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Measurement of Uncertainty Associated with Quantification of Ethephon

Article  in  Indian Journal of Science and Technology · December 2016

DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i45/101163

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9 authors, including:

Samarth Zarad Nitin R. Nimkar

Rainbow transworld pvt.Ltd CR Analytical Services


Kishor Ratilal Desai Maheshwari S. Solanki

Uka Tarsadia University Veer Narmad South Gujarat University


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Measurement of Uncertainty Associated with Quantification of Ethephon View project

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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(45), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i45/101163, December 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Measurement of Uncertainty Associated with

Quantification of Ethephon
Samarth I. Zarad*, Nitin R. Nimkar, Kishor R. Desai, Maheshwari S. Solanki, Devang M. Gandhi,
Harshal M. Gandhi, Aparna A. Khimani, Monali S. Desai and Macky N. Suraliwala
Department of Quality Control, Pollucon Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Surat - 395003, Gujarat, India;,,,,,,, macky.suraliwala@gmail

Objectives: Focus of the Research experiment is to evaluate the uncertainty in Ethephon determination. Validation of
analytical method and identify the factors effecting the uncertainty in measurement. Methods/Statistical Analysis: A
Titrimetric Method was used for determination of Ethephon content. A certified commercially formulated solution of
Ethephon 39.00 % (w/w) S.L has been taken as a sample for analysis. An estimation of uncertainty in quantification of
Ethephon was determined by identifying the following parameters, uncertainty influencing factors and its contribution
to measurement, Type A Uncertainty (UA), Type B Uncertainty (UB), Combined Uncertainty (UC), Expanded Uncertainty
(UE) and uncertainty budget. An Experimentally calculated value of combined uncertainty in preparation of 0.1 N NaOH
solutions is 0.132%. A value of relative standard uncertainty in repeatability test of Ethephon is 0.084%. Determined
% bias value of test method is 0.06%. An estimated value of combined uncertainty in Ethephon determination is 0.373
%. Obtained value of expanded uncertainty with coverage factor of 2.26 with 95% confidence is 0.843%. Obtained %
RSD of Ethephon test result is 0.26 %. LOQ value of analytical test method is 0.36%. A Measured uncertainty value in
Ethephon determination is 39.06 ± 0.33%. Findings: This paper produces Technique for analytical method validation
and uncertainty measurements in quantitative analysis of Ethephon. Application/Improvements: As per regulatory for
laboratory accreditation bodies, it is mandatory to evaluate the uncertainty in measurement. Presented method provides
extensive details regarding uncertainty measurements.

Keywords: Ethephon, Plant Growth Regulator, Uncertainty Measurement, Analytical Validation

1. Introduction physiological processes like ripening, maturation and

stimulates the production of endogenous ethylene. It is
Uncertainty measurements provide an evidence of con- often used on wheat, cotton, tobacco, coffee and pine-
formity of test results. As per the guideline of laboratory apple.
accreditation bodies (ILAC, APLAC, NABL, ISO/IEC
17025 etc.) measurement of uncertainty in analytical
method is a mandatory requirement1. The evaluation of 2. Material and Methods
uncertainty requires the analyst to look closely at all the
possible sources of uncertainty. 2.1 Reagent and Chemicals
Ethephon (CAS No: 16672-87-0) is a plant growth
regulator belonging to phosphonate family. Ethephon Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), A.R. grade was purchased
is absorbed by the plant and release ethylene which is from Merck chemicals India, primary standard potassium
a Natural plant hormone. Ethylene influences various hydrogen phthalate (C8H5KO4) (purity ≥99.5 % ± 0.05%)

