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U.S Vietnam Relations

What did the U.S do once the Vietnam war was over?

● The United States, North and South Vietnam, and the Vietcong ultimately signed a peace
agreement in Paris ending United States military involvement in the Vietnam War. What
they did was put a ceasefire and that the US troops withdrew and also that they began to
liberate the prisons that were involved in this war.

What did the U.S do to help Vietnam, other than taking in refugees?
● Another way that they helped the Vietnamese was in the way that there are over two
million Vietnamese Americans in the United States today. And that does not include the
other Vietnamese who left the country and went to others like Canada and other

What problems did the U.S face in the Vietnam War?
● Some problems that they faced in Vietnam were that the combatant of both sides faced
physical challenges also posed by the climate change, terrain and wildlife of the country.
They also had a big conflict where soldiers faced each other without military objects.

What are some non-governmental organizations involved with Vietnam?

● Some non-governmental organizations were CARE, Catholic Relief Services,

International Voluntary Services, American Friends Service Committee, and Mennonite
Central Committee, and many more organizations.
U.S relation

Summary: What I was able to learn when I was reading was the deals they had to make in order
to stop that war that was killing innocent people who had nothing to do with the deals made by
the government.What I was also seeing was the support they provided to the people who needed
it at that time because I feel that going through a war is a very difficult moment because they lose
their material properties just as they can lose family members.

Why did the U.S get involved in the Vietnam war?

The reason behind the U.S ‘s involvement in the vietnam war has to do with political problems.
The southern Vietnamese which is a democratic country was being threatened by its northern
brothers in north vietnam which is a communistic country. Russia and China aided in the north's
efforts to take over but the United States in fear of communism spreading they would aid the
south with funds and military power.

What are some main products that are trade between the U.S. Vietnam
Name of article: Vietnam | United States Trade Representative


Summary: Electrical machinery ($2.1 billion), cotton ($1.2 billion), plastics ($544 million), food
waste, animal feed ($484 million), and machinery ($473 million) were the top two-digit HS
export categories in 2020. In 2020, total agricultural exports from the United States to Vietnam
totalled $3.4 billion, making Vietnam our seventh largest agricultural export destination.

● How did the war end?
U.S relation

Name of Website: Office of the History


North Vietnamese forces started a strong offensive in the Central Highlands in March 1975,
after rebuilding their forces and changing their supply infrastructure. NVA tanks passed through
the gates of the Presidential Palace in Saigon on April 30, 1975, officially ending the war.
● Is Vietnam still divided?
Name of the Website: Los Angeles Times - North-South divide persists in Vietnam


The north-south division of the Vietnam War was over 31 years ago. Both former countries of
North and South are separated by vast cultural differences. Since the war ended in 1975,
thousands of northerners have moved to Ho Chi Minh City, the country's major city and a test
bed for stereotypes.
Does the U.S and Vietnam have any kind of trading status?

soure :

“The Comprehensive Partnership underscores the enduring U.S. commitment to the Indo-Pacific
and provides a mechanism to facilitate cooperation in areas including political and diplomatic
relations, trade and economic ties, defense and security, science and technology, education and
training, environment and health, humanitarian assistance/disaster relief, war legacy issues,
protection and promotion of human rights, people-to-people ties, and culture, sports, and

U.S relation

What kind of challenges did the U.S face during the Vietnam war?
source :

The United States is known for having one of the strongest military powers in the world and is
one of the leading powers of the world. But many problems were brought towards the U.S. from
having horrible equipment that would not last in the jungle turrian to having an enemy fight you
with gorilla warfare tactics. The United States also brought a draft that would constantly have
problems in Vietnam and back at home.

● When did the U.S and Vietnam first have interactions?
Name of the website: The Evolution of U.S. - Vietnam Ties


In 1975, there was a war. Vietnam and the United States have a long history of trade dating back
to the late 1800s, when Bui Vien, a Nguyen Dynasty official, was sent to Washington, D.C. The
letter from President Ho Chi Minh was delivered to President Truman.

What are some main products that are trade between the U.S. Vietnam
Name of article: Vietnam | United States Trade Representative


Summary: Electrical machinery ($2.1 billion), cotton ($1.2 billion), plastics ($544 million), food
waste, animal feed ($484 million), and machinery ($473 million) were the top two-digit HS
export categories in 2020. In 2020, total agricultural exports from the United States to Vietnam
totalled $3.4 billion, making Vietnam our seventh largest agricultural export destination.
U.S relation

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