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wool for export, sheep-farming was looked to, as early as the

where it is sometimes found in gravelly ditches and pools.

Winnipeg, and thence by way of Nelson river to Hudson

people, indispensable to the enjoyment of the rights of

right bank by a medieval and a modern bridge. The old town

as perhaps is to be expected, exceedingly poor, except as

Apollo, and that a swarm of bees settled upon his infant

his tone being very harmonious and even, but the effect, to a

In Denmark, Sweden and Norway there is a maritime code which

it had been folded; and those turnips, though few or none be

gyrostatically constituted medium which would possess this

Carbon monoxide . . . . 13 to 75

Parrhasiana (1699-1701) is the work of Jean le Clerc, a

monks. Still farther to the east, divided from the monastic

of cartridges which is dropped into the magazine; a charger

There may be other cases in which, from the circumstances of

well laid together, that the seed may fall evenly.''

these are usually pieces of the strata through which the

Herford, the Munster Aa, a tributary of the Ems, and others.

ethereal substance so light that vessels containing it

stamped on northern Africa. Together they spread southward

provinces were administered, according to circumstances, by

B2. Volvox sp., surface view of a single cell showing connexions.

incident radiation its absorptive power would be 1. A body

a particular account of all the royal and princely families

entered his name as a student of medicine. He repaid the

Pliny and Lucian. His most noted work, described in detail by

refutation of the Ecclesiastical Annals of Baronius, were

celebrated vase of the Alhambra, a splendid specimen of Moorish

Northern Sporades, with Euboea and small islands under the

the amount of nitrogenous manure employed. At the same time,

a group which may conveniently be termed ``Southern Bantu.',

combat. Amphilochus is also said to have been killed by

I., when it was revived by Jean Antoine de Baif, one of the

a piece of bark stripped from a tree and crimped at the

AEGEAN SEA, a part of the Mediterranean Sea, being the

When the outbreak of the second war with Great Britain in

times, and led to early trade with the south of Europe.

Victor Emanuel of Sardinia . . . . . . . . .Mar. 13, 1821

1877); Kielstra, Beschrijving van dcn Atjeh-oorlog (The

3. How the Animals were named.---Some moderns, e.g. von

Berbers, including--

the 11th, 17th and 18th centuries. Both have undergone frequent

has been effected, or indeed apparently attempted, in

the greater part of the city. It was finally abandoned in

the Napo is full of snags and shelving sandbanks, and throws

worked both at Lockport, New York, U.S.A., and at Milton,

end is of a high degree of purity, testing from 98 to 99%

into prison, from which he was only released, after three

Moderns. During the earlier years of the French Revolution

by isolated suggestions from a host of scholars. The three

complete, and the fine houses were eagerly sought after by

4. Surface S varies as 1/V2. 11. Tangential force, T = Pa

Oberziner, Le Guerre di Augusto contro i populi alpini

and men; its distribution throughout the world; and its

product, palm-oil, is derived from a much more limited area

1877 14706 2826 19.2

volcanic explosions at the margin of the great crater; though a

The Piave and the Drave seem to be outside either class.

it a portion only of his leisure and not his working hours,

the Kabul river near Palosi. Thence following a course nearly

the terms of the patent which invests it with authority, and

when there is a written contract, except in so far as they

the hydroxide in a solution of the normal chloride).

Bonn, under the protection of Hermann of Wied, archbishop of

having at the upper end a short branch (called a nib piece) at

``aid'' from their tenants on various grounds, such as their

adopted the speech and religion of their conquerors. Arab

South Russia, its larval host is the grub of Melolontha

On a smaller scale but with a kindred aim, always found in

the frontier risings of 1897, when the Afridis attacked

prosperity in the middle ages, as the foremost seaport of

scandal. This orator was known as Terrae filius. In 1721

of the Alhambra. See also Rafael Contreras, La Alhanabra,

age limited to three years, no beast reached the weight of a

the Gabun country between 1855 and 1859, made popular in

1898. The produce of barley, like that of oats, is less

in sori on the surface of the female plant. The antheridia


after being educated in England and taking his degree at

the same letter; the fourth is free and may start with any

in the abomasum, a cavity considerably larger than either the

Syracuse and Athens (415-413) the city remained absolutely

having made the Americans anxious about the safety of their

and moisture --the chief factors in agricultural production--the

its astonishment that there was some mysterious connexion

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