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TLM Reconciliations Premium Version 2.5.0.

Administration Guide
SmartStream Technologies makes no representations or warranties regarding the contents of this document. We reserve the right to revise this
document or make changes in the specifications of the product described within it at any time without notice and without obligation to notify any
person of such revision or change.
2000 - 2015 Copyright of SmartStream Technologies. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise - without the prior written
permission of SmartStream Technologies Limited.
The contents of this document and the software it describes are the intellectual property of SmartStream Technologies Limited. The ideas
contained in this document must not be disclosed to any third party.
TLM® is a registered trademark of SmartStream Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved.
Other trademarks recognised and property of their respective owner.

September 2015

Introduction .............................................................................................. 7

Maintaining Sets ..................................................................................... 10

Searching for Sets..................................................................................................................................11
Creating a New Set ................................................................................................................................13
Viewing Set Details ...............................................................................................................................15
Updating Set Details ..............................................................................................................................17
Updating Main Set Details Inline ....................................................................................................18
Updating All Set Details ..................................................................................................................19
Updating All Set Details - Match Limits ...................................................................................21
Updating All Set Details - Financial Details ..............................................................................22
Updating All Set Details – Loading ...........................................................................................23
Updating All Set Details - Workflow .........................................................................................24
Updating All Set Details - Proofing ...........................................................................................26
Updating Details for Multiple Sets ..................................................................................................28
Adding Sets to a Set Group ...................................................................................................................30
Configuring Message Feeds ..................................................................................................................31
Searching for a Message Feed .........................................................................................................32
Creating/Updating Message Feeds ..................................................................................................33
Creating/Updating a Message Feed............................................................................................34
Creating/Updating a Message Feed with Message Interface Options (MI) ...............................38
Updating Details for Multiple Message Feeds ...........................................................................43
Viewing Message Feed Details........................................................................................................45
Deleting Message Feeds ..................................................................................................................46
Configuring Message Feed Interest Rates .......................................................................................47
Adding an Interest Rate to a Message Feed ...............................................................................48
Viewing a Message Feed Interest Rates .....................................................................................50
Editing an Interest Rate ..............................................................................................................51
Deleting Interest Rates ...............................................................................................................52
Configuring Set Item Ageing Priorities .................................................................................................53
Viewing Ageing Priority Settings ....................................................................................................54
Specifying the Ageing Priority Settings ..........................................................................................55
Deleting Data Enrichment Details ...................................................................................................57

Maintaining Categories .......................................................................... 58

Searching for Categories .......................................................................................................................59
Creating/Updating Categories ...............................................................................................................60
Viewing Categories ...............................................................................................................................62
Deleting a Category ...............................................................................................................................63

Maintaining Set Groups ......................................................................... 64

Searching for Set Groups ......................................................................................................................65
Creating/Updating Set Groups ..............................................................................................................66
Viewing Set Group Details....................................................................................................................67
Adding a Set to a Set Group ..................................................................................................................68
Removing a Set from a Set Group .........................................................................................................69
Adding a User to a Set Group ...............................................................................................................70
Removing a User from a Set Group ......................................................................................................71
Adding a source to a set group ..............................................................................................................72
Removing a Source from a Set Group ...................................................................................................73
Deleting a Set Group .............................................................................................................................74


Maintaining Relationship Categories .................................................... 75

Searching for Relationship Categories ..................................................................................................76
Creating/Updating Relationship Categories ..........................................................................................77
Viewing Relationship Category Details ................................................................................................78
Deleting a Relationship Category..........................................................................................................79

Maintaining Relationship Types ............................................................ 80

Searching for Relationship Types .........................................................................................................81
Creating/Updating Relationship Types .................................................................................................82
Viewing Relationship Type Details.......................................................................................................84
Deleting a Relationship Type ................................................................................................................85

Maintaining Inboxes ............................................................................... 86

Searching for Inboxes ............................................................................................................................87
Creating/Updating Inboxes....................................................................................................................88
Viewing Inbox Details...........................................................................................................................90
Deleting an Inbox ..................................................................................................................................91

Maintaining Contact Groups.................................................................. 92

Searching for Contact Groups ...............................................................................................................93
Creating/Updating Contact Groups .......................................................................................................94
Viewing Contact Group Details ............................................................................................................95
Deleting a Contact Group ......................................................................................................................96

Maintaining Contacts ............................................................................. 97

Creating a New Contact ........................................................................................................................98
Updating Contact Details ......................................................................................................................99
Viewing Contact Details .....................................................................................................................100
Deleting a Contact ...............................................................................................................................101
Adding a Contact to a Contact Group .................................................................................................102
Removing a Contact from a Contact Group ........................................................................................103

Maintaining Reason Categories .......................................................... 104

Searching for Reason Categories.........................................................................................................105
Creating/Updating Reason Categories ................................................................................................106
Viewing Reason Category Details.......................................................................................................107
Deleting a Reason Category ................................................................................................................108

Maintaining Reason Types .................................................................. 109

Creating a New Reason Type ..............................................................................................................110
Viewing Reason Type Details .............................................................................................................111
Updating Reason Type Details ............................................................................................................112
Linking a Reason Type to an Exception Type ....................................................................................113
Unlinking a Reason Type from an Exception Type ............................................................................114
Linking a Reason Type to an item type ...............................................................................................115
Unlinking a Reason Type from an item type .......................................................................................116
Deleting a Reason Type ......................................................................................................................117

Maintaining Resolution Categories ..................................................... 119

Searching for Resolution Categories ...................................................................................................120
Creating/Updating Resolution Categories ...........................................................................................121
Viewing Resolution Category Details .................................................................................................122
Deleting a Resolution Category...........................................................................................................123


Maintaining Resolution Types ............................................................. 124

Creating a New Resolution Type ........................................................................................................125
Viewing Resolution Type Details .......................................................................................................127
Updating Resolution Type Details ......................................................................................................128
Linking a Resolution Type to a Reason Type .....................................................................................130
Unlinking a Resolution Type from a Reason Type .............................................................................131
Deleting a Resolution Type .................................................................................................................132

Maintaining Default Notes ................................................................... 133

Creating a New Note Category Definition ..........................................................................................134
Viewing Note Category Details...........................................................................................................135
Updating Note Category Details .........................................................................................................136
Deleting a Note Category ....................................................................................................................137
Creating a new Note Definition...........................................................................................................138
Viewing Note Definition Details .........................................................................................................139
Updating Note Definition Details ........................................................................................................140
Linking a Note Definition to a Note Category ....................................................................................141
Unlinking a Note Definition from a Note Category ............................................................................142
Deleting a Note Definition ..................................................................................................................143

Maintaining Products and Aliases ...................................................... 144

Creating a New Product ......................................................................................................................146
Viewing Product Details .....................................................................................................................147
Updating a Product ..............................................................................................................................148
Linking a Product to an Item Type ......................................................................................................149
Unlinking a Product from an Item Type ..............................................................................................150
Creating a New Product Alias .............................................................................................................151
Viewing Product Alias Details ............................................................................................................152
Deleting a Product Alias......................................................................................................................153
Deleting a Product ...............................................................................................................................154

Maintaining Business Entities ............................................................. 155

Creating a New Source ........................................................................................................................156
Viewing Source Details .......................................................................................................................157
Updating a Source ...............................................................................................................................158
Creating a New Source Alias ..............................................................................................................159
Viewing Source Alias Details .............................................................................................................160
Deleting a Source Alias .......................................................................................................................161
Deleting a Source ................................................................................................................................162

Maintaining Currencies ........................................................................ 163

Displaying a List of Currencies ...........................................................................................................165
Adding a Currency ..............................................................................................................................166
Updating a Currency ...........................................................................................................................167
Displaying the Currency Rates for a Currency ....................................................................................168
Adding a Currency Rate ......................................................................................................................169
Deleting a Currency Rate ....................................................................................................................170
Deleting a Currency ............................................................................................................................171

Maintaining Exception Types .............................................................. 172

Searching for Exception Types ...........................................................................................................173
Creating/Updating Exception Types ...................................................................................................174
Viewing Exception Type Details.........................................................................................................176
Viewing All Exception Types .............................................................................................................177


Deleting an Exception Type ................................................................................................................178

Maintaining Alert Types ....................................................................... 179

Displaying a List of Alert Types .........................................................................................................180
Creating/Updating Alert Types ...........................................................................................................181
Deleting an Alert Type ........................................................................................................................182

Maintaining Assets ............................................................................... 183

Searching for an Asset ...................................................................................................................184
Creating/Updating Assets ..............................................................................................................185
Viewing Asset Details ...................................................................................................................187
Deleting an Asset ...........................................................................................................................188
Creating New Asset Alias ..............................................................................................................189
Viewing Asset Alias Details ..........................................................................................................190
Deleting an Asset Alias .................................................................................................................191
Linking an Asset Alias to an Asset ................................................................................................192
Unlinking an Asset Alias from an Asset ........................................................................................193
Unknown Assets ..................................................................................................................................194
Searching for an Unknown Asset ..................................................................................................195
Editing Unknown Asset details......................................................................................................196

Configuring Exception Messaging ...................................................... 197

Configuring Message Types ................................................................................................................198
Creating a New Message Type ......................................................................................................201
New Message Type dashboard fields .......................................................................................202
Updating a Message Type .............................................................................................................203
Deleting a Message Type...............................................................................................................204
Configuring Inbound Messages ...........................................................................................................205
Creating a Regular Expression ......................................................................................................206
Updating a Regular Expression .....................................................................................................208
Deleting a Regular Expression ......................................................................................................209

Data Loading......................................................................................... 210

Viewing Loaded Files .........................................................................................................................211
Viewing Messages...............................................................................................................................213
Viewing the Message Error Summary ...........................................................................................214
Searching for Messages .................................................................................................................217
Authorising and Rejecting Messages ..................................................................................................218
Viewing Items on Messages ................................................................................................................219
Reloading Messages ............................................................................................................................220
Deleting Messages...............................................................................................................................221
Reinstating Messages ..........................................................................................................................222
Manually Inputting Messages .............................................................................................................223
Inputting a Message .......................................................................................................................224

Running Initiations ............................................................................... 227

Invoking TLM Control Workflow from Matching Service ................... 229

Configuring Entity Table in EngineConfigurationLookupService ................................................230
Additional Parameters ...................................................................................................................231
Using Workflow Tool in Pass........................................................................................................232

Updating/Reallocating Exception Workflow ....................................... 233

Implementation of Update/Reallocate Exceptions ..............................................................................234


Configuring Pass............................................................................................................................235
Configuring Pass List ....................................................................................................................236
Configuring Initiation ....................................................................................................................237
Submitting Initiation ......................................................................................................................238

Generating Alerts ................................................................................. 239

Configuring Pass............................................................................................................................240
Configuring Pass List ....................................................................................................................241
Configuring Initiation ....................................................................................................................242
Submitting Initiation ......................................................................................................................243
Turning Off Alerts (Optional) .......................................................................................................244

Configuring Archiving.......................................................................... 245

Archiving Using Partitions ..................................................................................................................246
Archiving Process when Using Partitioning ..................................................................................247
Allocating Data to Partitions ....................................................................................................248
Retention Days .........................................................................................................................249
Check for Unmatched Records ................................................................................................250
Compressing Archived Data ....................................................................................................251
Additional Partitions ................................................................................................................252
Archiving Using TLM Archive ...........................................................................................................253
Archive Data Categories ................................................................................................................254
Exceptions ................................................................................................................................256
Relationships ............................................................................................................................257
Archiving Process when Using TLM Archive...............................................................................258
Phase 1: Identifying .................................................................................................................259
Phase 2: Archiving ...................................................................................................................260
Archiving Matching Configuration ...............................................................................................261
Configuring Pass ......................................................................................................................262
Configuring Pass List ...............................................................................................................264
Configuring Initiation ..............................................................................................................265

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data ....................... 266

Maintaining Fiscal Calendars ..............................................................................................................267
Creating a Calendar .......................................................................................................................268
Adding a Fiscal Period to a Calendar ............................................................................................269
Updating a Fiscal Period ................................................................................................................271
Deleting a Fiscal Period .................................................................................................................272
Updating a Calendar ......................................................................................................................273
Deleting a Calendar .......................................................................................................................274
Manually Creating a New Proof Header .............................................................................................275
Maintaining Currency Groups .............................................................................................................276
Creating a Currency Group ............................................................................................................277
Adding a Currency Rate to a Group ..............................................................................................278
Updating a Currency Rate .............................................................................................................279
Deleting a Currency Rate in GL ....................................................................................................280
Updating a Currency Group...........................................................................................................281
Deleting a Currency Group ............................................................................................................282
Auto-Assignment of Message Feeds ...................................................................................................283
Maintaining Chart of Accounts (CoAs) .........................................................................................285
Creating a Chart of Accounts ...................................................................................................286
Adding a CoA Segment ...........................................................................................................287
Updating a CoA Segment ........................................................................................................288
Adding a Lookup for a Segment ..............................................................................................289
Deleting a CoA Segment..........................................................................................................290
Updating a Chart of Account ...................................................................................................291


Deleting a Chart of Account ....................................................................................................292

Downloading and Uploading Drools Files ....................................................................................293
Downloading a Drools File for Editing ....................................................................................294
Uploading a New or Edited Drools File ...................................................................................295
Updating Incomplete Sets or Message Feeds ......................................................................................296
Configuring Scorecard Criteria ...........................................................................................................297
Loading GL Data Using Static Data Feeds .........................................................................................298
Fiscal Periods.................................................................................................................................299
Loading Currency Rates ................................................................................................................300
Chart of Account ...........................................................................................................................301
Re-grouping of Message Feeds ...........................................................................................................302

Loading Messages ............................................................................... 303

Managing KBs.....................................................................................................................................304
Linking KBs on UNIX...................................................................................................................308
Linking KBs on Windows .............................................................................................................309
Customising KBs ...........................................................................................................................310
Retaining Time Stamps from Feeds .........................................................................................311
Upgrading KBs ..............................................................................................................................312

Creating Custom Reports .................................................................... 313

BIRT Report Descriptions ...................................................................................................................314
BIRT Report Input Parameters ............................................................................................................316
Building a Report ................................................................................................................................318
Installing the RP BIRT Template ..................................................................................................319
Pre-configuration tasks ..................................................................................................................320
Configuring the Data Source ...............................................................................................................321
Making the Data Source Compatible with the TLM Reconciliations-Premium Environment ......322
Configuring the Dataset.......................................................................................................................323
Formatting the Output .........................................................................................................................324
Testing the Report ...............................................................................................................................325
Installing the Reports ..........................................................................................................................326
Controlling User Access to Reports ....................................................................................................327
Adding Fields to Reports (SSR Upgrades Only) .................................................................................329

Configuring the Auto Matching Workflow .......................................... 330

About Automatic Matching .................................................................................................................331
Designing the Workflow .....................................................................................................................332
Building the Workflow........................................................................................................................333

Workflow Customization ...................................................................... 336

Post Load Processing ..........................................................................................................................337
Post Recon ...........................................................................................................................................338

Configuring Drools ............................................................................... 339

InboxAllocationRules ..........................................................................................................................340
AlertAllocationRules ...........................................................................................................................341

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages ............ 342

Software Support ................................................................................. 359



Welcome to the Administration Guide for TLM Reconciliations-Premium.

TLM Reconciliations-Premium is the best-of-breed Reconciliations solution for automation of cash and securities
reconciliation. It delivers pre-packaged processing and user interfaces, and leverages the power of the leading
software on the market, TLM Reconciliations, to maximise match quality, performance, and user interface
It helps users to discover the root causes of transaction failures, and take corrective action to reduce costs and
improve match rates. Exceptions can be inspected, investigated, analysed, and resolved using the browser-based

Who should read this guide?

This guide is aimed at users responsible for the administration and maintenance of TLM Reconciliations-Premium.

What does this guide cover?

This guide describes how to configure accounts, notes, user limits, and other configurable options for use with TLM

How is this guide organised?

This guide is divided into the following sections:

• Maintaining Accounts describes how to configure account details, and create, update and delete message feeds.
• Maintaining Categories describes how to create, update and delete categories.
• Maintaining Account Groups describes how to create, update and delete account groups, and how to add
accounts to them.
• Maintaining Relationship Types describes how to create and maintain relationship types and categories.
• Maintaining Inboxes describes how to create, view, update and delete inboxes.
• Maintaining Contact Groups describes how to create, update and delete contacts and contact groups.
• Maintaining Reason Types describes how to create, update and delete reason types and reason categories.
• Maintaining Resolution Types describes how to create, update and delete resolution types and resolution
• Maintaining Default Notes describes how to create, update and delete note categories and note definitions.
• Maintaining Products and Aliases introduces the concepts of products and their aliases, and how these are
• Maintaining Business Entities describes how to create and maintain sources and source aliases.
• Maintaining Currencies describes how to create, update and delete currencies and currency rates.


• Configuring Exception Messaging describes how to create message types and templates for outbound messages
and the regular expressions required to match incoming messages to existing exceptions.
• Data Loading describes how to work with the data files and messages that have been loaded into the system, and
how to input messages manually.
• Running initiations describes how to run initiations when auto matching is disabled, or to resubmit an account.
• Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data describes how to create the static data objects required for
General Ledger Reconciliations and how to load GL static data files.
• Loading Messages describes how to work with KBs for message loading.
• Configuring Archiving describes the archiving process.
• Creating custom reports describes how to create your own reports using the BIRT report designer.
• Configuring the Auto Matching Workflow describes how to configure the workflow required for the TLM
Reconciliations-Premium automatic matching functionality, using the Recon Admin client.
• Configuring Drools describes the supplied Drools spreadsheets and how to configure them.
• Software Support includes the contact details for SmartStream Support.
• Appendix I provides a list of all available elements that can be used in creating a message template.

What's not included?

This guide does not include the following:

• Details of how to operate your system. See the TLM Reconciliations-Premium User Guide.
• Details of how to administer users and roles. See the TLM Reconciliations-Premium User Administration Guide.
• Details of how to create and maintain dashboards. See the SmartStudio User Guide.

Related information

The following guides provide additional information:

• SmartStudio User Guide
• Static TLM Administration Guide
• TLM Reconciliations-Premium Data Dictionary
• TLM Reconciliations-Premium Installation Guide (For Oracle and SQL Server)
• TLM Reconciliations-Premium SYST Table Descriptions
• TLM Reconciliations-Premium User Administration Guide
• TLM Reconciliations-Premium User Guide
• WebConnect Installation Guide

Conventions used in this guide

This help uses the following conventions:

Example Describes
<Enter> Pressing the Enter key
<Ctrl + Home> Holding down the Control key and pressing the Home key
Click or left-click Click the left mouse button
Bold Bold text indicates menu actions, for example, click Edit.
Italic Italic text is used for emphasis or to denote a particular status
Click [OK] Clicking the OK button displayed in the window


Example Describes
Right-click Click the right mouse button
Double-click Click the left mouse button twice in rapid succession without moving the
Drag Press and hold down the left mouse button, move the mouse, then release
the mouse.
Represents a link
Represents a note

SmartStream Technologies support

If you are unable to find the solution to your problem in this help, please contact SmartStream Technologies Support.

Maintaining Sets

Maintaining Sets

Sets are used to track reconciliations. The overall state of reconciliations is monitored at the set level.

All Recs Premium accounts must be setup using WebConnect Dashboards and it is not recommended to create the
sets using TLM ReconAdmin application.

What do you want to do?

Search for sets, see below

Create a new set, page 13
View set details, page 15
Update set details, page 17
Add sets to a set group, page 30
Configure message feeds, page 31
Configure set item ageing priorities, page 53

Maintaining Sets

Searching for Sets

The application provides two ways for searching for sets:
• If you use the Search Prompt – REC Admin Set Summary TreeView window, it results in displaying all sets
available in a treeview that is categorized by reconciliations type, category code and set ID.

• If you use the Search Prompt – REC Admin Set Details Grid window, it results in displaying a list of all
available sets with various columns.

Maintaining Sets

To Search for Sets

• Do one of the following:

• Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets.
The Search Prompt – REC Admin Set Summary TreeView window is displayed.
• Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The Rec Admin Set Summary dashboard is displayed.

• Select Menu > Ad- Hoc Searches> Ad-Hoc Sets Search.

The Search Prompt – REC Admin Set Ad-Hoc Grid window is displayed.
• Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The REC Admin Set Ad Hoc dashboard is displayed.

Maintaining Sets

Creating a New Set

Sets are created using the New Set dashboard.

To Create a New Set

The application provides the possibility for creating sets wherever it makes sense. This section only describes the
main access points for how to create sets.
1. Do one of the following:
• Select Menu > Set Administration > New Set.
• Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets.
1. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
2. In the resulting list right-click on a node in the tree to select New Set.
The New Set dashboard is displayed.
2. Populate the fields as required.
The following table describes the configurable fields available in the New Set and Update Set dashboards:
Field Description
Set Enter the set ID. This field can accept value up to 60 characters.
Business Name Enter the business name. This field can accept value up to 60 characters.
Category Click the more […] button to select a category.
The category is a code for a sub-custodian or correspondent that receives and delivers
Securities or Cash transactions on behalf of a global custodian/counterparty. A category
can be responsible for one or more sets.
Currency Click the more […] button to select the set currency.
Charge Currency The currency for any charges.
Reconciliation Basis The default is 2-way that is for matching Ledger items with Statement items. Can also be
set to 3-way, which requires an additional ‘Alternate’ side item for matching.
Set Basis Select the set basis for the set from the drop-down list.
The options are:

Maintaining Sets

Field Description
• Double Entry
• Mirror
Reconciliation Type Select the reconciliation type for the set from the drop-down list.
Financial Parameters Click the more […] button to select the financial parameters lead set ID.
Lead Set ID
Data Load Lead Set ID Click the more […] button to select the data load lead set ID.
Workflow Lead Set ID Click the more […] button to select the workflow lead set ID.
Latest Ledger Date Click the calendar button and select the latest ledger date for the set.
Latest Stmt Date Click the calendar button and select the latest statement date for the set.
Swift Address The Swift address for any Swift communications.
Email Address The email address for any email communications.
Chart of accounts For GL Recs only. Select the chart of accounts to be used for the set.
Calendar For GL Recs only. Select the fiscal calendar to be used for the set.
Currency Group For GL Recs only. Select the currency group to be used for the set.
Risk Category For GL Recs only. Select either High or Low. This is usually based on the number of
reconciliations expected on the set.
Territory Code Enter the territory code.
Legal Entity Difference Legal Entity reference for the given account.
Default Source Code Source Code to be used as the default for all items loaded on this message.
Remeasured For GL Recs only. Flag which controls if the account should be remeasured following a
balance load.
Target Set Target set used for item bulk copy. Flag which controls whether re-measurement
processing should be done as part of the loading process and is applicable only for General
Ledger sets.
Review Steps For GL Recs only. Select First for a two-step approval process, or select Final for a single-
step approval process.
Reconciler Name For GL Recs only. To assign a specific reconciler to this set, select their user ID from the
First Reviewer For GL Recs only. To assign a first reviewer to this set, select their user ID from the list.
This is required only if First was selected in the Review Steps option.
Final Reviewer For GL Recs only. To assign a final reviewer to this set, select their user ID from the list.
Reporting Owner For GL Recs only. To assign a reporting owner to this set, select their user ID from the list.
Retention Archive retention period for the account.
Purpose Enter the purpose of the set.

3. Click [Save].
The new set is created.

Maintaining Sets

Viewing Set Details

You can view the details of sets either in the Set Details or REC Admin Set Ad Hoc dashboard.
The Set Details dashboard provides the details of a specific set you have selected in the steps before.

The REC Admin Set Detail Ad Hoc dashboard provides the details of all available set.

To View Set Details

• Do one of the following:

• Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets.
1. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
2. In the resulting list right-click the required set to select Set Details or double-click on the set that you want
to view.
• Select Menu > Ad-Hoc Searches> Ad-Hoc Sets Search.
• Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The Set Details or the REC Admin Set Detail Ad Hoc dashboard is displayed with the following
Field Description
Status Can be one of the following:
• Active
• Frozen
• Inactive
• Complete
Category The category is a code for a sub-custodian or correspondent that receives and delivers
Securities or Cash transactions on behalf of a global custodian/counterparty. A category
can be responsible for one or more sets.
Set The set ID.
Doc Displays the icon if if a document is attached.
Currency The currency of the set, which is denoted using a three letter code.
Set Name The set name.

Maintaining Sets

Field Description
Set Basis The set basis for the set, which can be any of the following:
• Double Entry
• Mirror
Reconciliation Type The reconciliation type for the set.
Financial Param The financial parameters lead set ID for the set.
Report Param The Data Load lead set.
Blk Qry Param The Workflow lead set.
Latest Ledger Date The latest ledger date for the set.
Latest Stmt Date The latest statement date for the set.
Risk Category For GL Recs only. Either High or Low. This is usually based on the number of
reconciliations expected on the set.
Review Steps For GL Recs only. Either First for a two-step approval process, or Final for a single-
step approval process.
Territory Code The territory code.
Chart of account For GL Recs only. The chart of accounts used for the set.
Calendar Name For GL Recs only. The fiscal calendar used for the set.
Reconciler Id For GL Recs only. The user ID of the reconciler for this set, if specified.
Reconciler Long Id For GL Recs only. The user ID of the reconciler for this set, if specified.
Reviewer Id For GL Recs only. The user ID of the first reviewer for this set, if specified.
Reviewer Long Id For GL Recs only. The user ID of the first reviewer for this set, if specified.
Final Reviewer Id For GL Recs only. The user ID of the final reviewer for this set, if specified.
Final Reviewer Long For GL Recs only. The user ID of the final reviewer for this set, if specified.
Reporting Owner For GL Recs only. The user ID of the reporting owner for this set, if specified.
Purpose The purpose of the set.
Currency Group The Currency group to use for GL revaluations.

Maintaining Sets

Updating Set Details

You can edit the set details in the REC Admin Set Detail Ad Hoc or Update Set dashboard.
In the REC Admin Set Detail Ad Hoc dashboard, you can update basic set information inline.
In the Update Set dashboard, you can update all details. It contains a number of tabs from which you can configure
the set’s match limits, financial details, loading and workflow settings.

What do you want to do?

Update main set details, see below

Update all set details, page 19
Update multiple set details , page 28

Maintaining Sets

Updating Main Set Details Inline

You can edit the set details inline in the REC Admin Set Ad Hoc dashboard.

To Edit Set Details Inline

1. Select Menu > Ad-Hoc Searches> Ad-Hoc Set Search.

2. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The REC Admin Set Ad Hoc dashboard is displayed.
3. In the dashboard double-click the required cell you want to edit.
4. Enter the required value in the cell, or where a button is displayed, click the button and select the required
value from the displayed list.
If a value already exists in that cell, it is overwritten by the text that you enter or the value you select.
You can use <Ctrl + C> to copy a value from a cell, and <Ctrl + V> to paste that value into an editable cell. The
text that you paste overwrites any current value within the cell.
If the cell you have just edited is still in focus, you can undo the change using the <Esc> or <Ctrl + Z> keys.
You can undo all unsaved changes by selecting the Cancel tool on the toolbar.
Whilst editing the grid, you can press <Enter> to submit your changes to a cell or where no changes have been
made, to select the editable cells in the next row down. You can also use the <Tab> and arrow keys to navigate
the grid.
If any data has not yet been saved, the row is highlighted with a black line to denote this. For example:

5. When you have finished making your changes, select to save the information.
The changes are saved to the database and recorded on the audit trail.

Maintaining Sets

Updating All Set Details

The Update Set dashboard comprises various tabs:
• Major set details, see below
• Match Limits, page 21
• Financial Details, page 22
• Loading, page 23
• Workflow, page 24
• Proofing, page 26

To Update Set Details

The application provides the possibility for updating sets wherever it makes sense. This section only describes the
main access points for how to update sets.
1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets.
2. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
3. In the resulting list right-click the required set to select Set Details.

Maintaining Sets

The Set Details dashboard is displayed.

4. Do any of the following:
• Right-click a set and select Update Set.
• Double-click a set.
The Update Set dashboard is displayed.
5. Edit the fields as required.
6. To update the information, click [Save].
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
7. Click [OK] to continue.
The set details are updated.
8. Access the next tab at the lower left part of this dashboard.

Maintaining Sets

Updating All Set Details - Match Limits

The Match Limits tab on the Update Set dashboard enables you to apply the following constraints to sets during the
matching process:

Account Write-off limit

The account write-off limit is the maximum amount that can be written off for a set. During processing, the lead set
for the set being processed is identified and the amount is compared to the net total of the current group.
If the difference during a match exceeds the account write off limit, a net item is created, which is equal to the
difference amount. If the difference is below the limit, the system, by default, writes it off as a charge.

Position Limit settings

The following settings are configurable for positions:

• Position Quantity limit – the maximum limit for the position quantity. During the matching process, if the
position quantity difference between their side and our side exceeds this limit, a warning is displayed.
• Position Price limit - the maximum limit for the position price. During the matching process, if the difference in
position price between their side and our side exceeds this limit, a warning is displayed.
• Position Value limit – the maximum limit for the position value. During the matching process, if the position
value difference between their side and our side exceeds the specified limit, a warning is displayed.
• Position Tolerance limit – a percentage value specifying the maximum tolerance between the values in a manual
match. For example, when matching two positions with Ledger value as L and Statement value as S , the
tolerance will be calculated using the absolute values, as : {ABS(L-S) / ABS(L) }*100
If multiple Ledger or Statements are selected then the addition of Ledger/Statement total will be used:
Ltotal = L1+L2, Stotal = S1+S2
Tolerance in % = {ABS(Ltotal-Stotal) / ABS(Ltotal) }*100
If this value is exceeded a warning is displayed.
• Position Accrued Limit
The maximum limit for the position accrued amount. During the matching process, if the position accrued
amount difference between their side and our side exceeds the specified limit, a warning is displayed.

To Update Set Details - Match

1. Select the Match Limits tab.

The Match Limits tab is displayed.
2. Specify the required settings in the fields provided.
3. Click [Save].
The specified match limits are set for the selected set.
4. Access the next tab at the lower left part of this dashboard.

Maintaining Sets

Updating All Set Details - Financial Details

The Financial Details tab in the Update Set dashboard enables you to configure the method and amount of interest
charged for the set.

To Update Set Details - Financial

1. Select the Financial Details tab.

The Financial Details tab is displayed.
2. Populate fields with the required information.
Field Description
Interest Set Click the More button […] to select the set from which credit/debit interest rates
are to be taken. Use this option, in conjunction with Interest Code, to set an
overdraft rate that is date dependent. If entered, the Credit/Debit Interest Rates
should be blank.
Interest Code Mandatory if Interest Set is specified. This is the shortcode for the message feed
from which the credit/debit interest rate is to be taken.
Credit Method The method to be used when calculating the rate of interest to be applied when the
set is in credit. Select the method from the list: 360, 365, Actual.
Credit Rate The rate of interest applied when the set is in credit.
Overdraft Method The method to be used when calculating the rate of interest to be applied when the
set is in debit. Select the method from the list: 360, 365, Actual.
Overdraft Rate The rate of interest to be applied when the set is in debit.
Credit Potentials Select Yes to display credit potentials (credit value differences) in Group Summary.
By default, this option is set to No, which means that credit potentials are not
Debit Potentials By default, this field is set to Yes, which means that debit potentials (debit value
differences) are shown in Group summary. Select No if you do not want to display
debit potentials.
Min. Debit Interest Amount The minimum principal amount that must be present in a transaction before debit
interest is calculated.
Charge The minimum charge that must be generated in a transaction before debit interest is
Min. Credit Interest Amount The minimum principal amount that must be present in a transaction before credit
interest is calculated.
Charge The minimum charge that must be generated in a transaction before credit interest
is calculated.

3. Click [Save] to save your changes.

The new details are set for the selected set.
4. Access the next tab at the lower left part of this dashboard.

Maintaining Sets

Updating All Set Details – Loading

This tab enables you to configure whether user authorization is required to confirm manual input into statement
(“their side”) and ledger (“our side”) message feeds.
By default, this behavior is defined by the ALLOW_STMT_AUTH and ALLOW_LEDG_AUTH SYST settings.
Those settings can be set to a value of 2, which tells the Manual Message Input dashboards (GMMI) to follow the
Premium authorization model and not the standard model. The Premium model looks up the settings on the Loading
tab to determine whether the manual input needs authorization or not.
You can set the following loading preferences:
• System – uses the value defined in the PREM_LDGR_AUTH or PREM_STMT_AUTH SYST setting to
determine whether authorization is required.
• Required – at runtime, the manual input window displays a confirmation window for authorization before the
message is submitted.
• Not Required – at runtime, the message is submitted without requiring authorization.

To Update Set Details - Loading

1. Select the Loading tab.

The Loading tab is displayed.
2. Specify the required settings in the drop-down menus provided.
3. Click [Save] to save your changes.
4. Access the next tab at the lower left part of this dashboard.

Maintaining Sets

Updating All Set Details - Workflow

The Workflow tab displays a series of default set settings which you can override as required. For example, you can
enable second user authorization for set reconciliations, suppress cash and securities transactions write offs, and
specify whether the user can enter notes whilst performing matches and recalls.

To Update Set Details - Workflow

1. Select the Workflow tab.

The Workflow tab is displayed.
2. Specify the set workflow parameters fields as required.
Field Description
Create Cash Write-offs Select Disabled if you do not want to allow cash write-offs during the automatic
and manual matching process.
Create Sec Trans Writeoffs Select Disabled if you do not want to allow securities transactions write-offs
during the automatic and manual matching process.
Lifecycle Authorisation Select Authorisation Required if you want to enable Lifecycle Authorisation,
whereby set reconciliations must be authorised by a second user.
Auto Value Diff Breaks Select Suppressed if you want to disable the automatic creation of Value Date
difference exceptions during matching for cash items. When suppressed, the
positions and value difference information is still written during the matching but
the exception is not created.
Auto Position Breaks Use this setting to specify whether you want to enable or suppress auto position
breaks during the matching process.
Auto Close Period Specifies the number of days between the last statement for the set and the last
action date on exceptions that should elapse before position exceptions are
automatically closed, in situations where no data is received for a position. This
period excludes weekends. When set to System, the value specified for the
Manual Match Note Determines whether the user can add a note when performing a manual match.
Select the Optional or Mandatory Note settings as required, or select No Note to
disable the note feature.
Pending Match Note Determines whether the user has the option to enter a note when performing a
pending match. Select the Optional or Mandatory Note settings as required, or
select No Note to disable the note feature
Recall Note Determines whether the user has the option to enter a note when recalling
matched items. Select the Optional or Mandatory Note settings as required, or
select No Note to disable the note feature.
Session Time Reset Determines the frequency at which the lifecycle header session time is reset.
Select On Every Load to reset the session time each time data is loaded into the
set. Alternatively, select once a day if you only want the session time to be reset
at the point of the first data load of the day.
Cancel Pending Note Determines whether the user has the option to enter a note when cancelling a
pending match. Select the Optional or Mandatory note settings as required or
select No Note to disable the note feature.

