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Harmonically F0

x ( t )=C 1 cos ωn t+C 2 sin ωn t+ cos ω n t

Excited Vibration k −m ω

A mechanical or structural system is said to Using the initial conditions x ( t=0 )=x 0 and
undergo forced vibration whenever external energy ẋ ( t=0 )= ẋ 0
is supplied to the system during vibration. External
energy can be supplied through either an applied
force or an imposed displacement excitation. The
applied force or displacement excitation may be
x ( t ) = x 0−
k −mω 2 ) cos ωn t+
ẋ 0
sin ω n t +
k−m ω2
cos ωt

The maximum amplitude X can be expressed as

harmonic, non harmonic but periodic, non periodic, X 1
or random in nature. The response of a system to a =
( )
δ st ω
harmonic excitation is called harmonic response. 1−
The non periodic excitation may have a long or ωn
short duration. The response of a dynamic system X
to suddenly applied non periodic excitations is The quantity represents the ratio of the dynamic
δ st
called transient response.
to the static amplitude of motion and is called the
– Equation of Motion
magnification factor, amplification factor, or
If a force F(t) acts on a viscously damped spring-
amplitude ratio. The variation of the amplitude ratio,
mass system as shown below, the equation of
with the frequency ratio is shown below. From this
motion can be obtained using Newton s second
figure, the response of the system can be identified
to be of three types.

∑ F=ma=m ẍ
m ẍ + kx+ c ẋ=F 0 sin pt
Since this equation is nonhomogeneous, its general
solution x(t) is given by the sum of the
homogeneous solution, and the particular solution,
The homogeneous solution, which is the solution of
the homogeneous equation
m ẍ + kx+ c ẋ=0
– Response of an Undamped System Under
Harmonic Force
Before studying the response of a damped system,
we consider an undamped system subjected to a
harmonic force, for the sake of simplicity. If a force
X 1
F ( t )=F 0 cos ωn t acts on the mass m of an =
Case 1 – When the denominator of δ st
( )
undamped system, the equation of motion, reduces ω
to ωn
m ẍ + kx=F 0 sin pt is positive and the response x p ( t )= X cos ωn t is
The homogeneous solution of this equation is given without change. The harmonic response of the
by system is said to be in phase with the external force
x h ( t )=C 1 cos ωn t+C 2 sin ωn t as shown below
Because the exciting force F(t) is harmonic, the
particular solution x p (t) is also harmonic and has
the same frequencyω . Thus we assume a solution
in the form
x p ( t )= X cos ωn t
where X is an constant that denotes the maximum
amplitude of x p ( t ).
F0 δ st
X= =
( )
2 2
k−mω ω
whereδ st = denotes the deflection of the mass
under a force F 0 and is sometimes called static
deflection because is a constant (static) force. Thus
the total solution
Case 2 – When >1, the denominator of
X 1
( )
δ st ω
is negative, and the steady-state
solution can be expressed as
x p ( t )=− X cos ω n t
where the amplitude of motion X is redefined to be
a positive quantity as
δ st
ω 2
ωn ( )

The variations of F (t) and x p ( t ) with time are shown

below. Since F (t) and x p ( t ) have opposite signs,
the response is said to be 180° out of phase with
the external force. Further, as → ∞ , X →0 , thus
the response of the system to a harmonic force of
very high frequency is close to zero


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