*Author for correspondence

Measurement of Uncertainty Associated with Quantification of Ethephon

was purchased from sigma-aldrich, Phenolphthalein 0.2 g of Ethephon (39 % S.L. sol) sample was taken
indicator was purchased from Rankem India, Thymol in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask, added about 80 ml of freshly
blue 0.1 % w/v in alcohol indicator was purchased from distilled water and stirred gently to dissolve the contents.
fisher scientific. Ethephon 39% S.L. (Soluble concen- Added 2 drops of thymol blue indicator and titrate against
trate Liquid) solution was purchased from Hindustan 0.1 N NaOH solutions till blue color appears1,3. Repeat the
Agrotech Industries India. All the chemicals and reagents analysis process ten times and calculate the uncertainty.
were stored at 25oC ± 2oC and 40% relative humidity con- Calculation: % Ethephon by (w/w) =V×N×7.225
trolled room temperature. M
Where, V= Vol. of in ml of NaOH consumed, N =
2.2 Apparatus Normality of NaOH sol., M = Mass in g of sample taken.
Erlenmeyer flask 250 ml, Burette 50 ml ± 0.05 ml, Pipette
25 ml ± 0.03 ml and measuring cylinder 100 ml ± 0.5 ml 3. Result and Discussion
was used for the experiment. Calibrated Class ‘A’ grade
glassware of borosil used for the analysis. An Analytical
weight balance was calibrated using 2 g ± 0.01 g standard 3.1 Fish Bone Diagram of Uncertainty
weight. Influencing Factors in Analysis
The objective of this step is to understand and identify
2.3 Analysis Procedure the major uncertainty sources and its contribution to the
uncertainty2-4. Description was given in Figure 1.
2.3.1 Preparation of 0.1 N Potassium Hydrogen
Phthalate Solutions (KHP)
Dry about 25 g of Potassium hydrogen phthalate at 105oC
± 5oC for 2 hrs and allow cooling at room temperature.
Weigh 20.4223 g of dried KHP and dissolve in freshly dis-
tilled water and dilute to 1000 ml2.

2.3.2 Preparation and Standardization of 0.1 N

Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Solutions
Figure 1. Fish bone diagram of Uncertainty influencing
Dissolve 5 g of NaOH in 100 ml of freshly distilled factors.
water and dilute to 1000 ml with freshly distilled water.
Determine the normality of NaOH solution by titrating 3.2 Quantifying Uncertainty Components
25 ml of 0.1 N KHP solutions against NaOH solution
using phenolphthalein as an indicator. Observe end point
at color change from colorless solution to pink color. 3.2.1 Uncertainty in Weight Balance Calibration
Repeat the standardization process in triplicate and take (UB1)
the mean value of Normal NaOH solution as a Normality An analytical weight balance was calibrated using certified
of NaOH2. 2 g ± 0.01 g of standard weight. Rectangular probability
distribution (a/√3) was used for determining standard
2.3.3 Determination of Ethephon Content in uncertainty of weigh balance .obtained value of standard
Ethephon 39 % S.L. Solution uncertainty of weight balance is 0.00577 g and % relative
This method was based on the neutralization of 2-chloro- standard uncertainty is 0.289%.
ethyl phosphonic acid in aqueous solution with sodium
hydroxide solution. Titration of Ethephon with 0.1 N 3.2.2 Uncertainty in Burette (UB2) and Pipette
sodium hydroxide using Thymol blue indicator deter- (UB3) Calibration
mines the 2-chloroethyl phosphoric acid originally A triangular probability distribution (a/√6) was used
present2. for evaluation of standard uncertainty of burette and

2 Vol 9 (45) | December 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Samarth I. Zarad, Nitin R. Nimkar, Kishor R. Desai, Maheshwari S. Solanki, Devang M. Gandhi, Harshal M. Gandhi, Aparna A.
Khimani, Monali S. Desai and Macky N. Suraliwala

pipette1,5-8. Calculated value of standard uncertainty As this expression is a sum of independent values, the
of burette was 0.02041 ml and for pipette the obtained standard uncertainty of Molar mass of KHP is a simple
value was 0.01225 ml. As described in Table 1, % relative square root of the sum of the squares of the contributions:
standard uncertainty of burette and pipette was 0.041 % Combined standard uncertainty in Molar mass of
and 0.049% respectively. Calculated value of Combined KHP=
Uncertainty of glassware calibration (UC2) was 0.064%. = 0.0038 g/mol

UC2 =
3.2.4 Uncertainty in NaOH Solution Preparation
% UC2 =
= 0.064 % Three readings were taken for standardization of NaOH
solution. Obtained normality of NaOH solution was
3.2.3 Uncertainty in Purity (UB4) and Molar Mass 0.1007 N calculated % relative standard uncertainty was
(UB5) of KHP 0.129 % as seen in Table 4 and 5.

