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The Global

Media Cultures

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Topics to be discussed:

1. Global Media Culture

2. Five Time Periods in the Study of Globalization
3. Popular
10% Progress 90%
The Global Media
It defines the way we interact and
communicate with an entity or body of
things in a way that facilitates a process of
building connections through those

It is the transmission of ideas, meaning, and

characteristics of a group through media.
Three Elements of Global
Media Culture

● The narrative of global media

● The storytelling of media creation
● The power of information
It means relating to or embracing the
whole of something or of a group of things

“Globalization is the expansion and
intensification of social relations and
consciousness across world-time and
across world-space.” - Manfred Steger
Marshall McLuhan

He is a Canadian media theorist who is

known for his studies of the effects of
mass media on thought and behavior.

He coined the term “global village” to

express the idea that people throughout
the world are interconnected through the
use of new media technologies.
It is the outlets and tools used to
restore or deliver information or data.

It is the “main means of mass

Relationship of Media and Technology:

● Technology allows for quick

communication, fast and coordinated
transport, and efficient mass marketing
to take hold.
● Technology complements and drives
media forward.
● Improvements in technology has
propelled media to greater heights.
It is the characteristics and knowledge
of a particular group of people,
encompassing language, religion,
cuisine, social habits, music, and arts.

Media Culture
It refers to the culture created under
the influence of mass media.
Advantages of Global Media Culture:

● Media educates the mass.

● People receive the latest news in a short
● It helps to increase knowledge about
various subjects.
● It serves as a good source of
● It allows the diffusion of diverse cultures
by showcasing different cultural
Disadvantages of Global Media Culture:

● Fraudulence and Cybercrime

● Malware and Fake Profiles
● Faulty advertisement tactics
● Individualism
● Addiction
Globalization and Media

-Globalization which refers to economic and political

integration on a world scale, has a crucial cultural dimension in
which the media has the central role.
-Global institution like the media has an impact upon the
structures and processes of the nation‐state, including its
national culture. In that sense, media globalization is about
how most national media systems have become more
internationalized, becoming more open to outside influences,
both in their content and in their ownership and control
Five Time
Periods in the
Study of

-Of all forms of media, human

speech is the oldest and most
- Humans are allowed to cooperate
and communicate through
- Human ability to move from one
place to another and to adapt to a
new and different environment are
facilitated by the sharing of
information of other peoples.

-Languages as a means to develop

the ability to communicate across
culture are the lifeline of

-Without language there would be

no globalization; and vice versa,
without globalization there would
be no world languages.
2. Script

- Writing is humankind’s principal

technology for collecting,
manipulating, storing, retrieving,
communicating and
disseminating information.

- Writing may have been invented

independently three times in
different parts of the world:
a. in the Near East,
b. China
c. Mesoamerica.
2. Script
a. in the Near East,

- Wedge-shaped characters used in the ancient writing
- Began as a pictographic type of writing and developed
increasingly into a logo-graphic and then syllabic system of

- character used in a system of pictorial writing
- Hieroglyphikos = “sacred carving,” is a Greek
translation of the Egyptian phrase “the god’s words,”
2. Script
b. China
- one of the places where writing
appears to have developed
- writing come from oracle bones at
Anyang, a Shang Dynasty capital
- Ancient Chinese writing on oracle
bones is called Jiaguwen
- likely date for the earliest oracle
bones is about 1200 B.C.,
corresponding with the reign of King
Wu Ding (The Cambridge History of
Ancient China, by Michael Loewe
and Edward L. Shaughnessy,)
2. Script
b. China

- Contemporary bronze inscriptions

- writing in a variety of Chinese
scripts on ritual bronzes
- Dazhuan
- The earliest Chinese Bronze
Inscription date from late Shang
period (1200-1450 BCE) the same
period wherein oracle bone
inscriptions were produced
- Discovered in Anyang, in Henan

Sishi'er nian lai ding

2. Script
c. Mesoamerica
- Ancient Mesoamerica had
several writing systems, the
only true pre-Columbian writing
in the New World. Mayan
hieroglyphic writing (by 400
BCE to 1600 CE) is the best
- It is logographic (i.e., uses a
letter, symbol, or sign to
represent an entire word),
having signs that represent
- Mayan roots are mostly
2. Script

- First writing
- Humans communicate and
share knowledge from
- The origin of writing are in
the form of carvings such as
wood, stone, bones, and
- Important tool in
3. The Printing Press
- The printing press is a device that allows for the mass production of
uniform printed matter, mainly text in the form of books, pamphlets and
newspaper. It revolutionized society in China where it was created.
3. The Printing Press

- Johannes Gutenberg further

developed this in the 15th century
with his invention of the Gutenberg
3. The Printing Press

Consequences of the Printing Press

● The printing press changed the very nature of knowledge.
It preserved knowledge which and had been more
malleable in oral culture, it also standard knowledge.

● Print encouraged the challenge of political and religious

authority because of its ability to circulate competing
views, printing press encouraged the literacy of the public
and growth of schools.
3. The Printing Press

Lands and culture were learned by people through

travels. News around the world were bought trough
inexpensive and easily obtained magazines and daily
newspapers.people learned about the world,indeed
printing press helped poster globalization a knowledge of
4. Electronic Media

- It refers to the broadcast or

storage media that take
advantage of electronic

- In the beginning of 19th

century, on going
globalization processes are
revolutionized by a host of
new media.
4. Electronic Media
Electronic Media

Telegraph Television

Telephone Radio
4. Electronic Media

- In the 20th century, the

only available mass
media in remote villages
was the radio.
5. Digital Media

- any form of media that uses

electronic devices for
- it can be created, viewed,
modified and distributed via
electronic devices.
5. Digital Media
5. Digital Media
5. Digital Media
5. Digital Media
5. Digital Media
5. Digital Media
Benefits and Opportunities
● Digital media facilitates social interaction and empowers
● Digital media gives people a voice, increases civic
participation and facilitates the creation of communities
● Digital media is changing how work gets done, boosting
productivity and enhancing flexibility for workers and
● Digital media can facilitate education and life-long learning to
build and source the skills of the future
5. Digital Media
Downsides and Risks

● Digital media can be used by communities with harmful

intentions to spread propaganda and to mobilize
● By selecting what information reaches which users,
digital media can alter human decisions and pose
risks to civil society
● The transformation of work brought about by digital
media may increase inequality and lower productivity
● Digital media use can change social skills – online does
not replace offline
5. Digital Media

Downsides and Risks

● Digital media consumption may facilitate bullying,

harassment and social defamation
● Excessive digital media consumption may increase
vulnerability to addiction and harm mental and
physical health
● Benefits of digital media for young children are
limited, when used extensively and without

● explains the complex dynamics of

globalization not only because it is popular
but music is:

highly mediated;
deeply invested in meaning;
has proven to be an extremely mobile
and resourceful capital.

● defined as the umbrella category which

various types of traditional and non
Western music are produced for
Western consumption.

● a label of industrial origin that refers to

an amalgamated global marketplace of
sounds as ethnic commodities.

● changes in musical culture constitute

one of the aspects of globalization.

● they concern institutions, system of

value, and social groups involved in
musical life.


1. The development of new high technology produces manufactural musical


1. The production model changes the traditional music into a mature pop music

1. The communications and transportations change also connect with the new
technological development.

1. New culture is born by the mixture of world music.

1. The globalization of pop music industry change people’s life.


The change in popular music is not the outcome of
globalization but rather popular music industry is a
part of globalization phenomena.

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