My Community An Oral History Interview

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Oral History Interview

My interviewee: Jazmin Montes

1. If you could choose any day of the week, what would it be? and why?
2. What are some responsibilities you take at home?
3. Was there anyone you looked up to?
4. How do you like to present yourself to new people?
5. What is one trait you like about yourself?
6. Any pets at home? If so, what a funny story with them?
7. What made you decide to come to ASGL?
8. Was it easy to make friends?
9. I know you really like softball so what made you decide to play the sport?
10. Is there any team or player you would like to play beside?
11. Will you be playing for the school team this year?
12. What’s your favorite subject in school?
13. What is the career path you are aiming for?
14. Why that career path?
15. What is your comfort food? And why?

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