3. Click [Save].

Maintaining Sets

4. Access the next tab at the lower left part of this dashboard.

Maintaining Sets

Updating All Set Details - Proofing

The Proofing tab in the Update Set dashboard enables you to configure the types of proof that can be created for the
set. For each type of set, you can enable or disable lifecycle proofs, and you can specify whether Point in Time
Proofs can be created, and if so, at what level of detail from the following options:
• No PIT – no Point In Time proofs can be created in this set.
• PIT –basic Point In Time proofs containing just the balance record can be created.
• PIT with Outstandings - Point In Time proofs containing the balance record together with links to the
outstanding items can be created. This option is not recommended if you create lots of Point In Time proofs
during the matching process, as these proofs will generate a lot of data.
• PIT with Exceptions – basic Point In Time proofs containing just the balance record can be created, and if the
proof is unbalanced, an exception is automatically raised, which is added to the exception. Any subsequent Point
In Time that is unbalanced is added to this same exception.
• PIT with Exceptions and Outstandings - Point In Time proofs containing the balance record together with links
to the outstanding items can be created, and if the proof is unbalanced, an exception is automatically raised,
which is added to the exception. Any subsequent Point In Time that is unbalanced is added to this same
exception. This option is not recommended if you create lots of Point In Time proofs during the matching
process, as these proofs will generate a lot of data.
• System – the setting is determined by the value of the ASSET_PROOF_METHOD, CCY_PROOF_METHOD,

To Update Set Details - Proofing

1. Select the Proofing tab.

The Proofing tad is displayed.
2. Populate the fields with the required information. For example:
Field Description
Create Cash Lifecycle Proof Select Disabled if you want to turn off proofing for Cash and automatically set
sets to reconciled.
Create Asset Lifecycle Proof Select Disabled if you want to turn off proofing for Assets and automatically
set sets to be reconciled.
Create Total Equity Lifecycle Select Disabled if you want to turn off proofing for Total Equity Proofs (used
Proof for ETD sets) and automatically set sets to be reconciled.
Create NAV Lifecycle Proof Select Disabled if you want to turn off proofing for NAV Recs and
automatically set sets to be reconciled.
Cash Point In Time Balancing Determines whether point in time balancing is performed for Cash balances,
and if so, whether you want to record balances only, balances as well as links to
outstanding items, or raise exceptions for unbalanced proofs.
Asset Point In Time Balancing Determines whether point in time balancing is performed for Asset balances,
and if so, whether you want to record balances only, balances as well as links to
outstanding items, or raise exceptions for unbalanced proofs.
Total Equity Point In Time Determines whether point in time balancing is performed for Total Equity

Maintaining Sets

Field Description
Balancing balances, and if so, whether you want to record balances only, balances as well
as links to outstanding items, or raise exceptions for unbalanced proofs.
NAV Point In Time Balancing Determines whether point in time balancing is performed for NAV Rec
balances, and if so, whether you want to record balances only, balances as well
as links to outstanding items, or raise exceptions for unbalanced proofs.
Create GL Lifecycle Proof Select Enabled for GL sets only.

3. Click [Save] to save your changes.

The new proofing details are set for the selected set.

Maintaining Sets

Updating Details for Multiple Sets

You can update the set details as displayed in the Set Details grid for multiple sets using the Bulk Edit window.
To update all details, you must use the Update form, page 19.

To Update Details for Multiple Set

1. In the Set Details grid, select the set that you want to edit using the selectors on the left.
2. Right-click and select Update Sets.
The Bulk Edit window is displayed.
Where the field values for each of the selected sets are the same, the value is populated in the field, see Status,
Category, and Reconciliation Type in the above example.
Where the field values differ, the field is populated with the text ‘(multiple values)’.

Maintaining Sets

3. Edit the fields as required.

Any values changed or entered will apply to all of the selected sets.

Maintaining Sets

Adding Sets to a Set Group

If you have configured any set groups, you can add sets to your set groups from the Set Details grid. For details on
Creating a new Set Group, see page 66.

To Add Sets to a Set Group

• Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets.

1. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
2. In the resulting list right-click the required set to select Set Details or double-click on the set that you want
to view.
• Select Menu > Ad Hoc Searches> Set Ad Hoc Search.
• Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The Set Details or the REC Admin Set Detail Ad Hoc dashboard is displayed.
1. Select the sets that you want to add to a group using the selectors on the left.

2. Click on the toolbar or right-click a set to select Add to Group.

The following window is displayed:

3. From the Group dropdown list, select the set group you want to add the sets to.
4. Click [Accept].

Maintaining Sets

Configuring Message Feeds

You can create the message feeds required for your sets from the Set Details dashboard. You can then manage the
message feeds that you create using the Message Feed Administration dashboard, from which you can also
configure any credit and debit interest rates required for the message feeds.

What do you want to do?

Search for a message feed, see below

Create or update message feeds, page 33
View message feed details, page 45
Delete message feeds, page 46
Configure message feed interest rates, page 47

Maintaining Sets

Searching for a Message Feed

You can search for message feeds with the Search Prompt – REC Admin Message Feed Detail window. This
window can be accessed in two different ways.

To Search for a Specific Message Feed

1. Do one of the following:

• Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Ad Hoc Message Feeds.
• Select Menu > Ad Hoc Searches> Message Feed Ad Hoc.
The search window is displayed.
2. Select some applicable options and enter some relevant data to help narrow down your search and click
The REC Admin Set Detail Ad Hoc window is displayed with all available message feeds and columns that
contain information on those fields available in the Message Feed Create window.
For details on the Message Feed Create window fields see Maintaining Sets > Configuring message feeds >
Creating/Updating a message feed, page 33.

Maintaining Sets

Creating/Updating Message Feeds

Messages are loaded either using the GEMS engine or via the Message Interface (MI).

Messages loaded with GEMS

If your messages have been loaded using GEMS, you should create/update message feeds with the Message Feed
Create/Update Message Feeds/New Message Feed/Update Message Feed dashboards.

Messages loaded with Message Interface (MI)

If your messages have been loaded using Message Interface (MI), you should create/update message feeds with the
Message Feed Create (MI)/Update Message Feeds (MI)/New Message Feed (MI)/Update Message Feed (MI)

What do you want to do?

Create or update a message feed (for messages loaded with GEMS), see below
Create or update a message feed with Message Interface options (for messages loaded with MI), page 33

Maintaining Sets

Creating/Updating a Message Feed

The dashboards for creating or updating message feeds contain exactly the same fields and options. They allow you
to define the type; validation required and balance options of the incoming feed for the selected set. This ensures that
all the incoming feeds with a particular format are loaded in the set for which the format is created.

To Create/Update a Message Feed

The application provides the possibility for creating/updating message feeds wherever it makes sense. This section
only describes the main access points for how to create/update message feeds.
1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets / Ad Hoc Message Feeds or select Menu > Ad Hoc
Searches> Set Ad Hoc Search.
2. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].

Depending on what you have selected in the first step, the dashboard displayed varies.

3. Continue with step 4 if the REC Admin Set Summary dashboard is displayed, or continue with step 5 if the
REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc dashboard is displayed.

Maintaining Sets

4. In the REC Admin Set Summary dashboard, right-click the required set to select Set Details or double-click on
the set that you want to view.
1. In the Set Details window, right-click a set to select Message Feed Create for creating a new message
feed or Message Feed Administration for creating and updating a message feed.
2. If you have selected Message Feed Administration, you must right-click a set in the resulting list to select
New Message Feeds or Update Message Feeds.
5. In the REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc dashboard, right-click a set to select New Message Feed/Update
Message Feed.
6. In the dashboard for creating or updating message feed, populate the following fields with the required data.

The mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk *.

Field Description
Message Feed Type The message feed type.
Short Code Enter a short code for the feed. This field can accept value up to three characters.
Set ID Enter the internal ID.
By default, the set name for which the feed is being created is displayed.
Message Feed Enter the message feed ID. This field can accept value up to 100 characters.
Description Enter a description for the feed. This field can accept value up to 60 characters.
Latest Stmt Date Click the calendar button to select the latest statement date.
Last Input Click the calendar button to select the date when the feed was last input.
Latest Stmt No Automatically updated upon receipt of messages.
For Cash, it is the number of the last cash statement (MT940 or MT950) received.
Stmt Page Automatically updated upon receipt of messages.
For Cash, this is an actual statement page, but for Securities the statement page is
internally generated.
Latest Message No Automatically updated upon receipt of a message. This is a unique number across the
system which is automatically generated and is not restricted to a particular message.
Item Overrides Default Select the checkbox if you want to prevent the default source code overriding that on
the items in the incoming message feed.
Default Source Code Source Code to be used as the default for all items loaded on this message.
Balance Type Select the balance type from the drop-down list.
The options are:
• Currency Balances
• Dual Cash & Asset Balances
• Generic Asset Balances
• Generic Currency Balances
• No Balances
• Position Balances
• Transaction Balances
Feed Status The current status of the set/message feed. The default is
‘Active’ which allows the receipt and loading of feeds for this set.
Check Duplicate Item Select whether the system should check for duplicate items while loading, from the
drop-down list.
Proposal Triggering Select one of the following Proposal Triggering options from the drop-down menu to
specify the conditions for running auto matching when a feed is loaded:
• All Selected Input – auto matching is only invoked when all of a set’s message
feeds which have this setting configured, have received data. This option must only
be used for feeds receiving messages which generate a balance.

Maintaining Sets

• Always Propose – this setting must only be applied to statement messages, and
invokes auto matching when the final page of a message is received.
• Any Matching Input – auto matching is invoked provided that an ‘other side’
message of the same type has already been loaded. This option must only be used
for feeds which receive messages that generate a balance.
• Any Matching Input Regardless of Type – auto matching is invoked
provided that an ‘other side’ message of any type has already been loaded, and is
suitable for sets containing multiple types of data, for example cash and positions
This option must only be used for feeds receiving messages that generate a
• Any Matching Input Since Last Proposal – auto matching is invoked
provided that a message of the same type has been loaded into the set since the last
auto proposal for the set.
• Never Propose - this setting can be applied to any message type and is
commonly used on ledger messages and used in conjunction with ‘Always
Propose’ on statements.
Important: if the message feed you are configuring is for message types such as cash
confirmations, cash requests or individual securities, the proposal triggering will always
occur regardless of the proposal triggering settings, unless ‘Never Propose’ is selected.
Load As Advisory Select whether the feed is to be loaded as advisory from the drop-down list.
Important: selecting this option overrides the feed proposal trigger setting.
Reason Free format text to input the reason for a message feed closure.
Balance Sheet Also defined as statement of financial position, it is categorised based on the major
Category components like Assets, Liabilities and Owner’s (stock holders) Equity.
Record Message Select Yes from the drop-down list if you want the system to record message balances
Balances while loading the feed.
Business Owner The person who is held accountable for the functioning of the Business.
Subledger PL Sub Ledger Profit Loss indicator where positive SL balance denotes profit.
BSLA Business Summary Level Acronym - a way of summarizing business data in each
Business Code A unique code assigned to the particular Business to recognise it in the internal
communications and operations.
Estimated Low Balance Threshold to identify that the set balance should not go below the estimated balance
Management Structure Management Structure reference for the message feed.
Estimated Credit Count Indicates the maximum expected credit balance. A set where the balance is out of this
range indicates that there might be some unexpected transactions in this set, and should
be highlighted to the business.
Estimated High Threshold to identify that the set balance should not go beyond the estimated balance
Balance range.
CDR Corporate Data Repository where accounting records is consolidated and maintained,
and which are used for Accounting, Reporting, Analyzing, Tax purposes.
Estimated Debit Count Indicates the maximum expected debit balance. A set where the balance is out of this
range indicates that there might be some unexpected transactions in this set, and should
be highlighted to the business.
Local Currency The currency in which business is operated in. For example, if a business is operated in
India, then INR would be the local currency.
Expected Colour Expected Color is whether balance in a set is expected to be debit or credit or any.
Opportunity Sets are reconciled by grouping into one template and while reporting each set need to
be reconciled with the number of rows in it. Hence the number of rows is equal to
number of reconciling opportunities.
Reporting Opportunity: Sets are reconciled by grouping opportunities into one template.
Reporting opportunities is the level at which business reports out its open items.

Maintaining Sets

Functional Currency Currency other than local currency is foreign currency.

Keep Only One Balance Deletes a previous currency balance on load of most recent for a period.
Financial Calendar Used for ageing items loaded via the message feed.
Chart Of Accounts The Chart Of Account the Message Feed belongs to.
Revalue Reporting Calculate the reporting amount for items on load.
Suspense Account Whether this account is a suspense account.
Alias Set ID Set used for broker and financial product aliases (formerly instrument aliases).
Alias Short Code Short code used to identify the message feed to use as the lead for broker and financial
product aliases.
Source Set ID Set used for source aliases. Masks related to this set ID are used to enrich items with
source details during loading. They are not used for matching. The mask type involved
is 'Source'. If blank, it is assumed there is no lead set for source aliases.
Source Short Code Short code used to identify the message feed to use as the lead for source aliases.
Mask Set ID Set used as a lead parameter to restrict the reference masks used during alias processing.
Mask Short Code Short code used to identify the message feed to restrict the reference masks used during
alias processing.
Target Message Feed Target message feed used for item bulk copy.
Purpose Free text describing the purpose of the message feed.

Securities Transactions Settings group

Securities Value Select whether the system should check for securities value balances, from the drop-
Balances down list.
Validate Securities Select whether the system should validate the securities balances from the drop-down
Balances list.
Validate Securities Select whether the system should validate the securities sequence from the drop-down
Sequence list.

Currency Settings group

Validate Balances Select whether the system should validate balances while loading the feed, from the
drop-down list.
Validate Sequence Select whether the system should validate the feed sequence while loading, from the
drop-down list.
Value Balances Select whether the system check value balances while loading the feed, from the drop-
down list.
Value Date Select whether the system should validate the value date while loading the feed, from
Adjustments the drop-down list.

7. Click [Save].
The feed is created or updated.

Maintaining Sets

Creating/Updating a Message Feed with Message Interface Options (MI)

The dashboards for creating and updating message feeds with Message Interface options contain almost the same
fields and options. The only difference is that the dashboards for update have a section for the Loading Information.
These dashboards allow you to set the format of the incoming feed for the selected set. This ensures that all the
incoming feeds with a particular format are loaded in the set for which the format is created.

To Create/Update a Message Feed (MI)

The application provides the possibility for creating/updating message feeds wherever it makes sense. This section
only describes the main access points for how to create/update message feeds.
1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets / Ad Hoc Message Feeds or select Menu > Ad Hoc
Searches> Set Ad Hoc Search.
2. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].

Depending on what you have selected in the first step, the dashboard displayed varies.

Maintaining Sets

3. Continue with step 4 if the REC Admin Set Summary dashboard is displayed, or continue with step 5 if the
REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc dashboard is displayed.
4. In the REC Admin Set Summary dashboard, right-click the required set to select Set Details or double-click on
the set that you want to view.
1. In the Set Details dashboard, right-click to select Message Feed Create(MI) for creating a new MI
message feed or Message Feed Administration for creating and updating a MI message feed.
2. If you have selected Message Feed Administration, you must right-click a set in the resulting list to select
New Message Feeds(MI) or Update Message Feeds(MI).
5. In the REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc dashboard, right-click a set to select New Message
Feed(MI)/Update Message Feed(MI).
6. In the dashboard for creating or updating a MI message feed, populate the following fields with the required

The mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk *.

Field Description
Message Feed The message feed type.
Message Feed ID Enter the message feed ID. This field can accept value up to 100 characters.
Feed Status Defines the active status of the Message Feed
Set Internal ID Enter the internal ID.
By default, the set name for which the feed is being created is displayed.
Short Code Mandatory. A three-character code. Within a set, each message feed record must have a unique
short code, although the same short code can be used by another set. Once saved, it cannot be
changed. The combination of Set ID and Short Code must be unique across all sets.
Description Enter a description for the feed. This field can accept value up to 60 characters.
Load As Advisory Select whether the feed is to be loaded as advisory from the drop-down list.
Important: selecting this option overrides the feed proposal trigger setting.
Item Overrides Select the checkbox if you want to prevent the default source
Default code overriding that on the items in the incoming message
Default Source Default Source Code for incoming data
Source Set ID Set used for source aliases. Masks related to this set ID are used to enrich items with source
details during loading. They are not used for matching. The mask type involved is 'Source'. If
blank, it is assumed there is no lead set for source aliases.
Source Short Code Short code used to identify the message feed to use as the lead for source aliases.
Alias Set ID Set used for broker and financial product aliases (formerly instrument aliases).
Alias Short Code Short code used to identify the message feed to use as the lead for broker and financial product
Mask Set ID Set used as a lead parameter to restrict the reference masks used during alias processing.
Mask Short Code Short code used to identify the message feed to restrict the reference masks used during alias
Reason Free text to input the reason for a message feed closure.
Item Ageing Switches the use of the item enrichment configuration, overrides any config if turned OFF.
Premium Balance Premium specific balance type for the Message Feed
Type • Currency
• Asset
• None
If set to none, all of the subsequent balance-related processing and validation will be ignored.

Maintaining Sets

Field Description
Check Duplicate Select whether the system should check for duplicate items while loading, from the drop-down
Item list.
Maintain Message A new option to control how balances are updated on load. The field controls the update of both
Bals Asset and Currency balances.
• Header Only - the closing balance on the currency/asset header is a running total of the net
of items rather than the latest messages closing balance.
• Header and Balances - apply the incoming Closing Balance to the appropriate
Currency/Asset Header and record the balance on the Currency/Asset Balance table
• None - do not store any balance information
Process Stop Allow stop cheque processing to be enabled/disabled.
Proposal Select one of the following Proposal Triggering options from the drop-down menu to specify the
Triggering conditions for running auto matching when a feed is loaded:
• All Selected Input – auto matching is only invoked when all of a set’s message feeds
which have this setting configured, have received data. This option must only be used for
feeds receiving messages which generate a balance.
• Always Propose – this setting must only be applied to statement messages, and invokes
auto matching when the final page of a message is received.
• Any Matching Input – auto matching is invoked provided that an ‘other side’ message of
the same type has already been loaded. This option must only be used for feeds which
receive messages that generate a balance.
• Any Matching Input Regardless of Type – auto matching is invoked provided that an
‘other side’ message of any type has already been loaded, and is suitable for sets containing
multiple types of data, for example cash and positions items.
This option must only be used for feeds receiving messages that generate a balance.
• Any Matching Input Since Last Proposal – auto matching is invoked provided that a
message of the same type has been loaded into the set since the last auto proposal for the set.
• Never Propose - this setting can be applied to any message type and is commonly used on
ledger messages and used in conjunction with ‘Always Propose’ on statements.
Important: if the message feed you are configuring is for message types such as cash
confirmations, cash requests or individual securities, the proposal triggering will always occur
regardless of the proposal triggering settings, unless ‘Never Propose’ is selected.
Calc Mark to Performs the Mark to Market calculation for OTC cash items if ON.
Target Message Target Message Feed used for item bulk copy.
Direct Alias Allow direct alias lookups to be enabled/disabled.

Loading Information group (only available when updating message feeds)

Latest Stmt Click the calendar button to select the latest statement date.
Last Input Click the calendar button to select the date when the feed was last input.
Latest Stmt No Automatically updated upon receipt of messages.
For Cash, it is the number of the last cash statement (MT940 or MT950) received.
For Securities, it is the current number of security positions statement for the safekeeping set.
Latest Message Automatically updated upon receipt of a message. This is a unique number across the system which
No is automatically generated and is not restricted to a particular message.
Latest Stmt Automatically updated upon receipt of messages.
Page For Cash, this is an actual statement page, but for Securities the statement page is internally
Last Proposal Date when an account was last proposed for auto matching due to data load using the given message
Time feed.

Maintaining Sets

Field Description

Balance Validation Options group

Page Balance Works for both Asset and Currency balances to check that Closing - Opening = net of Items (on the
message being loaded).
Balance Flow Allow the type of balance flow (the flow of Closing -> Opening balances) to be configured
Check Duplicate Check that the same stmt_date, no, page has not already been loaded
Sequence – A gap is defined by the loading message not flowing on from the latest stmt_date, no, page
Reject if Page
Creates a Gap
Sequence – Rejects the message if it is not the latest message (by statement date, statement number, statement
Reject if Not page).
Latest Page

Asset Options group

Asset Code Only lookup and set the stock_id if this is turned ON
Value Dated Controls the creation of value-dated balances.
Load Unknowns New option to control the processing of asset codes. Currently the code is always looked up, and
if the code is not known, a system setting will dictate whether to create it as Known or Unknown.
This new option allows granular selection of the decision at the Set level.
• Create as Known
• Create as Unknown
• Reject
Create Txn From Option to create a transaction when loading position data for the difference between the previous
Position and current positions. Note that a Transactions Message Feed is required in the same Set with the
same name as the Position Message Feed for this to work. The options are:
• None - do not create a transaction
• Our Asset Transaction - Create a Ledger transaction
• Their Asset Transaction - Create a Statement transaction

Currency Options group

Value Balances Select whether the system check value balances while loading the feed, from the drop-down list.
Value Date Select whether the system should validate the value date while loading the feed, from the drop-
Adjustments down list.

Account Substantiation (GL) group

Balance Sheet Also defined as statement of financial position, it is categorised based on the major components
Category like Assets, Liabilities and Owner’s (stock holders) Equity.
Business Owner The person who is held accountable for the functioning of the Business.
BSLA Business Summary Level Acronym - a way of summarizing business data in each country.
Estimated Low Threshold to identify that the set balance should not go below the estimated balance range.

Maintaining Sets

Field Description
Estimated Credit Indicates the maximum expected credit balance. A set where the balance is out of this range
Count indicates that there might be some unexpected transactions in this set, and should be highlighted
to the business.
CDR Corporate Data Repository where accounting records is consolidated and maintained, and which
are used for Accounting, Reporting, Analyzing, Tax purposes.
Local Currency The currency in which business is operated in. For example, if a business is operated in India,
then INR would be the local currency.
Opportunity Sets are reconciled by grouping into one template and while reporting each set need to be
reconciled with the number of rows in it. Hence the number of rows is equal to number of
reconciling opportunities.
Reporting Opportunity: Sets are reconciled by grouping opportunities into one template.
Reporting opportunities is the level at which business reports out its open items.
Keep Only One Deletes a previous currency balance on load of most recent for a period.
Chart Of Accounts The Chart Of Account the Message Feed belongs to.
Subledger PL Sub Ledger Profit Loss indicator where positive SL balance denotes profit.
Business Code A unique code assigned to the particular Business to recognise it in the internal communications
and operations.
Management The Management Structure the message feed is part of.
Estimated High Threshold to identify that the set balance should not go beyond the estimated balance range.
Estimated Debit Indicates the maximum expected debit balance. A set where the balance is out of this range
Count indicates that there might be some unexpected transactions in this set, and should be highlighted
to the business.
Excepted Colour Whether the Message Feed is expected to be in Credit or Debit.
Functional Functional Currency that the Message Feed is calculated in.
Financial Calendar Enables the use of the fiscal calendar to age items on load.
Revalue Reporting Calculate the reporting amount for items on load.
Suspense Account Whether this account is a suspense account.

7. Click [Save].
The feed is created or updated.

Maintaining Sets

Updating Details for Multiple Message Feeds

The Bulk Edit window allows you to update multiple message feeds in one go.

Where the field values for each of the selected sets are the same, the value is populated in the field, see Set ID, and
the estimated balances and counts in the above example.
Where the field values differ, the field is populated with the text (multiple values).

Maintaining Sets

To Update Details for Multiple Message Feeds

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets / Ad Hoc Message Feeds or select Menu > Ad Hoc
Searches> Set Ad Hoc Search.
2. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].

Depending on what you have selected in the first step, the dashboard displayed varies.

3. Continue with step 4 if the REC Admin Set Summary dashboard is displayed, or continue with step 5 if the
REC Admin Set Detail Ad Hoc dashboard is displayed.
4. In the REC Admin Set Summary dashboard, right-click the required set to select Set Details or double-click on
the set that you want to view.
1. Right-click the set for which you want to edit the message feeds and select Message Feed Administration.
2. In the Message Feed Administration dashboard, select the message feeds that you want to edit using the
selectors on the left.
5. In the REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc window, select the message feeds that you want to edit using the
selectors on the left.
6. Right-click to select Update Message Feeds.
7. In the Bulk Edit window, edit the fields as required.
Any values changed or entered will apply to all the selected message feeds.

Maintaining Sets

Viewing Message Feed Details

You can view the details of message feeds either in the Message Feed Detail or REC Admin Message Feed Ad
Hoc dashboard.
The Message Feed Detail dashboard provides the details of message feeds of a specific set you have selected in the
steps before.

The REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc dashboard provides the details of all available message feeds.

To View Message Feed Details

• Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets.

1. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
2. In the resulting list right-click the required set to select Set Details or double-click on the set that you want
to view.
3. In the Set Details window, right-click a set and select Message Feed Administration.
The Message Feed Administration dashboard is displayed with columns containing information on those
fields available in the Message Feed Create window.
• Select Menu > Ad Hoc Searches> Message Feed Ad Hoc or select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Ad
Hoc Message Feeds.
• Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc window is displayed with all available message feeds and
columns that contain information on those fields available in the Message Feed Create window.
For details on the Message Feed Create window fields see Maintaining Sets > Configuring Message Feeds >
Creating/Updating a Message Feed, page 33.

Maintaining Sets

Deleting Message Feeds

You can delete message feeds either in the Message Feed Administration or REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc
In the Message Feed Administration dashboard you can delete one or more message feeds of a specific set you
have selected in the steps before.

The REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc dashboard you can delete message feeds of one or more sets.

To Delete Message Feeds

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets / Ad Hoc Message Feeds or select Menu > Ad Hoc
Searches> Set Ad Hoc Search.
2. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].

Depending on what you have selected in the first step, the dashboard displayed varies.

3. Continue with step 4 if the REC Admin Set Summary dashboard is displayed, or continue with step 5 if the
REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc dashboard is displayed.
4. In the REC Admin Set Summary dashboard, right-click the required set to select Set Details or double-click on
the set that you want to view.
1. In the Set Details window, right-click a set to select Message Feed Administration.
2. Select the feeds that you want to delete or click the to delete all message feeds.
5. In the REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc dashboard, right-click a set to select the feeds that you want to delete
or click the select all button to delete all message feeds.
6. Click in the toolbar or right-click to select Delete Message Feed.

Maintaining Sets

Configuring Message Feed Interest Rates

You can specify debit and credit interest rates for your message feeds by configuring the following settings:
• The rate of interest that you want to apply.
• The amount up to which the interest rate applies.
• The date from which the interest rate is effective.
You can specify several interest rates effective from the same date, provided that the amounts are different. This
indicates that the interest rates are banded and the method of interest used (stepped or split) is determined by the
setting at the message feed level.

What do you want to do?

Add an interest rate to a message feed, see below

View a message feed’s interest rates, page 50
Edit an interest rate, page 51
Delete an interest rate, page 52

Maintaining Sets

Adding an Interest Rate to a Message Feed

You can add interest rates to a message feed either in the Create Credit Interest Rate/Create Debit Interest Rate of
the Message Feed Administration or REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc dashboard.

In the Message Feed Administration dashboard you can add interest rates to message feeds of a specific set you
have selected in the steps before.

In the REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc dashboard you can add interest rates to all message feeds of one set.

To Add Interest Rates to Message Feeds

• Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets.

1. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
2. In the resulting list right-click the required set to select Set Details or double-click on the set that you want
to view.
The Set Details window is displayed.

Maintaining Sets

3. Right-click the set for which you want to add an interest rate, and select Message Feed Administration.
The Message Feed Administration dashboard is displayed.
• Select Menu > Ad Hoc Searches> Set Ad Hoc Search.
• Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The REC Admin Set Detail Ad Hoc window is displayed.
1. Select a message feed or a set to which you want to add an interest rate and do one of the following:
• If you want to add a new credit interest rate, right-click to select Create Credit Interest Rate.
• If you want to add a new debit interest rate, right-click to select Create Debit Interest Rate.
The selected dashboard is displayed.
2. Populate the From Date, Rate and Amount fields with the required information.
3. Click the [Create] button.
The interest rate is added to the message feed.

Maintaining Sets

Viewing a Message Feed Interest Rates

You can view a list of any interest rates that have been created for a message feed either in the Credit Interest Rates
Detail/Debit Interest Rates Detail of the Message Feed Administration or REC Admin Message Feed Ad Hoc

To View a Message Feed Interest Rates

• Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets.

1. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
2. In the resulting list right-click the required set to select Set Details or double-click on the set that you want
to view.
The Set Details window is displayed.
3. Right-click the set for which you want to add an interest rate, and select Message Feed Administration.
The Message Feed Administration dashboard is displayed.
• Select Menu > Ad Hoc Searches> Set Ad Hoc Search.
• Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The REC Admin Set Detail Ad Hoc window is displayed.
1. Select a message feed or a set for which you want to view the credit or debit interest rate
2. Do one of the following:
• To view a message feed’s credit interest rates, select the required message feed and select Credit Interest
Rates Detail.
• To view a message feed’s debit interest rates, right-click the required message feed and select Debit
Interest Rates Detail.
The interest rate detail dashboard is launched, displaying either the credit interest rates or the debit interest rates
that have been configured for the message feed, depending on which dashboard you have selected.

Maintaining Sets

Editing an Interest Rate

You can edit credit and debit interest rates from the REC Admin Credit and Rec Admin Debit Interest Rates Detail

To Edit Interest Rates

• Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets.

1. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
2. In the resulting list right-click the required set to select Set Details or double-click on the set that you want
to view.
The Set Details window is displayed.
3. Right-click the set for which you want to add an interest rate, and select Message Feed Administration.
The Message Feed Administration dashboard is displayed.
• Select Menu > Ad Hoc Searches> Ad Hoc Sets Search.
• Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The REC Admin Set Detail Ad Hoc window is displayed.
1. Right-click the message feed or the set for which you want to edit the credit or debit interest rate and select
Credit/Debit Interest Rates Detail.
2. In the resulting list right-click the interest rate you want to update and select REC Admin Credit/Debit Interest
Rate Update.
The REC Admin Credit/Debit Interest Rate Update dashboard is displayed.

3. Edit the fields as required.

4. Click [Update] to save your changes.
The interest rate is updated.

Maintaining Sets

Deleting Interest Rates

You can delete any interest rate in the REC Admin Credit and REC Admin Debit Interest Rates Detail dashboards.

To Delete Interest Rates

• Select Menu > Set Administration > Set > Sets.

1. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
2. In the resulting list right-click the required set to select Set Details or double-click on the set that you want
to view.
The Set Details window is displayed.
1. Select Menu > Ad Hoc Searches> Set Ad Hoc Search.
• Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The REC Admin Set Detail Ad Hoc window is displayed.
2. Right-click the set for which you want to add an interest rate, and select Message Feed Administration.
The Message Feed Administration dashboard is displayed.
3. Right-click the message feed or the set for which you want to edit the credit or debit interest rate and select
Credit/Debit Interest Rates Detail.
4. Select the interest rate that you want to delete.
If required, you can select multiple interest rates to delete. You can also click the button to select all interest
5. Click the in the toolbar or right-click on the grid and select Delete Credit/Debit Interest Rate.
The selected interest rate is deleted.

Maintaining Sets

Configuring Set Item Ageing Priorities

The data enrichment administration dashboards are used to specify the criteria used to determine an item’s ageing
priority, which must be configured in order to display this information on the Items Ageing Summary dashboard.
For each of a set’s message types you can specify the date from which you want the associated outstanding items’
ageing priority to be measured, and configure the number of days after this date that the items are assigned an ageing

Maintaining Sets

Viewing Ageing Priority Settings

The starting point for data enrichment is the REC Admin Enrichment Detail dashboard. This dashboard displays the
message types that you can enrich. You can create new enrichment records from this dashboard, or drill down from
any set or message type to view and edit any currently configured enrichment records.

To View the Enrichment Detail Dashboard

1. Select Static Administration > Enrichments > Enrichments from the main menu.
A search prompt is displayed:

2. Enter the relevant search criteria.

To view return all sets, leave the fields blank.
3. Click [Search].
The REC Admin Enrichment Detail dashboard is displayed, listing the message types that you can enrich.

Maintaining Sets

Specifying the Ageing Priority Settings

The dashboards for creating or updating data enrichments contain exactly the same fields.

To Specify Ageing Priority Settings

• To create data enrichments

• Select Menu > Static Administration > Enrichments > New Enrichment.
• Select Menu > Static Administration > Enrichments > Enrichments.
In the resulting list right-click to select New Enrichment.
The dashboard for creating a new enrichment is displayed.
• To update data enrichments
• Select Menu > Static Administration > Enrichments > Enrichments.
In the resulting list right-click the entry for which you want to update the details and select Update
The Update Enrichment dashboard is displayed.
1. Populate the following data enrichment fields as required:
Field Description
Category The category of the set.
Account The set to which the messages that you want these priority settings to apply to
Product The product of the set.
Business Entity The business entity of the set.
Message Type The message type of items that you want these priority settings to apply to.
Item Type The Item type of the message.
Date Attribute The date at which the number of days used to specify the priority groups is counted
Overdue Days The number of days after which outstanding items within the specified amount range
are assigned the Overdue priority.
Critical Days The number of days after which outstanding items within the specified amount range
are assigned the critical priority.

Maintaining Sets

Amount From / To The amount range of outstanding items that is included in the items ageing priority

2. Click [Create]/ [Update].

The data enrichment record is created for the selected set or set message, and is displayed on the REC Admin
Enrichment Detail dashboard.

Maintaining Sets

Deleting Data Enrichment Details

You can delete enrichments in the REC Admin Enrichment Detail dashboard.

To delete enrichment details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Enrichments > Enrichments.

2. In the resulting list select one or multiple data enrichment records to delete, and click the Delete tool on the
business logic toolbar, or right-click and select Delete.
The data enrichment record is deleted from the system.

Maintaining Categories

Maintaining Categories

When defining your sets you can choose to group one or more sets by category, create a list of sets with no category,
or a mixture of both.
Categories drive the display of the treeviews in the Reconciliations-Premium dashboards. You can also add a
category to an initiation, rather than running an initiation at the set level.
You add a set to a category from the Set Details dashboard, or when you create or update a set.

What do you want to do?

Create or update categories, see below

Delete a category, page 63

Maintaining Categories

Searching for Categories

Categories are listed in the Rec Admin Category Summary dialog.

To Search for Categories

Select Menu > Set Administration > Category > Categories.

The Rec Admin Category Summary dialog is displayed with all categories defined in your system.

Maintaining Categories

Creating/Updating Categories
The dashboards for creating or updating categories contain exactly the same fields and options. Before you can
populate the dashboard fields, you must open the corresponding dashboard.

To Create/Update Categories

1. Do one of the following:

To Create a Category
• Select Menu > Set Administration > Category > Categories.
In the Rec Admin Category Summary dialog click on a node in the tree to select New Category.
The New Category window is displayed.
• Select Menu > Set Administration > Category > New Category.
The Rec Admin Category Create dialog is displayed.
To Update a Category
1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Category > Categories.
The Rec Admin Category Summary dialog is displayed.
2. Right-click a category to select Category Detail.
The Category Detail dashboard is displayed.
3. Double-click or right-click a category to select Update Category.
The Update Category dashboard is displayed.
2. Populate the following fields with the required data.
The mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk *.
Field Description
Category Code Mandatory. Code of up to 60 characters for category. Cannot be updated.

Maintaining Categories

Field Description
Type Type of category. Select from list:
• Custodian
• Broker
• Counterparty
• Correspondent
• Branch
Short Name Abbreviated name for category. Up to 20 characters.
Sort Code Category sort code. Up to eight characters.
Name Full name of category. Up to 60 characters.
Territory Code Code for the territory in which category is located. Up to eight characters.
Comms Mail box address. Up to 14 characters.
SWIFT Category’s SWIFT address. Up to 20 characters.
Address The address of category. Up to 40 characters on each line.
Town The town where category is located. Up to 40 characters.
Postcode Postcode for the category. Up to 10 characters.
State State or County where category is located. Up to 40 characters.
Telex The telex number of category. Up to 20 characters.
Country Country where category is located. Up to 40 characters.
Fax Fax number of category. Up to 20 characters.
Contact Contact details for category. Up to 60 characters.
Phone Telephone number of category. Up to 20 characters.

3. Click [Create]/ [Update].

The Rec Admin Category Summary is refreshed to display the new/updated category.

Maintaining Categories

Viewing Categories
You can view the details of categories in the Category Detail dashboard.

To View Category Details

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Category > Categories.

The Rec Admin Category Summary is displayed.
2. Double-click or right-click a category to select Category Detail.
The Category Detail dashboard is displayed.

Maintaining Categories

Deleting a Category
You can delete categories in the Category Detail dashboard.

