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LEARNING In a new gold-standard study of

3,645 students in five school
districts, students in project-based
learning AP classes outperformed
those in traditional AP classes,
improving test pass rates by 8
percentage points
Nationally, the researchers concluded, 30 percent of students from low-income households
take AP tests, but that number jumped to 38 percent for students in PBL classrooms

Challenging Problem or
Students are asked questions that
can be meaningful to the

Sustained Inquiry
PBL lessons last days and at times
weeks to allow the learner to
continuously ask questions.

PBL lessons are built to cover
real-world problems and touch
on students interests.

Student Voice and

PBL lessons allow students to
build their own outcome on the
final project and give them
responsibility over their work.

PBL lessons give students the
ability to take time after their
lesson to reflect on what they
have learned.

Tips found at:

First Steps in Project-Based Learning – Webinar.
(n.d.). IDRA. Retrieved March 8, 2023, from

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