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Roll 1d6 for each vehicle (re-roll ties) and resolve

damage from high to low. There are NO To-Hit rolls

required in a Tank Duel, just roll on the VCT and
Turn Sequence apply results in this initiative order.
(Scenarios start at the Reinforcements Phase) 2. Total the HE FP +2 for Melee and Defender Defense
(Vehicles add ALL HE FP and use their Front Armor;
Reduce the Turn Marker 1 Space
Trucks only add to Defense) for both sides.
Reinforcements Leaders/Snipers add 1 FP and 1 Defense.
Place reinforcements off map, Leaders may start
3. Subtract the defender Defense from the attackers
attached to a squad/Crewed Weapon.
Offense to determine the column to use then roll for
Attach Leaders/Support Weapons (SW) Leaders/SW each unit and repeat for the other side. Infantry will
may be attached to/detached from, any squad/Crewed roll on the ICT and vehicles on the VCT. Leaders,
Weapon in their hex - One leader/SW per squad/CW attached or not, are attacked separately. There is no
(NA Leaders/Snipers). Crew Survival for Vehicles destroyed in Melee. A CW
Smoke Counters (crewed weapon) is destroyed if its crew is destroyed.
• Remove ‘2’ sides, flip ‘1’ sides to ‘2’ side 4. After Melee rolls are done Good Order units remain
Scenario Rolls - If specified by the scenario. in the hex and Shaken/Broken units, Unattached
Leaders and Trucks must retreat to any adjacent hex
Free Rally/Bog Rolls
not occupied by enemy units; An attached leader may
• May make 1 free Rally Attempt for each Shaken or
retreat with its unit. A unit that cannot retreat is
Broken unit. See Rally.
destroyed. Melee markers remain if opposing ‘good
• Roll 1d6 for each Bogged vehicle: 1 = permanently
order, melee eligible’ units remain. In a Tank Duel
Immobilized; 2 = still bogged; 3-6 = Free to move.
the Melee only last 1 turn and if both vehicles remain
Initiative Rolls the Attacker must retreat to the hex it attacked from.
Each player rolls 2d6, high total takes
the first Impulse (re-roll ties). • Concentrated Attack: An outnumbered unit may focus its
attack on one opposing unit. Note that an attached leader
Impulse Rolls - The number of dice is listed in the
is considered to be part of the unit it is attached to.
scenario; -1 per each 5 full Casualty VPs (min = ‘0’).
Player Impulses Players alternate Impulses. Remove Activation and
• The player with fewer IP may pass for 0 IP; The Acquired Markers
player with EQUAL or MORE IP must activate a Score Victory Points
unit(s), or Pass for 1 IP. Casualty Victory Points: May record when earned
• Units may take up to 2 Limited Actions and any Full Squad/Crewed Weapon: 2 Suggest only scoring
number of Free Actions per game turn. Each is a Reduced Squad/Crewed Weapon: 1 fully destroyed units
separate Impulse. Leader/Sniper: 1 during the game;
leaving reduced units
• Each Action will require 1 or more Impulse Points to Vehicle and Crew: 2 to be scored only at
perform. Move, Fire and Assault Move are Limited Vehicle Only/Truck/Carrier: 1 the game’s end
Actions. End of Turn - Extended Play Check
Melee Rolls - Resolve all Melees. If the Turn Marker is on ‘1’ each player rolls 1d6; If the
• Melee Combat is simultaneous. total is < 7 the scenario ends. if the total ≥ 7 continue to
Ignore Terrain/ Fortification and Moving status play one more turn (turn ‘0’).
modifiers. Shaken units are still halved AND have a -1 Luck Cards:
DRM. Broken units may not contribute to attack rolls. Unless stated otherwise in the scenario, each player
1. When infantry are involved, combat is simultaneous draws one (1) Luck card after units are initially set up.
and results are applied after all results for that Melee Played during an Impulse, for free, as part of the
are determined; If there are only vehicles in the hex, activation. The rules state that an unusable card is too
this is a Tank Duel and combat is not simultaneous. bad with the option to redraw an unusable card.