To Delete Categories

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Category > Categories.

The Rec Admin Category Summary is displayed.
2. Double-click or right-click to select Category Detail.
The Category Detail dashboard is displayed.
3. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single category, click to select the required category and click on the toolbar or right-
click a category to select Delete Category.
• To delete multiple categories, click for each category you want to select and click on the toolbar or
right-click to select Delete Category.
• To delete all categories, click and click on the toolbar or right-click to select Delete Category.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
4. Click [OK] to continue.
The category is deleted.

Maintaining Set Groups

Maintaining Set Groups

When defining your sets you can choose to group one or more sets by set group. Set groups are used for controlling a
user’s access to a collection of sets.
When you have created a set group, you can then add users, sets and sources (business entities).

What do you want to do?

Search for set groups, see below

Create or update set groups, page 66
View set group details, page 67
Add a set to a set group, page 30
Remove a set from a set group, page 69
Add a user to a set group, page 70
Remove a user from a set group, page 71
Add a source to a set group, page 72
Remove a source from a set group, page 73
Delete a set group, page 74

Maintaining Set Groups

Searching for Set Groups

Set groups are listed in the Rec Admin Group Detail window.

To Search for Set Groups

• Select Menu > Set Administration > Set Groups > Set Groups.
The REC Admin Group Detail window is displayed with all set groups defined in your system.

Maintaining Set Groups

Creating/Updating Set Groups

The dashboards for creating or updating set groups contain exactly the same fields and options.
When updating data, some of the fields are greyed out because they are not editable.

To Create/Update Set Groups

The mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk *.

1. If you want to create set groups, carry out step 2, if you want to create and/or update set groups, carry out step 3.
2. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set Groups > New Set Group.
The Rec Admin Group Create dashboard is displayed.
3. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set Groups > Set Groups.
The REC Admin Group Detail dashboard is displayed.
Right-click a set group to select New Group or Update Group.
The New Group or Update Group window is displayed.
4. Select a Group Type from the dropdown list.

This option is not available when updating the set group, because once the group type is set it cannot be

5. Enter a Group Code.

This option is not available when updating the set group, because once the group code is set it cannot be

6. Edit the Description of the group.

7. Enter the Location Code, i.e. the unique identifier for a business unit location from which an exception originates.
8. Click [Create]/ [Update].

Maintaining Set Groups

Viewing Set Group Details

Depending on what information of a set group you want to view, you can choose to access one or more of the
following windows:
• REC Admin Group Detail window
This window displays all groups available in your system with information such as Group Code, Group
Description, Group Location Code and Group Type.

• Sets window
This window displays information such as Group Code, Set ID, Priority and Group Type on the set group

• Users window
This window displays information such as Group Code, Group User ID, Group User ID Long and Group Type
on the set group selected.

• Sources window
This window displays information such as Group Code, Source Code and Group Type on the set group

To View Set Group Details

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set Groups > Set Groups.
The REC Admin Group Detail dashboard is displayed with all set groups available in your system and basic
information on each of these set groups.
2. Double-click or right-click a set group to select Group Details.
The Sets, Users and Sources window are displayed with the corresponding information on the selected set

Maintaining Set Groups

Adding a Set to a Set Group

When you have finished creating a set group, you can continue with adding a set to it via the Add Set window.

To add a Set to a Set Group

The mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk *.

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set Groups > Set Groups.
The REC Admin Group Detail dashboard is displayed.
2. Right-click the set group you want to add a set to and select Add Set.
3. In the Add Set window, select a Set ID from the dropdown list.
4. Optionally, indicate a Priority for the set.
5. Click [Add].
The set is added to the set group. Select the Set window to display it.

6. To add any additional sets right-click in the grid on the Sets window and select Add Set, then repeat steps 3 to

Maintaining Set Groups

Removing a Set from a Set Group

You can remove a set from a set group in the Set window.

To Remove a Set from a Set Group

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set Groups > Set Groups.
The REC Admin Group Detail dashboard is displayed.
2. Double-click or right-click a set group to select Group Details.
The Sets, Users and Sources window are displayed.
3. Select the Sets window.
4. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single set, click to select the required set and click on the toolbar or right-click a set to
select Delete Set.
• To delete multiple sets, click for each set you want to remove and click on the toolbar or right-click
to select Delete Set.
• To delete all sets, click and click on the toolbar or right-click to select Delete Set.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK].

Maintaining Set Groups

Adding a User to a Set Group

When you have finished creating a set group, you can continue with adding a user to it via the Add User window.

To Add a User to a Set Group

The mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk *.

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set Groups > Set Groups.
The REC Admin Group Detail dashboard is displayed.
2. Right-click the set group you want to add a user to and select Add User.
The Add User window is displayed.
3. Select a User ID from the dropdown list.
4. Click [Create].
The user is added to the set group. Select the Users window to display it.

5. To add any additional users right-click in the grid on the User window and select Add User, then repeat steps 3
to 5.

Maintaining Set Groups

Removing a User from a Set Group

You can remove a user from a set group in the Set window.

To Remove a User from a Set Group

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set Groups > Set Groups.
The REC Admin Group Detail dashboard is displayed.
2. Double-click or right-click a set group to select Group Details.
The Sets, Users and Sources window are displayed.
3. Select the Users window.
4. Do any of the following:

• To delete a single user, click to select the required user and click on the toolbar or right-click to
select Delete User.
• To delete multiple users, click for each user you want to select and click on the toolbar or right-click
to select Delete User.
• To delete all users, click and click on the toolbar or right-click to select Delete User.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK] to continue.

Maintaining Set Groups

Adding a source to a set group

When you have finished creating a set group, you can continue with adding a source to it via the Add Source

To add a Source to a Set Group

The mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk *.

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set Groups > Set Groups.
The REC Admin Group Detail dashboard is displayed.
2. Right-click the set group you want to add a user to and select Add Source.
The Add Source window is displayed.

3. Select a source code from the dropdown list.

4. Click [Create].
The source is added to the set group. Click on the Source tab to see it.

5. To add any additional sources right-click in the grid on the Sources window and select Add Sources, then
repeat steps 3 to 5.

Maintaining Set Groups

Removing a Source from a Set Group

You can remove a source from a set group in the Set window.

To Remove a Source from a Set Group

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set Groups > Set Groups.
The REC Admin Group Detail dashboard is displayed.
2. Double-click or right-click a set group to select Group Details.
The Sets, Users and Sources window are displayed.
3. Select the Sources window.
4. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single source, click to select the required source and click on the toolbar or right-click to
select Delete Source.
• To delete multiple sources, click for each source you want to select and click on the toolbar or right-
click to select Delete Source.
• To delete all sources, click and click on the toolbar or right-click to select Delete Source.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK].

Maintaining Set Groups

Deleting a Set Group

You can delete set groups in the REC Admin Group Detail dashboard.

To Delete a Set Group

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Set Groups > Set Groups.
The REC Admin Group Detail dashboard is displayed.
2. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single set group, click to select the required set group and click on the toolbar or right-
click to select Delete Group.
• To delete multiple set groups, click for each set group you want to select and click on the toolbar or
right-click to select Delete Group.
• To delete all set groups, click and click on the toolbar or right-click to select Delete Group.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK].

Maintaining Relationship Categories

Maintaining Relationship

A relationship category allows you to group similar relationship types together. This section describes how to create
and maintain relationship categories.

What do you want to do?

Search for relationship categories, see below

Create or update relationship categories, page 77
View relationship category details, page 78
Delete a relationship category, page 79

Maintaining Relationship Categories

Searching for Relationship Categories

Relationship types are listed in the Rec Admin Relationship Type Summary window. Each relationship category
displays all the associated relationship types.

To Search for Relationship Categories

• Select Menu > Static Administration > Relationship Types.

The Rec Admin Relationship Type Summary window is displayed with all active relationship categories.

Maintaining Relationship Categories

Creating/Updating Relationship Categories

The dashboards for creating or updating relationship categories contain exactly the same fields and options.
When updating data, some of the fields are greyed out because they are not editable.

To Create/Update Relationship Categories

1. If you want to create relationship categories, carry out step 2, if you want to create and/or update relationship
categories, carry out step 3.
2. Select Menu > Static Administration > Relationship Types.
The REC Admin Relationship Type Summary is displayed.
• Right-click a node to select New Relationship Category.
The New Relationship Category dashboard is displayed.
3. Select Menu > Static Administration > Relationship Types.
The REC Admin Relationship Type Summary is displayed.
• Double-click or right-click a row to select New Relationship Category or Update Relationship Category.
The New Relationship Category or Update Relationship Category dashboard is displayed.
4. In the dashboard for create or update relationship category, complete the following fields. All the mandatory
fields are denoted by an asterisk.
Field Description
Name Enter a name for the new Relationship Category. This field can accept value up to 100
Lookup Enter the lookup value or click the more […] button and select a value. This field can accept
value up to 100 characters.
Description Enter an appropriate description.

5. Click [Create]/ [Update].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
6. Click [OK] to continue.

Maintaining Relationship Categories

Viewing Relationship Category Details

You can view the details of all created relationship categories in the Relationship Category Details dashboard.

To View Relationship Category Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Relationship Types.

The REC Admin Relationship Type Summary is displayed.
2. Right-click a node to select Relationship Category Details.
The Relationship Category Details dashboard is displayed.
It includes the following columns:
Column Description
Name The name of the Relationship category.
Lookup Value The lookup value of the Relationship category.
Description The description of the Relationship category.
User The user who created the Relationship category.

Maintaining Relationship Categories

Deleting a Relationship Category

You can delete relationship category in the Relationship Category Details dashboard.

You cannot delete a relationship category if it is linked to a relationship type.

To Delete a Relationship Category

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Relationship Types.

The REC Admin Relationship Type Summary is displayed.
2. Right-click a node to select Relationship Category Details.
The Relationship Category Details dashboard is displayed.
3. Click to select the required relationship category.

4. Click or right-click to select Delete Relationship Category.

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK].

Maintaining Relationship Types

Maintaining Relationship Types

A relationship type allows you to group items. Relationship types are grouped according to relationship categories.
This section describes how to create and maintain relationship types.

What do you want to do?

Search for relationship types, see below

Create or update relationship types, page 82
View relationship type details, page 84
Delete a relationship type, page 85

Maintaining Relationship Types

Searching for Relationship Types

All active relationship types are listed in the Rec Admin Relationship Type Summary window under each active
relationship categories.

To Search for Relationship Types

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Relationship Types.

The Rec Admin Relationship Type Summary window is displayed with all relationship types defined in your
2. Click to unfold the relationship category.
The relationship types are displayed under the relationship category selected.

Maintaining Relationship Types

Creating/Updating Relationship Types

The dashboards for creating or updating relationship types contain exactly the same fields and options.
When updating data, some of the fields are greyed out because they are not editable.

To Create/Update Relationship Types

The application provides the possibility for creating/updating relationship types wherever it makes sense. This
section only describes the main access points for how to create/update relationship types.
1. If you want to create relationship types, carry out step 2, if you want to create and/or update relationship types,
carry out step 3.
2. Select Menu > Static Administration > Relationship Types.
The REC Admin Relationship Type Summary is displayed.
Right-click a node to select New Relationship Type.
The New Relationship Type dashboard is displayed.
3. Select Menu > Static Administration > Relationship Types.
The REC Admin Relationship Type Summary is displayed.
1. Double-click or right-click a row to select Relationship Type details.
2. In the Relationship Type Details window, right-click select New Relationship Type or Update
Relationship Type.
The New Relationship Type or Update Relationship Type dashboard is displayed.
4. Complete the following fields.

All the mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk.

Field Description
Name Enter a name for the new relationship type. This field can accept value up to 100 characters.
Lookup Enter the lookup value or click the more […] button and select a value. This field can accept
value up to 100 characters.
Description Enter an appropriate description.
Category Name Click the more […] button and select a category name from the displayed list.
Category Lookup Enter the lookup value or click the more […] button and select a value.
By default, this field is populated according to the selected category name.

5. Click [Create].

Maintaining Relationship Types

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
6. Click [OK] to continue.

Maintaining Relationship Types

Viewing Relationship Type Details

You can view the details of all created relationship types in the Relationship Type Details dashboard.

To View Relationship Type Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Relationship Types.

The REC Admin Relationship Type Summary is displayed.
2. Do one of the following:
• Right-click a relationship type whose details you want to view and select Relationship Type Details.
• Double-click a relationship type whose details you want to view.
The Relationship Type Details dashboard is displayed.
It includes the following columns:
Column Description
ID The ID of the Relationship Type.
Name The name of the Relationship Type.
Lookup Value The lookup value of the Relationship Type.
Category Name The category to which the Relationship Type
Description The description of the Relationship Type.

Maintaining Relationship Types

Deleting a Relationship Type

You can delete relationship type in the Relationship Type Details dashboard.

To Delete a Relationship Type

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Relationship Types.

The REC Admin Relationship Type Summary is displayed.
2. Do one of the following:
• Right-click a relationship type whose details you want to view and select Relationship Type Details.
• Double-click a relationship type whose details you want to view.
The Relationship Type Details dashboard is displayed.
3. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single relationship type, click to select the required relationship type and click or right-
click to select Delete Relationship Type.
• To delete multiple relationship types, click for each relationship type you want to select and click or
right-click to select Delete Reason Type.
• To delete all relationship types, click and click the or right-click to select Delete Relationship Type.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
4. Click [OK] to continue.
The relationship type is deleted.

Maintaining Inboxes

Maintaining Inboxes

Inboxes are used to allocate and sub-divide work, and are associated with specific exception types and alerts.
The access rights to Inboxes are constrained by user roles to enable users to manage workloads efficiently. This also
ensures that the correct user or team works on them.
Inboxes can contain any number of exceptions or alerts, and you can move the Inbox contents from one Inbox to

What do you want to do?

Search for inboxes, see below

Create or update inboxes, page 88
View inbox details, page 90
Delete an inbox, page 91

Maintaining Inboxes

Searching for Inboxes

All inboxes are listed in the Rec Admin Inbox Summary window.

To Search for Inboxes

• Select Menu > Static Administration > Inboxes.

The REC Admin Inbox Summary is displayed. The tree lists all the currently configured inboxes.

Maintaining Inboxes

Creating/Updating Inboxes
The dashboards for creating or updating inboxes contain exactly the same fields and options.
When updating data, some of the fields are greyed out because they are not editable.

To Create/Update Inboxes

The mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk *.

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Inboxes.

The REC Admin Inbox Summary is displayed. The tree lists all the currently configured inboxes.
2. If you want to create an inbox, carry out step 3, if you want to create and/or update an inbox, carry out step 4.
3. Right-click any node in the tree and select New Inbox.
The New Inbox dashboard is displayed.
4. Right-click on the inbox that you want to update and select Inbox Details, or double-click on the entry.
The Inbox Details dashboard is displayed.

• Right-click an entry to select Update Inbox or New Inbox, or double-click a specific entry to update it.
The corresponding window is displayed.
5. Complete the following fields.
Field Description
Name Enter a name for the new Inbox. This field can accept a value up to 100 characters.
Lookup Enter the lookup value. This field can accept a value up to 100 characters.
Description Enter an appropriate description.
Contact Group Enter the name of the contact group you want to associate with this inbox or click the more […]
Name button, select a value and click [Select].
Contact Group Enter the lookup value for the required contact group or click the more […] button, select a
Lookup value and click [Select].

6. Click [Create]/ [Update].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.

Maintaining Inboxes

7. Click [OK] to continue.

Maintaining Inboxes

Viewing Inbox Details

You can view the details of all created inboxes in the Inbox Details dashboard.

To View Inbox Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Inboxes.

The REC Admin Inbox Summary is displayed.
2. Do one of the following:
• To view the details of a specific inbox, double-click on that inbox or right-click on the inbox and select
Inbox Details.
• To view the details of all inboxes, right-click on any inbox in the tree and select All Inboxes.
Either the Inbox Details or the All Inboxes dashboard is displayed, depending on your selection.
These dashboards display the following columns:
Column Description
Name The name of the Inbox.
Lookup The lookup value of the Inbox.
Description The description of the Inbox.
Contact Group The contact group associated with the Inbox.
Contact Group Lookup Value The lookup value of the Inbox’s contact group.

Maintaining Inboxes

Deleting an Inbox
You can delete specific inboxes in the Inbox Details dashboard.

You can delete one or more inboxes in the All Inboxes dashboard.

To Delete an Inbox

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Inboxes.

The REC Admin Inbox Summary is displayed.
2. Do one of the following:
• To delete a specific inbox, double-click or right-click on the inbox and select Inbox Details.
• To delete one or more inboxes, right-click on any inbox in the tree and select All Inboxes.
Either the Inbox Details or the All Inboxes dashboard is displayed, depending on your selection.
3. Click to select the inbox that you want to delete and either click or right-click to select Delete Inbox.
You can delete multiple inboxes by selecting each one that you want to delete. You can also click the button
to select all inboxes to delete.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
4. Click [OK] to continue.
The inbox is deleted.

Maintaining Contact Groups

Maintaining Contact Groups

Contact groups are used to group together a specific type of contacts.

What do you want to do?

Search for contact groups, see below

Create or update contact groups, page 94
View contact group details, page 95
Delete a contact group, page 96

Maintaining Contact Groups

Searching for Contact Groups

All contact groups are listed in the Rec Admin Contact Group Summary window.

To Search for Contact Groups

• Select Menu > Static Administration > Contact Groups.

The REC Admin Contact Group Summary is displayed. The tree lists all the currently configured contact

Maintaining Contact Groups

Creating/Updating Contact Groups

The dashboards for creating or updating contact groups contain exactly the same fields and options.
When updating data, some of the fields are greyed out because they are not editable.

To Create/Update Contact Groups

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Contact Groups.

The REC Admin Contact Group Summary is displayed. The tree lists all active contact groups. Each contact
group displays all the associated contacts.
2. If you want to create a contact group, carry out step 3, if you want to create and/or update a contact group, carry
out step 4.
3. Right-click any node in the tree and select New Contact Group.
The New Contact Group dashboard is displayed.
4. Right-click on the contact group that you want to update and select Contact Group Details, or double-click on
the entry.
The Contact Group Details dashboard is displayed.

Right-click an entry to select Update Contact Group or New Contact Group, or double-click a specific entry to
update it.
The corresponding window is displayed.
5. Complete the following fields:
Field Description
Name Enter a name for the new contact group.
Lookup Enter the lookup value or click the more […] button and select a value.
Description Enter an appropriate description.

6. Click [Create]/ [Update].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
7. Click [OK] to continue.

Maintaining Contact Groups

Viewing Contact Group Details

You can view the details of all created contact groups in the Contact Group Details dashboard.

To View Contact Group Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Contact Groups.

The REC Admin Contact Group Summary is displayed.
2. Do one of the following:
• Right-click a contact group whose details you want to view and select Contact Group Details.
• Double-click a contact group whose details you want to view.
The Contact Group Details window is displayed.
It includes the following columns:
Column Description
Name The name of the contact group.
Lookup The lookup value for the contact group.
Description The description of the contact group.

Maintaining Contact Groups

Deleting a Contact Group

This option allows you to delete a created contact group.

You cannot delete a contact group if there is an active contact associated with that group.

To Delete a Contact Group

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Contact Groups.

The REC Admin Contact Group Summary is displayed.
2. Do one of the following:
• Right-click a contact group whose details you want to view and select Contact Group Details.
• Double-click a contact group whose details you want to view.
The Contact Group Details window is displayed.
3. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single contact group, click to select the required contact group and click or right-click to
select Delete Contact Group.
• To delete multiple contact groups, click for each contact group you want to select and click or right-
click to select Delete Contact Group.
• To delete all contact groups, click and click or right-click to select Delete Contact Group.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
4. Click [OK] to continue.
The contact group is deleted.

Maintaining Contacts

Maintaining Contacts

Contacts allow you to add users to the system to work on exceptions and alerts.

What do you want to do?

Create a new contact, page 98

View contact details, page 100
Update contact details, page 99
Delete a contact, page 101
Add a contact to a contact group, page 102
Remove a contact from a contact group, page 103

Maintaining Contacts

Creating a New Contact

Contacts are created in the New Contacts window.

To Create a New Contact

The application provides the possibility for creating contacts wherever it makes sense. This section only describes
the main access point for how to create contacts.
1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Contact Groups.
The REC Admin Contact Group Summary is displayed. The tree lists all active contact groups. Each contact
group displays all the associated contacts.

2. Right-click a node to select New Contact.

The New Contact dashboard is displayed. All the mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk.
3. Complete the following fields:
Field Description
Name Enter the new contact name. This field can accept value up to 100 characters.
Lookup Enter the lookup value or click the more […] button and select a value.
Role Enter the role of the contact. This field can accept value up to 35 characters.
Department Enter the department to which the contact belongs. This field can accept value up to 35
Fullname Enter the full name of the contact. This field can accept value up to 255 characters.
Email Enter the e-mail address of the contact. This field can accept value up to 255 characters.
Phone Enter the phone number of the contact. This field can accept value up to 255 characters.
Fax Enter the fax number of the contact. This field can accept value up to 255 characters.

4. Click [Create].
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK] to continue.
The new contact is created.

Maintaining Contacts

Updating Contact Details

Contacts are updated in the Update Contact window.

To Update Contact Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Contact Groups.

The REC Admin Contact Group Summary is displayed.
2. Right-click a contact or contact group to select All Contacts.
The All Contacts dashboard is displayed.
3. Double-click a contact or right-click a contact to select Update Contact.
The Update Contact dashboard is displayed with contact details that can be edited.
You can add a contact to contact group using the Add to Group section. The section to its left displays the
contact groups to which it is added.
4. Edit the required information.
Field Description
Name The name of the contact group.
Lookup The lookup value.
Role The role of the contact, for example, Manager and Team Lead.
Department The department to which the contact belongs.
Fullname The full name of the contact.
Email The e-mail ID of the contact.
Phone The phone number of the contact.
Fax The fax number of the contact.

5. To update the information, click [Update].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
6. Click [OK] to continue.
The contact details are updated.

Maintaining Contacts

Viewing Contact Details

You can view the details of all created contacts in the All Contact dashboard.

To View Contact Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Contact Groups.

The REC Admin Contact Group Summary is displayed.
2. Right-click a contact or contact group to select All Contacts.
The All Contacts dashboard is displayed.
It includes the following columns:
Column Description
Name The name of the contact.
Lookup The lookup value for the contact.
Fullname The full name of the contact.
Role The role of the contact, for example, Manager and Team Lead.
Department The department to which the contact belongs.
Email The e-mail ID of the contact.
Phone The phone number of the contact.
Fax The fax number of the contact.

Maintaining Contacts

Deleting a Contact
You can delete a contact in the All Contacts dashboard.

You cannot delete a contact if it is associated to an active contact group.

To Delete a Contact

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Contact Groups.

The REC Admin Contact Group Summary is displayed.
2. Right-click a contact or contact group to select All Contacts.
The All Contacts dashboard is displayed.
3. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single contact, click to select the required contact and click or right-click to select Delete

• To delete multiple contacts, click for each contact you want to select and click or right-click to select
Delete Contact.

• To delete all contacts, click and or right-click to select Delete Contact.

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
4. Click [OK] to continue.
The contact is deleted.

Maintaining Contacts

Adding a Contact to a Contact Group

Via the Update Contact dashboard, you can add a contact to a contact group. This is used to group similar contacts
under a common group.

To Add a Contact to a Contact Group

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Contact Groups.

The REC Admin Contact Group Summary is displayed.
2. Right-click a contact or contact group to select All Contacts.
The All Contacts dashboard is displayed.
3. Double-click a contact or right-click a contact to select Update Contact.
The Update Contact dashboard is displayed.
4. In the Add to Group section, complete the following information. All the mandatory fields are denoted by an
Field Description
Name Click the more […] button and select the name of the contact group.
Lookup Click the more […] button and select the lookup value.
By default, this field is populated according to the selected contact group.

5. Click [Add to Group].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
6. Click [OK] to continue.
The contact is added to the selected contact group.

Maintaining Contacts

Removing a Contact from a Contact Group

You can remove a contact from a contact group and add it to a different contact group.

To Remove a Contact from a Contact Group

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Contact Groups.

The REC Admin Contact Group Summary is displayed.
2. Right-click a contact or contact group to select All Contacts.
The All Contacts dashboard is displayed.
3. Double-click a contact or right-click a contact to select Update Contact.
The Update Contact dashboard is displayed.
4. In the Member of following Groups column, do any of the following:
• To remove a contact from a single contact group, click to select the required contact group and click
or right-click to select Remove from Contact Group.
• To remove a contact from multiple contact groups, click for each contact group you want to select and
click or right-click to select Remove from Contact Group.
• To remove a contact from all contact groups, click and then click or right-click to select Remove
from Contact Group.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK] to continue.
The contact is removed from that contact group.

Maintaining Reason Categories

Maintaining Reason Categories

A reason category allows you to group similar reason types together. You can create reason categories to be attached
to exceptions.

What do you want to do?

Search for reason categories, see below

Create a new reason category, page 106
View reason category details, page 107
Delete a reason category, page 108

Maintaining Reason Categories

Searching for Reason Categories

All reason categories are listed in the REC Admin Reason Type Summary window.

To Search for Reason Categories

• Select Menu > Static Administration > Reason Types.

The REC Admin Reason Type Summary is displayed. The tree lists all active reason categories. Each reason
category displays all the associated reason types.

Maintaining Reason Categories

Creating/Updating Reason Categories

The dashboards for creating or updating reason categories contain exactly the same fields and options.
When updating data, some of the fields are greyed out because they are not editable.

To Create/Update Reason Categories

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Reason Types.

The REC Admin Reason Type Summary is displayed.
2. If you want to create a new reason category, carry out step 3, if you want to create and/or update a reason
category, carry out step 4.
3. Right-click a node to select New Reason Category.
The New Reason Category dashboard is displayed.
4. Right-click on the reason category that you want to update and select Reason Category Details, or double-click
on the entry.
The Reason Category Details dashboard is displayed.

Right-click an entry to select Update Reason Category or New Reason Category, or double-click a specific
entry to update it.
The corresponding window is displayed.
5. Complete the following fields. All the mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk.
Field Description
Name Enter a name for the new Reason Category. This field can accept value up to 100 characters.
Lookup Enter the lookup value or click the more […] button and select a value. This field can accept
value up to 100 characters.
Description Enter an appropriate description.

6. Click [Create]/ [Update].The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window,
click [Show All Results] for additional information.
7. Click [OK] to continue.

Maintaining Reason Categories

Viewing Reason Category Details

You can view the details of all created reason categories in the Reason Category Details dashboard.

To View Reason Category Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Reason Types.

The REC Admin Reason Type Summary is displayed.
2. Right-click a node to select Reason Category Details.
The Reason Category Details dashboard is displayed.
It includes the following columns:
Column Description
Name The name of the reason category.
Lookup Value The lookup value of the reason category.
Description The description of the reason category.
User The user who created the reason category.

Maintaining Reason Categories

Deleting a Reason Category

This option allows you to delete a created reason category.

You cannot delete a reason category if it is linked to a reason type.

To Delete a Reason Category

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Reason Types.

The REC Admin Reason Type Summary is displayed.
2. Right-click a node to select Reason Category Details.
The Reason Category Details dashboard is displayed.
3. Do any of the following:
• Click to select the required reason category and click .
• Right-click to select Delete Reason Category.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
4. Click [OK] to continue.
The reason category is deleted.

Maintaining Reason Types

Maintaining Reason Types

A reason type allows you to group items. Reason types are grouped according to reason categories.
A reason type code can be attached to an exception explaining the cause of the exception. The reason types available
are determined by the exception type, for example, the subset of reason types relevant to a Cash amount exception
differs to the relevant reason types relevant to a position break exception.
You can create reason types to be attached to exceptions.

What do you want to do?

Create a new reason type, see below

View reason type details, page 111
Update reason type details, page 112
Link a reason type to an exception type, page 113
Unlink a reason type from an exception type, page 114
Link a reason type to an item type, page 115
Unlink a reason type from an item type, page 116
Delete a reason type, page 117

Maintaining Reason Types

Creating a New Reason Type

Reason types are created in the New Reason Type dashboard.

To Create a New Reason Type

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Reason Types.

The REC Admin Reason Type Summary is displayed. The tree lists all active reason categories and all the
active reason types associated with them.

2. Right-click a node to select New Reason Type.

The New Reason Type dashboard is displayed.
3. Complete the following fields. All the mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk.
Field Description
Name Enter a name for the new Reason Type. This field can accept value up to 100 characters.
Lookup Enter the lookup value or click the more […] button and select a value. This field can
accept value up to 100 characters.
Description Enter an appropriate description.
Category Name Click the more […] button and select a category name from the displayed list.
Category Lookup Enter the lookup value or click the more […] button and select a value.
By default, this field is populated according to the selected category name.

4. Click [Create].
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK] to continue.
The new reason type is created.

Maintaining Reason Types

Viewing Reason Type Details

You can view the details of all created reason types in the Reason Type Details dashboard.

To View Reason Type Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Reason Types.

The REC Admin Reason Type Summary is displayed.
2. In the REC Admin Reason Type Summary do one of the following:
• Right-click a reason type whose details you want to view and select Reason Type Details.
• Double-click a reason type whose details you want to view.
The Reason Type Details dashboard is displayed.
It includes the following columns:
Column Description
Name The name of the Reason Type.
Lookup Value The lookup value of the Reason Type.
Category Name The category to which the Reason Type belongs.
Description The description of the Reason Type.
User The user who created the Reason Type.

Maintaining Reason Types

Updating Reason Type Details

Reason type details are updated in the Update Reason Type dashboard.
The REC Admin Reason Type Update Form, the Reason Type - Exception Type Link, and the Reason Type -
Item Link section are displayed in this dashboard.
Using the Reason Type - Exception Type Link section, you can create or delete a link between reason type and
exception type.

To Update the Reason Type Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Reason Types.

The REC Admin Reason Type Summary is displayed.
2. In the REC Admin Reason Type Summary do one of the following:
• Right-click a reason type whose details you want to view and select Reason Type Details.
• Double-click a reason type whose details you want to view.
The Reason Type Details dashboard is displayed.
3. Do any of the following:
• Right-click a reason type and select Update Reason Type.
• Double-click a reason type.
The Update Reason Type dashboard is displayed.
4. In the REC Admin Reason Type Update form, edit the required information.
Field Description
Name The name of the Reason Type.
Lookup The lookup value.
Description The description for the Reason Type.
Category Name The category to which the Reason Type belongs.
Category Lookup The category lookup value.

5. To update the information, click [Update].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
6. Click [OK] to continue.
The reason type details are updated.

Maintaining Reason Types

Linking a Reason Type to an Exception Type

Using this option you can link the reason type to an exception type.

To Link a Reason Type to an Exception Type

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Reason Types.

The REC Admin Reason Type Summary is displayed.
2. In the REC Admin Reason Type Summary do one of the following:
• Right-click a reason type whose details you want to view and select Reason Type Details.
• Double-click a reason type whose details you want to view.
The Reason Type Details dashboard is displayed.
3. Do any of the following:
• Right-click a reason type and select Update Reason Type.
• Double-click a reason type.
The Update Reason Type dashboard is displayed.
4. In the Reason Type - Exception Type Link group, edit the required information. All the mandatory fields are
denoted by an asterisk.
Field Description
Exception Type Name Click the more […] button and select the exception type name from the list.
Exception Type Lookup Click the more […] button and select the exception type lookup value from the list.
By default, this field is populated according to the selected exception type name.

5. Click [Create Link].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
6. Click [OK] to continue.
The reason type is linked to the selected exception type.

Maintaining Reason Types

Unlinking a Reason Type from an Exception Type

You can unlink a Reason Type from an Exception Type and link it to another Exception Type.

To Unlink a Reason Type from an Exception Type

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Reason Types.

The REC Admin Reason Type Summary is displayed.
2. In the REC Admin Reason Type Summary do one of the following:
• Right-click a reason type whose details you want to view and select Reason Type Details.
• Double-click a reason type whose details you want to view.
The Reason Type Details dashboard is displayed.
3. Do any of the following:
• Right-click a reason type and select Update Reason Type.
• Double-click a reason type.
The Update Reason Type dashboard is displayed.
4. In the top right section, which displays the linked exception types, do any of the following:

• To delete the link to a single exception type, click to select the required exception type and click or
right-click to select Delete Link.
• To delete the link to multiple exception types, click for each exception type you want to select and click
or right-click to select Delete Link.
• To delete the link to all exception types, click and then click or right-click to select Delete Link.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK] to continue.
The reason type is unlinked from the exception type.

Maintaining Reason Types

Linking a Reason Type to an item type

You can link a reason type to an item.

To Link a Reason Type to an Item

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Reason Types.

The REC Admin Reason Type Summary is displayed.
2. In the REC Admin Reason Type Summary do one of the following:
• Right-click a reason type whose details you want to view and select Reason Type Details.
• Double-click a reason type whose details you want to view.
The Reason Type Details dashboard is displayed.
3. Do any of the following:
• Right-click a reason type and select Update Reason Type.
• Double-click a reason type.
The Update Reason Type dashboard is displayed.
4. In the Reason Type - Item Link window, edit the required information. All the mandatory fields are denoted by
an asterisk.
Field Description
Business Entity/Source Click the more […] button and select the business entity from the
Product Click the more […] button and select the product from the list.
Item Type Select the item type from the drop-down list.

5. Click [Create Link].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
6. Click [OK] to continue.
The reason type is linked to the selected item type.

Maintaining Reason Types

Unlinking a Reason Type from an item type

You can unlink a reason type from an Item Type and link it to another exception type.

To Unlink a Reason Type from an Item Type

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Reason Types.

The REC Admin Reason Type Summary is displayed.
2. In the REC Admin Reason Type Summary do one of the following:
• Right-click a reason type whose details you want to view and select Reason Type Details.
• Double-click a reason type whose details you want to view.
The Reason Type Details dashboard is displayed.
3. Do any of the following:
• Right-click a reason type and select Update Reason Type.
• Double-click a reason type.
The Update Reason Type dashboard is displayed.
4. In the bottom right section, which displays the linked Item Types, do any of the following:

• To delete the link to a single item type, click to select the required item type and click or right-click
to select Delete Link.
• To delete the link to multiple item types, click for each item type you want to select and click or
right-click to select Delete Link.
• To delete the link to all item types, click and then click or right-click to select Delete Link.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK] to continue.
The reason type is unlinked from the item type.

Maintaining Reason Types

Deleting a Reason Type

This option allows you to delete a Reason Type.

You cannot delete a Reason Type if it is linked to an exception type.

To Delete a Reason Type

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Reason Types.

The REC Admin Reason Type Summary is displayed.
2. In the REC Admin Reason Type Summary do one of the following:
• Right-click a reason type whose details you want to view and select Reason Type Details.
• Double-click a reason type whose details you want to view.
The Reason Type Details dashboard is displayed.
3. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single reason type, click to select the required reason type and click or right-click to
select Delete Reason Type.
• To delete multiple reason types, click for each reason type you want to select and click or right-click
to select Delete Reason Type.
• To delete all reason types, click and then click or right-click and select Delete Reason Type.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
4. Click [OK] to continue.
The reason type is deleted.

Maintaining Reason Types

Maintaining Resolution Categories

Maintaining Resolution

Resolution categories allow you to group similar resolution types together. Resolution types are attached to an
investigation to indicate the course of action undertaken to close the exception.

What do you want to do?

Search for resolution categories, see below

Create or update resolution categories, page 121
View resolution category details, page 122
Delete a resolution category, page 123

Maintaining Resolution Categories

Searching for Resolution Categories

All resolution categories are listed in the REC Admin Resolution Type Summary window.

To Search for Resolution Categories Groups

• Select Menu > Static Administration > Resolution Types.

The REC Admin Resolution Type Summary is displayed. The tree lists all active resolution categories. Each
resolution category displays all the associated resolution types.

