LLB 1 Sem Constitution Law of India LD 118 Feb 2021 PDF

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Examination JAN-FEB. 2021
Time:- Three Hours l [Maximum Marks:100

cYe : frt€ ciq rrr} d wm frftrttqS crni d rlio wqn tt

Note: Answer any five Question. All Question carry equal marks.

0l) rnrftq qnq-{ sonfr sisilfl-fi B elqsr dft!,

eftaerrffim? ftf+fl
Whether the Indian system of govemment is parliamentary or presidential? Discuss.
02). rrdr d crqqrfl +t pTfu"if o1 frna-a 6'6t,
Discuss the power of the Govemor ola state.
03). t
{iEqrr ficiEF cfuqT or ffi 66, I {qr W srEron} o.r {ichrc frqT GIT srtll B? ElTrrd
qrqd sfi verifflr r+rflr$g I

Discuss the procedure for amending the contitution Can the fundamental right be amended ?
Explain with the help ofrelevant cases.
04). fr€ qAft! fu rrrft-q $forrc qKfl + Hfr @'ffi o] sql{ sc + qrffi-n lsiiTdr a1 TIr{rA +dr
t I eqr {s qrffim tsiiTdr w qRGiE arni qr s@.i t?
Prove that the Indian constitution guaranties to all person equally in india the freedom, of
religion. Can restriction be imposed on this religious freedom?
05). qrrur vE srffi d d fi
of soqor aqrcqr dffg trqr {sS n-fl ffiie-f,r lrFtfuf, drfi te
{qr qd EdTar {uf d?
Discuss the freedom of speech ans expression. Does it include freedom ofpress also? Is it an
absolute freedom?
06). qryffq dfrqrr d .Trr-+-o t fo ,fl{fi-q ql,IR-6 + sqr qtfufi E-d-q *i t? q"f-c qtlB\ I
What are the Fundamental Duties of a citizen ol India under part IV-A of the Indian
Constitution? Discuss.
07). .nrftq rifurrr d 3ffl,ff, sa qlqlflq d ffimrt w ?Tfuit ar quh dft! |

Discuss thejurisdiction ans powers ofthe High Court under the constitution oflndia.
os) ,{rrftq d'frqn *Brf,.td fieI 3ik sl-Git d fuiT'S ridd at friq-+ dfrq't
Discuss the legislative reletions between the Union and States under the Constitution of
09). trt frtlq-ar onq +qr sn-st B a trq fr*ffi d cTR-( Eli 4fi qfu-qT o.r qdq +1fuq
t t

What do you mean by 'Money Bill' Describe the procedure for passing the Money Bill-
l0). d t
*u< urq< q-trq dfqftrrqwn c.on$.a{n 1s64 vcl.fr 477 Er< 5w aed Frufu den
qRqft-d frB d Rr€rd ot ed-q frfrq,
Describe the main facts judgement and the principles of law laid down in the case of Sayed
Yakoob Vs K.S.Radha Krishnan A.I.R. 1964'5.C4'77.

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