Covered Arcs: Vehicles and Crewed Weapons have a Smoke, must stay in Good Order throughout the turn).
Covered Arc, originating from the hexSIDE the red May use a Flamethrower.
triangle of the vehicle/CW faces. The Covered Arc is Snipers: May NOT be part of a Group, use SWs or
120° from that front hexside. Turreted Vehicles and have an attached Leader. May target attached leaders.
vehicle Secondary Armament can fire in any direction Double the FP when firing at other Snipers or Leaders.
unless otherwise noted. Front 180° is Frontal Armor arc. Do not get +2 modifier in Melee.
• A red+gray triangle indicates a Limited Covered Arc.
Leaders: Have a white Command Range in lieu of FP,
the range affects Rally, Leadership and Spotting (add 1
to attack/To-Hit/Melee rolls within Command Range -
max, not per Leader). Leaders do NOT affect or attach
to vehicles. May NOT carry or use a SW. Leaders may
only lead units of the same “faction” (SS, Guard or
regular) for their side. If a Leader is attached to a unit
that it eliminated it may automatically attach to another
unit in a stack if available. If in Melee alone, have 1 FP,
1 Defense but do NOT get the +2 Melee DRM.
Crewed Weapon (CW): If eliminated,
Limited Actions: Two per turn per unit. A Used weapon survives as “Unmanned” on a
unit may only Intensive Fire (at -1 attack / To-Hit) dr of 5 or 6. AT guns (other than the
but is Shaken afterwards and may not perform ANY FlaK 36) may occupy bunkers and the ground level (only)
other Actions during Player impulses. of buildings. CWs marked with an ‘*’ may not fire after
being unloaded/moved in a hex nor may they occupy the
Fire: Costs One Impulse Point (IP) per unit.
upper levels of buildings. It takes a Movement Action to
• May only target 1 unit in a hex and may not target an
attached Leader (except for Snipers). There is no Fire change the Covered Arc of a gun.
allowed into a Melee hex. Support Weapons (SW): May be fired
• Group Fire if 2 units (and CW) in or adjacent hex to separately or combined with the squad they
one Leader (attached or not) for 2 IP. Combine FP. The are attached to. Satchel Charges, Grenade
Moving Modifier applies if at least one unit Moved. Bundles and Molotovs are one-use weapons and used
Vehicles are not allowed to Group and may NOT be instead of the squad FP. May also be used against vehicles
targeted by Grouped Guns. If LOS passes through (at half FP). Satchel Charges attack all units in the hex and
same degrading terrain only count it once, else count add 1 to the Collapse Roll. An attached SW remains in the
all degraded terrain hexes. hex if the squad is eliminated. It may be transferred to
• Vehicles may fire main and secondary armaments at another squad in the hex; may be picked up
different targets at no additional IP costs (except that Op Vehicles: Never take a C result from small arms/HE, but
Fire must be at same target). DO take a B or S as normal. Open Topped vehicles are -1
• Acquired Target: Vehicles firing a second Impulse at Defense in Melee. Trucks/Carriers do not roll for Crew
the same target are +1 To-Hit. Lost Survival.
if LOS is lost during the turn. Transport: Transports may not fire main armament while
Removed when the turn ends. transporting a unit, except that Armored Troop Transports
• Mark as Fired if first time or Used if (♦) may still fire their MGs. Transported units may not fire
Moved/Fired previously in his Player Turn. while being transported and are -1 Defense (unless in an
• Units with Moving status are -1 Attack / To-Hit. Armored Troop Transport ♦ which are +1 Defense).
Engineers (Pioneers and Sappers): +1 drm in Melee. Off-Board Assets: Provided by scenario. The
As a firing action, may place Smoke (1 hex), Defenders defense is modified by Terrain
remove a minefield, Wire or a Roadblock (Except for Fortifications. Vehicles are Hit automatically (no

To-Hit roll required) and defend with their flank • May enter 1 hex regardless of cost, unless it is
armor value. Prohibited Terrain ‘X’. (Minimum Move)