Maintaining Resolution Categories

Creating/Updating Resolution Categories

The dashboards for creating or updating resolution categories contain exactly the same fields and options.
When updating data, some of the fields are greyed out because they are not editable.

To Create/Update Resolution Categories

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Resolution Types.

The REC Admin Resolution Type Summary is displayed.
2. If you want to create a new resolution category, carry out step 3, if you want to create and/or update a resolution
category, carry out step 4.
3. Right-click a node in the REC Admin Resolution Type Summary and select New Resolution Category.
The New Resolution Category dashboard is displayed.
4. Right-click a node to select Resolution Category Details.
The Resolution Category Details dashboard is displayed.
• Right-click a row to select Update Resolution Category or New Resolution Category, or double-click a
row to update it.
The corresponding window is displayed.
5. Complete the following fields. All the mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk.
Field Description
Name Enter a name for the new Resolution Category. This field can accept value up to 100
Lookup Enter the lookup value or click the more […] button and select a value. This field can
accept value up to 100 characters.
Description Enter an appropriate description.

6. Click [Create]/ [Update].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
7. Click [OK] to continue.

Maintaining Resolution Categories

Viewing Resolution Category Details

You can view the details of all created resolution categories in the Resolution Category Details dashboard.

To View Resolution Category Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Resolution Types.

The REC Admin Resolution Type Summary is displayed.
2. Right-click a node to select Resolution Category Details.
The Resolution Category Details dashboard is displayed.
It includes the following columns:
Column Description
Name The name of the resolution category.
Lookup Value The lookup value of the resolution category.
Description The description of the resolution category.
User The user who created the resolution category.

Maintaining Resolution Categories

Deleting a Resolution Category

This option allows you to delete a created resolution category.

You cannot delete a resolution category if it is linked to a resolution type.

To Delete a Resolution Category

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Resolution Types.

The REC Admin Resolution Type Summary is displayed.
2. Right-click a node to select Resolution Category Details.
The Resolution Category Details dashboard is displayed.
3. Do any of the following:
• Click to select the required resolution category and click the Delete Resolution Category button .
• Right-click and select Delete Resolution Category.
4. Click [OK] to continue.
The resolution category is deleted.

Maintaining Resolution Types

Maintaining Resolution Types

A resolution type allows you to group items. You can group several resolution types according to resolution
categories. After the grouping, you can attach the resolution types to a resolution category.
Furthermore, you can attach resolution types to an investigation to indicate the course of action undertaken to close
the exception. The available resolution type codes depend on the selected reason type against the exception.
You can create the resolution types to be attached to the exception.

What do you want to do?

Create a new resolution type, page 125

View resolution type details, page 127
Update resolution type details, page 128
Link a resolution type to a reason type, page 130
Unlink a resolution type from a reason type, page 131
Delete a resolution type, page 132

Maintaining Resolution Types

Creating a New Resolution Type

Resolution types are created in the New Resolution Type dashboard.

To Create a New Resolution Type

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Resolution Types.

The REC Admin Resolution Type Summary is displayed. The tree lists all active resolution categories. Each
resolution category displays all the associated resolution types.

2. Right-click a node in the REC Admin Resolution Type Summary and select New Resolution Type.
The New Resolution Type dashboard is displayed.
3. Complete the following fields. All the mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk.
Field Description
Name Enter a name for the new Resolution Type.
Lookup Enter the lookup value or click the more […] button and select a
Description Enter an appropriate description.
Category Name Click the more […] button and select a category name from the
displayed list.
Category Lookup Enter the lookup value or click the more […] button and select a
By default, this field is populated according to the selected category

4. Click [Create].
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.

Maintaining Resolution Types

5. Click [OK] to continue.

The new resolution type is created.

Maintaining Resolution Types

Viewing Resolution Type Details

The Resolution Type Details dashboard allows you to view the details of the created Resolution Type.

To View Resolution Type Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Resolution Types.

The REC Admin Resolution Type Summary is displayed.

2. In the REC Admin Resolution Type Summary do one of the following:

• Right-click a Resolution Type whose details you want to view and select Resolution Type Details.
• Double-click a Resolution Type whose details you want to view.
The Resolution Type Details dashboard is displayed.

It includes the following columns:

Column Description
Name The name of the Resolution Type.
Lookup Value The lookup value of the Resolution Type.
Category Name The category to which the Resolution Type belongs.
Description The description of the Resolution Type.
User The user who created the Resolution Type.

Maintaining Resolution Types

Updating Resolution Type Details

You can update the Resolution Type details from the Resolution Type Details dashboard.

To Update the Resolution Type Details

1. Launch the Resolution Type Details dashboard. For details see page 127.
2. Do any of the following:
• Right-click a Resolution Type and select Update Resolution Type.
• Double-click a Resolution Type.
The Update Resolution Type dashboard is displayed.

The Update Resolution Type dashboard displays the REC Admin Resolution Type Update Form and the
Resolution Type - Reason Type Link section. Using the Resolution Type - Reason Type Link section, you can
create or delete a link between the Resolution Type and the Reason Type.
3. In the REC Admin Resolution Type Update Form, edit the required information.
Field Description
Name The name of the Resolution Type.
Lookup The lookup value.
Description The description for the Resolution Type.
Category Name The category to which the Resolution Type belongs.

Maintaining Resolution Types

Category Lookup The category lookup value.

4. To update the information, click [Update].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK] to continue.
The Resolution Type details are updated.

Maintaining Resolution Types

Linking a Resolution Type to a Reason Type

You can link a Resolution Type to a Reason Type.

To Link a Resolution Type to a Reason Type

1. Launch the Update Resolution Type dashboard. For details see page 128.
The Update Resolution Type dashboard is displayed.

2. In the Resolution Type - Reason Type Link window, enter the required information. All the mandatory fields
are denoted by an asterisk.
Field Description
Reason Type Name Click the more […] button and select the Reason Type name from the list.
Reason Type Lookup Click the more […] button and select the Reason Type lookup value from the list.
By default, this field is populated according to the selected Reason Type name.

3. Click [Create Link].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
4. Click [OK] to continue.
The Resolution Type is linked to the selected Reason Type.

Maintaining Resolution Types

Unlinking a Resolution Type from a Reason Type

You can unlink a Resolution Type from a Reason Type, if required.

To Unlink a Resolution Type from a Reason Type

1. Launch the Update Resolution Type dashboard. For details see page 128.
The Update Resolution Type dashboard is displayed

2. In the Reason Type column, do any of the following:

• To delete the link to a single Reason Type, click to select the required Reason Type and click the Delete
Link button , or right-click and select Delete Link.
• To delete the link to multiple Reason Types, click for each Reason Type you want to select and click the
Delete Link button , or right-click and select Delete Link.
• To delete the link to all Reason Types, click and click the Delete Link button , or right-click and
select Delete Link.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The Resolution Type is unlinked from the Reason Type.

Maintaining Resolution Types

Deleting a Resolution Type

This option allows you to delete a created Resolution type.

You cannot delete a Resolution Type if it is linked to a Reason Type.

To Delete a Resolution Type

1. Launch the Resolution Type Details dashboard. For details see page 127.
2. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single Resolution Type, click to select the required Resolution Type and click the Delete
Resolution Type button , or right-click and select Delete Resolution Type.
• To delete multiple Resolution Types, click for each Resolution Type you want to select and click the
Delete Resolution Type button , or right-click and select Delete Resolution Type.
• To delete all Resolution Types, click and click the Delete Resolution Type button, or right-click and
select Delete Resolution Type.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The Resolution Type is deleted.

Maintaining Default Notes

Maintaining Default Notes

While an exception is being investigated, narrative details can be attached to it in the form of notes. Notes assist in
explaining the course/stage of the investigation and record any specific details related to the next actions.
You can create predefined notes, which can then be attached to an exception during an investigation.

What do you want to do?

Create a new note category definition, see below

View note category details, page 135
Update note category details, page 136
Delete a note category, page 137
Create a new note definition, page 138
View note definition details, page 139
Update note definition details, page 140
Link a note definition to a note category, page 141
Unlink a note definition from a note category, page 142
Delete a note definition, page 143

Maintaining Default Notes

Creating a New Note Category Definition

The New Note Category Definition dashboard allows you to create a new note category. A note category allows you
to group similar predefined notes together.

To Create a New Note Category Definition

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Notes.

The REC Admin Note Summary is displayed. The tree lists all active Note Categories. Each Note Category
displays all the associated Note Definitions.

2. Right-click a node in the REC Admin Note Summary and select New Note Category.
The New Note Category dashboard is displayed.

3. Complete the following fields. All the mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk.
Field Description
Name Enter a name for the new note category. This field can accept value up to 100 characters.
Lookup Enter the lookup value. This field can accept value up to 100 characters.

4. Click [Create].
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK] to continue.
The new Note Category is created.

Maintaining Default Notes

Viewing Note Category Details

The Note Category Details dashboard allows you to view the details of all created note categories.

To View Note Category Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Notes.

The REC Admin Note Summary is displayed.

2. Right-click a Note Category in the REC Admin Note Summary and select Note Category Details.
The Note Category Details dashboard is displayed.

It includes the following columns:

Column Description
Name The name of the note category.
Lookup Value The lookup value of the note category.
User The user who created the note category.

Maintaining Default Notes

Updating Note Category Details

You can update the note category details from the Note Category Details dashboard.

To Update Note Category Details

1. Launch the Note Category Details dashboard. For details see page 135.
2. Do any of the following:
• Right-click a row and select Update Note Category.
• Double-click a row.
The Update Note Category dashboard is displayed.

3. Edit the required information.

Column Description
Name The name of the note category.
Lookup The lookup value of the note category.

4. To update the information, click [Update].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK] to continue.
The note category details are updated.

Maintaining Default Notes

Deleting a Note Category

This option allows you to delete a created note category.

You cannot delete a note category if it is linked to a note definition.

To Delete a Note Category

1. Launch the Note Category Details dashboard. For details see page 135.
2. Do any of the following:

• Click to select the required Note Category and click the Delete Note Category button .
• Right-click and select Delete Note Category.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The note category is deleted.

Maintaining Default Notes

Creating a new Note Definition

The New Note Definition dashboard allows you to create a new predefined note.

To Create a New Predefined Note

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Notes.

The REC Admin Note Summary is displayed. The tree lists all active Note Categories. Each Note Category
displays all the associated Note Definitions.
2. Right-click a Note Category in the REC Admin Note Summary and select New Note Definition.
The New Note Definition dashboard is displayed.

3. Complete the following fields. All the mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk.
Field Description
Note Name Enter a name for the new note definition. This field can accept value up to
100 characters.
Note Lookup Enter a name for the new note. This field can accept value up to 100
Note Definition Enter the note.

4. Click [Create].
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK] to continue.
The new note is created in the selected Note Category.

Maintaining Default Notes

Viewing Note Definition Details

The Note Definition Details dashboard allows you to view the details of the created note.

To View Note Definition Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Notes.

The REC Admin Note Summary is displayed.

2. In the REC Admin Note Summary do one of the following:

• Right-click a note definition whose details you want to view and select Note Definition Details.
• Double-click a note definition whose details you want to view.
The Note Definition Details dashboard is displayed.

It includes the following columns:

Column Description
Name The name of the note.
Lookup Value The lookup value of the note.
Note The predefined note.
User The user who created the note.

Maintaining Default Notes

Updating Note Definition Details

You can update the note definition details from the Note Definition Details dashboard.

To Update Note Definition Details

1. Launch the Note Definition Details dashboard. For details see page 139.
2. Do any of the following:
• Right-click a row and select Update Note Definition.
• Double-click a row.
The Update Note Definition dashboard is displayed.

The Update Note Definition dashboard displays the REC Admin Note Update Form and the Note Category
Link section. The Note Category Link section allows you to create or delete a link between the note definition
and note category definition.
3. In the REC Admin Note Update Form, edit the required information.
Field Description
Note Name The name of the new note definition
Note Lookup The name for the new note
Note Definition The note details

4. To update the information, click [Update].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK] to continue.
The note details are updated.

Maintaining Default Notes

Linking a Note Definition to a Note Category

You can link notes to note categories.

To link a Note Definition to a Note Category

1. Launch the Update Note Definition dashboard.

The Update Note Definition dashboard is displayed.

2. In the Note Category Link group, enter the required information. All the mandatory fields are denoted by an
Field Description
Note Category Name Click the more […] button and select the note category definition name from the list.
Note Category Click the more […] button and select the note definition from the list.
Lookup By default, this field is populated according to the selected note category definition

3. Click [Create Link].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
4. Click [OK] to continue.
The note is linked to the selected category.

Maintaining Default Notes

Unlinking a Note Definition from a Note Category

You can unlink a note from a note category, if required.

To Unlink a Note Definition from a Note Category

1. Launch the Update Note Definition dashboard. For details see page 139.
The Update Note Definition dashboard is displayed.

2. In the Note Category column, which displays the linked Note Categories, do any of the following:
• To delete the link to a single Note Category, click to select the required Note Category and click the
Delete Link button , or right-click and select Delete Link.
• To delete the link to multiple Note Categories, click for each Note Category you want to select and click
the Delete Link button , or right-click and select Delete Link.
• To delete the link to all Note Categories, click and click the Delete Link button , or right-click and
select Delete Link.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The note is unlinked from the selected category.

Maintaining Default Notes

Deleting a Note Definition

This option allows you to delete a created predefined note.

You cannot delete a note definition if it is linked to a note category definition.

To Delete a Note

1. Launch the Note Definition Details dashboard. For details see page 135.
2. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single Note Definition, click to select the required Note Definition and click the Delete Note
Definition button , or right-click and select Delete Note Definition.
• To delete multiple Note Definitions, click for each Note Definition you want to select and click the
Delete Note Definition button , or right-click and select Delete Note Definition.
• To delete all Note Definitions, click and click the Delete Note Definition button , or right-click and
select Delete Note Definition.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The note is deleted.

Maintaining Products and Aliases

Maintaining Products and


Financial products are examples of reference data that is used by TLM Reconciliations-Premium to help identify
matching items within a group of items that are otherwise identical. The matching process cannot differentiate
between pairs of items if they have the same dates/amounts/references unless the financial product is identified as
Financial products are a data enrichment feature of TLM Reconciliations that allow you to relate a code on an
incoming item with something more meaningful to your organisation such as the method of financial transaction, for
example shares, bonds, or units.
Financial products are nebulous by nature to allow you total flexibility when you configure them. It is up to you to
define your own financial products in your own 'house style’. The product is simply a device which can be used to
relate an apparently meaningless code on an item back to something in which you have an interest. For example, to
allow reports to be written for management information purposes.
The products in the system are displayed on the REC Admin Product Summary dashboard. For example:

Product aliases

A financial product alias is an alternative code that can be configured within TLM Reconciliations and is used to
identify the financial product to which it relates.
After loading messages, TLM Reconciliations-Premium examines the reference information held for each item,
looking for known aliases. If an alias is found, the item is marked with a corresponding internal ID. When items are
proposed for reconciliation, TLM Reconciliations-Premium uses the assigned internal ID to identify matching items
if the appropriate matching rules have been created by the user.

What do you want to do?

Create a new product, see below

View product details, page 147

Maintaining Products and Aliases

Update a product, page 148

Link a product to an item type, page 149
Unlink a product from an item type, page 150
Create a new product alias, page 151
View product alias details, page 152
Delete a product alias, page 153
Delete a product, page 154

Maintaining Products and Aliases

Creating a New Product

The New Product dashboard allows you to create a new product.

To Create a New Product

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Products.

The REC Admin Product Summary dashboard is displayed.

2. Right-click on a node in the summary dashboard and select New Product.

The New Product dashboard is displayed.

3. Enter the required Product name and Description.

4. Click [Create].
The new product is created and is displayed on the REC Admin Product Summary dashboard the next time it is

Maintaining Products and Aliases

Viewing Product Details

The Product Details dashboard allows you to view the details of selected products.

To View Product Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Products.

The REC Admin Product Summary dashboard is displayed.

2. Do one of the following:

• Right-click the product whose details you want to view and select Product Details.
• Double-click the product whose details you want to view.
The Product Details dashboard is displayed.

Maintaining Products and Aliases

Updating a Product
You can update product details from the Update Product dashboard.

To Update a Product

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Products.

2. Right-click on the product that you want to update in the Product Summary, and select Product Details.
The Product Details dashboard is launched.

3. Right-click on the product and select Update Product.

The Update Product dashboard is launched.

4. Use the fields provided to update the product’s description.

Maintaining Products and Aliases

Linking a Product to an Item Type

You can link a Product to an Item Type on the Update Product dashboard.

To Link a Product to an Item Type

1. Launch the Update Product dashboard.

The Update Product dashboard is displayed.

2. In the Product – Item Link group, enter the required information. All the mandatory fields are denoted by an
Field Description
Item Type Select an Item Type from the drop-down list.
Category Click the more […] button and select the required category code
from the list.

3. Click [Create Link].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
4. Click [OK] to continue.
The Product is linked to the selected Item Type.

Maintaining Products and Aliases

Unlinking a Product from an Item Type

You can unlink a Product from an Item Type, if required.

To Unlink a Product from an Item Type

1. Launch the Update Product dashboard.

2. In the grid, do one of the following:
• To delete the link to a single Item Type, click to select the required Item Type and click the Delete Link
button , or right-click and select Delete Link.
• To delete the link to multiple Item Types, click for each Item Type you want to select and click the
Delete Link button , or right-click and select Delete Link.
• To delete the link to all Item Types, click and click the Delete Link button , or right-click and select
Delete Link.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The product is unlinked from the selected Item Type.

Maintaining Products and Aliases

Creating a New Product Alias

The New Product Alias dashboard allows you to create a new product alias.

To Create a New Product Alias

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Products.

The REC Admin Product Summary dashboard is displayed.

2. Right-click on the product for which you want to create an alias in the Summary dashboard and select New
Product Alias.
The New Product Alias dashboard is displayed.

3. Enter the required Alias, and optionally a Set ID, Short Code, and Priority.
4. Click [Create].
The new alias is associated with the product.

Maintaining Products and Aliases

Viewing Product Alias Details

The Product Alias Details dashboard allows you to view the details of selected products’ aliases.

To view Product Alias Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Products.

The REC Admin Product Summary dashboard is displayed.

2. Right-click the product whose alias details you want to view and select Product Alias Details.
The Product Alias Details dashboard is displayed.

Maintaining Products and Aliases

Deleting a Product Alias

This option allows you to delete a created Product Alias.

To Delete a Product Alias

1. Launch the Product Alias Details dashboard.

2. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single Product Alias, click to select the required Product Alias and click the Delete Product
Alias button , or right-click and select Delete Product Alias.
• To delete multiple Product Aliases, click for each Product Alias you want to select and click the Delete
Product Alias button , or right-click and select Delete Product Alias.
• To delete all Product Aliases, click and click the Delete Product Alias button , or right-click and
select Delete Product Alias.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The Product Alias is deleted.

Maintaining Products and Aliases

Deleting a Product
This option allows you to delete a Product.

To Delete a Product

1. Launch the Product Details dashboard.

2. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single Product, click to select the required Product and click the Delete Product button ,
or right-click and select Delete Product.
• To delete multiple Products, click for each Product you want to select and click the Delete Product
button , or right-click and select Delete Product.
• To delete all Products, click and click the Delete Product button , or right-click and select Delete
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The Product is deleted.

Maintaining Business Entities

Maintaining Business Entities

To identify a customer who is responsible for a given item, our side data fed into the system must include a source
code in the reference fields. If liability for charges should arise, the correct customer can be addressed for
You can update source codes from the REC Admin Source Summary tree, which is accessed via the main menu bar.
The sources (business entities) on this dashboard are ordered by source name. For example:

Each source or business entity belongs to a department. The source code is displayed in our side item references.
You can identify the customer responsible for any charges incurred using the Source-Department-Customer

Source aliases

When you create a new source (business entity), TLM Reconciliations-Premium automatically creates a source alias
with the same code as the source it is aliasing. You can add further source aliases to allow for the different ways the
source might be presented in incoming messages. When a message arrives, TLM Reconciliations looks for any
source aliases that have been configured. If it finds a match on one of the alias codes, the system decodes the alias to
the parent source code.

What do you want to do?

Create a new source, see below

View source details, page 157
Update a source, page 158
Create a new source alias, page 159 View source alias details, page 160
Delete a source alias, page 161
Delete a source, page 162

Maintaining Business Entities

Creating a New Source

A source alias is automatically created when a source (business entity) is added to the system. The source alias has
the same name as the source to which it relates. Further aliases can be created to allow for the different ways the
source might be presented in incoming messages. The New Source dashboard allows you to create a new Source.

To Create a New Source

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Business Entities.

The REC Admin Source Summary dashboard is displayed.

2. Right-click on a node in the Summary dashboard and select New Source.

The New Source dashboard is displayed. For example:

3. Enter the required Source and Source Name.

4. Click [Create].
The new Source is created and is displayed on the REC Admin Source Summary dashboard the next time it is

Maintaining Business Entities

Viewing Source Details

The Source Details dashboard allows you to view the details of selected Sources.

To View Source Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Business Entities.

The REC Admin Source Summary dashboard is displayed.

2. Right-click the Source whose details you want to view and select Source Details.
The Source Details dashboard is displayed.

Maintaining Business Entities

Updating a Source
You can change source details, however you cannot change the source code itself. You can update the Source name
from the Update Source dashboard.

To Update a Source

1. Launch the Source Details dashboard.

2. Right-click on the Source you want to update and select Update Source.
The Update Source dashboard is launched.

3. Edit the Source Name as required.

Maintaining Business Entities

Creating a New Source Alias

If the set and message feed short codes are not specified when setting up an alias, the alias applies globally across the
system. If set, or both set and short code, are entered, the source alias is used only for data where the source lead
parameters match the set / short code set.
The New Source Alias dashboard allows you to create a new Source alias.

To Create a New Source Alias

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Business Entities.

The REC Admin Source Summary dashboard is displayed.

2. Right-click on the Source for which you want to create an alias in the Summary dashboard and select New
Source Alias.
The New Source Alias dashboard is displayed.

3. Enter the required Alias, and optionally a Set ID, Short Code, and Priority.
4. Click [Create].
The new alias is associated with the Source.

Maintaining Business Entities

Viewing Source Alias Details

The Source Alias Details dashboard allows you to view the details of selected Source’s aliases. The aliases are
ordered by alias name.

To View Product Alias Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Business Entities.

The REC Admin Source Summary dashboard is displayed.

2. Right-click the Source whose alias details you want to view and select Source Alias Details.
The Source Alias Details dashboard is displayed.

Maintaining Business Entities

Deleting a Source Alias

You must delete source aliases before deleting the associated source.

To Delete a Source Alias

1. Launch the Source Alias Details dashboard.

2. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single Source Alias, click to select the required Source Alias and click the Delete Source
Alias button , or right-click and select Delete Source Alias.
• To delete multiple Source Aliases, click for each Source Alias you want to select and click the Delete
Source Alias button , or right-click and select Delete Source Alias.
• To delete all Source Aliases, click and click the Delete Source Alias button , or right-click and select
Delete Source Alias.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The Source Alias is deleted.

Maintaining Business Entities

Deleting a Source
You cannot delete a source that has a source alias. You must delete source aliases before deleting the associated

To Delete a Source

1. Launch the Source Details dashboard.

2. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single Source, click to select the required Source and click the Delete Source button , or
right-click and select Delete Source.
• To delete multiple Sources, click for each Source you want to select and click the Delete Source button
, or right-click and select Delete Source.
• To delete all Sources, click and click the Delete Source button , or right-click and select Delete
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The Source is deleted.

Maintaining Currencies

Maintaining Currencies

Each Cash set in TLM Reconciliations-Premium must operate under a specific currency. Securities sets can either be
currency-specific or unspecified (multi-currency). You do not need to specify a currency when you create generic
You can set up the following:
• Currency codes - the codes by which currencies are known in TLM Reconciliations
• Rates for the currencies against a base currency - to permit global reporting in the base currency
• A redenomination currency and rate

Currency codes

There needs to be a currency code for every currency in which:

• a set or message feed is run.
• an item is received into the system.
In other words, if a currency does not exist on the database, you cannot create a set using that currency or reconcile
an item which arrives in that currency. The currency stored in the database should be the three-character ISO
currency code used within the SWIFT network. You also need to define descriptions of these codes and the number
of decimal places allowed for the currency.

When you save a new currency to the database, the system creates a Currency Rate record effective from today
and with a default Rate of 1.00000

If you are likely to use Cash Sets where data can come in for more than currency with the same account number, a
different Set must be created for each currency, however you cannot re-use the incoming set name more than once
for the same side (Ledger/Statement) and message type. This way, multiple message-feeds can be set up, each one
with a different currency (appropriate to the parent set) appended to the name. GEMS’s look-up logic then
determines which to use.
For example, you could set up a set called ACC1 and subaccounts of ACC1SUBGPB, ACC1SUBEUR,
ACC1SUBJPY, then process data that has a swift tag in it point at subaccount ACC1SUB. If the incoming account
name is not found as a 'sub_acc_no' (for the correct side and message type), GEMS looks at message-feed aliases
and then terminal-IDs to try and find a link with a known message-feed. If all that fails, GEMS appends the message
currency (if there is one) onto the account name, and looks that up as a message_feed.sub_acc_no.

Currency rates

For every currency held in the database you need to set a rate that is used to convert amounts in that currency to the
system base currency.
Currency rates are only used for consolidating sets into a base currency for reporting purposes. One currency is set as
the base currency with rate set to 1.00000.

Maintaining Currencies

The base currency is defined as part of the system configuration when the system is first set up.

The rate for each currency is set with an effective date. Multiple rates can be set for each currency, each effective
until superseded by another rate with a later starting date. As a result, currency rate changes can be anticipated by
setting rates with effective dates in the future.
When you save a new currency to the database, TLM Reconciliations-Premium creates a Currency Rate record
effective from today and with a default Rate of 1.00000.


Redenomination allows items in one currency to be loaded into sets in another currency. For example, sets with the
Euro currency allow entry of amounts in the former National Currency Unit.

The TLM Reconciliations system enables you to redenominate any currency with another. However, for the
purposes of this guide only euro redenominations are considered in any detail.

Normally, items have the same currency as the message feeds that they are fed into. Setting up a redenomination
code and rate enables items in redenominated currencies, for example TRL, to load to EUR sets, and vice versa. Both
the original and the redenominated currencies and amounts are stored. The exact rules that the system applies when
accepting items are determined by the message feed configuration.
Redenomination rates are also used when converting amounts during a cash transaction enquiry, or when manually
inputting cash transactions.

What do you want to do?

Display a list of currencies, see below

Add a currency, page 166
Update a currency, page 167
Display the currency rates for a currency, page 168
Add a currency rate, page 169
Delete a currency rate, page 170
Delete a currency, page 171

Maintaining Currencies

Displaying a List of Currencies

To Display a List of Currencies

• Select Menu > Static Administration > Currencies > Currencies.

The REC Admin Curr Detail dashboard is displayed.

Maintaining Currencies

Adding a Currency
To Add a New Currency

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Currencies > Currencies.

The Rec Admin Curr Detail dashboard is displayed.

2. Right-click in the grid and select New Currency.

The New Currency window is displayed.

3. Enter the code for the currency using up to 3 characters.

The three-character ISO currency code used within the SWIFT network is recommended.
4. Select an option from the Currency Decimals dropdown list: (Nought) to Three inclusive. This is the number
of places in which the currency is expressed.
5. If the currency is to be redenominated, enter the Redenom Code and Redenom Rate.

The redenomination currency must already exist in the database as a currency before it can be used as a
redenomination currency.

6. Optionally, enter a Description for the currency - up to 60 characters are available.

7. Click [Save]. The currency is created.

Maintaining Currencies

Updating a Currency
To Update a Currency

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Currencies > Currencies.

The Rec Admin Curr Detail dashboard is displayed.

2. Right-click on the currency that you want to update and select Currency Update.
The Currency Update window is displayed. For example:

3. Edit the fields as required, and click [Update].

Maintaining Currencies

Displaying the Currency Rates for a Currency

To Display the Currency Rates for a Currency

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Currencies > Currencies.

The Rec Admin Curr Detail dashboard is displayed.

2. Right-click on the currency that you want to view the currency rates for and select Currency Rates.
The Currency Rates dashboard is displayed. For example:

Maintaining Currencies

Adding a Currency Rate

To Add a New Currency Rate

1. From either the relevant currency row on the Rec Admin Curr Detail dashboard or anywhere on the Currency
Rates dashboard for the relevant currency, right-click select New Currency Rate.
The New Currency Rate window is displayed. For example:

2. Enter the date from which the currency rate will be effective.
3. Enter the rate.
4. Click [Create].
The currency rate is created.

Maintaining Currencies

Deleting a Currency Rate

To Delete a Currency Rate

1. Launch the Currency Rates dashboard.

2. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single currency rate, click to select the required currency rate and click the Delete button ,
or right-click and select Delete.
• To delete multiple currency rates, click for each currency rate you want to select and click the Delete
button , or right-click and select Delete.
• To delete all currency rates, click and click the Delete button , or right-click and select Delete.
The progress window shows the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for additional
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The currency rate is deleted.

Maintaining Currencies

Deleting a Currency
To Delete a Currency

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Currencies > Currencies.

The Rec Admin Curr Detail dashboard is displayed.

2. Do any of the following:

• To delete a single currency, click to select the required currency and click the Delete button , or right-
click and select Delete.
• To delete multiple currencies, click for each currency you want to select and click the Delete button ,
or right-click and select Delete.
• To delete all currencies, click and click the Delete button , or right-click and select Delete.
The progress window shows the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for additional
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The currency is deleted.

Maintaining Exception Types

Maintaining Exception Types

Exception Type dashboard allows you to add/update exception types which can then be used when creating manual
exceptions or soft configure them when creating auto exceptions.

What do you want to do?

Create a new exception type, see below

View exception type details, page 176
View all exception types, page 177
Update exception type, page 173
Delete exception type, page 178

Maintaining Exception Types

Searching for Exception Types

Exception types are listed in the Rec Admin ExceptionType Summary window.

To Search for Exception Types

• Select Menu > Static Administration > Exception Types.

The Rec Admin ExceptionType Summary window is displayed with all active exception types.

Maintaining Exception Types

Creating/Updating Exception Types

The dashboards for creating or updating exception types contain exactly the same fields and options.

To Create/Update Exception Types

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Exception Types.

The REC Admin Exception Type Summary is displayed.
If you want to create a new exception type, carry out step 2, if you want to create and/or update an existing
exception type, carry out step 3.
2. Right-click a node in the REC Admin Exception Type Summary and select New Exception Type.
The New Exception Type dashboard is displayed.
3. Right-click a node to select Exception Type Details.
The Exception Type Details dashboard is displayed.
• Right-click a row to select Update Exception Type or New Exception Type, or double-click a row to
update it.
The corresponding window is displayed.
4. Complete the following fields. All the mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk.
Field Description
Category Click the more […] button and select a category name from the displayed list.
Name Enter a name for the new Exception Type. This field can accept value up to 100
Description Enter an appropriate description. This field can accept value up to 255 characters.
Lookup Enter the unique lookup value or click the more […] button and select a value. This field
can accept value up to 100 characters.
Stormable This defines whether an exception is stormable, i.e. you can add entities to an existing
active exception, rather than (Non-Stormable) create a new exception.
Select one of the option from the drop-down list:
• Yes
• No
Base Priority Select one of the priority from the drop-down list of those available:
• Critical
• Normal
• Overdue

Maintaining Exception Types

5. Click [Create]/ [Save].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
6. Click [OK] to continue.
The new exception type is created/updated.

Maintaining Exception Types

Viewing Exception Type Details

You can view the details of the created exception types in the Exception Type Details dashboard.

To View Exception Type Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Exception Types.

The REC Admin Exception Type Summary is displayed.
2. In the REC Admin Exception Type Summary do one of the following:
• Right-click an exception type whose details you want to view and select Exception Type Details.
• Double-click an exception type whose details you want to view.
The Exception Type Details dashboard is displayed.
It includes the following columns:
Column Description
Exception Category The category to which the Exception Type belongs.
Exception Type Name The name of the Exception Type.
Exception Type Lookup The lookup value of the Exception Type.This value should be
Exception Type Description The description of the Exception Type.
Exception Type Stormable The Stormable type, i.e. Yes or No.
Exception Type Base Priority The type of base priority selected.
Exception Type Active Status The status of exception type, i.e., either Active or Inactive.
Exception Category ID The category id.
Exception Type ID The exception type id.

Maintaining Exception Types

Viewing All Exception Types

You can view all created exception types in the All Exception Types dashboard.

To View All Exception Types

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Exception Types.

The REC Admin Exception Type Summary is displayed.
2. In the REC Admin Exception Type Summary, right-click and select All Exception Types.
The All Exception Types dashboard is displayed, which displays all the exception details that are existing in all
nodes of Exception types.

Maintaining Exception Types

Deleting an Exception Type

This option allows you to delete a created Exception type.

To Delete an Exception Type

1. Launch the Exception Type Details dashboard.

2. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single Exception Type, click to select the required Exception Type and click the Delete
Exception Type button , or right-click and select Delete Exception Type.
• To delete multiple Exception Types, click for each Exception Type you want to select and click the
Delete Exception Type button , or right-click and select Delete Exception Type.
• To delete all Exception Types, click and click the Delete Exception Type button, or right-click and
select Delete Exception Type.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The Exception Type is deleted.

Maintaining Alert Types

Maintaining Alert Types

Alert Type dashboard allows you to add/update the new Alert Types to the system.

What do you want to do?

Create a new alert type, see below

Update alert type, page 180
Delete alert type, page 182

Maintaining Alert Types

Displaying a List of Alert Types

To Display a List of Alert Types

• Select Menu > Static Administration > Alert Types.

The REC Admin Alert Type Detail dashboard is displayed.

Maintaining Alert Types

Creating/Updating Alert Types

The dashboards for creating or updating alert types contain exactly the same fields and options.

To Create/Update Alert Types

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Alert Types.

The REC Admin Alert Type Details is displayed.
2. If you want to create a new alert type, carry out step 3, if you want to create and/or update an existing alert type,
carry out step 4.
3. Right-click a row in the REC Admin Alert Type Details and select New Alert Type.
The New Alert Type dashboard is displayed.
4. Right-click a row in the REC Admin Alert Type Details and select Update Alert Type.
The Update Alert Type dashboard is displayed.
5. Complete the following fields. All the mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk.
Field Description
Name Enter a name for the new Alert Type. This field can accept value up to 100 characters.
Description Enter an appropriate description. This field can accept value up to 255 characters.
Lookup Enter the unique lookup value or click the more […] button and select a value. This field
can accept value up to 100 characters. It should be the unique in the system.
Default Severity Select one of the option from the drop-down list of those available:
• Critical
• Info
• Regular
Message Enter an appropriate message. This field can accept value up to 1000 characters.

6. Click [Create]/ [Save].

The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
7. Click [OK] to continue.
The new alert type is created/updated.

Maintaining Alert Types

Deleting an Alert Type

This option allows you to delete a created alert type.

To Delete an Exception Type

1. Launch the Alert Type Details dashboard.

2. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single Alert Type, click to select the required Alert Type and click the Delete Alert Type
button , or right-click and select Delete Alert Type.
• To delete multiple Alert Types, click for each Alert Type you want to select and click the Delete Alert
Type button , or right-click and select Delete Alert Type.
• To delete all Alert Types, click and click the Delete Alert Type button, or right-click and select
Delete Alert Type.
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The Alert Type is deleted.

Maintaining Assets

Maintaining Assets

The following options are available on the Static Administration menu to enable admin users to configure assets.

What do you want to do?

Search for an asset, see below

Create or update an asset, page185
View Asset Details, page187
Delete an Asset, page 188
Create a new asset alias, page 189
View asset alias details, page 190
Delete an Asset Alias, page 191
Link an Asset Alias, page 192
Unlink an Asset Alias from an Asset, page 193

Maintaining Assets

Searching for an Asset

You can search for assets with the Search Prompt – REC Admin Asset Summary Treeview: Control Segment

To search for an Asset

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Assets > Assets.