Purity of KHP is ≥ 99.5 %±0.05%. Rectangular probabil-

3.2.5 Combined Uncertainty in NaOH Solution
ity distribution (a/√3) was used for evaluation of standard
Preparation (UC1)
uncertainty. Obtained value of % relative standard uncer-
tainty in purity of KHP is 0.029 %. From the IUPAC table As described in Table 6, Obtained value of combined
current at the time of measurement6, the atomic weights uncertainty was 0.132%
and listed uncertainties for the constituent elements of
UC1 = %
KHP (C8H5O4K) were listed in Table 2 and 3.
So, the Molar mass for KHP = 96.0856 + 5.0398 + UC1=
63.9976 + 39.0983 = 204.2212 g/mol. = 0.132 %

Table 1. Summary of Equations for Uncertainty calculation.

Mean value (x) Σ xi / n , Where i
Degree of freedom (Ɵ) n-1 , where n= number of analysis
Standard deviation (σ)

-x)2 where N= number of analysis, x= mean value

,xi= individual analysis value
% Relative Standard Deviations (RSD)
, where σ= Standard deviation, x= Mean value
Standard Uncertainty (Ux)
,where n= number of analysis and σ = standard deviation
% Relative Standard Uncertainty Ux×100/x, where Ux = standard uncertainty and x= mean value

Combined Uncertainty (Uc)

Where, UA= Type A unc and UB= Type B Unc.
Expanded Uncertainty (UE) K×UC , where K= Coverage Factor and UC = Combined Uncertainty

% Bias Mean value - Accepted true value

LOQ (Limit Of Quantification) Va×N×7.225/M. Where Va= least burette reading in ml, N = Normality
of NaOH sol., M= mass in g of sample taken.

Vol 9 (45) | December 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Measurement of Uncertainty Associated with Quantification of Ethephon

Table 2. Normality of NaOH solution.

No. Normality ml of ml of Normality of Mean Standard Standard uncertainty
(n=3) of KHP NaOH NaOH obtained (x) deviation ( σ / √n)
KHP(N2) taken(V2) used(V1) N1=N2×V2/V1 (σ)

1 0.1 25 24.8 0.1008 0.1007 0.0002 0.00013

2 0.1 25 24.9 0.1004
3 0.1 25 24.8 0.1008

Table 3. Standard uncertainty of KHP elements Table 4. Standard uncertainty in g/mol of KHP
Element Atomic Quoted Standard Elements of Calculation Result Standard
weight Uncertainty Uncertainty KHP uncertainty
(a) (a/√3) C8 8×12.0107 96.0856 0.0037
C 12.0107 ±0.0008 0.00046
H5 5×1.00794 5.0397 0.00020
H 1.00794 ±0.00007 0.000040
O4 4×15.9994 63.9976 0.00068
O 15.9994 ±0.0003 0.00017
K 39.0983 ±0.0001 0.000058 K 1×39.0983 39.0983 0.000058

Table 5. Summary of uncertainty factors in NaOH solution preparation

Description Type Distribution Value (x) Unc. Value Standard % Relative standard
of unc (a) uncertainty u(x) uncertainty u(x)×100/x
Repeatability(UA1) A Normal 0.1007 N ** 0.00013 0.129
Purity of KHP(UB4) B Rectangular 0.995 0.0005 0.00029 0.029
Molar mass of KHP(UB5) B Rectangular 204.2212 *** 0.0038 0.002
(a/√3) g/mol
Combined Uncertainty A,B - - - - 0.132
Note: ** Refer Table 2, *** Refer Table 3 and 4

Table 6. Analysis results of Ethephon

No of sample wt of Burette blank A-B(ml) %by m/m (Xi – x)2 Σ(Xi – x)2 Standard
(n=10) sample reading reading Ethephon deviation (σ)
in g in ml(A) in ml (B)
1 0.2014 10.9 0.1 10.8 39.02 0.002 0.0958 0.1032
2 0.2162 11.7 0.1 11.6 39.04 0.001
3 0.2690 14.5 0.1 14.4 38.95 0.014
4 0.2052 11.1 0.1 11.0 39.00 0.004
5 0.2257 12.2 0.1 12.1 39.01 0.004
6 0.2130 11.6 0.1 11.5 39.28 0.047
7 0.2184 11.8 0.1 11.7 38.98 0.008
8 0.2271 12.3 0.1 12.2 39.08 0.000
9 0.2083 11.3 0.1 11.2 39.12 0.003
10 0.2117 11.5 0.1 11.4 39.18 0.013
Mean(x) 39.06
Standard Uncertainty (σ/√n) 0.03

