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Judgment Sheet IN THE FEDERAL SERVICE TRIBUNAL, ISLAMABAD S.No. “Appeals No. ‘Appellants Date of noiitution | T, | TSRXCSY200 | Nadeom Saver Computer Gpemor PSSTE} ae 2010 (BPS-12), Office of the CMA (KC) Computer Section, Bakery Road, Rawalpindi 2 TOIS(RXCS!2O0 | Muhammad Aamer, Computer Operator / 25850 | Os. -2010" | (BPS 16), Office of the CMA (WO) Connputer Section, Gracy Line, Rawal Road, haklaln Rawalpindi 7 3 T6T6(RXCS\2OIO | Khurram Ejaz, Compuier Operator / 35901 (iPS: | 08.11.2010 16), Oliee of the CMA (ISO) Computer Section, Bakery Road, Saddar, Rawalpindi RESPONDENTS: |. Date of Hearing: 25.07.2011 Date of Judgment: 25.07.2011 Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Rawalpindi Military Accountant General, Rawalpindi. Secretary, Establishment — Division, — Cabinet Secretariat, Islamabad. Secretary to Government of Pakistan, ance Division (Regulations Wing), Pak. Secretariat, Islamabad. BEFORE: Mr. Moazzam Hayat, and Mr. Farrakh Qayyum, Members. PRESENT: Appellants with Mr, Khalid Munir, Advocate. Mr. Zia-ul-Haq Kiyani, Advocate for the respondents. with M/s Imtiaz Ahmed, Assistant Accounts Officer and Khalid [uss Establishment Division, Islamabad as depa representatives. JUDGMENT MOAZZAM_HAYAT, MEMBER: With this judgment we shall decide ~ appeals No. 1614 to 1616(R)CS/2010 filed by appellants Nadeem Sarwar, Muhammed Aamer, Khurram Ijaz. 2 The appellants are Computer Operaiors having been appointed on the recommendation of the FPSC. On 26.07.2010 they submitted departmental appeals for upgradation of their posts from BS-16 to BS-17 as Assistant Programmers 3: The contention of the appellants is that there are no avenues for their career advancement, therefore, they are entitled to be upgraded as 1614 two 161Q(R)CS2O10 was done in the cases of employees serving in Controller General of Accounts, PTCL, Pakistan Computer Bureau and Military Accountant General. They have also pleaded that the State is bound to provide them betier living and to promote their earnings. Reference in this regar been made to Articles 37 (¢) and 38 (¢) of the Constitution. 4, ‘The appeals have been resisted by the respondents mainly on the ground that there is no final order which has been challenged in these appeals, hence they are not competent. 5. ‘We have heard the learned counsel for the parties and have also perused the record. 6. We have observed that the employees who have no prospects tations — for for promotion feel frustrated and start. making rep upgradation of their posts. In order to protect them from frusitation, which leads to corruption and inefficiency, the Government being: « benevolent employer has to take appropriate steps. We, therefore, dircet the respondents to consider the claim of the appellant sympathetically. I!" their contemporaries in other departments have been granted upgradation, their claim shall also be considered keeping in view their length of In any case’a finial order shall be passed in this regard fo enable the appellants to proceed further, ifneeded. 7 There shall be no order as to Costs. 8. : Parties shall be informed accordingly. == in Sd Sd- MEMBER™ ~ ~*~" MEMBER ISLAMABAD : PY 25.07.2011 *Saeed*

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