A search prompt is displayed.
2. Select some applicable options and enter the relevant data to help narrow down your search and click [Search].
The REC Admin Asset Summary TreeView is displayed with all the available assets.

For details on the window fields see Creating/Updating Assets, page 185

Maintaining Assets

Creating/Updating Assets
The dashboards for creating or updating assets contain exactly the same fields and options. They allow you to define the
required asset details.

To Create/Update an Asset

The application provides the possibility for creating/updating asset details.

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Assets > New Asset or select Menu > Static Administration > Assets >
2. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The REC Admin Asset Summary dashboard is displayed.

3. In the resulting list, right-click on a node in the tree to select New Asset/Update Asset.
You can also access the Update Asset via Asset Details dashboard in the following manner:
1. Double-click a node or select Asset Details.
The Asset Details dashboard is displayed.
2. Right-click a row on Asset Details dashboard and select Update Asset.
4. Complete the following fields. All the mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk.
Field Description
Asset Code This is the asset code for the item on the message feed. If the asset is known and is not an
alias, the code is the same as the master asset code. If the asset displayed is a known alias,
the code differs from the master asset.
Asset Description The description of the asset
Asset Type The type of Asset

Maintaining Assets

Field Description
Territory Code Code for the territory in which category is located. Up to eight characters.
Preferred Code The preferred code for display.

5. Click [Create].
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
6. Click [OK] to continue.

Maintaining Assets

Viewing Asset Details

keyword=Asset Details, Viewing

To View Asset Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Assets > Assets.

A search prompt is displayed.
2. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The REC Admin Asset Summary window is displayed with all available assets.
3. Do one of the following:
• Right-click an asset whose details you want to view and select Asset Details.
• Double-click an asset whose details you want to view.
The Asset Details window is displayed.

It includes the following columns:

Field Description
Code The asset code.
Description The description of the code.
Preferred Code The preferred code for display.
Territory Code Code for the territory in which category is located.
Type The type of the code.

Maintaining Assets

Deleting an Asset
To Delete an Asset

1. Launch the Asset Details dashboard.

2. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single asset, click to select the required Asset and click the Delete , or right-click and
select Delete.
• To delete multiple Assets, click for each Asset you want to select and click the Delete button , or
right-click and select Delete.
• To delete all Assets, click at the top of the grid and click the Delete button .
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The Asset is deleted.

Maintaining Assets

Creating New Asset Alias

keyword=New Asset Alias, Creating
<short description>

To Create a New Asset Alias

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Assets > Assets.

A search prompt is displayed.
2. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The REC Admin Asset Summary window is displayed with all available assets.
3. In the resulting list right-click on a node in the tree to select New Asset Alias.
The New Asset Alias window is displayed.

4. Complete the fields as required.

The following table describes the configurable fields available in the New Asset Alias window:
Field Description
Asset Alias Code The asset alias code.
Asset Alias Code Type The type of asset alias code.
Asset Alias Type The type of asset alias.
Asset Internal ID The internal id of the asset.

5. Click Create.
A new Asset Alias is created.

Maintaining Assets

Viewing Asset Alias Details

keyword=Asset Details, Viewing
<short description>

To View Asset Alias Details

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Assets > Assets.

A search prompt is displayed.
2. Enter your search criteria and click [Search].
The REC Admin Asset Summary window is displayed with all the available assets.
3. Do one of the following:
• Right-click an asset alias whose details you want to view and select Asset Alias Details.
• Double-click an asset alias whose details you want to view.
The Asset Alias Details window is displayed.

It includes the following columns:

Field Description
Code The asset code.
Code Type The type of asset code.
Territory Code The territory code.
Type The type of asset alias.
Asset Code The asset code.
Asset Description The asset description
Creation Date The asset created date.

Maintaining Assets

Deleting an Asset Alias

To Delete an Asset Alias

1. Launch the Asset Alias Details dashboard.

2. Do any of the following:
• To delete a single Asset Alias, click to select the required Asset Alias and click the Delete button , or
right-click and select Delete.
• To delete multiple Asset Aliases, click for each Asset you want to select and click the Delete button ,
or right-click and select Delete.
• To delete all Assets, click at the top of the grid and click the Delete button .
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
3. Click [OK] to continue.
The Asset Alias is deleted.

Maintaining Assets

Linking an Asset Alias to an Asset

You can link an Asset Alias to an asset from the Update Asset Alias Details dashboard.

To Link an Asset Alias to an Asset

1. Launch the Asset Alias Details dashboard.

The Asset Alias Details dashboard is displayed.
2. Right-click an asset alias and select Link.
The Link: Interaction required window is displayed.
3. From the Select Stock group, enter the Asset Internal ID or click the ellipsis […] button to select an Asset
Internal ID.
4. To select all the listed Asset Aliases, select Apply To All from the Apply to All group.
5. Click [Link].
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
6. Click [OK] to continue.
The Asset Alias is linked to the selected Asset.

Maintaining Assets

Unlinking an Asset Alias from an Asset

You can unlink an Asset Alias from an Asset, if required.

To Unlink an Asset Alias From an Asset

1. Launch the Asset Alias Details dashboard.

The Asset Alias Details dashboard is displayed.
2. Right-click an asset alias and select Unlink.
The Link: Interaction required window is displayed.
3. To select all the listed Asset Aliases, select Apply To All from the Apply to All group.
4. Click [Unlink].
The progress window shows the status of the changed data. In the progress window, click [Show All Results] for
additional information.
5. Click [OK] to continue.
The Asset Alias is unlinked from the selected Asset.

Maintaining Assets

Unknown Assets
A known security or security alias is one which has been set up manually using the Assets option on the Admin tree
or using a stock loading program such as the STOCKS server.
Although a given master security code (stored on the STCK table) and its associated aliases (stored on the STOL
table) have different security/stock codes, they all have the same STOCK_ID which is an internally allocated
positive number.
If a message arrives bearing a stock code which the system cannot find on the STOL table, the security is considered
to be unknown and is stored on STOL with an internally allocated negative STOCK_ID.
Unknown securities can result in low match rates, so it is important to make them known as soon as possible.

What do you want to do?

Search for an unknown asset, see below

Maintaining Assets

Searching for an Unknown Asset

You can search for unknown assets with the Search Prompt – REC Admin Asset Alias window.

To Search for an Unknown Asset

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Assets > Unknown Assets.
A search prompt is displayed.

2. Select some applicable options and enter some relevant data to help narrow down your search and click
The REC Admin Asset Alias Unknown Details window is displayed with all available assets alias unknown

The following table describes the search fields available in the REC Admin Asset Alias Unknown Details
Field Description
Code The asset code
Code Type The code type.
Territory Code The territory code.
Type The asset type.
Asset Code The asset code.
Asset Description The asset description.
Creation Date The asset created date

Maintaining Assets

Editing Unknown Asset details

Using the form you can edit asset details.

To edit asset details using a form

1. In the Rec Admin Asset Alias Unknown Detail dashboard use the selectors on the left to select the items to be
2. Right-click and select ADM WC Asset Alias U.
The Edit dashboard is displayed.

3. Edit the required values.

4. Click [OK].

Configuring Exception Messaging

Configuring Exception

TLM Reconciliations-Premium provides exception messaging capabilities that allow the system to process inbound
and outbound messages, to assist with the exceptions investigation process.

The system currently supports incoming MT999, MT996 and MT995swift messages, as well as outbound MT999
and MT995 messages.

To configure the messaging process, you must use the administrative dashboards supplied to create the message
types and templates for outbound messages and the regular expressions required to match incoming messages to
existing exceptions.

What do you want to do?

Configure message types, see below

Configure inbound messages, page 205

Configuring Exception Messaging

Configuring Message Types

Message types are the templates required by users to send outbound exception messages, and are configured from
the REC Admin Message type Summary dashboard.
This dashboard is launched by selecting Static Administration > Message Types on the main menu. As Outbound
messages can be sent by either SWIFT or email, the currently configured message types are displayed in a treeview
under these categories. For example:

The options on this dashboard’s context menu enable you to add and view message types.
Each message type that you create must have a unique name, lookup and template. You can then customise the
message type as required, for example by specifying whether the message is editable by the user, and whether it
requires second user authorization before it is sent.

Next Message Settings

You can also configure a series of next message settings for your message type, to enable you to keep track of when
messages are sent, and automatically schedule follow up messages.
The following settings are available to enable you to do this:
• Delay Offset (hrs) – this setting applies to automatically generated messages of this type, and allows you to
specify a delay in hours (after an exception is raised) before the message is sent.
• Next Message Type – this setting enables you to select a follow up message type to be sent automatically after
the original message. When the original message is sent, the follow up message type is automatically updated on
the Exception Detail dashboard. The Next Message Date is also set to the current date plus any Delay Offset that
you have specified for the follow up message.
The system checks for exceptions with a next message date in the past. If any such messages are found, they are
automatically sent, and the associated exception’s next message type and date fields are updated with the
parameters from the follow up message. This enables chains of automated messages to be created.
To stop a chain, set the Next Review Date on the exception to a date in the past, or clear the next message type
• Next Review Offset (hrs) – this field is automatically updated on the exception details dashboard with the
current date time plus any configured next review offset. This assists the user in managing exceptions, and can
manually be modified from the Exception Detail dashboard.

Creating the message template

You use the Template field of the New Message Type dashboard to create the body of the message.

Configuring Exception Messaging

When creating a template for a swift message, you need to define the field structure and any standard text used in the
free format fields. For email messages, you must define the contents of the email body.
You can also add special tags to your template to allow the dynamic population of exception related fields into the
outbound message at runtime. The special tags that you add to the template text are replaced at runtime with the
process context values.
The special tags can be added for exception header details, exception summary details, the linked business entity, set
and the underlying items.
The tags use the following construction:
• $process.<variable name> - to insert a variable
• $process.<entityname>.<columnname> - to insert table column references.
For example, if you wanted an outbound message to include the exception’s ID, category ID and Owner, you would
add the following combination of text and special tags to the template field:

When a user creates an outbound message and selects the message type you created with this template, the message
field, as well as the other fields you configured for that message type, is automatically populated with the data
extracted from the exception. For example:

Configuring Exception Messaging

Refer to Appendix I for the full list of special tags/variables that can be used in templates.

Configuring Exception Messaging

Creating a New Message Type

Message types are created using the New Message Type dashboard, which contains a number of fields that you can
use to define the structure and standards of an outbound message type.

To Create a New Message Type

1. Right-click on either the Email or Swift node in the Message Type tree and select New Message Type from the
context menu.
The New Message Type dashboard is displayed.

2. Populate the message type fields as required, ensuring you have entered data into the mandatory Message Type,
Lookup and Template fields.
3. Click [Save].
The Message Type is displayed on the REC Admin Message Type Summary tree.

Configuring Exception Messaging

New Message Type dashboard fields

The following fields are displayed on the New Message Type dashboard.

* Denotes a mandatory field.

Field Description
*Message Type Enter a name for the message type.
*Lookup Enter the Lookup ID for the message type.
Description Enter a description for the message type.
Delivery Type Select one of the delivery types for the message from the drop-down list of those available:
• SWIFT – select to send a swift message
• Email – select to send an email
• Proprietary – select this to enable a third party system to send the message.
Swift Type Where required, select the type of swift message you want to use.
Sender Type Select one of the following sender types:
• Business Unit – sends the message to the Email ID or BIC code from the Business Unit
linked to the exception.
• System – sends the message to a system wide sender.
Recipient Type Select one of the following options for the intended recipient of this message type:
• Correspondent – the recipient is the address defined on the exception’s set. Valid for
email and swift message types.
• Inbox – the recipient is the address on the inbox that is linked to the exception. Valid
for email message types only.
• Business Entity – the recipient is the address on the exception’s business entity. Valid
for email message types only.
• Third party –select this option if you want users to manually select a recipient. Valid
for email and swift message types.
Editable Selected Yes or No to determine whether the user can edit messages of this type before they are
Delay Offset (hrs) Enter the offset in hours before the next message is sent.
Next Message Type Select the type of the next message to be sent.
Next Review Offset Select the offset in hours that this message is to be reviewed.
Requires Select Yes or No from the drop-down to specify whether messages of this type require second
Authorisation user authorization.
*Template Use this field to specify the details of the message template.

Configuring Exception Messaging

Updating a Message Type

Message types can be updated from the Message Type Detail dashboard.

To Update a Message Type

1. In the Message Type Detail dashboard, right-click on the message type that you want to update, and select
Message Type Update from the context menu.
2. The Message Type Update dashboard is launched, and is populated with the current message type details. For

3. Edit the Message Type details as required.

4. Click [Save].
The message type is updated.

Configuring Exception Messaging

Deleting a Message Type

Message types can be deleted using the Delete Message Type tool on the Message Type detail dashboard.

To Delete a Message Type

1. From the REC Admin Message Type Summary dashboard, right-click on the level in the tree from which you
want to delete message types, and select Message Type Detail from the context menu.
The Message Type Detail dashboard is displayed.

2. Select the message types that you want to delete.

3. Click the Delete Message Type business logic tool or right-click and select Delete Message Type from the
context menu.

Configuring Exception Messaging

Configuring Inbound Messages

For inbound SWIFT exception messages a lookup reference needs to be extracted so that the messages can be
attached to the appropriate exception. This is done using regular expressions.
TLM Reconciliations-Premium provides a standard set of regular expressions, as detailed below, which attempt to
extract the exception ID from the incoming message.
If an exception ID cannot be found, a new exception is raised to which the message is attached, and regular
expressions are used to extract data from the message’s narrative, such as currency and amount information, with
which to populate that exception:
• Our Ref – these regular expressions are used to extract the Exception ID from the incoming Swift Our Ref field,
tag 21.
• Exception Id – these regular expressions are used to extract the Exception ID from the incoming narrative field.
For MT999 messages, the expression tries to extract from tag 79. For MT995s and MT996s, data is extracted
from 77A.
If successful the message will be attached to the exception. If not, the system creates a new No Item exception to
which the message is attached.
• Currency – these regular expressions are used to extract exception currency from the swift narrative field. If
successful, the system creates a ‘Message Currency’ summary detail entry against the No Item exception.
• Amount – these regular expressions are used to extract the exception value date from the swift narrative field. If
successful, the system creates a ‘Message Value Date’ summary detail entry against the no item exception.
• Instrument – these regular expressions are used to try to extract the exception instrument (product) from the
swift narrative field. If successful, the system creates a ‘Message Instrument’ summary detail entry against the
no item exception.
Exceptions within the above categories also have priority numbers to determine the order in which they are applied.
If the system is unable to extract a valid ID from one exception, it applies the next exception in priority order, and
finally moves to the next category.
You configure regular expressions using the Regular Expressions dashboard, which lists all the current regular
expressions by their category. For example:

You can use this dashboard to add, edit and delete regular expressions.

Configuring Exception Messaging

Creating a Regular Expression

You create regular expressions using Java Regular Expression Syntax. For further information, refer to the following
tutorial on the Oracle website:
For example, to locate an exception ID from the following string on tag 21 of an incoming swift message:
:21:Exception ID:5416578
You would configure the following regular expression:

This search for the literal “Exception ID:” followed by any number of numeric characters, and then extracts those
numeric characters from the string. In this example, “5416578” is extracted from the message. This exception ID is
then used to perform the lookup to attach the message to the associated exception.

To Create a New Regular Expression

1. Right-click on the category to which you want to add the regular expression and select New Regular
Expression. (You can also access this dashboard from the main menu by selecting Static Administration >
Regular Expressions.)
The New Regular Expression dashboard is displayed:

2. Populate the fields with the required information:

Field Description
Name Enter a name for the regular expression.
Lookup Enter the Lookup ID for the regular expression.
Description Enter a description for the regular expression.
Reg Ex Type Select the Reg Ex Type from the drop-down list of those available.
Priority Enter an integer to represent the regular expression’s priority, 1 being the highest priority.
Reg Ex Data Enter the syntax required for the regular expression.

Configuring Exception Messaging

3. Click [Create].
The regular expression is created and displayed on the REC Admin Reg Ex Summary tree.

Configuring Exception Messaging

Updating a Regular Expression

You can view details of the regular expressions that are currently configured in the system, by drilling down to the
Regular Expression Detail dashboard. You can then make any necessary updates as required.

To update a regular expression

1. In the REC Admin Reg Ex Summary dashboard, double-click on the regular expression that you want to
update, or right-click and select Regular Expression Detail from the context menu.
The Regular Expression Detail dashboard is launched, and displays the selected regular expression.

2. Double-click on the regular expression or right-click and select Update Regular Expression.
The regular expression is launched in the Update Regular Expression dashboard.

3. Edit the details as required.

4. Click [Update].
The regular expression is updated.

Configuring Exception Messaging

Deleting a Regular Expression

You delete regular expressions from the system, by drilling down to the Regular Expression Detail dashboard and
applying the Delete tool.

To delete a regular expression

1. In the REC Admin Reg Ex Summary dashboard, double-click on the regular expression or category of regular
expressions that you want to delete, or right-click and select Regular Expression Detail from the context menu.
The Regular Expression Detail dashboard is launched, and displays the selected regular expressions.

2. Select the regular expressions that you want to delete.

3. Right-click and select Delete Regular Expression from the context menu, or click the Delete Regular
Expression tool .

Data Loading

Data Loading

The data loading options allow you to work with the data files and messages that have been loaded into the system.
You can also input message manually.

What do you want to do?

View loaded files, see below

View messages, page 213
Authorise and reject messages, page 218
View items on messages, page 219
Reload messages, page 220
Delete messages, page 221
Reinstate messages, page 222
Manually input messages, page 223

Data Loading

Viewing Loaded Files

You can view a record of the data files that have been loaded into the system using the Data Load Ad-Hoc
dashboard. This dashboard displays information about each file that has been loaded, including the load date and
time, KB, and the number of messages and items that were written from the file. For example:

You can drill down from any of the data files listed in this grid to view the messages that were written from the file.

To View the Record of Loaded Files

1. Select Data Loading > Ad-Hoc Data Loading Search.

The REC Data Load search prompt is displayed.

2. If you want to view specific records, enter the required search criteria in the fields provided.
To view all the data files that have been loaded, leave the search fields blank.
3. Click [Search].
The Rec Data Load Ad-Hoc dashboard is launched and displays the records returned from the search.

To view the messages written from a data file

1. Right-click on the required data files entry in the grid and select Messages.
The REC Message Ad-Hoc search prompt is displayed.

Data Loading

2. Click [Search].
Any messages that were written from the selected data file are displayed in the Messages dashboard.

Data Loading

Viewing Messages
You can view the messages that have been loaded into the system using either the REC Message Ad-Hoc or REC
Message Summary dashboard. The REC Message Summary dashboard also displays any errors associated with the
loaded messages.

Data Loading

Viewing the Message Error Summary

The REC Message Summary dashboard displays any errors with the data that has been loaded into the system,
within a tree that is grouped by set. For example:

You can drill down from any error in the Message Status Summary, to view detailed information about the message
involved in the error.

To Launch the Message Summary Dashboard

1. From the main menu, select Data Loading > Message Summary.
The REC Message Summary search prompt is displayed.

Data Loading

2. If required, enter search criteria in the fields provided to specify the types of error that you want to view.
Alternatively, leave the search fields blank to return all errors.
3. Click [Search].
The REC Message Summary dashboard is launched and displays the records returned from the search.

Data Loading

To drill down from an error

1. Right-click on the required error in the Message Status Summary and select Message.
2. The Messages dashboard is launched, displaying in-depth information about the individual messages involved
in the error. For example:

Data Loading

Searching for Messages

If you want to view every message that has been loaded into the system or search for specific messages, you can do
so by selecting the Message Ad Hoc option from the System Administration menu.

To Search for Messages

1. From the main menu, select Data Loading > Ad-Hoc Message Search.
The REC Message Ad-Hoc search prompt is displayed.

2. If required, enter search criteria in the fields provided to specify the types of messages that you want to view.
Alternatively, leave the search fields blank to return all error messages.
3. Click [Search].
The Rec Message Ad-Hoc dashboard is launched, listing the records returned from the search.

Data Loading

Authorising and Rejecting Messages

You can approve or reject any manually inputted messages that require authorization, using the business logic tools
on the REC Message Ad Hoc dashboard.

To Authorise/Reject a Message

1. From the main menu, select Data Loading > Ad- Hoc Message Search.
The REC Message Ad-Hoc search prompt is displayed.

2. If required, enter search criteria in the fields provided to specify the types of messages that you want to view.
Alternatively, leave the search fields blank to return all error messages.
3. Click [Search].
The Message Ad-Hoc dashboard is launched, listing the records returned from the search.

4. Select the message(s) that you want to authorise.

5. Do one of the following:
• Right-click and select Authorise or Reject Message, as appropriate.
• Click either the Authorise or Reject Message tools on the business logic toolbar.

Data Loading

Viewing Items on Messages

You can view any items on a message by drilling down to the Message Items dashboard, which displays information
about each item including the statement date and item type.

For messages with a status of Loaded, you can drill down to the Loaded Message Items dashboard, from which
you can access business logic tools such as Recall and Delete Item, to assist with deleting messages. For details on
Deleting messages, see page 221.

To View the Items on a Message

• From either the Message Items or REC Message Ad Hoc dashboard, right-click on the required message and
select Message Items. For messages with a status of loaded, right-click and select Loaded Message Items.
If the drill down is not available in the context menu, there are no items on the message.

Data Loading

Reloading Messages
If you are experiencing problems with a message and want to reload it, you can do so directly using the Load to
GEMS tool. Where required, you can also amend the message prior to reloading, using the Generic Message
Maintenance Input (GMMI) dashboard.

Any amendments that you make to a message might require second user authorization, depending on the SYST

You can reload any message by drilling down from either the REC Message Ad Hoc or Message Detail dashboards.

To Reload a Message to GEMS

1. Select the message that you want to reload.

2. Do one of the following:
• To reload a message directly, click the Load to GEMs tool on the business logic toolbar, or right-click
the required message and select Load to GEMS.
If required, you can select multiple messages to load at the same time.
• To amend a message before reloading to GEMS, right-click on the message that you want to edit, and select
The GMMI dashboard is launched and displays the selected message.

3. Edit the message as required using the fields provided.

4. Click the [Load & Close] button.
The message is reloaded to GEMS.

Data Loading

Deleting Messages
You can use the Delete tool on either the Message Details or REC Message Ad Hoc dashboard, to remove or back
out problematic messages from the system. When messages are deleted from the system, TLM Reconciliations-
Premium automatically adjusts the balance data.
Only messages with a status of Loading or Operator Intervention can be deleted. Before messages can be deleted you
must first:
• Recall the items on the message from any matches
• Delete the items
• Remove the items from any exceptions.

To Delete a Message

1. Select the message that you want to delete.

2. Launch the Loaded Message Items dashboard by right-clicking on the selected message and selecting Loaded
Message Items.

If the Loaded Message Items option is not displayed in the context menu, then there are no items on the
message and you can proceed to step 4 of these instructions.

3. Select the first item in the Loaded Message dashboard and do the following:
1. If the Recall tool is enabled on the business logic toolbar then the exception is involved in a match and
you must apply this tool to recall the item.
2. If the Remove Item from Exception tool is enabled on the business logic toolbar then the item is attached
to an exception, and you must apply this tool to remove the item from the exception.
3. Apply the Delete Item tool to the item.
4. If there are more items listed on this dashboard, select the next item and repeat steps 3.1 to 3.4 to delete
each additional item.
4. In either the REC Message Ad Hoc or Message Detail dashboard, select the message that you want to delete and
apply the Delete tool on the business logic toolbar. Alternatively, right-click on the required message and
select Delete.
The message is deleted or ‘backed out’ from the system.

Data Loading

Reinstating Messages
If you delete messages in error, you can reverse the process using the Undelete tool on either the Message Detail or
REC Message Ad Hoc dashboard. This changes the message status from Deleted to Operator Intervention.

To Undelete a Message

• Select the message that you want to undelete and click the undelete button on the business logic toolbar, or
right-click and select Undelete.
The message is re-instated and the load status is changed from Deleted to Operator Intervention.

Data Loading

Manually Inputting Messages

Some correspondents do not use electronic message transfer methods and therefore rely on mail to forward their
statements. Such statements must be entered manually into the database, using the Message Input function.
For users who have the 'Generic Message Input' user authority, the Message Input function is available on the menu,
from which you can launch the Generic Message Input dashboard. This dashboard allows a user to input and submit
a message consisting of a MESSAGE_HEADER record, and optionally one or more ITEM records, for GEMS to
pick it up and validate before loading it to a set. For example:

Data Loading

Inputting a Message
When inputting a message using the GMI dashboard, you must first select the message category and message type
that you want to input. This determines the attributes for input that are to be written to the MESSAGE_HEADER.
You can then add one or more Item records, by item type.
If you need to delete any item rows, you can click the delete button. If they are displayed, the counts and balances
are updated to reflect the new totals.
The items that you input are loaded to the database ready to be checked, and then loaded into the database for further
If the load fails, the data remains in the window, and the cause of any errors is identified. Otherwise a confirmation
message is displayed, telling you that your data has been submitted. If validation finds any errors, the message is
submitted for Message Maintenance.

To Input a Message

1. From the menu select Data Loading > Manual Message Input.
The Generic Message Input dashboard is launched.

The Generic Message Input dashboard opens to fit the size of your browser window. However, if you resize
the browser window the Generic Message Input dashboard does not resize. For the Generic Message Input
dashboard to fit the resized browser, you must close the window and reopen it.

2. In the Message Type Selection area, select the required Message Category from the drop-down list.
3. Select the type of message that you want to input from the Message Type drop-down list.
The message header fields relevant to the message type that you have selected are displayed.

4. Enter the required message header data. Input as many of the header attributes as possible. Some attributes are
mandatory; these attributes are denoted by an asterisk (*) after the attribute name. For REC message types the
typical mandatory attributes are:
• Set ID
• Feed ID
• Statement Date
• Currency
The Items area displays the item types available for the selected Message Type. For example, for Cash Message
Category, you can input a credit, and a debit message:

Data Loading

5. Enter the data required in the row for each item type.
Input as many of the item attributes as possible. Some attributes are mandatory; these attributes are denoted by
an asterisk (*) in the input field.
When you start entering data, a new empty row is displayed beneath the row you are completing. This enables
you to input data for additional messages. If you do not want to add additional messages, you do not need to
delete the empty row.
For many message types, a number of running totals are displayed at the bottom of the screen as you input the
data. For example:

6. Repeat step 5 for any additional messages of the selected message type that you want to input.

Data Loading

If you need to delete any item rows, you can click the delete button .
7. To load the data that you have inputted, do one of the following:
• If you want to continue to input messages of a different type, click [Load and Continue].
A confirmation message is displayed, telling you that your data has been submitted to GEMS. Click [Close]
and repeat this whole procedure for the next message type that you want to input data for.
• If you have finished inputting messages, click [Load and Close].
A confirmation message is displayed, telling you that your data has been submitted to GEMS, and the
Generic Message Input window closes.

Running Initiations

Running Initiations

Initiations are an important part of the matching process and are defined at the Set level.
You can run initiations from the Initiation Submission dashboard, accessed via the System Administration menu,
which contains a number of fields that you can use to specify and configure the required initiation. For example:

The ability to run initiations is useful in several situations, for example, when auto matching is disabled, or when you
want to resubmit a set.

To run an initiation

1. Select Manual Workflow Initiation from the main menu.

The REC Admin Initiation Submission dashboard is displayed.

Running Initiations

2. Click the More button […] next to the Initiation Name field, select the initiation that you want to run from the
list of those available, and click [Select].
The Initiation ID and Initiation Pass List ID fields are automatically populated.
3. Optionally enter a description of the initiation.
4. Do the following to identify the sets to add to the queue:
• For a single set, specify the Set ID by clicking the More button […] next to the Set Id field, selecting from
those available, and clicking [Select].
• For a group of sets specify the Group Code to propose all sets in that group, or a Category code to propose
all sets in that category, by clicking the More button […] next to the respective field, selecting from those
available and clicking [Select].
You must specify a value in at least one of Set ID, Group code or Category code.
5. Enter a priority between 1 and 99.
This determines the order in which sets are processed by the Workflow server. The lower the number, the higher
the priority.
6. Click [Submit].
The initiation is run.

Invoking TLM Control Workflow from Matching Service

Invoking TLM Control Workflow

from Matching Service

In order to invoke TLM Control from Matching Service, you have to register the Control process to ensure that it is
available within Matching Studio. This is done via the workflow tool manager that is provided with Matching
Karaf command workflowtool-manager can be used to create the workflow tool.
mat:workflowtool-manager -c 'Auto Update Exception' -p 'EXR AUTO Update Exception'
-u 81200026 -i 0

Argument Value
-c The name of the workflow tool displayed within Matching Studio.
-p The actual name of the Control process to be invoked.
-u An integer value representing the Universe id.
-i An extra integer value which can be used as an additional parameter and will be passed
into the invoked Control process.

The Control process must contain two mandatory input process context variables:
Name Description
remoteIntegerValue This is the value as specified by the ‘-i’ argument while registering the Control process
entityList This will be a list of Control entities, where the entity type should map to the same
base table as the corresponding Universe.

Invoking TLM Control Workflow from Matching Service

Configuring Entity Table in EngineConfigurationLookupService

For the lookup of the attributes needed to be passed to control as part of entity list, it is necessary to configure the
EngineConfigurationService with the name of the table that the entities are based on. Currently, the defined table
needs to be the base table of the universe used. This can be done in two ways:
1. By setting default.table property in InstallDir/app-config/configuration.json file to the name of the default entity
table. This table will then be used for all control processes that do have a table name assigned to them.
2. By configuring a map defining base table on a per process basis where property key is the process name with
prefix "map." and property value is name of the mapped table.

"smartstream.mat.tlmcontrol.table.lookup": {
"map.ARC Items SPACE": "ITEM",
"map.EXR AUTO Update Exception": "EXM_BDR_EXCEPTION",
"map.EXR AUTO Reallocate Exception": "EXM_BDR_EXCEPTION",
"map.REC AUTO Update Item Product": "ITEM",
"map.EXR AUTO Generate Alert On Item": "ITEM",
"map.EXR AUTO Generate Alert On Exception": "EXM_BDR_EXCEPTION",
"map.EXR AUTO Generate Alert On Message Feed": "MESSAGE_FEED",
"default.table": "ITEM"

If no base table is defined, ITEM table is used as the default base table. Control does not use SmartSchema, so
instead of passing a list of SmartSchema attribute passes a set of column representing the attributes needed. For
matching services to be able to correctly populate the entityList, it is necessary that a SmartSchema attribute is
defined for each column in the list passed from TLM Control.

Having registered the Control process, it can now be selected as a standard TLM style workflow tool within the pass

Invoking TLM Control Workflow from Matching Service

Additional Parameters
Apart from passing the mandatory parameters, you can also configure additional input parameters by configuring
them on the workflow tool in Matching Studio.

The parameter name should match the input process context variables defined in the TLM Control process. The
default values are used when no values are specified against the workflow tool when selected within the pass

Invoking TLM Control Workflow from Matching Service

Using Workflow Tool in Pass

Below is the example of the Auto Update Exception in Pass:

Updating/Reallocating Exception Workflow

Updating/Reallocating Exception

TLM Recs Premium provides the mechanism to update and reallocate exceptions automatically.
• Updating the exception would allow changing the exception header level attributes for example priority, reason
code, resolution code etc.
• Reallocating the exception would allow changing the exception inbox.
Both of these operations need exceptions to be identified followed by some business logic processing to be able to
update/reallocate the exception. Any changes to the exception will be audited both at the operation and attribute
Below section are described with the examples, however, these can be changed by supplying the requirements to
SmartStream Professional Services who can then configure the process to fit your requirements.
This configuration process runs as follows:
1. Configuring a pass, see page 235
2. Configuring a pass list, page 236
3. Configuring an initiation, page 237
4. Submitting an initiation, page 238

Updating/Reallocating Exception Workflow

Implementation of Update/Reallocate Exceptions

Identifying the exceptions requires setting up soft configurable rules and leveraging Matching Services ability to
execute initiations on non-Item universe, for example REC Exceptions. The exceptions which are identified by
Matching Services then to be updated/reallocated, which requires setting up TLM Control workflow to execute the
business logic processing.
Refer to Invoking TLM Control Workflow from Matching Services, page 229 for details on how Matching Services
can be used to identify data sets on non-Item universe and invoke TLM Control Workflows.
In general, the configuration for identification of exceptions is no different than standard matching configuration
except for invoking some predefined workflow tools which result in updating/reallocating the identified exceptions.

Updating/Reallocating Exception Workflow

Configuring Pass
To identify the exceptions that you want to update/reallocate, you first create a pass.
Below is the example for the Auto Update Exception Pass:

Updating/Reallocating Exception Workflow

Configuring Pass List

Pass List allows you to combine passes and specify the order of passes. A pass list is then specified in an Initiation
and when the initiation is run, it references the pass list and executes the passes contained in the list.
Below is the example for the Auto Update Exception Pass List:

Updating/Reallocating Exception Workflow

Configuring Initiation
Below is the example for the EXR Trigger Update Exception Initiation:

Initiations need to be defined of Type "Remote STPCA Engine" with Remote Engine parameters configured to
have predefined value.

Parameters should be either EXCUPDATE / EXCREALLOCATE.

Updating/Reallocating Exception Workflow

Submitting Initiation
Initiations defined can also be scheduled and if configured would be picked up the Schedule engine and would be
submitted via the WORKFLOW_QUEUE table.
Note that initiations of “Remote STPCA Engine" (Type 2) in the WORKFLOW_QUEUE table are not directly
picked up by Matching Services but instead will be read by the Control daemon process (in the EXR project) which
then submits the initiation via JMS Queue.

WORKFLOW_QUEUE initiations which need to be directly picked by Matching Services need to be of “STP
Workflow Manager" (Type 1) but can only be based on the ITEM universe.

Matching Services then processes this initiation as any other initiation and then returns the result by invoking the
configured process in the pass with the entity list populated.
The configured process then executes the necessary business logic to update /reallocate the exception.

Generating Alerts

Generating Alerts

Alert Service allows to generate alerts on any entity type rather than just exceptions. This is achieved by leveraging
the Matching Services capabilities to execute rules on any universe and identify underlying data on which alerts can
be created.
The standard implementation of the service allows to generate alerts on Item, Exception and Message Feed which
implies that rules can be setup on the Item, REC Exceptions and REC Message Feed Admin universe to be able to
identify and generate alerts on Item, Exceptions and Message Feeds.
Standard business logic tools are provided to generate alerts on specific underlying entities which can be used while
setting up configuration i.e. Pass. These business logic tools are standard TLM Control workflow tools which are
used to delegate to the Common Services Alert framework for creation of alerts.
Refer to Invoking TLM Control Workflow from Matching Services, page 229 for details on how Matching Services
can be used to identify data sets on non Item universe and invoke TLM Control Workflows.
In general, the configuration for identification of underlying data on which alert need to be generated is no different
than standard matching configuration except for invoking some predefined workflow tools which result in creation
of alerts.
The alerts are generated in the system, which are flagged up in the user interface i.e. WebConnect on the navigation
bar, refer Recs Premium User Guide, section Viewing Alerts for details.

Generating Alerts

Configuring Pass
To identify the underlying items on which you need to generate an alert, you first create a pass.
Below is the example for Auto Generate Item Alert Pass:

AlertInboxLookup is an optional attribute which if populated will allocate the alert in the appropriate Inbox else
will default to 'Unallocated'.

AlertTypeLookup is a mandatory attribute which defines the Alert Type of the alert. The alert types can soft
configured using the static administration option.

Generating Alerts

Configuring Pass List

Pass List allows you to combine passes and specify the order of passes. A pass list is then specified in an Initiation
and when the initiation is run, it references the pass list and executes the passes contained in the list.
Below is the example for Auto Generate Item Alert:

Generating Alerts

Configuring Initiation
Below is the example for the EXR Trigger Alert On Item is shown below:

Initiations need to be defined of Type "Remote STPCA Engine" with Remote Engine parameters configured to
have predefined value of 'ALERT'.

