Kyankoole Child Development Centre: Bid Invitation

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P.O.BOX 39 IGANGA TEL:+256783978482/+256776630491

An Invitation to bid for:
Installation of Solar power and satellite internet at Kyankoole CDC
Procurement Reference Number: KYC/02/02/2023. This
Procurement process will be conducted in accordance
with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB)
The works required are described in the bid documents obtained from Kyankoole
Child Development center located at Kyankoole village, Bukungu Town council,
Buyende District. 
A complete set of bid documents may be purchased from Kyankoole CDC at a non-
refundable fee of 50,000ugx (Fifty thousand shillings only) to our account
number; 9030015476833 (Stanbic bank) Account name:  Kyankoole child
development Centre. 

Completed and sealed documents should be submitted to the Overseer, Centre for
Evangelism Church Kyankoole, not later than 22/02/2023 at 05:00PM.  
NOTE: We do not entertain corruption in all its forms. 
For more information concerning on how to obtain the bids please contact the
Persons under listed below 
1. Project Director 0776630491/0757630491 
2. Overseer 0783978482/0750624046 

Display of bid notes and adverts 03/02/2023

Bid closing and opening 23/02/2023

Bid evaluation 28/02/2023

Award of contract 01/03/2023

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