communicating Evaluate each of the following. ‘<2 Mathematics (@)_log,, 10 (©) logy t Can you show that log, 0 does (©) log, 45 (@) tog, 3.1° not exist where a+ Tad ao Solution ‘© The logarithm of a negative @ 1 ©) 0 tuumber is not defined. Why? (©) 0.653 @ 1.965 + Do you know why fora > 0, > 0. forall ales of? Practice<7 8 > Evaluate the following. (@) log, 4 (b) og,,2 (©) log, 41.64 (@) Tog, 0.024 (©) log, 5 loge 0.42 @A523___ Finding logarithm of numbers by using laws of logarithms it) eer aellog vet log, y=n (Dorks , ee oo a) Re CUsi ‘the index. ng (ae tem) Lagan (b) Example(o\ Evaluate the following. (@) log, 2 + log, 8 (b) log, 18 - log, 6 ©) log, 25 Solution (@)_ log, 2 + log, 8 8, (2x 8) 8, =2 og, 4 0 { tog, > (1) (0) log, 18 - log, 6 (© log, 25 = log, 18. = log, 5° 6 = 2log, 5 log, 3 =2 Practice Evaluate each of the following. (@)_ log, 8 + log, 27 (b) log, 16 + log, 4 (©) log, 6 — log, 3 () tog, 3 - log, 48 (© log, 81 () log, ran Example’ Given that log, 2 = 0.123 and log, 3 = 0.256, calculate the value of each of the following. (a) log, 6 (b) log, 27 Solution (a) log, 6 = log, (2 x 3) (b) log, 27 = log, 3? log, 2 + log, 3 3 log, 3 = 0.123 + 0.256 = 30.256) = 0.379 = 0.768 Practice<0 > Given that log, 2 = 0.631 and log, 5 = 1.465, calculate the following. (@) log, 20 (b) log, 50 © og,8 (@) log, @) (©) log, ¥2 (tog, (10 a 524 ‘Simplifying logarithmic expressions Logarithmic expressions can be simplified using laws of logarithms. Example ‘Simplify the following. (0) tog, (3) tp, (2) 2, (2) 2 5) (©) toe, (2) +2 tog, (4) - to, (2) Solution to (3 © to, (2) +205, (4) to, (2) = 06 [2 (4) +2] = log,

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