Term 4 Grade 7 Exam Question Paper

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Time: 1 hour

Marks: 60

N.B. This question paper consists of 11 pages.

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Instructions and Information


Low order questions 1.1 Multiple Choice Questions 6 6 minutes

30% 1.2 Matching Columns 6 6 minutes

[18/ 60 marks) 1.3 Completing Table 6 6 minutes

Middle order questions 2.1 Diagram & short answer questions 5 4 minutes

40% 2.2 Longer answer questions 6 4 minutes

[24/ 60 marks] 2.3 Longer answer questions 6 4 minutes

2.4 Drawings 7 08 minutes

High order questions 3.1 Case Study 6 08 minutes

30% 3.2 Scenario & Graphic communication 12 14 minutes

[18/ 60 marks]

_____ 60 minutes

1. You must answer all the questions.

2. Read the instructions carefully and answer questions as instructed.

3. Number your answers exactly as the questions are numbered.

4. Write neatly and legibly.

5. All drawings must be done with a pencil only.

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Each of these questions have one correct answer. Choose the correct answer from the options
provided and write it in space provided. (6)

1.1.1 An example of emergency situations caused by environmental deterioration is …

A. Civil war
B. floods
C. pollution from factories
D. visual pollution
________________________________________________________________________ (1)

1.1.2 The stage where you make working drawings, tools and material lists and create a
A. Investigate
B. Design
C. Make
D. Communicate

1.1.3 An oblique drawing …

A. projects the corners backward at 450
B. is one in which the dimensions are written in centimetres (cm)
C. indicates the vanishing point towards the left, right or above the object
D. shows only two dimension of an object

1.1.4 Which of these is a metal that is attracted by a magnet?

A. Silver
B. Iron
C. Aluminium
D. Copper
1.1.5 A crank is a simple mechanism that …
A. changes rotary movement into linear movement.
B. changes linear movement into rotary movement.
C. consists of a grooved wheel which turns around an axle.
D. all of the above
1.1.6 An example of a machine that works using pneumatics is …
A. a bicycle pump
B. the breaking system of a motor vehicle
C. a dentist’s drill
D. all of the above

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Match the terms in Column A with the statement in Column B.
Write the matching alphabet in the answer column provided.

Column A Answer Column Column B

1.2.1 Hidden A. causes civilian life to become very
dangerous, so people leave their homes
detail lines
and move to neighbouring countries,
therefore become refugees.
1.2.2 Wetsuits B. _____are made of rigid parts (members)
that are joined together to form a frame work
1.2.3 Magnetic C. The NSRI rescue crew wear custom-made
_________ that is made of 3mm
neoprene foam rubber.
1.2.4 Investigate D. The dashed lines that show the parts of
the object that are hidden from view.
1.2.5 War E. The ______ property of matter produces a
field of attractive forces and repulsive forces
1.2.6 Frame F. The stage where you collect/ find out
structures information about the existing products that
will might help to solve the problem.
1.3 Give the names of the electrical components for the symbols in the table below

Symbols Electrical Components






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2.1 Study the diagram of a Pulley and answer the questions that follow.

2.1.1 What type of a pulley system is this?

__________________________________________________________________________ (1)
2.1.2 Predict the distance will moved by the load, if a rope is pulled 1m
2.1.3 Outline a Mechanical Advantage (MA) if the rope is pulled 1m.
MA = _____________________________________________________________________ (1)
2.1.4 Explain what the advantage of using a compound pulley is.
2.2 Fire fighters need to wear clothes that can withstand high temperatures, without burning.
The two man-made textiles used in protective clothing for fire fighters are Kevlar and Nomex.

2.2.1 Discuss the 3 layers of Turnout or Bunker gear (2x3=6)

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2.3 The Ramudzuli family left their country after devastating civil war so they become refugees.
They have to be housed in a temporary tented camp on the outskirts of the town in the
neighbouring country. Food parcels will be supplied to them by the Gift-Of-The-Givers.
Advise the Gift-Of-The-Givers (NGO) about the type of food suitable for a refugee camp.
Suitable food should:




2.4 There is a lot of theft in the refugee camp. Mr Ramudzuli has decided to build an alarm
system that will alert the families when someone tries to open the tent.

Draw and label a circuit diagram in order to assist Mr Ramudzuli to decide which components
he must use to build the alarm system.

Guide lines Draw a circuit diagram in this space

Draw the input component at the
left hand side and indicate + and
– terminal. (2)
Draw the control component on
top (2)
Draw the output component at
the right hand side of your circuit.
Indicate on the circuit diagram
the polarity of the output
component. (1)
There must be arrows that show
the direction of the current (1)


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SECTION C -Structures

3.1 Read through the Case study and respond to the questions below
Case Study: Design Issues - Cell phone towers
Since 1994, the cell phone industry in South Africa has grown tremendously. To ensure better
coverage all over South Africa, more cell phone towers have to be built. The engineers used
structural elements like struts, tie beams, stays and guys to design and build these cell phone
towers. They used reinforcing techniques to improve their stability while keeping their centre
of gravity in mind. They also thought about design issues like widening the base of the
structures to keep them from falling over.

The problem is that these towers can easily look unattractive, especially if there are too many
of them in one place. The way a structure or product is made to look more attractive or
beautiful is called aesthetics. So when they designed the new towers, the engineers and
designers made sure to make them as pleasing to the eye as possible. Some are even
camouflaged as

Figure 1: Frame Structure Cell phone Towers Figure 2: Camouflaged Cell

phone Tower

3.11 What do you observe about these structures’ design issues such as, Visual Pollution? (2)

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3.1.2 What 2 techniques are used for reinforcement in Figure 1 to strengthen the structure. (4)

3.2 Read through the Scenario and respond to the questions below
A scrap metal dealer new your school
needs to sort magnetic (ferrous) metals
and non-magnetic (non-ferrous) metals
into separate piles for recycling. They
asked you to design a crane with an
electromagnet, pulley system and a
crank. The crane must be the frame
structure that is strong and rigid, and has
a base with counterweight to prevent it
from falling over.

It must have a rotex gear which will allow

the crane to pivot and move from side to
side. The crane must have a boom that is
reinforced by triangulation.
It must have an ON and OFF Switch, with
a light to show when it is on.

3.2.1 Formulate a design brief for a model you will design. (3)
3.2.2 Write at least 3 specifications for the crane you need to design. (3)

3.2.3 Convert the following 2D front view of a box into an Oblique drawing. Use any suitable
dimension for the depth. This drawing is done using freehand skills (6)




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