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Naveen's Academy

Shauriya Test No-2

11th Standard CBSE
"All the Best"
1. Structure of Atoms
Time : 01:00:00 Hrs

Total Marks : 30

Sec-1 - 1 Mark x 5Q = 5 Marks

1) What is the di erence in the origin of cathode rays and anode rays? 1

2) How does the intensity of the spectral line vary with wavelength? 1

3) What is the number radius of an atom whose mass number is 125? 1

4) Nickel atom can lose two electrons and from  N i 2+

ion. The atomic number of Ni is 28 1

. from which orbital will nickel lose two electrons?

5) Explain why uncertainty principle is significant only for the motion of sub-atomic particle but is 1

negligible for the macroscopic objects?

Sec-2 - 2 Mark x 3Q = 6 Marks
6) Why does the charge to mass ratio of positive rays depend on the residual gas in the discharge 2

tube? Why is the charge to mass ratio of all cathode rays are same?
7) The mass of an electron is 9.1x10-31kg. If its KE is 3x10-25J, then calculate its wavelength. 2

8) Out of C u 2+
Cr , which ion is most paramagnetic and why? 2

Sec-3 - 3 Mark x 3Q = 9 Marks

9) The arrangement of orbitals on the basis of energy is based upon their (n + 1), lower is the 3

energy. For orbitals having same values of (n + l), the orbitals with lower value of n will have
lower energy.
Based upon the above information, arrange the following orbitals in the increasing order of
a) 1s 2s, 3s, 2p
b) 4s, 3s, 3p, 4d
c) 5p, 4d, 5d, 4f, 6s
d) 5f, 6d, 7s, 6p
10) Explain, giving reasons which of the following sets of quantum are not possible? 3
n = 3, l = 3, m1 = −3, ms = +

11) Iron piece are attracted toward a magnet but zinc piece are not Why? 3

Sec-4 - 5 Mark x 2Q = 10 Marks

12) Calculate the frequency, energy, and wavelength of radiation corresponding to the spectral line 5

of lowest frequency in Lyman series in the spectra of hydrogen atom. Also, calculate the energy
for the corresponding line in the spectra of Li2+ . (R = 1.09678 X 107 m-1 , c = 3 X 10 8 ms-1 , h =
6.625 X 10-34 Js).
v = 2.47 X 1015 s-1 , λ  = 121.6 nm
13) State and explain the following: 5

(i) Aufbau principle

(ii) Pauli exclusion principle.
(iii) Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity.

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