4 Vol 9 (45) | December 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Samarth I. Zarad, Nitin R. Nimkar, Kishor R. Desai, Maheshwari S. Solanki, Devang M. Gandhi, Harshal M. Gandhi, Aparna A.
Khimani, Monali S. Desai and Macky N. Suraliwala

% relative standard deviation ( σ×100/x) 0.26

Degree of freedom (n-1) 9
%Relative standard uncertainty(Standard Unc×100./x) 0.084
% Bias (x-39.0) 0.06

Table 7. Summary of uncertainty budget

Description Type of Distribution Value Unc. Value Standard % Relative
Unc. (x) (a) uncertainty standard
u(x) uncertainty
Unc in Burette Calibration (UB2) B triangular 50 ml 0.05 0.0204 0.041
Unc in pipette Calibration (UB3) B triangular 25 ml 0.03 0.0122 0.049
% Combined Unc of glassware 0.064
calibration (UC2)
Description Type of Distribution Value %value
Combined Unc. in NaOH sol. A,B Normal, Rectangular, triangular 0.00132 0.132
Unc in Repeatability(UA2) A Normal 0.0008 0.084
Relative Standard Unc of Bias(UBias) A Normal 0.00166 0.166
Balance uncertainty (UB1) B rectangular 0.0029 0.289
% Combined uncertainty (UC3) 0.373
% Expanded uncertainty (UE) with coverage factor 2.26 and 95% confidence limit is 0.843
Measured Unc. value 39.06 ± 0.33%

3.2.6 Uncertainty in Repeatability of Ethephon 3.2.8 Expanded Uncertainty (UE)

Test Results (UA2) As per the T-distribution table1, with 9 degree of freedom,
For determination of precision in Test results, ten numbers value of Coverage factor (K) is 2.26 at 95% confidence
of experiments were carried out3. Obtained Bias value was limit. Calculated Expanded Uncertainty in quantification
0.06%. Calculated LOQ value of test method was 0.36%. of Ethephon was 0.843%.
Obtained % relative standard uncertainty value of repeat- Degree of freedom= n-1, where n = Number of
ability was 0.084%. Data was described Table 7. Readings
Limit of Quantification (LOQ): = 10-1
Va × N × 7.225 0.1× 0.1007 × 7.005 =9.
by ( w / w )
% Ethephon= = = 0.36%
M 0.2 Expanded Uncertainty (UE) = K×UC3
Where, Va = least burette reading in ml, N = Normality U = 2.26×0.373
% E
of NaOH sol., M = Mass in g of sample taken. = 0.843 %

3.2.7 Combined Uncertainty (UC3) 3.2.9 Uncertainty in Ethephon Determination

Obtained value of Combined Uncertainty of test method An Estimated value of uncertainty in Ethephon determi-
was 0.373% nation was 39.06 ± 0.33%.
Uncertainty = x×UE
UC3 =
% Uncertainty = 39.06×0.843
% UC3 = 100
= 0.373 % = 0.33%

Vol 9 (45) | December 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
Measurement of Uncertainty Associated with Quantification of Ethephon

3.3 Uncertainty Budget ments by virtue of Precision, LOQ and Uncertainty value
Budget represent the summary of all uncertainty compo- for determination of Ethephon.
nents in tabular form3,6. Uncertainty budget gives quick
view at the totality of information associated with uncer- 5. Acknowledgement
tainty measurements. An Estimated value of uncertainty
in Ethephon determination was 39.06 ± 0.33% as seen in We are Thankful to Pollucon Laboratories Pvt. Ltd, Surat,
Table 7. India for Funding this project and supporting us during
the experiment of Uncertainty Measurements.

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6 Vol 9 (45) | December 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology

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