Air Strikes: May be called for • Group Move two units in 1 hex (must have at least
1 IP (or for free by Luck Card) to affect 1 attached Leader for 2 IP. Use lowest MP. Must start
two adjacent hexes, at least one of which must be Spotted. and stay together, no vehicles and the stack stops if
• Roll 1d6 for Pilot Quality ( FP vs each hex): 1 or 2 = any unit is Broken, Shaken, or takes a Casualty. May
Good (FP 4); 3 to 5 = Veteran (FP 6); 6 = Ace (FP 8). only be targeted by Op Fire once per hex and only
• Only one unit is targeted per hex and separate attack one unit may be targeted.
rolls are made against each unit - Note that a Loaded • May not exit the map unless allowed by scenario.
vehicle is automatically targeted. Stacking Limits: 2 squads/CWs/vehicles, + 2
OBA: Includes Field Guns, Mortars and Rockets. May Leaders, + any number of SWs. Snipers may not
be called for 1 IP (or for free by Luck Card) to affect 1 stack.
target hex (which must be Spotted) and the 6 adjacent Engineers (Pioneers and Sappers): Reveal mines
hexes (at half FP). without being attacked by them when entering a
• OBA is an Area Attack and attacks all units in the minefield. May change some terrain (see TEC).
affected hexes. Attached Leaders may take Leader Single Person Counters (Leaders/Snipers): May not
Casualty rolls but unattached Leaders are attacked capture/hold/contest objectives. May evade
individually. Melee (to an adjacent hex, not enemy occupied) on a
• The Target marker remains in play die roll of 5 or 6 if alone in an enemy occupied hex. Are
to affect any unit entering any of the KIA by an X or C result (if alone) on the IFT (Use
7 hexes. Units may exit with no attack. Leader Casualty roll if attached).
• Airburst affects Infantry and Crewed Weapons in Leaders: Move with the unit they are attached for no IP
Woods, -1 Defense instead of +2.
cost and use the squad/CW movement allowance.
• Smoke is normal in Target hex and Smoke ‘2’ in the
Unattached Leaders are separate units. Snipers: May not
6 surrounding adjacent hexes.
stack/Group with any other unit.
• Accuracy/Drift: Place the Strike marker in the target
hex and roll 1d6 (+1 if the Spotter is or is in Command Crewed Weapons (CW): Unmanned CW may be
Range of a Leader) ≥ Accuracy resolve the Strike; destroyed or “remanned” by any squad entering/in its hex
Failure: roll 1d6 each for direction then move the (after OpFire) for no Impulse Cost using the full/reduced
Strike 1d6 hexes and resolve the Strike. If the Strike and Action status of the new crew, and the same Covered
moves off-map, the Strike does not happen. Arc of the CW - The squad counter is replaced by a
“Captured” counter. CW may not be abandoned by its
Type Firepower Accuracy
inherent crew; May be abandoned and destroyed at any
Mortars 4 (2) 4+ time by its replacement crew.
Artillery 6 (3) 5+ Support Weapons (SW): May be picked
Rockets 8 (4) 6 up and used by any squad at the start of an
• Structure Collapse: Light Structures collapse on a dr impulse. One SW per Squad. A SW
of 5 or 6. Heavy Structures on a 6. Rockets and Satchel attached to a unit that is eliminated may be
Charges add +1 to the Collapse die roll. Any units in the immediately attached by another Squad in that hex.
structure undergo an attack using the Structures Defense
Vehicles: May change facing 1 hexside for
modifier as FP against the defenders unmodified
free if moved to a new hex; May Pivot for
defense. Add +1 to FP when structure is multi-level.
1 MP to any hexside. Opp-Fire at a vehicle
Move (ONCE per turn!): One unit for 1 IP. happens before or after facing changes at firers option.
• Mark as Moved if first Activation and Used if Moving in Reverse costs +1 MP / hex.
already Fired previously in this Player Turn. Transport: Unless “No Riders” listed on the Data Card a
• May not enter enemy occupied hexes. vehicle may carry 1 unit (with any attached Leader) and

any number of SWs. Loading/ Unloading is done in the • Spot: A Good Order unit may call for an Off Board
vehicle’s hex. Asset Strike for 1 IP (unless called for free by Luck
• Vehicles and units spend MPs separately. Vehicles Card). The LOS Range is up to 20 hexes or by
Load/Unload before OR after moving. The EXCEPTION Weapon Range.
to this is that SW may be picked up/ dropped off by a
• Take Cover: +1 Defense. Free action,
transported Squad for 1 Passenger MP per “stop” - This
1 Impulse Point. May not be attempted
can “interrupt” vehicle movement.
in: Bunker, Roadblock, Wire or Stream. Roll 1d6,
• It costs a Passenger 1 MP to Load, may move first. succeed on a 5 or 6. Removed when desired, or if no
• It costs a Passenger +1 MP to Unload, may move after friendly units in the hex.
dismounting. Note that units Unload in the same hex
Type FP HE AP/AT ?
and Stacking must be followed.
Infantry ICT ICT NA
• CWs with T movement may Load/Unload for 1 IP. May
only set their Covered Arc but may not move further Cr Wpn ICT ICT NA
when Unloading. AFV NA VCT

• Collateral Damage: Passengers on a OT Veh ½ FP, ICT ½ FP, ICT Satchel

vehicle that is Destroyed are placed in Trucks ½ FP, VCT ½ FP, VCT
the hex with the Wreck and then take a ½ FP Fire is rounded down
roll on the -4 ICT; if the vehicle is merely HIT, take a roll
on the -5 ICT column. These rolls are Unmodified.
Opportunity Fire: During opponent movement.
• Once per hex entered, you may interrupt an enemy
unit/Group’s movement (before or after any vehicle/CW
pivots) to fire at that unit with 1 firing unit for 1 IP (or a
Fire Group for 2 IPs).
• Normal attack resolution is followed except that
vehicles may not split their fire between two targets.
• If no effect the moving unit continues its move.
• If fire inflicts a result, play reverts to the moving
player. If no result, play goes to the Opp-fire player.
Assault Move (ONCE per turn!): Used by Good Order
units to move into an adjacent enemy occupied hex for
1 IP. Place a Melee marker. May NOT perform ANY
other actions that Player Impulse Phase or be fired at.
Note that the defending player may NOT reinforce a
Melee the turn it is initiated. May be a Group Move (2
IP, and may include only 1 vehicle as an exception to
the Group Movement rules - CW/SMC, Trucks/AFV
with no armament/Vehicles transporting units may
NOT Assault). Stacking limits are applied separately
for each side.
Free Actions: (Rally, Spotting, taking Cover) May still
be taken by Used units, 1 IP each. No per turn limit.

• Rally: Roll 2d6 with 7+ to Rally a Shaken unit; 9+ to

Rally a Broken unit. A failed Rally attempt for a
Broken unit improves that unit to Shaken.
See Rally Die Roll modifiers on the TEC.

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