Generating Alerts

Submitting Initiation
Initiations defined can also be scheduled and if configured would be picked up the Schedule engine and would be
submitted via the WORKFLOW_QUEUE table.
Please note that initiations of Type 2 i.e. "Remote STPCA Engine" in the WORKFLOW_QUEUE table are not
directly picked up by Matching Services but instead will be read by the Control daemon process (in the EXR project)
which then submits the initiation via JMS Queue.

WORKFLOW_QUEUE initiations which need to be directly picked by Matching Services need to be of Type 1
"STP Workflow Manager" but can only be based on the ITEM universe.

Matching Services then processes this initiation as any other initiation and then returns the result by invoking the
configured process in the pass with the entity list populated.
The configured process then executes the necessary business logic to generate an alert on the underlying entity list.

Generating Alerts

Turning Off Alerts (Optional)

Standard tree controls with some special markup are used to contribute to the alert control. This allows customizing
the alert control as per the client needs and also gives provides the flexibility to turn off the alerts on the user
interface if required.
Below mentioned are the standard tree controls which are annotated to contribute to the alert control by default.
Remove the annotation "{MENU ALERTS}" from the Name attribute of the Tree Control to turn off the alerts on
the user interface.
1. REC Items Alerts Summary contributes the alerts which are created on Items.
2. REC Exceptions Alerts Summary contributes the alerts which are created on Exceptions.
3. REC Lifecycles Message Feeds Alerts Summary contributes the alerts which are created on Message Feeds.

Configuring Archiving

Configuring Archiving

TLM Reconciliations-Premium provides two possibilities for archiving data:

• Archiving data using partitions
This function is an integrated part of TLM Reconciliations-Premium. It works with partitioning data in the
• Archiving data using TLM Archive
This function uses TLM Archive to extracts data from your source database and inserts it into the Archive
database in XML format.

What do you want to do?

Archive data using partitions, see below

Archive data using TLM Archive, page 253

Configuring Archiving

Archiving Using Partitions

Archiving is an integrated part of TLM Reconciliations-Premium and is based on the partitioning of data in the
database. The use of partitioning is optional; however the full benefit of the archiving process can only be achieved
if partitioning is implemented. There is some configuration required to implement partitioning and to run the
archiving process, and an understanding of how archiving works will help you to achieve this.
The procedure required to set up your database to enable archiving is described in the TLM Reconciliations-Premium
Installation Guide. This section describes how the archiving process works and how to configure it.

Important: Archiving is currently only supported on Oracle Enterprise Edition.

Configuring Archiving

Archiving Process when Using Partitioning

The following list outlines the archiving process. Further information about the process follows.
1. When records are loaded into the system they are considered active, and are moved to a partition based on the
date value in the archive_status field.
2. The archive_status field is set to an estimated date when the record is loaded, which by default is 30 days after
the load date. You can change this period by editing the Retention Days setting in the
3. When the record is matched, the archive_status field is reset to the actual archive date, which by default is 30
days after the match date (the Retention Days setting).
4. When the date in a record’s archive_status field is reached, the record is considered archive.
5. When an administrator runs the check_move_to_active procedure, any data that is considered archive but is not
matched is set back to active, and the archive_status field is reset to a new estimated archive date, which by
default is 30 days after the date is reset.
6. When all of the data is a partition is considered archive, the data in this partition can be compressed to save
storage space.

Configuring Archiving

Allocating Data to Partitions

When partitioning is in place for archiving the database system assigns all records to a partition as soon as they have
been loaded. TLM Reconciliations-Premium assigns an expected archive date to each record at load time. This date
determines which partition the record is moved to. The expected archive date is derived from the load date +
retention days.
When records are matched, the expected archive date is replaced with the actual archive date. The actual archive date
is derived in a similar way, that is, match dare + retention days.
Because most records are matched automatically on the date they are loaded, the expected archive date and the actual
archive date in most cases will remain the same, and so the record will stay in the same partition.
For the remaining records that have to be matched manually, the expected archive date and the actual archive date
might differ. If the actual archive date is still within the date range of the partition limits, the record will stay in the
same partition. If the actual archive date falls out of the date range of the current partition limits, the record will be
moved to the partition within whose date limits the actual archive date falls.
The exception to this process is for records that are not assigned to an account. In this case, an archive date is not
assigned and the record is stored in a default partition which is never allowed to be dropped.

Configuring Archiving

Retention Days
The retention date value is stored in the SOLUTION_PROPERTIES table, and by default is 30 days.
You can set the retention days to a different value by running the following SQL command:
The new retention days value is applied only to records that are loaded or matched after the value is changed. The
archive date is not changed for records that have already been loaded and assigned a date based on the previous
retention days value.

After changing the retention period, you must restart the loading service (GEMS) and the application server to
avoid caching issues.

Configuring Archiving

Check for Unmatched Records

Records that remain outstanding or unmatched for longer than the retention period must be identified and set back to
A dedicated procedure is supplied with TLM Reconciliations-Premium to perform this task, which is called This procedure must be run on a daily basis. On Unix Systems you can use a cron job in
conjunction with the supplied shell script to schedule this check automatically.
The procedure identifies records whose expected archive date has been reached but which have not been matched
and resets the expected archive date back to today’s date + retention days.

Configuring Archiving

Compressing Archived Data

When all of the data is a partition is considered archive we recommend that you compress the data in this partition to
save storage space. If your organisation’s policy is that archive data must not be changed, you can set the partition to
be read-only. Setting data partitions to read-only has also the advantage that statistics are no longer gathered for
those partitions.
After such a time that the data no longer needs to be stored in the system, you can take the partition offline and drop

Configuring Archiving

Additional Partitions
When partitioning is set up for the database, the administrator is required to specify the partitions that they want to
create according to specified date limits. The administrator must subsequently ensure that that further partitions are
created before the expected archival date set on incoming records exceeds the date limit of the last partition.
Otherwise, if records are loaded for which the archive date falls after the existing partitions' date limits, the database
will throw an error and the records will not be loaded.

To Create Extra Partitions

1. Open the recssolution.archive.partition.ranges.par file for editing.

2. In the PARTITIONS section, specify the dates that will define a range and date limit for each new partition.
This list must start with the date of the next archive that you want to create. For example, if you previously
created the following dates:
Comment out these dates and add the next set of dates as required. For example:
3. Save and close the file.
4. Open the recspremium.scriptspart1C.partitioned.tablespaces.sql file for editing.
5. Ensure that the DEFINE tablespace_file_dest statement points to the directory path where you want the
additional tablespace files to be created. For example:
DEFINE tablespace_file_dest='D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\orcl\'
6. Save and close the file.
7. From a command prompt, run one of the following scripts:
• On Windows configurations, run recspremium.script.archive.create.partitionsqls.bat
• On UNIX configurations, run
The following output files are created:
• recspremium.partitioned.addtablespaces.sql for tablespaces creation
• recspremium.partitioned.addpartitions.sql for partitions creation.
8. Ensure that the above scripts exist in the same directory.
9. From a command prompt, run the recspremium.scriptspart1C.partitioned.tablespaces.sql file to create the extra
See the TLM Reconciliations-Premium Installation Guide for further details of how to configure the
recssolution.archive.partition.ranges.par file.

Configuring Archiving

Archiving Using TLM Archive

TLM Reconciliations-Premium provides archiving capabilities by using the TLM framework. TLM Archive extracts
data from the source database and inserts it into the Archive database in XML format. The archived data can then be
viewed using the TLM client. The client allows filtering and uses a predefined XSLT stylesheet to format and
display the archived data in a user-friendly way.

What do you want to do?

Archive data categories, see below

Archiving process
Archive matching configuration, page 261

Configuring Archiving

Archive Data Categories

There are three data categories available for archiving in TLM Reconciliations-Premium: items, exceptions and
relationships. This section describes the types of information at a high level and indicates which detailed data will be
stored and available for use as search criteria.

Configuring Archiving

Items are identified and archived from the ITEM table and related tables. Links to other elements are preserved.
Data attributes on the ITEM table are stored and will be accessible as needed.
Archived data is stored in a new format and contain notes added to the item as well as audit details associated with
the item in addition to the ITEM table:
This data is embedded within the item archive structure and will be available when displaying it. Links to other data
elements are also embedded within the item archive structure, and thus provide access to relationships, exceptions
and attachments.
When archived, these elements are stored in different, dedicated data structures. It is possible to navigate from the
links to the underlying detail in these other structures through the Archive user interface.
You can search archived items by using the following standard attributes:
• Set ID
• Item Set Internal ID
• Statement Date
• Item Type
• Feed ID
• Category Code
• Item Id
• Item Status
• Item Exception Status
• Value Date
• Reference 1
• Amount or Value
• Currency 2
• Item Asset Code
• Quantity
By configuring appropriate properties in SmartSchema, additional attributes can be made available to be included in
the XML structure or for searching.
For more information on configuration, see page 258.
Attributes included in the archived xml-file can be customized using SmartSchema. This is true for all types of
Archive, not just items.

Configuring Archiving

Exceptions are identified and archived from the EXM_BDR_EXCEPTION table and related tables. Links to other
elements are preserved. Data attributes on the EXM_BDR_EXCEPTION table are stored and will be accessible as
Data extracted to the archive is stored in a new format and contain exception summary, notes added to the exception
and audit associated to the exception in addition to the EXM_BDR_EXCEPTION table:
This data is embedded within the exception archive structure and will be available when displaying it. Links to other
data elements are also embedded within the exception archive structure and provide access to items, messages and
When archived, these elements are stored in different, dedicated data structures for items and attachments
respectively. It is possible to drilldown from the links to the underlying detail in these other structures through the
Archive user interface.
You can search the archived exceptions by the following standard attributes:
• Exception ID
• Priority
• Status
• Exception Key
• Owner
• Created
• Reference
• Reason Type Name
• Resolution Type Name
• Exception Type Name
• Exception Category Name
• Inbox Name
• Set
• Exception Business Entity Name
• Their Reference
• Exception Set Internal Id
By configuring appropriate properties in SmartSchema, additional attributes can be made available to be included in
the XML structure or for searching.
For more information on configuration, see page 258.
Attributes included in the archived xml-file can be customized using SmartSchema. This is true for all types of
Archive, not just exceptions.

Configuring Archiving

Relationships are identified and archived from the TLM_BDR_RELATIONSHIP_HEADER table and related tables.
Links to other elements are preserved. All data attributes on the TLM_BDR_RELATIONSHIP_HEADER table are
stored and will be accessible as needed.
Data extracted to the archive is stored in a new format and contains audit details associated with the relationship in
addition to the TLM_BDR_RELATIONSHIP_HEADER table.
This data is embedded within the relationship archive structure and will be available when displaying it. Links to
other data elements are also embedded within the relationship archive structure and provide access to items involved
with the match relationship.
When archived, these elements are stored in the dedicated data structure for items. It is possible to navigate from the
links to the underlying detail in the archived items through the Archive user interface.
You can search archived relationships by using the following standard attributes:
• Rel Hdr Relationship ID
• Rel Hdr Overall Status
• Rel Hdr Creation Type
• Relationship Type Name
• Relationship Category Name
• Set ID
• Category Code
• Rel Hdr Principal Date
• Rel Hdr Principal Amount
• Rel Hdr Set Internal ID
By configuring appropriate properties in SmartSchema, additional attributes can be made available to be included in
the XML structure or for searching.
For more information on configuration, see page 258.
Attributes included in the archived xml-file can be customized using SmartSchema. This is true for all types of
Archive, not just relationships.

Configuring Archiving

Archiving Process when Using TLM Archive

This section describes the end to end archiving process using TLM Archive. The archiving process consists the
following phases:
1. Identifying the data to be archived, see below
2. Archiving the identified data
3. Deleting the original data

This step is currently handled in Phase 2.

Configuration of Archiving Parameters

Instead of using a stand-alone framework for configuring archiving tasks, Matching Services is used to identify the
data to be archived. This offers flexibility in terms of configuring identification rules.

Archiving and Deleting

There are multiple reasons for requiring a two stage process for archiving and deleting. Prior implementations (e.g.
Advance Archive Solution) show that these have different impacts on the system performance. It is therefore
desirable to be able to schedule them at different times.
It is also a very common business practice to verify archived data before deleting it from the live system.

Configuring Archiving

Phase 1: Identifying
The identification process is as follows:
1. A matching run is triggered to identify the data you want to archive. It defines the type and the relevant
2. Matching Services performs the matching run which identifies the data sets to be archived.
3. For every data set identified, Matching Service invokes the Archive workflow tool (i.e. TLM Control process)
which internally creates Archive jobs and triggers the actual Archive process.
Creating an Archive job involves populating the job table with entity unique identifiers.
Triggering the archiving process involves writing the Archive properties to the file system.
The Archive properties file path can be configured using the property named
Below are the tables created for storing the Archive job details.
RECS_ARCHIVE_JOB - The archive job indicates the entity type being archived along with the lifecycle
Column Description
JOB_ID Unique Identifier.
ENTITY_TYPE Entity Type of the archive job.
STATUS Status within the life-cycle of the job.
STATUS_ITEMS Status within the life-cycle of interdependent jobs viz. Relationship archive.

RECS_ARCHIVE_JOB_LINK - The archive job link table provides the list of entity ids which are ready to be
Column Description
JOB_LINK_ID Unique Identifier.
JOB_ID ID of the archive job.
LINKED_ENTITY_KEY Unique Identifier of the entity to archive.
STATUS Status within the life-cycle of the entity within the archive job.
The following Archive lifecycle statuses are available:

For details on how to setup archive matching configuration, see page 261.

Configuring Archiving

Phase 2: Archiving
Each triggered archiving process goes through a series of steps and updates the Archive job status to 'ARCHIVED'
upon completion.

In case of the Relationships, an additional archiving process is initiated for Items using the same job reference.

1. The archive updates the job status to ARCHIVING and builds a complete list of IDs to be archived. In the
simplest case those IDs are taken from the RECS_ARCHIVE_JOB_LINK table for the corresponding job.
Depending on the entity type, additional information could be joined to the entity specific tables


The item archive checks the entity type of the archiving job. When the entity type is ITEM (8018), it obtains the
list of IDs from the RECS_ARCHIVE_JOB_LINK table. When the entity type is RELATIONSHIP (8021), it
uses a join between the RECS_ARCHIVE_JOB_LINK table and the TLM_BDR_RELATIONSHIP_LINK
table. This allows for items to be archived independently of relationships if necessary.

2. The archive extracts the data for the IDs and generates the XML. The contents of the XML are configurable in a
sense that entity level and filter level attributes can be included/excluded by attribute properties in the schema.
Schema attribute properties have been introduced to provide this flexibility:
Attribute Property 'Archive' with ID 221.
Attribute Property 'Archive Filter' with ID 222.
3. The well-formed XML is then passed back to TLM which uses the message type group (MTG) configuration to
process and persist.
4. When the archiving process is completed successfully, the archive updates the job status to ARCHIVED.
Interdependent archives will update the job entity specific status.


When the archiving process is completed successfully, the item archiver will update the
RECS_ARCHIVE_JOB#STATUS_ITEMS column so that the relationship archiver can be triggered
accordingly. In case an error occurs in the archiving process, the archiver updates the job status to

Configuring Archiving

Archiving Matching Configuration

This section details how matching configuration is setup for Archive. For archiving standard entity types, a default
matching configuration is provided out of the box. This configuration then can be enhanced according to your
In general, the matching configuration for Archive is no different than a standard configuration. The difference lies
in invoking some predefined workflow tools that create Archive jobs depending on the type of entity selected.
This configuration process runs as follows:
1. Configuring a pass, see below
2. Configuring a pass list, page 264
3. Configuring an initiation, page 265

Configuring Archiving

Configuring Pass
To identify the data you want to archive, you must first create a pass. A pass defines the type of data that you want to
archive, and the relevant properties of the data (e.g. status).


Data sets for all archive types are restricted by the corresponding set. If archive types are not based on the item
universe, the default scope functionality has to be used.
Default scope is configured using the object property Default scope attributes for universe (97) in SmartSchema.

It is necessary to define a scope when using the item universe. If a pass is defined on the item universe with no
scope, then Matching Services will use the default scope which includes only outstanding items for the given set.
This may lead to items that should not be archived being removed from the database.


Data sets are grouped according to the following attributes:

• Relationship - Rel Hdr Overall Status
• Item - Statement Date
• Exception - Status

Pass Quality Steps

By default, pass quality rules are not applied on data sets for archiving.

Configuring Archiving

Configuring Archiving

Configuring Pass List

A pass list allows you to combine passes and specify the order of passes.

Configuring Archiving

Configuring Initiation
An initiation specifies a pass list. This pass list is executed when the corresponding initiation is triggered.

To Configure Archive Initiation

1. In the Details group, select Remote STPCA Engine from the Type dropdown list to have predefined values.
2. In the Remote Engine group
3. Enter ARCHIVE in the Parameters field.

This is required for all Archive entity types.

4. Enter one of the following values for the corresponding purpose in the Integer Value field.
Value Purpose
8021 Used for relationships
8018 Used for items.
1001 Used for exception.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Maintaining and Loading

General Ledger Static Data

The following options are available on the Set Administration menu to enable admin users to configure GL
reconciliations processing:
• Fiscal Calendars – enables maintenance of fiscal calendars that represent key reconciliation period dates. The
dates are used to control workflow, state changes, and scorecard criteria. Calendar Period entries relate to a
named Fiscal Calendar. Each GL set must be associated with a fiscal calendar.
• Chart of Accounts – enables users to define how the full AFF code is broken into sections, which allows the
dynamic display of any AFF without the need to extract all of the data during the load process. The data stored
will also be used during the Auto Assignment processing, which assigns unknown items to existing sets of
creates new sets.
The following option is also available on the Static Administration menu for GL recs:
• Currency Groups - enables maintenance of groups of Currency and Exchange Rates that are available for use
with Sets. A set links to a group, which gives all items on the set access to the rates in that group. This enables
the exchange rates to be direct currency to currency rates, rather than via the base currency of a set.
Users with the Admin Role have access to all of these options.
This section describes how to create and maintain each of these items manually using the UI, and also how load this
information automatically using static data feeds.

What do you want to do?

Maintain fiscal calendars, see below

Manually create a new proof header, page 275
Maintain currency groups, page 276
Auto-assignment of message feeds, page 283
Update incomplete sets of message feeds, page 296
Configure scorecard criteria, page 297
Load GL data using static data feeds, page 298
Regroup message feeds, page 302

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Maintaining Fiscal Calendars

Fiscal calendars represent periods that are used to reconcile the general ledger balances to the sub-ledger balances.
Each fiscal calendar must have a series of fiscal period entries, for example a monthly calendar might contain a fiscal
period for each month. The fiscal periods within a calendar must not overlap, however the reconciliation periods can

What do you want to do?

Create a calendar, see below

Add a fiscal period to a calendar, page 269
Update a fiscal period, page 271
Delete a fiscal period, page 272
Update a calendar, page 273
Delete a calendar, page 274

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Creating a Calendar
To Create a New Calendar

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Fiscal Calendars > New Fiscal Calendar.
The Rec Admin Fiscal Calendar Create dialog is displayed. For example:

2. Enter the calendar name.

3. Enter a description for the calendar.
4. Click [Create].
The calendar is created. You must now add fiscal periods to this calendar.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Adding a Fiscal Period to a Calendar

You must first create a calendar, and then you can add the fiscal periods to the calendar.

To Add a Fiscal Period

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Fiscal Calendars > Fiscal Calendars.
A search prompt is displayed.
2. Enter the required calendar name, or leave the field blank to return all calendars, and click [Search]
The Rec Admin Fiscal Calendar Detail dashboard is displayed.

3. Right-click on the calendar that you want to create a fiscal period for and select New Fiscal Period.
The New Fiscal Period dashboard is displayed.

4. Enter a name for the fiscal period.

5. Enter a description.
6. Select the start date for the fiscal period. This date must not overlap with a previous fiscal period.
7. Select the end date for the fiscal period.
8. Select the start date for the reconciliations period. This is typically a few days into the month following the
fiscal period.
9. Select the end date for the reconciliations period.
10. Select the Critical Date within the reconciliations period.
11. Select the Overdue Date. This is also typically within the reconciliations period.
The completed configuration might look something like this:

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

12. Click [Create].

The fiscal period is created.
13. Repeat the procedure for additional fiscal periods for this calendar.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Updating a Fiscal Period

You can make changes to any future fiscal period.

To Update a Fiscal Period

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Fiscal Calendars > Fiscal Calendars.
A search prompt is displayed.
2. Enter the required calendar name, or leave the field blank to return all calendars, and click [Search].
3. Right-click on the calendar that you want to edit a fiscal period for and select Fiscal Period Details.
The fiscal periods for the selected calendar are displayed. For example:

4. Right-click on the period that you want to update and select Update Fiscal Period.
The Fiscal Period Update window is displayed.

5. Edit the fields as required and click [Update].

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Deleting a Fiscal Period

Ensure that the fiscal period is not the current period before you attempt to delete it.

To Delete a Fiscal Period

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Fiscal Calendars > Fiscal Calendars.
A search prompt is displayed.
2. Enter the required calendar name, or leave the field blank to return all calendars, and click [Search].
3. Right-click on the calendar that you want to delete a fiscal period for and select Fiscal Period Details.
The fiscal periods for the selected calendar are displayed.
4. Select the fiscal period that you want to delete using the selectors on the left and click the delete button
on the toolbar, or right-click and select Delete Fiscal Period.
The fiscal period is deleted.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Updating a Calendar
You can edit the name or description of a calendar.

To Update a Calendar

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Fiscal Calendars > Fiscal Calendars.
A search prompt is displayed.
2. Enter the required calendar name, or leave the field blank to return all calendars, and click [Search].
The calendars are displayed.
3. Right-click on the calendar that you want to update and select Update Calendar.
The Update Fiscal Calendar window is displayed.

4. Edit the fields as required and click [Update].

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Deleting a Calendar
Ensure that the fiscal period is not the current period before you attempt to delete it.

To Delete a Calendar

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Fiscal Calendars > Fiscal Calendars.
A search prompt is displayed.
2. Enter the required calendar name, or leave the field blank to return all calendars, and click [Search].
3. Select the calendar that you want to delete using the selectors on the left and click the delete button on
the toolbar, or right-click and select Delete Fiscal Calendar.
The calendar is deleted.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Manually Creating a New Proof Header

If the Proof Header that you want to start working with has not been created automatically, you can create it
manually, either from the Set Detail dashboard or the Fiscal Period dashboard.

To Create a Proof Header from the Set Details

1. Launch the Set Details dashboard.

2. Select the set that you want to create the next period header for using the selectors on the left.
3. Do one of the following:

• Click the Create Next Period Header tool on the toolbar.

• Right-click and select Create Next Period Header.
4. Click [Accept] to create the header.
A new Proof Header is created for the currently active fiscal period. Once a proof header has been created, it
cannot be deleted.

To create a proof header from the Fiscal Period dashboard

1. Launch the Fiscal Period dashboard.

2. Select the Fiscal Period that you want to create the next period header for using the selectors on the left.
3. Do one of the following:

• Click the Create Period Headers tool on the toolbar.

• Right-click and select Create Period Headers.
A new Proof Header is created for all sets to which the fiscal period applies. Once a proof header has been
created, it cannot be deleted.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Maintaining Currency Groups

Currency groups enable you to maintain groups of Currency and Exchange Rates that are available for use with Sets.
This enables the exchange rates to be direct currency to currency rates, rather than via the base currency of a set. The
rates defined are used in the Item Revaluation process.

What do you want to do?

Create a currency group, see below

Add a currency rate to a group, page 278
Update a currency rate, page 279
Delete a currency rate, page 280
Update a currency group, page 281
Delete a currency group, page 282

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Creating a Currency Group

You must first create a currency group, and then you can add currency rates to it.

To Create a New Currency Group

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Currency Groups > New Currency Group.
The Rec Admin Currency Group Create dialog is displayed.

2. Enter a name for the currency group.

3. Enter a description.
4. Click [Create].

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Adding a Currency Rate to a Group

You must first create a currency group, and then you can add any number of currency rates to it.

To Add a New Currency Rate to a Group

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Currency Groups > Currency Groups.
A search prompt is displayed.
2. Enter the required currency group name, or leave the field blank to return all groups, and click [Search]
The Rec Admin Currency Group Detail dashboard is displayed.

3. Right-click on the currency group that you want to add a currency rate to and select New Currency Rate.
The New Currency Rate dialog is displayed.

4. Select the From Currency from the drop-down list.

5. Select the To Currency from the drop-down list.
6. Select the date from which this rate will be active.
7. Enter the exchange rate.
8. Click [Create].
The currency rate is added to the selected currency group.
9. Repeat the procedure for any other currency rates that you want to add to the group.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Updating a Currency Rate

To Update a Currency Rate

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Currency Groups > Currency Groups.
A search prompt is displayed.
2. Enter the required currency group name, or leave the field blank to return all groups, and click [Search]
The Rec Admin Currency Group Detail dashboard is displayed.

3. Right-click on the currency group that you want to update a currency rate for and select Currency Detail.
The Currency Rate Detail dialog is displayed.

4. Right-click on the currency rate that you want to update and select Update Currency Rate.
The Update Currency Rate dialog is displayed.

5. Edit the fields as required and select [Update].

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Deleting a Currency Rate in GL

Ensure that the currency rate is not in use before you attempt to delete it.

To delete a currency rate

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Currency Groups > Currency Groups.
A search prompt is displayed.
2. Enter the required currency group name, or leave the field blank to return all groups, and click [Search]
The Rec Admin Currency Group Detail dashboard is displayed.
3. Right-click on the currency group that you want to delete a currency rate from and select Currency Detail.
The Currency Rate Detail dialog is displayed.
4. Select the currency rate that you want to delete using the selectors on the left and click the delete button
on the toolbar, or right-click and select Delete Currency Rate.
The currency rate is deleted.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Updating a Currency Group

You can update the name and description of a currency group.

To Update a Currency Group

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Currency Groups > Currency Groups.
A search prompt is displayed.
2. Enter the required currency group name, or leave the field blank to return all groups, and click [Search]
The Rec Admin Currency Group Detail dashboard is displayed.
3. Right-click on the currency group that you want to update and select Update Currency Group.
The Update Currency Group dashboard is displayed.

4. Click [Create].

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Deleting a Currency Group

Ensure that the currency group is not in use before you attempt to delete it.

To Delete a Currency Group

1. Select Menu > Static Administration > Currency Groups > Currency Groups.
A search prompt is displayed.
2. Enter the required currency group name, or leave the field blank to return all groups, and click [Search]
The Rec Admin Currency Group Detail dashboard is displayed.
3. Select the currency group that you want to delete using the selectors on the left and click the delete button
on the toolbar, or right-click and select Delete Currency Group.
The currency group is deleted.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Auto-Assignment of Message Feeds

When GL message feeds are loaded into the system, they are picked up by a File Reader, and passed to the Auto
Assignment JMS queue. They then go through a number of processes to identify the set to which the data belongs,
and to enrich the data accordingly.
The sets and message feeds that are created are subject to a validation step that checks whether all fields that are
needed by the business are populated. If any fields are missing, the status of the set or message feed is set to
Incomplete. This status does not stop data from loading, but informs the user that static data is missing that is needed
before the approval process can be completed. Data can be assigned to incomplete and inactive sets during auto
Any feeds for which a set cannot be identified are loaded to the .Unknown set. Users should regularly check this set
in the UI, and try to identify the set to which the feed belongs, and add data to the feed accordingly. They can then
manually regroup the message feed to another set, or resubmit it for reprocessing.
This processing means that all message feeds will be created, so all data can load into the system without falling into
Message Maintenance.
When the processing is complete, the file is output to a directory specified in the output file step in the process, and
picked up by stlfetch for processing. You must configure the REC_AUTO_ASSIGNMENT_OUTPUT row on the
SOLUTION_PROPERTIES table to specify the location of the directory for stlfetch.
The Auto-Assignment process is driven by the use of configurable Control processes and Drools, along with Chart of
Accounts that can be configured in the User Interface.
The following diagram gives an overview of the auto-assignment process:

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Some sample Drools files and Control processes are supplied that should be configured to your specific
requirements. You should also configure the File Reader to specify the location of the directory that will contain the
message feed files, the file names to look for (for example '*.txt') and the polling interval.
You must configure the chart of account segments to capture the data correctly from the messages.

What do you want to do?

Maintain a chart of accounts, see below

Download and upload drools files, page 278

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Maintaining Chart of Accounts (CoAs)

A chart of accounts (CoA) is used to organise general ledger accounts in terms of the segment metadata that is used by
the Auto-Assignment process to allocate items to appropriate Sets. You can configure the segments using the Recs
Premium user interface.

What do you want to do?

Create a chart of accounts, see below

Add a chart of account segment, page 287
Update a chart of account segment, page 288
Add a lookup for a segment, page 289
Delete a chart of account segment, page 290
Update a chart of account, page 291
Delete a chart of account, page 292

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Creating a Chart of Accounts

You must first create a chart of accounts and the add segments to it.

To Create a New Chart of Accounts

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Chart of Accounts > New Chart of Accounts.
The Rec Admin Chart of Account Create dialog is displayed.

2. Enter a name for the chart of account.

3. Enter a description.
4. Click [Create].

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Adding a CoA Segment

You can add any number of segments to a CoA, however, the segments must not overlap.

To Add a New Segment to a Chart of Account

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Chart of Accounts > Chart of Accounts.
The REC Admin Chart of Account Detail dashboard is displayed.

2. Right-click on the CoA that you want to add a segment to and select New Chart of Account Segment.
The New Chart of Account Segment dialog is displayed.

3. Enter a display name for the segment.

4. Select a lookup code from the drop-down list, either True or False.
5. Enter a lookup display name.
6. Select the message feed column from the dropdown list.
7. Enter the start offset, that is, how many characters from the start of the message does the segment start.
8. Enter the length of the segment.
9. Click [Create].
10. Repeat the procedure for any other segments that you want to define.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Updating a CoA Segment

To Update a CoA Segment

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Chart of Accounts > Chart of Accounts.
The Rec Admin Chart of Account Detail dashboard is displayed.
2. Right-click on the CoA that you want to update a segment for and select Chart of Account Segments.
The Chart of Account Segments dashboard is displayed.

3. Right-click on the segment that you want to update and select Update Chart of Account Segment.
The Update Chart of Account Segment dialog is displayed.

4. Edit the fields as required and select [Update].

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Adding a Lookup for a Segment

You can use the segment text as a lookup value which resolves to a decode. To do so you must configure the lookups
and decode values.

To Add a Lookup Value for a Segment

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Chart of Accounts > Chart of Accounts.
The Rec Admin Chart of Account Detail dashboard is displayed.
2. Right-click on the CoA that you want to update a segment for and select Chart of Account Segments.
The Chart of Account Segments dashboard is displayed.

3. Right-click on the segment that you want to add a lookup to and select New Chart of Account Lookup.
The New Chart of Account Lookup dialog is displayed.

4. In the Code field, enter the lookup text that you expect to be present in the specific segment on the message
5. In the Description field, enter the text for the decode.
6. Click [Create].
7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 to add any additional lookup values for the segment.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Deleting a CoA Segment

To Delete a CoA Segment

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Chart of Accounts > Chart of Accounts.
The Rec Admin Chart of Account Detail dashboard is displayed.
2. Right-click on the CoA that you want to delete a segment for and select Chart of Account Segments.
The Chart of Account Segments dashboard is displayed.
3. Select the segment that you want to delete using the selectors on the left and click the delete button on
the toolbar, or right-click and select Delete Chart of Account Segment.
The segment is deleted.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Updating a Chart of Account

To Update a CoA

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Chart of Accounts > Chart of Accounts.
The REC Admin Chart of Account Detail dashboard is displayed.
2. Right-click on the CoA that you want to update and select Update Chart of Account.
The Update Chart of Account dialog is displayed.

3. Edit the fields as required and select [Update].

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Deleting a Chart of Account

To Delete a chart of account

1. Select Menu > Set Administration > Chart of Accounts > Chart of Accounts.
The REC Admin Chart of Account Detail dashboard is displayed.
2. Select the CoA that you want to delete using the selectors on the left and click the delete button on the
toolbar, or right-click and select Delete Chart of Account.
The chart of account is deleted.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Downloading and Uploading Drools Files

Various stages of the Auto assignment process can be configured using Drools spreadsheets. A number of drools
spreadsheets are supplied, which can be used as a sample. The drools spreadsheets must be created and edited using
a tool such as Excel. They can however be uploaded to the server, and downloaded again for any future updates,
using the WebConnect UI.
Using the REC Drools Attachment dashboard you can:
• Upload new drools files
• Download existing file for editing
• Upload edited files back to the application server
You might need to configure your internet security to add your application server as a trusted site to enable the
downloading of these files. For details see the User Guide, chapter Getting started with the software > Working with
grids > Exporting data > Configuring your internet security.

What do you want to do?

Download a drools file for editing, see below

Upload a new or edited drools file, page 278

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Downloading a Drools File for Editing

To Download an Existing Drools File for Editing

1. From the Menu select Menu > Static Administration > Drools > Drools.
A search dialog is displayed.

2. Enter any relevant details to narrow down the search, or leave the fields blank to return all drools files, and click
The REC Drools Attachment dashboard is displayed.
3. Right-click on the file that you want to download for editing and select Download.
A dialog is displayed offering you the option to Open or Save the file.
• Open – opens the file for editing. You will need to save the file before you can upload it back to the
application server.
• Save – saves the file to your local machine, from where you can open it for editing.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Uploading a New or Edited Drools File

To Upload a Drools File to the Application Server

1. From the Menu select Menu > Static Administration > Drools > Drools.
A search dialog is displayed.

2. Leave the fields blank and click Search.

The REC Drools Attachment dashboard is displayed.
3. Right-click anywhere on the grid and select Upload.
The upload dialog is displayed.
4. Click Browse, and navigate to and select the drools file that you want to upload.
5. Optionally add a note to describe the file or the changes you have made.
6. Click [Attach].
The file is uploaded to the application server and added to the list in the REC Drools Attachment dashboard.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Updating Incomplete Sets or Message Feeds

Some sets or message feeds that are added via the auto-assignment process might not contain all of the required
details. You must therefore add the missing data to these sets or message feeds.

To Update Incomplete Sets

1. From the Menu, select Set Administration > Set > Incomplete Set Details.
A search prompt is displayed.
2. Select or enter any required text to narrow down the search, or leave the fields blank to return all the incomplete
sets, and click [Search].
The REC Admin Incomplete Set Summary is displayed, showing only those categories that contain incomplete
3. Double-click on the category that you want to work with.
The Incomplete Set Detail grid is displayed, which is very similar to the Set Detail dashboard.

For details see chapter Maintaining Sets > Viewing Set Details.
4. Enter the missing set details inline or using the Update Sets form.

For details on entering the missing set details inline, see chapter Maintaining Sets > Updating set details inline.

For details on updating sets, see chapter Maintaining Sets > Configuring all set details.
5. Save your changes.

To update incomplete message feeds

1. From the Menu, select Set Administration > Set > Incomplete Message Feed Details.
A search prompt is displayed.
2. Select or enter any required text to narrow down the search, or leave the fields blank to return all the incomplete
message feeds, and click [Search].
The REC Admin Incomplete Message Feed Summary is displayed, showing only those sets that contain
incomplete message feeds.
3. Double-click on the message feed that you want to work with.
The Incomplete Message Feed Detail grid is displayed, which is very similar to the Message Feed Detail

For details on Message Feed Detail dashboard, see chapter Maintaining Sets > Configuring message
feeds > Viewing message feed details.
4. Enter the missing message feed details using the Update Message Feed form.

