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oie, 158 aM Understanding the report generates by “eport_eppr* command Understanding the report generated by “report_cppr" command How To... ‘The report_cppr command reports the Clock Path Pessimism Removal (CPPR) value at the common branching point of the early and late paths in the clock network of the specified data path. This is a useful command in debugging CPPR calculation. ‘Sample output of the eport_cppr command! > report_cppr ~from FF1/CK -to FF2/CK st n: FFI/CK (Triggered by rising edge End Clock Pin: FF2/CK (Triggered by falling edge of Analysis Type: Setup Common Branch Poi xu/a Launching Edge Type At Common Point : Rising Capturing Edge Type At Common Point : Rising ssimiam Threshold Value 0.020 emental delays k ck riggered by rising edge of c Ling edge of clock ck Source Arrival Late Early Pesaimiam kage Times Rise(P) Rise 0.498 0.481 0.017 Fall(P) Rise 4070.38 0.026 Table with incremental delays Source Arrival Late Early ssimism Bage Times Bdge Edge Selec CPPR Adjustment 0.017 Mismatch, Using mi ise (2) /fal1(P)) This article explains the various fields in the output report of the report_cppr command. Answer Start Clock Pin This shows transition (edge) of the clock source used to trigger the launching flop, End Clock Pin This shows transition of the clock source used to trigger the capturing flop. Analysis Type This shows the type of analysis (Setup/Hold). Common Branch Point This shows the common clock branching point (common point) of the launch and capture paths in the clock network of the specified data path. ‘You can also crosscheck common branching point using the cppr_branch_point property of the get_property ‘command. g -from FFI/Q ppr_branch point OOVO00006AIanUAC 18 oie, 158 aM Understanding the report generates by “eport_eppr* command Launching Edge Type At Common Point ‘This shows transition at the common point for the launch clock path, Capturing Edge Type At Common Point This shows transition at the common point for the capture clock path, Pessimism Threshold Value ‘This specifies the maximum amount of pessimism that CPPR analysis is allowed to leave in the path. The unit is ps. This value can be controlled by the timing_cppr_threshold_ps global (default is 20). Source Edge / Arrival Times ‘The following table shows the clock source edge, common clock point edge, arrival time values, and pessimism value. Edge" shows transition (Rise/Fall) at the source of the clock Arrival Times" shows transition and arrival times at the common point for late/early paths with respect to the source clock edge. Transition at the common branch point can be same or different from the clock transition at the source, depending upon the logic in the path, You may check these "Arrival Times" values using the "seport_cell_insta: late" timing -early/- ce timing x1 -late pagated Arrival Required Slack Phase slew zs our z* our Instance X1 of XORZ_X1 Arrival Require Phase saimism" shows the pessimism introduced due to the difference in arrival time for the launch and capture clock path Until the common point, Edge Selection Mode This shows the mode selected for CPPR calculation based on the type of transition (Rise/Fall) at the common point for the launch and capture clock. The default "Edge selection Mode" is "Normal", which means that the CPPR value is ‘computed even if an opposite transition exists for the launch and capture clocks at the common clock point. This mode ‘can be controlled using the t in- spr_transition_sense global. The possible values for this global are (normal 1 tra same_transition_expanded) OOVO00006AIanUAC 28 oie, 158 aM Understanding the report generates by “eport_eppr* command Edge Selection ‘This shows whether transition at the common point is matching or mismatching. Match: If transitions at the common point for the launch and capture clocks are same, you will see the same transitions at the common point as shown below: nching Edge Type At Common Poin Capturing Edge Type At Common Poin: : Rising : Rising ge Selection : Match, Using Rise ‘Mismatch: [f transitions at the common point for launch and capture clocks are different, you will see different transitions at the common point as shown below: inching Bdge Type At Common Capturing Edge Type At Common : Rising : Falling dge Selection : Mismatch, Using min (rise/fall) Source Edges Mismatch: This happens ifthe transitions at the common point for the launch and capture clocks are same, but the transitions themselves are triggered by different transitions of the clock waveform. Note: This is reported Tempus / Innovus 17.1 release onward only. In previous releases, CPPR credit was applied for the matching transition only. You will see the "source Edge Mism hn" ifthe following conditions are met: 1. Source edges for the launch and capture clock are different, but transition at the common point is same as shown in the following report: Source Arrival Late Early ‘age imes Rise(P) Rise Fall(P) Rise 2. The value of the timing _cppr_transition_sense global is set to normal. The CPPR Adjustment value will be zero if this global is set to same transition PPR Adjustment ‘This is the minimum of the difference between late and early arrival times for rise and fall clock transitions at source. Using min (rise(P) / £a11(P)} min (0,017 / 0.026) ees In case of incremental delay, CPPR calculation will be controlled by timing_enable_si_cppr global. I this global is set to true (default is ¢rue), the incremental delay is not included in the CPPR calculation during setup analysis, but is included during hold analysis. If this global is set to fase, the incremental delay is included in the CPPR calculation during both setup and analysis. Examples Following are a few examples of CPPR calculation in different scenarios: Case 1: Same transition at common point and triggered by same clock edge ig DB mm ns > report_cppr -from FF1/CK -to FF2/CK hitps1suppor. cadence. com/apex/AriclalachmentPortal?iat OOVOD0006AianUAC 38 oie, 158 aM Understanding the report generates by “eport_eppr* command Start Clock Pin: FFI/CK (Triggered by rising edge of clock ck) End Clock Pin: FF2/CK (Triggered by rising edge of clock ck) Analysis Type: Setup Common Branch Point : x2/zZ Launching Edge Type At Connon Point : Rising Capturing Edge Type At Common Point : Rising Pessimism Threshold Value 0.020 Arrival late Barly Pessimism Times Rise 0.279 0.228 0.082 Fall 0.323 (0.264 0.059 Bdge Selection Mode : Normal Edge Selection : CPPR Adjustment Case 2: Different transition at common point and triggered by same clock edge Xj Mateh, Using Rise 0.051 ODP ere b 'b es | > report_eppr -from FF1/CK -to FF2/CK Start Clock Pin: PF1/CK (Triggered by rising edge of clock ck) End Clock Pin: F¥2/CK (Yriggered by falling edge of clock ck) Analysis Type: Setup Common Branch Point : x2/Z Launching Edge Type At Common Point : Rising Capturing Edge Type At Common Point : Falling Pessimism Threshold Value 0,020 Arrival Late Early Pessimism Times Rise 0.288 0.235 0,052, Fall 0.325 «0.266 «(0.059 Edge Selection Mode : Normal Edge Selection : Mismatch, Using min(rise/fall) CPPR Adjustment 0.052 Case 3: Same transition at common point and triggered by different clock edge > report_cppr ~from FFI/CK ~to FF2/CK Start Clock Pin: FFI/CK (Triggered by rising edge of clock ck) End Clock Pin: FF2/CK (Triggered by falling edge of clock ck) Analysis Type: Setup Common Branch Point : X1/Z Launching Edge Type At Common Point : Rising triggered by rising edge of clock ck OOVODO006AlanUAC 48 oie, 158 aM Understanding the report generates by “eport_eppr* command Capturing Edge Type At Common Point : Rising Pessimism Threshold Value 0.020 iggered by falling Arrival Late Early Times 407 Mode : Norma Source Edges Mism 0.01 Note: You can also run the attached small testcase to see all three scenarios mentioned above, Return to the top of the page OOVO00006AIanUAC 58

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