For details on Update Feed Detail form, see chapter Maintaining Sets > Configuring message feeds > Updating
message feed details.
5. Save your changes.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Configuring Scorecard Criteria

A range of ‘Custom Criteria’ attributes are available for customising the attributes that should be evaluated and
displayed in the Scorecard tab as part of the GL proof data.
The ‘CUS Refresh Scorecard’ process within the CUST project is the process that should be configured to define
which attributes should be evaluated as part of the GL reconciliation. You should ascertain what criteria you want to
evaluate, and then supply the requirements to SmartStream Professional Services who can then configure the process
to fit your requirements.
If all of the tested criteria evaluate to true when the proof is approved, the status of the proof will be set to Approved-
Reconciled. If any of the tested criteria evaluate to false when the proof is approved, the status of the proof will be
set to Approved- Unreconciled.
You should also edit the column names on the Scorecard dashboard to more meaningful names for the evaluated
attributes. Other criteria that are not tested as part of the reconciliation can be included on the Scorecard dashboard
for information.

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Loading GL Data Using Static Data Feeds

As well as providing the dashboards for the manual creation of Fiscal Periods, Currency Rates, and Chart of
Accounts, you can also load this data using feeds.
This section describes the format for each type of feed.

Before loading the feeds

1. The static data queue for the feeds must be created. For details of how to configure JMS queues, see the
Configuring queues and topics section of the TLM Control Implementation Guide for your application server.
2. Using Process Designer, ensure that the File Reader points to the location of the directory where the static data
files will be placed.

In the data feeds

The first line is mandatory and must be the indicator, which is one of the following.
The second line must be the header.
Each row must be defined in new line after the header line.
All the attributes must be separated by the ‘|’ delimiter.

What do you want to do?

View information on fiscal periods, see below

View information on currency rates, page 300
View information on chart of account segment, page 301

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Fiscal Periods
When a Fiscal period load is performed:
• If a fiscal period does not already exist, it will be created under the existing Fiscal Calendar. Existing periods are
identified using the period name field on the data.
• If the fiscal calendar does not exist, a new calendar will be created, and the new fiscal period will be created
within that calendar. The new calendar will be created using the calendar name field on the data.

Example file format:

TESTING1234|JUNE11|TESTING CALENDER JUNE|2011-06-06|2011-07-03|2011-07-04|2011-08-

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Loading Currency Rates

When a currency rate load is performed:
• If a currency rate does not already exist, it will be created under the existing Currency Group. Existing currency
rates are identified by the from_currency, to_currency, rate and active_from fields on the data.
• If the Currency Group does not exist, a new group will be created, and the new currency rate will be created
within that Currency Group.

Example file format:


Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Chart of Account
To load a Chart Of Account segment, the segment ID is mandatory, which means that the CoA segment must already
be defined using the dashboards.
Before you load the CoA feeds, they must be edited to contain the segment ID as defined in WebConnect.

Example file format

19|003|New York

Maintaining and Loading General Ledger Static Data

Re-grouping of Message Feeds

For sets with a Reconciliation Type of GL only, users can move Message Feeds from one set to another, even after
data has been loaded into them. You might need to do this where the set structure has changed, and a set is now part
of a different cost centre or region, or for unknown message feeds where a set is later identified.
This procedure moves only outstanding items. If there are pending items on the feed, they must be resolved before
the feed can be moved.
All Proofs indirectly affected by the regrouping of message feeds are reset, even those that are approved, and
associated opportunities are recalculated; therefore it is recommended that where this procedure is required, it is
performed at the start of the reconciliation period.

To Move a Message Feed to Another Set

1. Launch the Set Details dashboard.

2. Right-click the set that you want to move a message feed from and select Message Feed Detail.
The Message Feed Administration dashboard is displayed. For example:

3. Select the message feed that you want to move using the selectors on the left.

Click the Regroup Message Feed tool on the toolbar, or right-click and select Regroup Message Feed.
4. Select the Set ID that you want to move the message feed to from the list, and click [OK].
Any approved proofs affected by this move are reset, and any opportunities are recalculated.

Loading Messages

Loading Messages

SWIFT-format messages first have to be converted into a common flat file format before being loaded into TLM
Reconciliations-Premium via Gems using the RecSol.ffswift.KB. This kb file can be found in the
[Artifacts]\RecsPremium\flattener directory, and must be copied to the cfg directory where the SmartData and Recon
servers are installed, for example, $TLM_HOME/Server/cfg on UNIX, or %TLM_HOME%\Cfg on Windows.
The conversion program that you use to convert message to this format is called 'recswft' which can be found in the
[Artifacts]\RecsPremium\flattener directory, and must be copied to the bin directory where the SmartData and Recon
servers are installed.
The SWIFT flattener Recswft has been designed to behave as much like a simple reformatter as possible, but there
might be occasions when you need to give it addition parameters, such as a different KB location or file name.
Therefore it is recommended that you create a simple batch script to run it that accepts the input and output
filenames, but also allows you to specify other parameters as required. You then quote the script name in the
stlfetch.config file instead of the program name itself. A sample stlfetch file called stlfetch.example can be found in
the [Artifacts]\RecsPremium\flattener; this file must be edited as required for your environment, and saved to the
$TLM_HOME/Server/cfg directory on UNIX, or %TLM_HOME%\Cfg directory on Windows.
The command format for running recswft is as follows:
recswft inputfilename outputfilename {-d debuglevel) (-s KBname}
where 'debuglevel' is a number in the range 0 to 100, 0 being 'no debugs' and 100 being 'full debugs', and KBname is
the full path and name of the KB file to be used by the program. Either or both parameters can be specified. The
batch script should therefore contain something like this
recswft $1 $2 -d 1 -s /pathtokbfile/RecSol.ffswift.KB"
Where the input files contain Ledger and Statement messages, these are written to different files with a suffix
indicating which flatfile KB to be used for them. For example, flattened Cash messages are written into the
$2.OURCASH file for ledger messages, and the statement messages into the $2.THEIRCASH. The $2 file is created
but empty.
To convert MT940s and MT950s, use the mapmt900.kb file. MT571 and MT572 require the Mapoldsec.kb file,
while MT535 and MT536 require the Mapisosec.kb file. These files can be found in the directory where you
installed the SmartData and Recon servers, for example, $TLM_HOME/cfg on UNIX, or %TLM_HOME%\Cfg
directory on Windows.
For example:
recswft TEST_CASH.txt -s TEST_CASH "C:\Program Files\Smartstream Technologies\TLM
TLM Reconciliations-Premium only supports a subset of the SWIFT messages supported by TLM. Recswft accepts
all SWIFT messages supported by TLM, but ignores those not supported by TLM Reconciliations -Premium.

Loading Messages

Managing KBs
When you upgrade the SmartData and Recon servers, a new set of KBs, updated to the latest SWIFT version at the
time of release, are provided in the $TLM_HOME/cfg.latest directory on UNIX, or %TLM_HOME%\Cfg.Original
directory on Windows, so that any KB files that you have configured are not overwritten by the new versions. If you
want to use the latest KBs you must copy them to the Cfg directory and configure them as required.
One of these standard KBs is the primary KB; the other standard KBs are linked to the primary KB.
Any KBs that you generate using SmartSchema must also be linked to the primary KB. For example:

You can link several KBs together (known as chaining) so that they act as a single combined KB. You must do this if
you need to include a new message KB but still need to use the default KBs to load the standard messages.
As part of the linking process, you must also revise the options section in the primary KB to reflect the options
sections of the KBs that you want to link.

The following fields are reserved in KB mappings: string_4, agent_code, string_6, and string_8.

For Windows only Gems require an extra parameter that defines the path to the main KB file. This must be
specified in the Options field when you create the GEMS server using Server Manager. For example: -s
"C:\Program Files\Smartstream Technologies\TLM Server\RP2.2\Cfg\master.kb". If the path to the KB contains
spaces, as in this example, it must be enclosed within double quotes.

To Identify the Primary KB (UNIX or Linux)

1. Change to the $TLM_HOME/Server/cfg directory.

2. View the following file:
where <dbname> is the name of the database.

Loading Messages

3. Search for the KBFILE setting.

4. Make a note of the location of the primary KB, for example:

To Prepare the KBs for Linking

1. Open the primary KB file.

The primary KB, the RecSol.ffswift.kb, and any KBs that you create using SmartSchema, contain a section that
defines the options and limits for Gems, TLM-specific blocks, categories, messages, and fields.
For example:
set MaxFeeds to 50
set MaxCategories to 10
set MaxBlocks to 20
description "Columnar OURCASH"
eoh ""
sof ":"
delimiter "|"
type columnar
messages M_OURCASH
message M_OURPOS
description "Flat File OURPOS"
tag "OURPOS"
MLSide1 9066
ILSide1Sign0 9030
ILSide1Sign1 9030
ILSide1Sign2 9030
type columnar
category C_GENERAL
endfn Gms_SubmitMessage
blocks B_POS_A, B_POS_B
block B_TRADES_A
description "TRADES Block A"
field F_POS_A_SIDE
description "Side"

Loading Messages

tag ":SIDE:"
category C_GENERAL
split into
msghdr.side as "%[^\0]" using Gms_DecodeSide
2. Revise the options section of the primary KB to reflect the contents of the new KBs:
Option Set value to...
MaxFeeds The sum of the values specified in the included KBs and the value in the primary KB
MaxCategories The largest value specified in the included KBs
MaxBlocks The sum of the values specified in the included KBs and the value in the primary KB
MaxMessageTypes The sum of the values specified in the included KBs and the value in the primary KB
MaxFields The sum of the values specified in the included KBs and the value in the primary KB
MaxItems The largest value specified in the included KBs
MaxNesting The largest value specified in the included KBs
MaxASCIIFields The largest value specified in the included KBs
MaxErrors The largest value specified in the included KBs
MaxWarnings The largest value specified in the included KBs
MaxFieldSplits The sum of the values specified in the included KBs and the value in the primary KB
MaxMessageTypesInFeed The sum of the values specified in the included KBs and the value in the primary KB
MaxFieldsInBlock The sum of the values specified in the included KBs and the value in the primary KB
MaxBlocksInMessage The sum of the values specified in the included KBs and the value in the primary KB
MaxCategoriesInMessage The largest value specified in the included KBs
IgnoreFlatFileNulls One of the following options:
1 - Gems loads messages that do not contain any transactions
0 - Gems puts messages that do not contain any transactions into Operator Intervention.

For example:

3. From each of the KBs that you are linking (not including the primary KB), remove the lines from the options
section to the end of the block BSSRFlds section).

Loading Messages

The first line of the linked KBs should begin with feed information.

Loading Messages

Linking KBs on UNIX

To Link a Single KB

• Edit the primary KB, by adding the path of the new KB at the end of the file, for example:

To link to more than two KBs

• Do one of the following:

• For direct linking, use several include statements at the end of the primary KB file.
For example:

• For chaining, link the primary KB to the first KB and then link the first KB to the next KB, and so on.
For example, in the primary KB add the following line at the end of the file:
In the file /tlmrel/oracle/TLM/server/cfg/KB/master.FFM10008, add the following line:
Continue in this fashion, chaining the KBs together.

Loading Messages

Linking KBs on Windows

To Link a Single KB

• Edit the primary KB, by adding the path of the new KB at the end of the file, for example:
"C:\Program Files\Smartstream Technologies \TLM_Server\RP2.2\CFG\master.FFM10008"

To Link to More Than Two KBs

• Do one of the following:

• For direct linking, use several include statements at the end of the primary KB file.
For example:
"C:\Program Files\Smartstream Technologies TLM_Server\RP2.2\CFG\master.FFM10008"
"C:\Program Files\Smartstream Technologies TLM_Server\RP2.2\CFG\master.FFM10009"
"C:\Program Files\Smartstream Technologies TLM_Server\RP2.2\CFG\master.FFM10010"

• For chaining, link the primary KB to the first KB and then link the first KB to the next KB, and so on.
For example, in the primary KB add the following line at the end of the file:
"C:\Program Files\Smartstream Technologies TLM_Server\RP2.2\CFG\master.FFM10008"
In the file %TLM_HOME%\cfg\master.FFM10008, add the following line:
"C:\Program Files\Smartstream Technologies TLM_Server\RP2.2\CFG\master.FFM10009"
Continue in this fashion, chaining the KBs together.

Loading Messages

Customising KBs
You can customise message KBs to match the particular structure of your incoming messages. To do this, you must
add a new section to the message KB. For example, to load MT900, MT910 and MT940 from an internal source with
custom offsets, add the following section to the mapmt900 KB:
description "Internal Feed for 900, 910, 940"
header 40
mtype 12
dest 0
term 15
eom "-}"
eod "$"
eoh ""
sof ":"
messages M_900, M_910, M_940
where the parameters are as follows:
Parameter Meaning
feed The name of the feed that you are creating.
description A description of this feed.
header The number of characters to read for the header (when Gems reads the header line, it scans this many
characters and then the rest of the line containing the final character).
mtype The character position within the header that defines the mtype.
dest The character position within the header that defines the destination.
term The character position within the header that defines the term.
eom The character(s) that mark the end of the message.
eod The character(s) that mark the end of the data.
Note that Recswft automatically converts control-C characters in the incoming data to the dollar sign ‘$’, and
so the ‘eod’ character defined in the KB used by Recswft for messages ending with a control-C should be
eoh The character(s) that mark the end of the header.
sof The character(s) that mark the start of the feed.
messages The message types that are valid for this message description (These must be defined in the rest of the KB).

The following fields are reserved in KB mappings: string_4, agent_code, string_6, and string_8.

Loading Messages

Retaining Time Stamps from Feeds

If you want to map dates that need the time stamp element left intact, you can call one of the following functions
from the KB:
• Gms_ConvDateTime - two digit year element in the format:

• Gms_ConLongDateTime - four digit year element in the format:

For example, to map a date tag from a feed file and keep the time element, change the traditional kb mapping:
item.my_date_field as "%n" using Gms_ConvDate
item.my_date_field as "%n" using Gms_ConvDateTime
Where n is the number of characters of the date format in the feed.

Loading Messages

Upgrading KBs
When a new KB is delivered as part of a patch, the following procedure should be used.

To Upgrade a New KB

1. Back up the KB to be replaced.

2. For a new RecSol.ffswift.kb, open the new KB from the [Artifacts]\RecPremium\flattener directory.
3. For the standard server KBs, open the new KB from the $TLM_HOME/cfg_latest directory on UNIX or
%TLM_HOME%\Cfg.Original directory on Windows.
4. Apply any customisation to the new KB, for example, new feed descriptions.
5. Stop Gems.
6. Copy the edited KB into the cfg directory, replacing the old version of the KB.
7. Restart Gems.

Creating Custom Reports

Creating Custom Reports

Custom reports are created using the BIRT report designer, either as a plugin to Eclipse or as a separate application.
You can build a report from scratch, or use the RP_BIRT_TEMPLATE.
The BIRT engine is installed on your application server as part of the TLM Control install.
The steps involved include:
• Creating a Data Set
• Creating a Join Data Set (if multiple data sources are used)
• Creating a report output file template using the graphical editor included in BIRT Designer
• Formatting the report output.

Creating Custom Reports

BIRT Report Descriptions

In the following you find a list of the Recs Premium BIRT Reports along with their descriptions:
• Account Currency Proof Report
This report provides detail currency proof for the current day broken down by account and side.
• Account Currency Proof Report Detail
This report provides detail currency proof for the current day broken down by account and side.
• STP Rate Report
This report provides statistics on automatic and manual matching for any given period. The report takes ‘DATE
FROM’ and ‘DATE TO’ parameters to define a specified date range.
• User MIS Report
This report provides audit report for the actions of the users for any given period. The report takes ‘DATE
FROM’ and ‘DATE TO’ input parameters to define a specified date range.
• Daily Matching Report - Summary
This report provides a summary of daily matching for Cash Settlements and Security Positions. The report takes
‘DATE FROM’ and ‘DATE TO’ parameters to define a specified date range.
• Daily Matching Report - Cash Settlements
This report provides a daily matching report for Cash Settlements only. The report takes ‘DATE FROM’ and
‘DATE TO’ input parameters to define a specified date range.
• Daily Matching Report - Securities Positions
This report provides daily matching report for Securities Positions only. The report takes ‘DATE FROM’ and
‘DATE TO’ input parameters to define a specified date range.
• Daily Matching Report - Security Transactions
This report provides daily matching report for Securities Transactions only. The report takes ‘DATE FROM’
and ‘DATE TO’ input parameters to define a specified date range.
• Daily Outstanding Report - Summary
This report provides a summary of daily outstanding report for Cash Settlements and Security Positions. The
report takes ‘DATE FROM’ and ‘DATE TO’ parameters to define a specified date range.
• Daily Outstanding Report - Cash Settlements
This report provides daily outstanding report for Cash Settlements. The report takes ‘DATE FROM’ and ‘DATE
TO’ parameters to define a specified date range.
• Daily Outstanding Report - Securities Positions
This report provides daily outstanding report for Securities Positions. The report takes ‘DATE FROM’ and
‘DATE TO’ parameters to define a specified date range.
• Daily Outstanding Report - Securities Transactions
This report provides daily outstanding report for Securities Transactions. The report takes ‘DATE FROM’ and
‘DATE TO’ parameters to define a specified date range.
• Daily Net Item Report - Cash Settlements
This report provides daily net item report for Cash Settlements. The report takes ‘DATE’ input parameter to
define a specified date.
• Daily Net Item Report - Securities Transactions
This report provides daily net item report for Securities Transactions. The report takes ‘DATE’ input parameter
to define a specified date.
• Daily Write Off Report - Cash Settlements

Creating Custom Reports

This report provides daily write offs report for Cash Settlements. The report takes ‘DATE’ input parameter to
define a specified date.
• Daily Write Off Report - Securities Transactions
This report provides daily write offs report for Securities Transactions. The report takes ‘DATE’ input
parameter to define a specified date.
• Securities Account Proof Report
This report provides proof summary of Securities Transactions for the current day. The report takes
‘CATEGORY’ and ‘LOCAL_ACC_NO’ parameters to define a specified set of accounts/categories.
• Daily Exception Report
This report provides an overview of daily exceptions on two separate tables Cash Settlements and Securities
• File Processing Activity Report
This report provides a daily file processing activity analysis. The report records the files loaded by gems in a
single day and the resulting report shows a list of all files in time order loaded, together with the time they
started and finished loading.

Please note that there are two fields for adding your company name and logo to the reports. If these fields are not
updated or indicated as ‘null’ you will find an error in all the BIRT reports at the top of the page.

Report company name

select VALUE

Report company logo

select VALUE

update them with the following or just enter a space or null into the fields if you do not want a logo or company


where name = 'TD_BIRT_CP_NAME'

where name = 'TD_BIRT_CP_IMAGE'

Creating Custom Reports

BIRT Report Input Parameters

The standard BIRT Report feature does allow input parameters to be configured which are then used by the BIRT
engine to filter down the result set.
The default input parameters can be defined to have different data types such as String, Date Time etc. Depending on
the type of the input parameter the BIRT Report UI renders text fields or date picker controls which allow the user to
either enter plain text or select dates. These inputs are then passed to the BIRT engine which replaces the input
parameters configured in the report template with dynamic values thus making it possible to filter the results based
on the user specific criteria.
In order to get the standard input parameters rendered on the Report UI, there is no additional configuration required.
For example, below is the ‘User Activity MIS Report’ report which has couple of input parameters for the user to
generate the report for a specific date range.

In addition to the standard types, input parameters can also be configured to have specific behaviour, such as the
WebConnect Chooser.
For example, below is the ‘Security Transactions Account Proof Report’ which has input parameters configured to
allow selection of parameters using a Chooser (highlighted in RED).

Configuration Details:
In order to get the BIRT Report UI to render choosers against the input parameters, the
RECS_REF_REPORT_PARAM table should be populated with the details of the chooser.
Below is the configuration done to get choosers against the input parameters CATEGORY and LOCAL_ACC_NO
for the ‘Security Transactions Account Proof Report’ (shown above).

Column Details:

Creating Custom Reports

REPORT_NAME: This should match the BIRT report template name.

PARAMETER_NAME: This should match the BIRT report template input parameter name.
PARAMETER_CUSTOM_TYPE: This should be hardcoded to literal ‘Chooser’.
PARAMETER_CUSTOM_DETAIL: This is the schema attribute on which the chooser specification (property 78) is
CATEGORY chooser specification:

The above chooser specification is simply a select and will return all the categories available.
LOCAL_ACC_NO chooser specification:

The above chooser specification is filtered select and will return sets under specific category.
For more details on how to configure chooser specifications refer the choosers.doc.

Creating Custom Reports

Building a Report
BIRT is used to create templates for TLM Reconciliations-Premium reports. The report templates that you create are
used as the basis for TLM Control Template Steps.

Creating Custom Reports

Installing the RP BIRT Template

You can create a report from scratch or by using the RP_BIRT_TEMPLATE, which can be found in the
[artefacts]\recspremium\reports directory.

Creating Custom Reports

Pre-configuration tasks
The pre-configuration tasks required depend on whether you are creating reports using Eclipse with BIRT or the
BIRT designer application.

To Perform Pre-configuration Tasks When Using Eclipse with BIRT

1. Start Eclipse with the BIRT plug-in.

2. Select File > New > Project.
3. Select Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools – Report Project.
4. Click [Next].
5. Insert a Project name.
6. Click [Finish].
7. Select File > New > Report.
8. Enter a filename.
9. Click [Next].
10. If you are using the RP_BIRT_TEMPLATE, select it from the template options and click [Next].

To Perform Pre-Configuration Tasks When Using BIRT Designer

1. Start BIRT Designer.

2. Select File > New > New Report.
3. Specify a filename and location.
4. Click [Next].
5. If you are using the RP_BIRT_TEMPLATE, select it from the template options and click [Next].
6. Click [Finish].

Creating Custom Reports

Configuring the Data Source

You must configure a datasource if you want to connect the JDBC driver to your computer. This step is optional if
you are using RP_BIRT_TEMPLATE, as there is already a database connection available.

The report datasource must be configured with the connection parameters of your local database server to enable
you to test data sets and preview the results of SQL queries in BIRT Designer.

To Configure the Datasource

1. Click on the Data Explorer area and select the <Data Source>.
2. Right-click and select New Data Source or edit an existing data source.
3. Select the Create from data source type in the list that is displayed.
4. Select JDBC Data Source and type in a data source name.
5. Click [Next].
6. Ensure that the driver class is selected. If not, install the required driver class as follows:
1. Click the [Manage Drivers] button.
2. Click [Add].
3. Add <ORACLE_INSTALL_DIR>\product\10.2.0\db_1\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar.
7. Enter the connection parameters of your configuration in the Database URL, User Name, Password and JNDI
URL fields.
8. Click [Test Connection].
If the connection fails you must correct the information in these fields and retest.
9. Click [Finish].

Creating Custom Reports

Making the Data Source Compatible with the TLM Reconciliations-

Premium Environment
When the report is installed into the TLM Recs-Premium environment, the solution provides the database parameter
to the report as report parameters. As such, each property binding parameter that you configure is in the form

To Configure the Datasource for TLM Recs-Premium

1. In the Data Explorer area, right-click on the Data Source node and select Edit.
2. Select the Property Binding node.
The Property Binding window is displayed.
3. Populate the connection fields with the required details.
When you enter a password, it is encoded for security purposes.
4. Click [OK].

Creating Custom Reports

Configuring the Dataset

A dataset is linked to a data source and is used to execute a SQL SELECT query to return data from the database, to
display in the report.
To configure a dataset, you must first create a data set query, which you can then be linked to the report parameter.
You can parameterise a query by replacing with ? e.g. select * from item where corr_acc_no = ?. This should be
linked to a Report Parameter, which must be of type STRING.

To Configure a Dataset

1. In the Data Explorer area, right-click on the Data Sets node and select New Data Set.
2. Specify a name, a data source and a type to form the SQL Select query.
3. Click [Next].
4. Enter the SQL query. For example:
5. Click [Next].
6. Select the Preview Results mode to view the output from the query.
7. Select the Output Columns node to display the list of columns.

To Link the Query to the Report Parameter

1. In the Data Explorer area right-click and select New Parameter.

The New Parameter window is displayed.
2. Enter the name, prompt text, type and default value of the parameter.

Ensure that you don’t remove the default parameters user, td_birt_url, td_birt_user and td_birt_password as
these are used to invoke BIRT by TLM Recs.

3. In the Data Explorer area, right-click on the Data Set and select Edit.
4. Create a parameter in the Parameters tree view entry and link to a report parameter.
5. Select a default value for the parameter to enable you to preview the result of the data set.

Creating Custom Reports

Formatting the Output

In order to display the result of the SQL query in the report, use the report design view in BIRT designer and select
the Layout tab, from which you can specify how the report is presented.


1. Right-click on an empty place in the report design view and select <Insert>, then <Table>.
2. Choose 3 columns, 1 detail.
3. As a Data Set, choose the Account Data Set you just have created.
4. On the Detail Row, Right-click on each of the 3 cells and choose <Insert>, then <Data>.
5. Click <Cancel> button in the next New Data Item dialog box, because we will create the data binding with the
Data Set later.
6. On the Detail Row, right-click again on each of the 3 cells and choose <Change Data Column>. A Select Data
Binding dialog box appears.
7. In Data Set control, leave Container's Data Set.
8. In the list of Data Bindings, activate the check box of LOCAL_ACC_NO for the first cell, AGENT_CODE for the
second cell and CURRENCY for the third cell.
9. On the Header Row, to add a label on each column, Right-click on each of the 3 cells and choose <Insert>, then
10. Enter a label, for example, "Account name" for the first cell, "Agent Code" for the second cell and "Currency"
for the third cell.
The report will look similar to the following:

11. Save your changes.

Creating Custom Reports

Testing the Report

To Test the Report

1. Click File > Menu > View Report as HTML or click the View Report as HTML button in the toolbar.
2. The report parameter entry box is displayed. Fill them with the appropriate values.
3. Click [OK].
The report is displayed in the BIRT Report Viewer.

Creating Custom Reports

Installing the Reports

In TLM Control you need to define a Report Template to link to your report file, and add the template step to your
Output should be stored in a bse64binary?

To Install the Report into TLM Reconciliations-Premium

1. Use BIRT Designer to save the report into a *.rptdesign file.

2. Launch TLM Control and do the following to import the template file into a TLM Control template:
1. Find the Templates entry in the treeview.
2. Right-click and select New Template.
3. Enter a name and description for the template.
4. Click the [Next] button.
5. Click the [Browse] button to import the template source file.
6. Click [Finish].
3. Launch TLM WebConnect and launch the Report dashboard.
The report that you installed is listed on the Report dashboard and can be executed by clicking the ‘>’ button.

Creating Custom Reports

Controlling User Access to Reports

After adding the report to the system via Control, it is subsequently important to provide access to the report from
WebConnect, and to control which users can open the report.

To Create a New Dashboard

1. In SmartStudio, create a new dashboard named appropriately for the report.

2. Add a custom control to the dashboard with the URL property set to:

This must be followed by the name of the report as imported into Control. An example of this, as configured in
the ‘User Activity MIS Report’, is shown below:

Add the Dashboard to the Menu and Define Role Access

1. Click Tools > Menu Editor to open the Menu Editor.

2. Locate your new dashboard in the Artifacts pane, and drag and drop it to the menu structure where required.
3. Assign a Caption for the dashboard. This is used as the title for the dashboard when opening.

Allocate roles to the Selected Roles section to provide access to the dashboard. An example of this is shown

Creating Custom Reports

4. Save the changes.

The next time that a user with the relevant roles logs into the UI, the dashboard will be available on the main
menu in the location you have added it.

Creating Custom Reports

Adding Fields to Reports (SSR Upgrades Only)

For users who have upgraded from SSR and want to include additional information on the reports that was
previously available in SSR, the Rec Admin Account Update Additional dashboard is supplied with TLM
Reconciliations-Premium. It is not, however, available from the main menu by default, so if you want to use it you
must add it to the menu using SmartStudio.
The dashboard looks like the following:

There is no functionality behind the form other than to allow web update of the fields provided in the form for
reporting purposes.
If you want to enable this dashboard in the UI

Add the Dashboard to the Menu and Define Role Access

1. Open SmartStudio.
2. Click Tools > Menu Editor to open the Menu Editor.
3. Change the filter in the Artifacts pane to display dashboards.
4. Locate the Rec Admin Account Update Additional dashboard in the Artifacts pane and drag and drop it into
the relevant folder in the menu structure.
5. Use the up and down arrows, or drag the dashboard, to move the dashboard to the appropriate place within the
folder you have dragged it into.
6. If required, edit the caption for the dashboard. This is used as the title for the dashboard when opening.
7. Assign the appropriate roles to the dashboard.
8. Save the changes.
The next time that a user with the relevant roles logs into the UI, the Rec Admin Account Update Additional
dashboard will be available on the main menu in the location you have added it.

Configuring the Auto Matching Workflow

Configuring the Auto Matching


There are a number of workflows supplied with TLM Reconciliations-Premium that can be used for automatic
matching. However, if you do not want to use the supplied workflows, you can configure your own workflows for
both matching and exceptions.
This section specifically describes how to configure the workflow required for the TLM Reconciliations-Premium
automatic matching functionality, using the Recon Admin client.
You can find detailed information on the general creation of elements and workflow processes in the Business
Processing Guide.

Configuring the Auto Matching Workflow

About Automatic Matching

Automatic matching is performed by the TLM Reconciliations workflow engine. Groups of items are formed, and
the match quality of those potential groups is evaluated by Quality rules, that test items' attributes to determine how
good a match they are (quality) and therefore which Relationship Type the items are assigned to. These rules also
determine whether the items are to be automatically matched.
If a group passes the quality tests a business process is executed which typically involves forming a relationship for
the group of items and changing the item state to History. Additionally, any relevant exceptions are raised.
The automatic matching process is triggered automatically upon the completion of a data load, and can also be
started manually from the REC Admin Initiation Submission dashboard in Reconciliations-Premium, as described in
the System Administration Guide.

Configuring the Auto Matching Workflow

Designing the Workflow

A number of different workflow elements are required to build the automatic matching process, which are described
in the sections below. However, before building these elements in Recon Admin, you must first create a top-down
design of the workflow process, starting with the passes that you will require to group and test items.
After designing the passes, you will be able to determine the other workflow elements required, such pass lists and
initiations to call the passes, and workflow tools to process the groups, relationship and exception types that they

Pass lists

Pass lists are the means by which you specify the passes that you want to call when the automatic matching process
is triggered.


Passes are used to define how items are grouped and tested. The conditions of a pass are specified using the
following rules:
• Scope rules – restrict the items selected for a pass.
• Population rules – define how data from different messages is mapped into the match reference array, including
the item attributes that are used for matching, and any tolerances on amount and date items.
• Pass Quality rules – define the conditions for testing groups of items in the match reference array. If a group of
items meets all the conditions of a pass quality rule, the group qualifies as a good match and is sent to the TLM
Control engine via a workflow tool.

Workflow tools

Workflow tools are created using event lists, and are used to send the groups of items, exceptions and relationship
types formed by passes, to the TLM Control engine. You must add a workflow tool to each pass quality step in a

Event lists

Event lists are required to build workflow tools, and consist of individual events or combinations of events. They are
used to specify the exceptions and relationships that you want to process in each pass quality step.

Initiation events

Initiation events are used to call exception and relationship type initiations. As such, each of these types of initiation
requires the configuration of one initiation event.


Initiations are used to trigger workflow. The automatic matching process requires three types of initiation:
• Relationship initiations – to form the required relationships types.
• Exception initiations – to form the required exception types.
• STP Workflow Initiation – one STP Workflow initiation is required to automatically trigger the auto matching
process when data is loaded into a set.

Configuring the Auto Matching Workflow

Building the Workflow

You create the workflow required for the automatic matching process using the Recon Admin client. The workflow
elements are created using a bottom-up configuration method.

To Build the Workflow in Recon Admin

1. Create the initiations that you require to form the matching relationships. These initiations must be configured
with the following settings:
• Type: Remote STPCA Engine
• Attach Items to Workflow Queue: this option must be enabled.
• Name - should reflect the name of the associated pass that you will create in step 6 of these instructions.
• Remote Engine Parameters: enter AUTOPERFECT or AUTOSUGGESTED depending on the type of
matches that you want the pass to create.
• Remote Engine Integer Value - enter the integer value that represents the type of match relationship that
you want to create.
You can locate this value by launching the Rec Admin Relationship Type Summary dashboard from the
Administration menu in TLM Reconciliations-Premium. This dashboard displays a list of the relationship
types available, from which you can drill down to the Relationship Type Details dashboard to view the
relationship type integer value. This value is displayed within the ID column.
2. Create the initiations that you require to form exception types. These initiations must be configured with the
following settings:
• Type - Remote STPCA Engine
• Name - should reflect the name of the associated pass that you will create in step 6 of these instructions.
• Attach Items to Workflow Queue - this option must be enabled.
• Remote Engine Parameters - enter EXCCREATE
• Remote Engine Integer Value - enter the integer value of the required exception type ID.
• Remote Engine Integer Value - enter one of the following integer values for the required exception type ID:
Exception ID Exception Type
80,001 Outstanding Ledger
80,002 Amount Break
80,003 Outstanding Statement
80,004 Position Break
80,005 Unknown Security
80,011 Value Date Break
80,012 Amount/Value Date Break
80,013 Outstanding Ledger
80,014 Quantity Break
80,015 Outstanding Statement
80,016 Aged Item Cash
80,017 Aged Item Securities
80,021 Transaction Break
80,022 No Item Exception
89,001 Converted SSR OS Cash
89,002 Converted SSR Cash Match

Configuring the Auto Matching Workflow

Exception ID Exception Type

89,003 Converted SSR OS Trade
89,004 Converted SSR Pos Match
89,005 Converted SSR Trade Match

You can also view this list of exception type IDs by running the following query on your database:
SELECT exception_type_id, name FROM exm_ref_exception_type

SSR exception types are only available for TLM Reconciliations-Premium configurations that have been
converted from SSR.

3. Create an initiation event at the REC Items level, for each initiation that you created in steps 1 and 2.
4. Create event lists at the REC Items level, which contain the required combination of relationship and / or
exception initiation events. For example:
• a pass used to raise exceptions will require an event list containing an exception initiation event.
• a pass used to form relationships will require an event list containing a relationship type initiation event.
• a pass used to form a relationship and an exception will require an event list containing both relationship
and exception type initiation events.
For consistency, give the event list a name that corresponds to the initiation events it contains.
5. Create a new workflow tool for each event list that you have created, with the following configuration settings:
• Name –for consistency, give the workflow tool the same name as the pass that you will create in step 6 of
these instructions.
• Add a step to the tool’s workflow.
• Add the event list you created and a commit workflow control to the step. For example:

6. Create the required match passes at the REC Items level, with the scope, population and pass quality rules
needed to determine the items, item data and conditions used to form groups from the loaded data.

Configuring the Auto Matching Workflow

For each Pass Quality step, configure the associated pass quality rule properties to use the WorkFlow Tool
processing option. In the Workflow Tool Name drop-down menu, select the workflow tool that you created for
the pass, in the previous step. For example:

7. Create a new pass list, to which you must add the matching passes that you have created.
8. Configure an initiation to call the workflow engine, with the following settings:
• Initiation Type: STP Workflow Engine
• Attach Items to Workflow Queue: Disabled
• Pass List: select the pass list that you created in the previous step.
• Data Load Level: REC Items
• Data Load Set ID: specify the lead Set ID so that when data is loaded into this set, the workflow that you
have configured is automatically triggered.

Workflow Customization

Workflow Customization

What do you want to do?

Post load processing, see below

Post recon, see page 338

Workflow Customization

Post Load Processing

For GEMS, if the system setting is present (i.e. a row in SYST with the SYST_NAME =
POSTLOAD_PROCESS/FILELOAD_PROCESS) with a non null value in the SYST_STRING column, then it
considers that the post load or file load processing mechanism is enabled.
For Post Load, GEMS writes workflow job entries into the WORKFLOW_QUEUE table, per message with the
following values:
For File Load, GEMS writes workflow job entries into the WORKFLOW_QUEUE table per file with the following
Note: CORR_ACC_NO will be defaulted to 0 in this approach.
To have these jobs processed, appropriate scanner and processing workflows must be implemented in TLM Control.
They should be structured in a way similar to the delivered GL Post Load processes. All custom workflow processes
should be created in the IMP (Implementation) project in Control so that they are clearly defined as being client-
specific, and also so they are not updated or overwritten by a future upgrade.
Refer to the below processes in the standard package for implementation details:
GLR AUTO Scan Workflow Queue for Postload (Scanner)
GLR Postload Queue Processor (Post Load Processor)

Workflow Customization

Post Recon
From the 2.4 release onwards, a new custom hook has been added to the Lifecycle Update processing that executes
on completing auto matching that will allow direct execution of the custom logic. In the 'REC AUTO Process
Workflow for Lifecycle SPACE' process in the Reconciliation Project, a new sub process call is made to 'CUS Post
Lifecycle Move To Reconciled' - a process in the Custom Project.
To migrate the processing all that is required is to call the final process originally created, and this must happen
inside the 'CUS Post Lifecycle Move To Reconciled' process. This can be done either by changing the original to
receive input parameters rather than a SmartMessage, or to write a message to the existing JMS queue if desired.
The same migration steps are required to move existing configuration defined by the 'POSTMATCH_PROCESS'
SYST record. The process must now be called via the Custom 'CUS Post Auto Match' process hook, which is
triggered on completion of any match initiation.

Configuring Drools

Configuring Drools

Drools are spreadsheets containing rules used by TLM Control to make complex decisions based on user provided
data. They can be seen as an alternative to using traditional database tables with dashboards. The disadvantage of
using drools is that they have to be edited on a Windows system; then uploaded to the application server on which
TLM Control is running, and then the application server must be restarted.
Part of the installation configuration for TLM Control is to specify the location of the drools files in the value of the
name/value pair on the properties table for name "rulesengine.ruleResource.home". The installer for version 2.0 or
later automatically populates this based on your input during the install process.
The following drools are currently used in TLM Reconciliations-Premium:

Name Description

InboxAllocationRules.xls Routes exceptions to inboxes based on account, exception type, etc.

AlertAllocationRules.xls Routes alerts to inboxes based on exception type, exception value, etc.

The ItemsAging drools spreadsheet is retired in 2.0 and replaced by the Admin->Enrichment options in the UI.
Pre-2.0 spreadsheets can be converted using a supplied convertor, drools2sql.exe. See the TLM Reconciliations-
Premium Installation Guide for details of the conversion process.

The columns in the spreadsheets are either blue, which denotes that they are for input parameters, or yellow, which
denotes the output, for example the resultant inbox. Blank columns indicate a "wild card", for example, you could
allocate exceptions to inboxes on the basis of the exception type alone, for cash or securities, without specifying the

All rules are tied into TLM Control processes in the TLM Reconciliations-Premium configuration. You cannot add
arbitrary rules without code changes. You can however add as many rows in these spreadsheets as required.

Configuring Drools

Exception routing allows the system to route exceptions to inboxes based on account, category, exception type or
category, amount and business entity.
The following table describes the columns in the InboxAllocationRules.xls spreadsheet:

Column Name Description Input /Output

Priority The order of processing for the rule. Input

Account The name of account, that is, bank.local_acc_no. Input

Category The Account Category Name, that is, bank.agentcode. Input

ExceptionType The lookup value of the exception type from exm_ref_exception_type. Input

Business Entity The Source code, that is, dcod.codec. Input

Exception Category Either "Cash", "Securities" or "Position Breaks". Input

Amount from The minimum amount value of the exception. Input

Amount to The maximum Amount value of the exception. Input

Inbox The lookup value of the Inbox. Output

Configuring Drools

Alert routing offers a powerful routing capability by exception type and value, with options to override the default
inbox contacts, and to suppress emails. Up to 3 inboxes can be defined, allowing multiple routing.
The following table describes the columns in the AlertAllocationRules.xls spreadsheet:

Column Name Description Input


Case The ID for this row. Input

Priority The order of processing for the rule. Input

Alert The lookup value of the alert type. Input

Inbox The lookup value of the exception inbox. Input

ExceptionType The lookup value of the exception type from exm_ref_exception_type. Input

Exception Value If set, the value on the exception has to exceed this value to pass the rule. Input

SuppressAlert "N" or "Y" - whether the alert should be suppressed. Output

AlertExceptionInbox "N" or "Y" - whether to send the alert to the exception’s inbox. Output

NotifyExceptionInbox "N" or "Y" - whether to send the email notification to the exception’s inbox Output

Inbox1 The lookup value of the first inbox for alert routing. Output

Notify 1 Whether to send an email notification to Inbox1’s owner. Output

OverrideContact1 Override inbox1’s owner with this contact (lookup value). Output

Inbox2 The lookup value of the 2nd inbox for alert routing. Output

Notify 2 Whether to send an email notification to Inbox2’s owner. Output

OverrideContact2 Override inbox2’s owner with this contact (lookup value). Output

Inbox3 The lookup value of the 3rd inbox for alert routing. Output

Notify 3 Whether to send an email notification to Inbox3’s owner. Output

OverrideContact3 Override inbox1’s owner with this contact (lookup value). Output

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Appendix I – Attributes for

generating outbound messages

This section provides a list of all available elements that can be used in creating a message template in
Reconciliation Premium.

Quick Link
• Exception, page 343
• Bank, page 344
• Business Unit, page 347
• Items, page 348
• Business Entity, page 353
• Lead Item, page 353

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

String ExceptionCategory $process.ExceptionCategory
String ExceptionType $process.ExceptionType
String(Summary ItemCount $process.ItemCount
String(Summary StatementCount $process.StatementCount
String(Summary LedgerCount $process.LedgerCount
String(Summary LastModifiedBy $process.LastModifiedBy
String(Summary CreatedBy $process.CreatedBy
String(Summary DateIdentified $process.DateIdentified
String(Summary ValueDate $process.ValueDate
String(Summary BreakAmount $process.BreakAmount
String(Summary PrincipleAmount $process.PrincipleAmount
String(Summary PrincipleReference $process.PrincipleReference
String(Summary Currency $process.Currency

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

String(Summary AssetCode $process.AssetCode
String(Summary PriceDifference $process.PriceDifference
String(Summary AmountDifference $process.AmountDifference
String(Summary QuantityDifference $process.QuantityDifference
String(Summary NumberOfBreakChanges $process.NumberOfBreakChanges
String(Summary AccruedIntDifference $process.AccruedIntDifference
String(Summary AssetCodeStatus $process.AssetCodeStatus
String(Summary AmountDifferenceBase $process.AmountDifferenceBase
String(Summary Inbox $process.Inbox
String(Summary ClaimAmount $process.ClaimAmount
String(Summary BaseClaimAmount $process.BaseClaimAmount
String ReasonType $process.ReasonType
String ResolutionType $process.ResolutionType
String BaseCurrency $process.BaseCurrency
String LeadItemId $process.LeadItemId

Exception ExceptionId $process.Exception.ExceptionId

ExceptionTypeId $process.Exception.ExceptionTypeId
CategoryId $process.Exception.CategoryId
Status $process.Exception.Status
ExceptionValue $process.Exception.ExceptionValue
Priority $process.Exception.Priority
Owner $process.Exception.Owner
CreatedDatetime $process.Exception.CreatedDatetime
ActiveStatus $process.Exception.ActiveStatus
SoftLockKey $process.Exception.SoftLockKey
SourceFlowType $process.Exception.SourceFlowType
LastActionId $process.Exception.LastActionId
BusinessEntityId $process.Exception.BusinessEntityId
Reference $process.Exception.Reference
ReasonTypeId $process.Exception.ReasonTypeId
ResolutionTypeId $process.Exception.ResolutionTypeId
CountEntityLinks $process.Exception.CountEntityLinks

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

LastActionOwner $process.Exception.LastActionOwner
LastActionDate $process.Exception.LastActionDate
ChildLinkEntityType $process.Exception.ChildLinkEntityType
NoteId $process.Exception.NoteId
AuthorisationStatus $process.Exception.AuthorisationStatus
NextMessageType $process.Exception.NextMessageType
NextMessageDate $process.Exception.NextMessageDate
NextReviewDate $process.Exception.NextReviewDate
TheirRef $process.Exception.TheirRef
FlowId $process.Exception.FlowId
SourceFlowTypeId $process.Exception.SourceFlowTypeId
WorkfolderId $process.Exception.WorkfolderId
EntityType $process.Exception.EntityType

Bank CorrAccNo $process.Bank.CorrAccNo

AccountBasis $process.Bank.AccountBasis
AccountType $process.Bank.AccountType
Address1 $process.Bank.Address1
Address2 $process.Bank.Address2
Address3 $process.Bank.Address3
AftsLoc $process.Bank.AftsLoc
AgentCode $process.Bank.AgentCode
ArchiveNo $process.Bank.ArchiveNo
BlkQryParm $process.Bank.BlkQryParm
ChargeAmt $process.Bank.ChargeAmt
ChargeCurrency $process.Bank.ChargeCurrency
Confirmation $process.Bank.Confirmation
Contact $process.Bank.Contact
CorrName $process.Bank.CorrName
Country $process.Bank.Country
CreditLimit $process.Bank.CreditLimit
Currency $process.Bank.Currency
Date01 $process.Bank.Date01
Date02 $process.Bank.Date02
Date03 $process.Bank.Date03
Date04 $process.Bank.Date04
Date05 $process.Bank.Date05
DebitLimit $process.Bank.DebitLimit
Fax $process.Bank.Fax
FinancialParm $process.Bank.FinancialParm
Flag01 $process.Bank.Flag01
Flag02 $process.Bank.Flag02

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

Flag03 $process.Bank.Flag03
Flag04 $process.Bank.Flag04
Flag05 $process.Bank.Flag05
Flag06 $process.Bank.Flag06
Flag07 $process.Bank.Flag07
Flag08 $process.Bank.Flag08
Flag09 $process.Bank.Flag09
Flag10 $process.Bank.Flag10
Flag11 $process.Bank.Flag11
Flag12 $process.Bank.Flag12
Flag13 $process.Bank.Flag13
Flag14 $process.Bank.Flag14
Flag15 $process.Bank.Flag15
Flag16 $process.Bank.Flag16
Flag17 $process.Bank.Flag17
Flag18 $process.Bank.Flag18
Flag19 $process.Bank.Flag19
Flag20 $process.Bank.Flag20
Float01 $process.Bank.Float01
Float02 $process.Bank.Float02
Float03 $process.Bank.Float03
Float04 $process.Bank.Float04
Float05 $process.Bank.Float05
IgnoreDays $process.Bank.IgnoreDays
LastProp $process.Bank.LastProp
LastTariffDate $process.Bank.LastTariffDate
LatestStmtLdgr $process.Bank.LatestStmtLdgr
LatestStmtStmt $process.Bank.LatestStmtStmt
LdgrGin $process.Bank.LdgrGin
LocalAccNo $process.Bank.LocalAccNo
LockFlg $process.Bank.LockFlg
Lsf7MaskMinLen $process.Bank.Lsf7MaskMinLen
Lsf7StripLead $process.Bank.Lsf7StripLead
Lsf7StripTrail $process.Bank.Lsf7StripTrail
Lsf8MaskMinLen $process.Bank.Lsf8MaskMinLen
Lsf8StripLead $process.Bank.Lsf8StripLead
Lsf8StripTrail $process.Bank.Lsf8StripTrail
Lsf9MaskMinLen $process.Bank.Lsf9MaskMinLen
Lsf9StripLead $process.Bank.Lsf9StripLead
Lsf9StripTrail $process.Bank.Lsf9StripTrail
MatchNo $process.Bank.MatchNo
NextTariffDate $process.Bank.NextTariffDate

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

Phone $process.Bank.Phone
PostCode $process.Bank.PostCode
Priority $process.Bank.Priority
PropLsf8Inc $process.Bank.PropLsf8Inc
PropLsf9Inc $process.Bank.PropLsf9Inc
PropSsf8Inc $process.Bank.PropSsf8Inc
PropSsf9Inc $process.Bank.PropSsf9Inc
Proptime $process.Bank.Proptime
RefMinLen $process.Bank.RefMinLen
ReportArchive $process.Bank.ReportArchive
ReportParm $process.Bank.ReportParm
Retention $process.Bank.Retention
SectionCode $process.Bank.SectionCode
ShortName $process.Bank.ShortName
SortCode $process.Bank.SortCode
Ssf7MaskMinLen $process.Bank.Ssf7MaskMinLen
Ssf7StripLead $process.Bank.Ssf7StripLead
Ssf7StripTrail $process.Bank.Ssf7StripTrail
Ssf8MaskMinLen $process.Bank.Ssf8MaskMinLen
Ssf8StripLead $process.Bank.Ssf8StripLead
Ssf8StripTrail $process.Bank.Ssf8StripTrail
Ssf9MaskMinLen $process.Bank.Ssf9MaskMinLen
Ssf9StripLead $process.Bank.Ssf9StripLead
Ssf9StripTrail $process.Bank.Ssf9StripTrail
State $process.Bank.State
StmtGin $process.Bank.StmtGin
String01 $process.Bank.String01
String02 $process.Bank.String02
String03 $process.Bank.String03
String04 $process.Bank.String04
String05 $process.Bank.String05
String06 $process.Bank.String06
String07 $process.Bank.String07
String08 $process.Bank.String08
String09 $process.Bank.String09
String10 $process.Bank.String10
String11 $process.Bank.String11
String12 $process.Bank.String12
Multiway $process.Bank.Multiway
String13 $process.Bank.String13
String14 $process.Bank.String14
String15 $process.Bank.String15

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

String16 $process.Bank.String16
SvblRuns $process.Bank.SvblRuns
SwiftAddr $process.Bank.SwiftAddr
Telex $process.Bank.Telex
TerritoryCode $process.Bank.TerritoryCode
Town $process.Bank.Town
EntityType $process.Bank.EntityType

BusinessUnit LocationCode $process.BusinessUnit.LocationCode

Address1 $process.BusinessUnit.Address1
Address2 $process.BusinessUnit.Address2
Address3 $process.BusinessUnit.Address3
Address4 $process.BusinessUnit.Address4
Address5 $process.BusinessUnit.Address5
Answerback $process.BusinessUnit.Answerback
Area $process.BusinessUnit.Area
AreaCode $process.BusinessUnit.AreaCode
CompanyName $process.BusinessUnit.CompanyName
CompanyNumber $process.BusinessUnit.CompanyNumber
Contact $process.BusinessUnit.Contact
Country $process.BusinessUnit.Country
DepartmentName $process.BusinessUnit.DepartmentName
DestinationId $process.BusinessUnit.DestinationId
Email $process.BusinessUnit.Email
Fax $process.BusinessUnit.Fax
MemberOf $process.BusinessUnit.MemberOf
MessageBegins $process.BusinessUnit.MessageBegins
OriginatingId $process.BusinessUnit.OriginatingId
Phone $process.BusinessUnit.Phone
PrinterCode $process.BusinessUnit.PrinterCode
RegLocCode $process.BusinessUnit.RegLocCode
SortCode $process.BusinessUnit.SortCode
Swift $process.BusinessUnit.Swift
Telegraph $process.BusinessUnit.Telegraph
Telex $process.BusinessUnit.Telex
Town $process.BusinessUnit.Town
TradingAs $process.BusinessUnit.TradingAs

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

Items There can be many #foreach($item in $process.Items)
Items related to an
Items contains the list of
attached items
To achieve each item
Items List has to be

CorrAccNo $item.CorrAccNo
Gin $item.Gin
AccruedDays $item.AccruedDays
AgentCode $item.AgentCode
ReasonTypeId $item.ReasonTypeId
ResolutionTypeId $item.ResolutionTypeId
AuditId $item.AuditId
Alias1 $item.Alias1
Alias2 $item.Alias2
Alias3 $item.Alias3
Alias4 $item.Alias4
Amount $item.Amount
Amount10 $item.Amount10
Amount11 $item.Amount11
Amount12 $item.Amount12
Amount13 $item.Amount13
Amount14 $item.Amount14
Amount15 $item.Amount15
Amount16 $item.Amount16
Amount17 $item.Amount17
Amount18 $item.Amount18
Amount19 $item.Amount19
Amount2 $item.Amount2
Amount20 $item.Amount20
Amount21 $item.Amount21
Amount22 $item.Amount22
Amount23 $item.Amount23
Amount24 $item.Amount24
Amount25 $item.Amount25
Amount26 $item.Amount26
Amount27 $item.Amount27
Amount3 $item.Amount3
Amount4 $item.Amount4
Amount5 $item.Amount5

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

Amount6 $item.Amount6
Amount7 $item.Amount7
Amount8 $item.Amount8
Amount9 $item.Amount9
BranCode $item.BranCode
ClaimFlg $item.ClaimFlg
Currency $item.Currency
Currency10 $item.Currency10
Currency11 $item.Currency11
Currency12 $item.Currency12
Currency13 $item.Currency13
Currency14 $item.Currency14
Currency15 $item.Currency15
Currency16 $item.Currency16
Currency17 $item.Currency17
Currency18 $item.Currency18
Currency19 $item.Currency19
Currency2 $item.Currency2
Currency20 $item.Currency20
Currency21 $item.Currency21
Currency22 $item.Currency22
Currency23 $item.Currency23
Currency24 $item.Currency24
Currency25 $item.Currency25
Currency26 $item.Currency26
Currency27 $item.Currency27
Currency3 $item.Currency3
Currency5 $item.Currency5
Currency6 $item.Currency6
Currency7 $item.Currency7
Currency8 $item.Currency8
Currency9 $item.Currency9
Date10 $item.Date10
Date11 $item.Date11
Date12 $item.Date12
Date13 $item.Date13
Date14 $item.Date14
Date15 $item.Date15
Date16 $item.Date16
Date17 $item.Date17
Date18 $item.Date18
Date19 $item.Date19

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

Date20 $item.Date20
Date21 $item.Date21
Date22 $item.Date22
Date23 $item.Date23
Date24 $item.Date24
Date25 $item.Date25
Date3 $item.Date3
Date4 $item.Date4
Date5 $item.Date5
Date6 $item.Date6
Date7 $item.Date7
Date8 $item.Date8
Date9 $item.Date9
EntryDate $item.EntryDate
EventGroupId $item.EventGroupId
Flag1 $item.Flag1
Flag10 $item.Flag10
Flag11 $item.Flag11
Flag12 $item.Flag12
Flag13 $item.Flag13
Flag14 $item.Flag14
Flag15 $item.Flag15
Flag16 $item.Flag16
Flag17 $item.Flag17
Flag18 $item.Flag18
Flag19 $item.Flag19
Flag2 $item.Flag2
Flag20 $item.Flag20
Flag21 $item.Flag21
Flag22 $item.Flag22
Flag23 $item.Flag23
Flag24 $item.Flag24
Flag25 $item.Flag25
Flag26 $item.Flag26
Flag27 $item.Flag27
Flag28 $item.Flag28
Flag29 $item.Flag29
Flag3 $item.Flag3
Flag30 $item.Flag30
Flag31 $item.Flag31
Flag32 $item.Flag32
Flag33 $item.Flag33

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

Flag34 $item.Flag34
Flag35 $item.Flag35
Flag36 $item.Flag36
Flag37 $item.Flag37
Flag38 $item.Flag38
Flag39 $item.Flag39
Flag4 $item.Flag4
Flag40 $item.Flag40
Flag41 $item.Flag41
Flag42 $item.Flag42
Flag43 $item.Flag43
Flag44 $item.Flag44
Flag45 $item.Flag45
Flag46 $item.Flag46
Flag47 $item.Flag47
Flag48 $item.Flag48
Flag49 $item.Flag49
Flag5 $item.Flag5
Flag50 $item.Flag50
Flag51 $item.Flag51
Flag52 $item.Flag52
Flag53 $item.Flag53
Flag54 $item.Flag54
Flag55 $item.Flag55
Flag6 $item.Flag6
Flag7 $item.Flag7
Flag8 $item.Flag8
Flag9 $item.Flag9
FundCode $item.FundCode
ItemStatus $item.ItemStatus
LsType $item.LsType
MatchNo $item.MatchNo
NoteFlg $item.NoteFlg
QueryFlg $item.QueryFlg
Reference $item.Reference
RevFlg $item.RevFlg
SecMatchNo $item.SecMatchNo
Sfield7 $item.Sfield7
Sfield8 $item.Sfield8
Sfield9 $item.Sfield9
ShortNo $item.ShortNo
StmtDate $item.StmtDate

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

StmtItemRef $item.StmtItemRef
StmtNo $item.StmtNo
StmtPg $item.StmtPg
StockId $item.StockId
StockType $item.StockType
String1 $item.String1
String10 $item.String10
String11 $item.String11
String12 $item.String12
String13 $item.String13
String14 $item.String14
String15 $item.String15
String16 $item.String16
String17 $item.String17
String18 $item.String18
String19 $item.String19
String20 $item.String20
String21 $item.String21
String22 $item.String22
String23 $item.String23
String24 $item.String24
String25 $item.String25
String26 $item.String26
String27 $item.String27
String28 $item.String28
String29 $item.String29
String30 $item.String30
String4 $item.String4
String5 $item.String5
String6 $item.String6
String7 $item.String7
String8 $item.String8
String9 $item.String9
SysEntryDate $item.SysEntryDate
TranCode $item.TranCode
ValueDate $item.ValueDate
ItemId $item.ItemId
RelationshipId $item.RelationshipId
Priority $item.Priority
BusinessEntityId $item.BusinessEntityId
Owner $item.Owner
NoteId $item.NoteId

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

EntityType $item.EntityType
LastActionOwner $item.LastActionOwner
LastActionDate $item.LastActionDate
ExceptionId $item.ExceptionId
CountEntityLinks $item.CountEntityLinks
ArchivalStatus $item.ArchivalStatus
ReadyForArchivalDate $item.ReadyForArchivalDate
AuthorisationStatus $item.AuthorisationStatus
LastActionId $item.LastActionId
SubAccNo $item.SubAccNo

BusinessEntity Codec $process.BusinessEntity.Codec

Address1 $process.BusinessEntity.Address1
Address2 $process.BusinessEntity.Address2
Address3 $process.BusinessEntity.Address3
AftsLoc $process.BusinessEntity.AftsLoc
CodeName $process.BusinessEntity.CodeName
Contact $process.BusinessEntity.Contact
Country $process.BusinessEntity.Country
DeptCode $process.BusinessEntity.DeptCode
Email $process.BusinessEntity.Email
Export $process.BusinessEntity.Export
ExportCode $process.BusinessEntity.ExportCode
ExportLow $process.BusinessEntity.ExportLow
ExportRule $process.BusinessEntity.ExportRule
Fax $process.BusinessEntity.Fax
PhoneExternal $process.BusinessEntity.PhoneExternal
PhoneInternal $process.BusinessEntity.PhoneInternal
PostCode $process.BusinessEntity.PostCode
State $process.BusinessEntity.State
Telex $process.BusinessEntity.Telex
Town $process.BusinessEntity.Town
EntityType $process.BusinessEntity.EntityType
DcodId $process.BusinessEntity.DcodId

LeadItem CorrAccNo $process.LeadItem.CorrAccNo

Gin $process.LeadItem.Gin
AccruedDays $process.LeadItem.AccruedDays
AgentCode $process.LeadItem.AgentCode
ReasonTypeId $process.LeadItem.ReasonTypeId

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

ResolutionTypeId $process.LeadItem.ResolutionTypeId
AuditId $process.LeadItem.AuditId
Alias1 $process.LeadItem.Alias1
Alias2 $process.LeadItem.Alias2
Alias3 $process.LeadItem.Alias3
Alias4 $process.LeadItem.Alias4
Amount $process.LeadItem.Amount
Amount10 $process.LeadItem.Amount10
Amount11 $process.LeadItem.Amount11
Amount12 $process.LeadItem.Amount12
Amount13 $process.LeadItem.Amount13
Amount14 $process.LeadItem.Amount14
Amount15 $process.LeadItem.Amount15
Amount16 $process.LeadItem.Amount16
Amount17 $process.LeadItem.Amount17
Amount18 $process.LeadItem.Amount18
Amount19 $process.LeadItem.Amount19
Amount2 $process.LeadItem.Amount2
Amount20 $process.LeadItem.Amount20
Amount21 $process.LeadItem.Amount21
Amount22 $process.LeadItem.Amount22
Amount23 $process.LeadItem.Amount23
Amount24 $process.LeadItem.Amount24
Amount25 $process.LeadItem.Amount25
Amount26 $process.LeadItem.Amount26
Amount27 $process.LeadItem.Amount27
Amount3 $process.LeadItem.Amount3
Amount4 $process.LeadItem.Amount4
Amount5 $process.LeadItem.Amount5
Amount6 $process.LeadItem.Amount6
Amount7 $process.LeadItem.Amount7
Amount8 $process.LeadItem.Amount8
Amount9 $process.LeadItem.Amount9
BranCode $process.LeadItem.BranCode
ClaimFlg $process.LeadItem.ClaimFlg
Currency $process.LeadItem.Currency
Currency10 $process.LeadItem.Currency10
Currency11 $process.LeadItem.Currency11
Currency12 $process.LeadItem.Currency12
Currency13 $process.LeadItem.Currency13
Currency14 $process.LeadItem.Currency14
Currency15 $process.LeadItem.Currency15

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

Currency16 $process.LeadItem.Currency16
Currency17 $process.LeadItem.Currency17
Currency18 $process.LeadItem.Currency18
Currency19 $process.LeadItem.Currency19
Currency2 $process.LeadItem.Currency2
Currency20 $process.LeadItem.Currency20
Currency21 $process.LeadItem.Currency21
Currency22 $process.LeadItem.Currency22
Currency23 $process.LeadItem.Currency23
Currency24 $process.LeadItem.Currency24
Currency25 $process.LeadItem.Currency25
Currency26 $process.LeadItem.Currency26
Currency27 $process.LeadItem.Currency27
Currency3 $process.LeadItem.Currency3
Currency5 $process.LeadItem.Currency5
Currency6 $process.LeadItem.Currency6
Currency7 $process.LeadItem.Currency7
Currency8 $process.LeadItem.Currency8
Currency9 $process.LeadItem.Currency9
Date10 $process.LeadItem.Date10
Date11 $process.LeadItem.Date11
Date12 $process.LeadItem.Date12
Date13 $process.LeadItem.Date13
Date14 $process.LeadItem.Date14
Date15 $process.LeadItem.Date15
Date16 $process.LeadItem.Date16
Date17 $process.LeadItem.Date17
Date18 $process.LeadItem.Date18
Date19 $process.LeadItem.Date19
Date20 $process.LeadItem.Date20
Date21 $process.LeadItem.Date21
Date22 $process.LeadItem.Date22
Date23 $process.LeadItem.Date23
Date24 $process.LeadItem.Date24
Date25 $process.LeadItem.Date25
Date3 $process.LeadItem.Date3
Date4 $process.LeadItem.Date4
Date5 $process.LeadItem.Date5
Date6 $process.LeadItem.Date6
Date7 $process.LeadItem.Date7
Date8 $process.LeadItem.Date8
Date9 $process.LeadItem.Date9

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

EntryDate $process.LeadItem.EntryDate
EventGroupId $process.LeadItem.EventGroupId
Flag1 $process.LeadItem.Flag1
Flag10 $process.LeadItem.Flag10
Flag11 $process.LeadItem.Flag11
Flag12 $process.LeadItem.Flag12
Flag13 $process.LeadItem.Flag13
Flag14 $process.LeadItem.Flag14
Flag15 $process.LeadItem.Flag15
Flag16 $process.LeadItem.Flag16
Flag17 $process.LeadItem.Flag17
Flag18 $process.LeadItem.Flag18
Flag19 $process.LeadItem.Flag19
Flag2 $process.LeadItem.Flag2
Flag20 $process.LeadItem.Flag20
Flag21 $process.LeadItem.Flag21
Flag22 $process.LeadItem.Flag22
Flag23 $process.LeadItem.Flag23
Flag24 $process.LeadItem.Flag24
Flag25 $process.LeadItem.Flag25
Flag26 $process.LeadItem.Flag26
Flag27 $process.LeadItem.Flag27
Flag28 $process.LeadItem.Flag28
Flag29 $process.LeadItem.Flag29
Flag3 $process.LeadItem.Flag3
Flag30 $process.LeadItem.Flag30
Flag31 $process.LeadItem.Flag31
Flag32 $process.LeadItem.Flag32
Flag33 $process.LeadItem.Flag33
Flag34 $process.LeadItem.Flag34
Flag35 $process.LeadItem.Flag35
Flag36 $process.LeadItem.Flag36
Flag37 $process.LeadItem.Flag37
Flag38 $process.LeadItem.Flag38
Flag39 $process.LeadItem.Flag39
Flag4 $process.LeadItem.Flag4
Flag40 $process.LeadItem.Flag40
Flag41 $process.LeadItem.Flag41
Flag42 $process.LeadItem.Flag42
Flag43 $process.LeadItem.Flag43
Flag44 $process.LeadItem.Flag44
Flag45 $process.LeadItem.Flag45

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

Flag46 $process.LeadItem.Flag46
Flag47 $process.LeadItem.Flag47
Flag48 $process.LeadItem.Flag48
Flag49 $process.LeadItem.Flag49
Flag5 $process.LeadItem.Flag5
Flag50 $process.LeadItem.Flag50
Flag51 $process.LeadItem.Flag51
Flag52 $process.LeadItem.Flag52
Flag53 $process.LeadItem.Flag53
Flag54 $process.LeadItem.Flag54
Flag55 $process.LeadItem.Flag55
Flag6 $process.LeadItem.Flag6
Flag7 $process.LeadItem.Flag7
Flag8 $process.LeadItem.Flag8
Flag9 $process.LeadItem.Flag9
FundCode $process.LeadItem.FundCode
ItemStatus $process.LeadItem.ItemStatus
LsType $process.LeadItem.LsType
MatchNo $process.LeadItem.MatchNo
NoteFlg $process.LeadItem.NoteFlg
QueryFlg $process.LeadItem.QueryFlg
Reference $process.LeadItem.Reference
RevFlg $process.LeadItem.RevFlg
SecMatchNo $process.LeadItem.SecMatchNo
Sfield7 $process.LeadItem.Sfield7
Sfield8 $process.LeadItem.Sfield8
Sfield9 $process.LeadItem.Sfield9
ShortNo $process.LeadItem.ShortNo
StmtDate $process.LeadItem.StmtDate
StmtItemRef $process.LeadItem.StmtItemRef
StmtNo $process.LeadItem.StmtNo
StmtPg $process.LeadItem.StmtPg
StockId $process.LeadItem.StockId
StockType $process.LeadItem.StockType
String1 $process.LeadItem.String1
String10 $process.LeadItem.String10
String11 $process.LeadItem.String11
String12 $process.LeadItem.String12
String13 $process.LeadItem.String13
String14 $process.LeadItem.String14
String15 $process.LeadItem.String15
String16 $process.LeadItem.String16

Appendix I – Attributes for generating outbound messages

Entity Attribute Syntax to be used in template

String17 $process.LeadItem.String17
String18 $process.LeadItem.String18
String19 $process.LeadItem.String19
String20 $process.LeadItem.String20
String21 $process.LeadItem.String21
String22 $process.LeadItem.String22
String23 $process.LeadItem.String23
String24 $process.LeadItem.String24
String25 $process.LeadItem.String25
String26 $process.LeadItem.String26
String27 $process.LeadItem.String27
String28 $process.LeadItem.String28
String29 $process.LeadItem.String29
String30 $process.LeadItem.String30
String4 $process.LeadItem.String4
String5 $process.LeadItem.String5
String6 $process.LeadItem.String6
String7 $process.LeadItem.String7
String8 $process.LeadItem.String8
String9 $process.LeadItem.String9
SysEntryDate $process.LeadItem.SysEntryDate
TranCode $process.LeadItem.TranCode
ValueDate $process.LeadItem.ValueDate
ItemId $process.LeadItem.ItemId
RelationshipId $process.LeadItem.RelationshipId
Priority $process.LeadItem.Priority
BusinessEntityId $process.LeadItem.BusinessEntityId
Owner $process.LeadItem.Owner
NoteId $process.LeadItem.NoteId
EntityType $process.LeadItem.EntityType
LastActionOwner $process.LeadItem.LastActionOwner
LastActionDate $process.LeadItem.LastActionDate
ExceptionId $process.LeadItem.ExceptionId
CountEntityLinks $process.LeadItem.CountEntityLinks
ArchivalStatus $process.LeadItem.ArchivalStatus
ReadyForArchivalDate $process.LeadItem.ReadyForArchivalDate
AuthorisationStatus $process.LeadItem.AuthorisationStatus
LastActionId $process.LeadItem.LastActionId
SubAccNo $process.LeadItem.SubAccNo

Software Support

Software Support

All information relating to SmartStream Technologies’ products can basically be found in the documentation
supplied with the product. If you are nevertheless unable to find the answer to your question in any of these
resources, contact SmartStream Technologies Support. Details are given below.

What do you want to know?

• Contact details for SmartStream Support Centers, see below

• What to do before you call, see page 360

Calling SmartStream Technologies Support

Below please find the relevant contact details:

Area Product coverage Postal address Contact details

Europe Corona SmartStream Technologies Tel: +43 1 31354 111
Corona Web Vienna Twin Tower Fax: +43 1 31354 199
Wienerbergstr. 11 E-mail:
1100 Vienna

All STL products SmartStream Technologies Tel: +44 (0) 1454 888485
except Corona and 1690 Park Ave Fax: +44 (0) 1454 888503
Corona Web Aztec West E-mail:
Bristol, BS32 4RA
North and All STL products SmartStream Technologies Ltd Tel: +1 212 763 6500
South America 61 Broadway Tel (US internal):
Suite 710 877 215 8227
New York Fax: +1 212 763 6501
NY 10006 E-mail:
Australia and All STL products SmartStream Technologies Ltd Tel: +65 6224 7689
Asia 70 Anson Road Fax: +65 6222 4039
26-01, Apex Tower E-mail:

Additional information

Additional SmartStream Technologies company information can be found at: In some
situations, you can find answers to your questions without calling STL Support, particularly if your issue relates to a
known product bug. By checking information sources such as the support customer zone at www.smartstream-, or customer support newsletters, you may find that there is already a suggested workaround
or a product update available to download and install.
Customers requiring a user ID/password for the customer zone, please contact the European Support Centre at

Software Support

Before you call...

Before you call, you should consult the checklist given below, to ensure that you have all relevant information at

You will be asked…. Notes

Your name, company name and contact details
Software version number including patch level This information can be found by selecting Help > About from
the software menu.
RDBMS type & version including service packs The RDBMS type (Sybase/Oracle/SQLServer) and versions have
to be indicated.
Server operating system – type & version The operating system (UNIX or Windows) and version have to be
Third-party software If applicable, any third-party software that is used in conjunction
with STL products has to be indicated.
Priority of call (1 to 4) Based on business criticality.
1 – Unable to process any transactions.
2 – Partially inoperable – transactions restricted
3 – Operational but functionally impaired
4 – Cosmetic problem or enquiry
Full description of problem being experienced Please provide as much detail and supporting screen shots, reports
or server logs that may help identify your problem. This
information should be sent to your nearest support centre as listed
above. Please ensure that the incident ID that you will be provided
with is clearly indicated on any emails and faxes.
Reproducibility of the problem Can the problem actually be reproduced?
History of the problem Has the problem occurred before?
Customer call ref. (optional) Please provide us with your own call reference if you have one.

For STL products that have a MDP (Minimum Defect Packaging) document defined, you need to provide and collate
all the supporting information outlined above. Failure to provide the complete information package will mean
investigation cannot commence and a support call will not be opened. These product MDP documents will be
supplied to you via email and updated periodically.


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